Selection in WinUI Calendar (SfCalendar)

31 May 20226 minutes to read

You can change the selected date interactively by clicking on the specific date, or you can select programmatically. By default, Calendar control allows you to select single date at a time.

If you want to restrict date selection or select multiple dates, set the SelectionMode property value from the following values:

  • None - Prevents from selecting a date.
  • Single - Allows to select a single date.
  • Multiple - Allows to select multiple dates.
  • Range - Allows to select range of dates.

Single selection

You can select a single date interactively by clicking on a specific date or by programmatically using SelectedDate property. By default, value of SelectedDate property is null and SelectedDates collection is empty.

SfCalendar sfCalendar= new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.SelectedDate = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2021, 01, 06));


If the SelectedDates collection is used instead of the SelectedDate property, the first date value in the SelectedDates collection is set as selected date, and this value changes upon selection by interaction.

        <local:ViewModel x:Name="viewModel" />
    <calendar:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar"
                        SelectedDates="{x:Bind viewModel.SelectedDates, Mode=TwoWay}"
public class ViewModel
    private DateTimeOffsetCollection selectedDates;

    public DateTimeOffsetCollection SelectedDates
        get { return selectedDates; }
        set { selectedDates = value; }

    public ViewModel()
        SelectedDates = new DateTimeOffsetCollection();

        SelectedDates.Add(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2020, 03, 10)));
        SelectedDates.Add(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2020, 03, 14)));
        SelectedDates.Add(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2020, 03, 15)));
        SelectedDates.Add(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2020, 03, 21)));
        SelectedDates.Add(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2020, 03, 24)));


If the SelectedDate property is used to select a date and SelectionMode property value is Single, then the SelectedDates collection property will have only SelectedDate property value.


Multiple selection

You can select one or more dates from a different month, year, decade or century by changing the SelectionMode property value to Multiple. You can also get the selected dates collection from the SelectedDates property. By default, the value of SelectedDate property is null and SelectedDates collection is empty.


If the SelectionMode value is None, the SelectedDates property collection will be empty.

<calendar:SfCalendar Name="sfCalendar" 
                     SelectionMode="Multiple" />
SfCalendar sfCalendar= new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.SelectionMode = CalendarSelectionMode.Multiple;


If SelectedDate property is used to select a date and SelectionMode property value is Multiple, then the SelectedDates collection property will have only SelectedDate property value.


The SelectedDate property value will be same as the first date value in SelectedDates collection and changes with it.


Select a date range

You can select a range of dates in Calendar control by changing the SelectionMode property value to Range. You can also get the selected range of dates from the SelectedRange property. By default, the value of SelectedDate property is null and SelectedDates collection is empty.


The SelectedDates collection is empty and SelectedDate property value is null, when a date range is selected.

<calendar:SfCalendar Name="sfCalendar" 
                     SelectionMode="Range" />
SfCalendar sfCalendar= new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.SelectionMode = CalendarSelectionMode.Range;



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Highlight today and selected date

You can highlight the today and selected date using SelectionHighlightMode property to update the background and border of the dates. The default value of SelectionHighlightMode property is Outline.

<calendar:SfCalendar x:Name="sfCalendar" 
SfCalendar sfCalendar = new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.SelectionHighlightMode = SelectionHighlightMode.Filled;



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Change shape of today and selected date

You can customize the today and selected date cell shape using SelectionShape property to customize the shape of date cells border. The default value of SelectionShape property is Circle.

<calendar:SfCalendar x:Name="sfCalendar"
SfCalendar sfCalendar = new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.SelectionShape = SelectionShape.Rectangle;



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