Searching and Filtering in WinUI AutoComplete (SfAutoComplete)

16 Feb 202215 minutes to read

The AutoComplete control allows for rich text searching and filtering functionality.

Searching based on member path

The TextMemberPath and DisplayMemberPath properties of AutoComplete control specify the property path, by which the searching must be done when a custom data is bound to the ItemsSource property.

TextMemberPath - Specifies the property path whose value is used to perform searching based on user input received in the selection box portion of the AutoComplete control. The default value is string.Empty. When TextMemberPath is null or string.Empty, searching will be performed based on DisplayMemberPath.

DisplayMemberPath - Specifies the property path whose value is displayed as text in the drop-down menu. The default value is string.Empty.


DisplayMemberPath and TextMemberPath will be effective for the collection item that holds two or more properties in it.


When both the TextMemberPath and DisplayMemberPath properties have a null or string.Empty value, searching will be performed based on the class name with namespace of the item.

Searching based on TextMemberPath

Searching will be performed based on the TextMemberPath property, while entering the text into the selection box. If TextMemberPath is null or string.Empty, searching will be performed based on DisplayMemberPath.

public class SocialMedia
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int ID { get; set; }

public class SocialMediaViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<SocialMedia> SocialMedias { get; set; }
    public SocialMediaViewModel()
        this.SocialMedias = new ObservableCollection<SocialMedia>();
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Facebook", ID = 0 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Google Plus", ID = 1 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Instagram", ID = 2 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "LinkedIn", ID = 3 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Skype", ID = 4 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Telegram", ID = 5 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Televzr", ID = 6 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Tik Tok", ID = 7 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Tout", ID = 8 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Tumblr", ID = 9 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Twitter", ID = 10 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "Vimeo", ID = 11 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "WhatsApp", ID = 12 });
        this.SocialMedias.Add(new SocialMedia() { Name = "YouTube", ID = 13 });
    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
autoComplete.TextMemberPath = "ID";

For e.g. After typing 5 in selection box.

WinUI AutoComplete text searching based on TextMemberPath

Searching based on DisplayMemberPath

Searching will be performed based on the DisplayMemberPath property while entering the text into the selection box when TextMemberPath is null or string.Empty.

<editors:SfAutoComplete ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                        DisplayMemberPath="Name" />
autoComplete.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";

For e.g. After typing T in selection box, social medias which have starting letter T will be listed in drop-down.

WinUI AutoComplete text searching based on DisplayMemberPath


DisplayMemberPath cannot be used when ItemTemplate is specified.

Filtering mode

The TextSearchMode property of the AutoComplete can be used to regulate how the control behaves when it receives user input. The default text filtering type is StartsWith, which ignores accent and is case insensitive. The text filter modes that are available are as follows,

  • StartsWith
  • Contains

Filter with beginning text

Set the TextSearchMode property value to StartWith to filter matching items based on the starting text. The first item in the drop-down list that matches the user input will be highlighted.

    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
autoComplete.TextSearchMode = AutoCompleteTextSearchMode.StartsWith;

WinUI AutoComplete filter the items based on provided input when SearchMode as StartsWith.

Filter with contains text

Set the TextSearchMode property value to Contains to filter the matching items based on the containing specific text. The first item in the drop-down list that matches the user input will be highlighted.

    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
autoComplete.TextSearchMode = AutoCompleteTextSearchMode.Contains;

WinUI AutoComplete filter the items based on provided input when SearchMode as Contains.

Custom filtering

The AutoComplete control provides support to apply your own custom filter logic to suggest items based on your filter criteria by using the FilterBehavior and SearchBehavior properties. The default value of FilterBehavior and SearchBehavior is null.

Now, let us create a custom filtering class to apply your filter logic to AutoComplete control by following these steps:

Step 1: Create a class that derives from the IAutoCompleteFilterBehavior interface.

/// <summary>
/// Represents a custom filtering behavior for `AutoComplete` control. 
/// </summary>
public class CityFilteringBehavior : IAutoCompleteFilterBehavior


Step 2: Then, implement the GetMatchingIndexes method of IAutoCompleteFilterBehavior interface to create your own suggestion list (containing the indices of the filtered items) based on the text entered in the AutoComplete control that needs to be shown in the drop-down. The GetMatchingIndexes method contains following arguments:

  • source - The owner of the filter behavior, which holds information about ItemsSource, Items properties, and so on.
  • filterInfo - Contains details about the text entered in AutoComplete control. Using this text, you can prepare suggestion list, which gets displayed in the drop-down list.

The following gif shows how to display cities in a drop-down based on the country name entered in the AutoComplete control.

public class CustomFilter : IAutoCompleteFilterBehavior
    public async Task<object> GetMatchingItemsAsync(SfAutoComplete source, AutoCompleteFilterInfo filterInfo)
         IEnumerable itemssource = source.ItemsSource as IEnumerable;
         var filteredItems = (from CityInfo item in itemssource
                                 where item.CountryName.StartsWith(filterInfo.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                                       item.CityName.StartsWith(filterInfo.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                                 select item);
         return await Task.FromResult(filteredItems);  

Step 3: Applying custom filtering to the AutoComplete control by using the FilterBehavior property.

    ItemsSource="{Binding Cities}">

The following gif demonstrates how to display cities in the drop-down based on the country name entered in the AutoComplete control.

WinUI AutoComplete filter the items based on custom filtering logic.

Choose default item to select

When searching, the first item in the drop-down will be highlighted by default. Using the SearchBehavior property, you can customize the default highlighting behavior by using your custom selection logic to select the items based on your search criteria. The default value of SearchBehavior is null.

Step 1: Create a class that derives from the IAutoCompleteSearchBehavior interface.

/// <summary>
/// Represents a custom searching behavior for `AutoComplete` control. 
/// </summary>
public class CapitalCitySearchingBehavior : IAutoCompleteSearchBehavior


Step 2: Then, implement the GetHighlightIndex method of the IAutoCompleteSearchBehavior interface to initially select any item from the filtered list in the AutoComplete control drop-down. The GetHighlightIndex method contains the following arguments.

  • source - The owner of the search behavior, which holds information about ItemsSource, Items properties, and so on.
  • searchInfo - Contains information about the filtered items based on the text entered in AutoComplete control. You can select item from the drop-down list using this list.

The following code demonstrates initially how to select an item from the filtered list of drop-down in the ‘AutoComplete’ control. When entering the country’s name, the capital cities will be selected.

public class CapitalCitySearchingBehavior : IAutoCompleteSearchBehavior
    public int GetHighlightIndex(SfAutoComplete source, AutoCompleteSearchInfo searchInfo)
         var filteredCapitals = from CityInfo cityInfo in searchInfo.FilteredItems
                where cityInfo.IsCapital
                select searchInfo.FilteredItems.IndexOf(cityInfo);
            if (filteredCapitals.Count() > 0)
                return filteredCapitals.FirstOrDefault();

            return 0;

Step 3: Applying custom searching to AutoComplete control by using the SearchBehavior property.

    ItemsSource="{Binding Cities}">    

The following gif demonstrates how to select the capital city from the drop-down based on the country name entered in the AutoComplete control.

WinUI AutoComplete filter the items based on custom filtering and searching logic.

Load asynchronous items

Load the data dynamically at runtime based on typed input. This dynamic loading can be done while performing custom filtering using the CustomFilter property.

The GetMatchingItemsAsync method of IAutoCompleteFilterBehavior helps you to perform filtering operations on different threads without blocking the current thread by using await Task.Run().

Step 1: Create a class that derives from the IAutoCompleteFilterBehavior interface and add your custom filter logic in GetMatchingItemsAsync method to load the run time items based on typed input.

public class CustomAsyncFilter : IAutoCompleteFilterBehavior
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the cancellation token source.
    /// </summary>
    CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource;

    public async Task<object> GetMatchingItemsAsync(SfAutoComplete source, AutoCompleteFilterInfo filterInfo)
        if (this.cancellationTokenSource != null)

        this.cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
        CancellationToken token = this.cancellationTokenSource.Token;

        return await Task.Run(() =>
            List<string> list = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                list.Add(filterInfo.Text + i);

            return list;
        }, token);

Step 2: Applying CustomAsyncFilter to AutoComplete control by using the FilterBehavior property.


The following image shows 1 lakh of data being loaded asynchronously in a drop-down at runtime based on typed input.

WinUI AutoComplete uses custom filtering logic to load asynchronous runtime items.