Supported Controls and Methods

17 Oct 201919 minutes to read

The following controls are supported by Essential QuickTest Professional,

  • Essential Grid
  • Essential Tools
  • Essential Chart
  • Essential Schedule
  • Essential Diagram

Supported methods denote those methods that are recorded in QTP.

Essential Grid

Essential Grid supports the following controls,

  • SfDataGrid
  • GridControl
  • GridDataBoundGrid
  • GridGroupingControl
  • GridListControl
  • SfListView

The following are the recorded methods and their corresponding descriptions for Essential Grid,





Parameter explanation

Return type

void SetCurrentCell(int row,int col); Sets the location of the current cell. int row and int col Passes the current row and column index to the SetCurrentCell method. Void
void GroupColumn(string columnName); Groups the specified column. String columnName Passes the mapping name for a column. Void
void UnGroupColumn(string columnName); Ungroup the specified column. String columnName Passes the mapping name for a column. Void
void SortColumn(string columnName, string state); Sorts the column. string columnName, string state Passes the mapping name and state for a column whether ascending or descending. Void
void BeginEdit(int row, int col); Brings the editing cursor in the specified grid cell. int row and int col Passes the current row and column index for the BeginEdit method. Void
void EndEdit(); Finishes the editing mode of the specified cell. NA - Void
void GetRowCount(); To get the row count of the SfDataGrid NA - Int
void GetColumnCount(); To get the column count of the SfDataGrid NA - Int
void GetCellValue(int rowIndex, int columnIndex); To get the value of the cell int rowIndex, int columnIndex Passing row and column index for a cell Object

Grid Control




Return Type

void CellButtonClick(int row, int col) Raises the click on the cell button. int row, int col void
void CellDoubleClick(int row, int col) Raises the cell double-click. int row, int col void
string GetDescription(int row, int col) Gets the description of grid cells. int row, int col string
void MouseDown(int row, int col, string button) Raises a click in the grid. int row, int col, string button void
void MoveColumn(int fromColumn, int count, int target) Moves a range of columns. int count, int target void
void MoveRow(int from, int count, int target) Moves a range of rows from the specified location to a target location. int from, int count, int target void
void ResizeColumn(int fromColumn, int to, int width) Resizes the specified columns. int fromColumn, int to, int width void
void ResizeRow(int fromRow, int to, int height) Resizes the specified rows. int fromRow, int to, int height void
void SelectRange(string range, int top, int left, int bottom, int right) Selects the range. string range, int top, int left, int bottom, int right void
void SetCellData(int row, int col, string value) Sets the cell value of the cell. int row, int col, string value void
void SetCellCheckBox(int row, int col, string text) Sets the cell value of the check box cell. int row, int col, string text void
void SetCellRadioButton(int row, int col, string text) Sets the cell value of the radio button cell. int row, int col, string text void
void SetCurrentCell(int row, int col) Sets the location of the current cell. int row, int col void
void SetScrollPosition(int vScrollPosition, int hScrollPosition) Sets the scroll position. int vScrollPosition, int hScrollPosition void
Helper Functions
void BeginEdit(int row, int col) Brings the editing cursor in the specified grid cell. int row, int col void
void EndEdit(int row, int col) Finishes the editing mode of the cell specified. int row, int col void
string GetCellType(int row, int col) Retrieves the CellType for the given cell coordinates. int row, int col string
int GetColumnCount() Retrieves the number of columns used. int
int GetColumnIndex(string name) Finds the column index for the given column name, returns 0 when the search fails. string name int
string GetFormattedText(int row, int col) Retrieves the formatted cell format. int row, int col string
bool IsFormulaCell(int row, int col, out string formula, out string computedValue) For a given row and column index, IsFormulaCell points to the formula used in that cell and the result of the formula. This also returns 'false' when this cell is not a formula cell. int row, int col, out string formula, out string computedValue bool
object GetCellData(int row, int col) For the given Row and Column objects, the cell value of that cell can be obtained. int row, int col object
int GetRowCount() Retrieves the number of rows used. int
void InsertColumn(int insertAt, int count) Inserts a range of columns from the specified location. int insertAt, int count void
void InsertRow(int insertAt, int count) Inserts a range of rows from the specified location. int insertAt, int count void
void RemoveColumn(int from, int to) Removes a range of columns specified for the Grid control. int from, int to void
void RemoveRow(int from, int to) Removes a range of rows specified for the Grid control. int from, int to void
void ScrollToCell(int rowIndex, int colIndex) Scrolls the grid so that the cell will be visible for replay. int rowIndex, int colIndex void
void HideRow(int from, int to) Hides a range of rows specified for the Grid control. int from, int to void
void ShowHiddenRow(int from, int to) Shows a range of rows specified for the Grid control, that are hiding. int from, int to void
void HideCol(int from, int to) Hides a range of columns specified for the Grid control. int from, int to void
void ShowHiddenCol(int from, int to) Shows a range of columns specified for the Grid control. int from, int to void
int GetSelectedRowIndex() Returns the top row index of the selected row. - int
int GetSelectedColIndex() Returns the column index of the selected column. - int
Color GetCellBackColor(int row, int col) Gets the back color of the cell. int row, int col Color
string GetName() Gets the name of the Grid control object. - string





Return type

void CellButtonClick(int row, int col) Raises the click on the cell button. int row, int col void
void CellDoubleClick(int row, int col) Raises the cell double-click. int row, int col void
void CollapseRow(int rowIndex) Collapses the row for the specified row index. int rowIndex) void
void DeleteRow(int from, int to) Deletes the specified rows. int from, int to void
void ExpandRow(int rowIndex) Expands the Row for the specified row index. int rowIndex void
void MouseDown(int row, int col, string button) Raises a click in the grid. int row, int col, string button void
void MoveColumn(int fromColumn, int count, int target) Moves a range of columns. int fromColumn, int count, int target void
void ResizeColumn(int fromColumn, int to, int width) Resizes the specified columns. int fromColumn, int to, int width void
void ResizeRow(int fromRow, int to, int height) Resizes the specified rows. int fromRow, int to, int height void
void SelectRange(string range, int top, int left, int bottom, int right) Selects the range. string range, int top, int left, int bottom, int right void
void SetCellData(int row, int col, string value) Sets the cell value of the cell. int row, int col, string value void
void SetCellCheckBox(int row, int col, string text) Sets the cell value of the check box cell. int row, int col, string text void
void SetCellRadioButton(int row, int col, string text) Sets the cell value of the radio button cell. int row, int col, string text void
void SetCurrentCell(int row, int col) Sets the location of current cell. int row, int col void
void SetScrollPosition(int vScrollPosition, int hScrollPosition) Sets the scroll position. int vScrollPosition, int hScrollPosition void
void SortColumn(int col, string sortBehavior) Sorts the column. int col, string sortBehavior void
Helper Functions
void BeginEdit(int row, int col) Brings the editing cursor in the specified grid cell. int row, int col void
string GetCellType(int row, int col) Retrieves the CellType for the given cell co-ordinates. int row, int col string
string GetCellBackColor(int row, int col) Retrieves the Back color for the given cell co-ordinates. int row, int col string
int GetColumnCount() Retrieves the number of columns used. - int
int GetVisibleColumnCount() Retrieves the number of visible columns. - int
int GetColumnIndex(string name) Finds the column index for the given column name, returns 0 if search fails. string name int
Int GetCurrentCellImageIndex(int row, int col) Gets the image index of the current cell. int row, int col int
string GetFormattedText(int row, int col) Retrieves the formatted cell value. int row, int col string
bool IsColumnVisible(int col) Checks if the column is visible. int col bool
bool IsFormulaCell(int row, int col, out string formula, out string computedValue) For a given row and column index, IsFormulaCell points to the formula used in that cell and the result of the formula. This also returns 'false' when this cell is not a formula cell. int row, int col, out string formula, out string computedValue bool
object GetCellData(int row, object col) For the given Row and Column objects, the cell value of that cell can be obtained. int row, object col object
int GetRowCount() Retrieves the number of rows used. - int
void ScrollToCell(int rowIndex, int colIndex) Scrolls the grid so as the cell to be visible for replay. int rowIndex, int colIndex void
void HideRow(int from, int to) Hides a range of rows specified for the GridControl. int from, int to void
void HideCol(int from, int to) Hides a range of columns specified for the GridControl. int from, int to void
int GetSelectedRowIndex() Returns the top row index of the selected row. - int
int GetSelectedColIndex() Returns the column index of the selected column. - int
int GetSelectedRowCount() Returns the number of selected rows. - int
int GetSelectedColCount() Returns the number of selected columns. - int
string GetSelectedRowRange() Returns the Top and Bottom row of the selected row range. - string
string GetSelectedColRange() Returns the left and right column of the selected column range. - string
bool IsColSorted(int col) Determines whether the column is sorted. int col bool
string GetColSortOrder(int col) Returns the sort order of the sorted column (Ascending or Descending). int col string
string GetName() Gets the name of the Grid DataBoundGrid object - string





**Return Type **

void CellButtonClick(object row, object col) Raises the cell button click. object row, object col void
void CellDoubleClick(object row,object col) Raises the cell double-click. object row,object col void
void CollapseRecord(object record) Collapses the record. object record void
void CollapseGroup(object row) Collapses the group. object row void
void ExpandGroup(object row) Expands the group. object row void
void ExpandRecord(object record) Expands the record. object record void
void FindRecordInGrid(string tableObject, string columnName, string data) Returns the first index of the searched data for the given column of the table, as located in the NestedDisplayElements. string tableObject, string columnName, string data void
void FindRecordInTable(string tableObject, string columnName, string data) Returns the first index of the searched data for the given column. string tableObject, string columnName, string data void
int GetAbsoluteRowIndex(int RowIndex) Retrieves the absolute RowIndex. int RowIndex int
string GetBackColor(int row) Gets the BackColor of the record. int row string
object GetCellBackColor(object row, object col) Gets the BackColor of the Cell. object row, object col object
object GetCellData(object row, object col) For the given Row and Column objects, the cell value of that cell can be obtained. object row, object col object
int GetChildCount(object row) Gets the child count for the given caption row and a record row. object row int
string GetDescription(object row, object col) Gets the description of grid cells. object row, object col string
int GetColumnCount() Returns the sort order of the sorted column (Ascending or Descending). - int
string GetColSortOrder(int col) Returns the sort order of the sorted column (Ascending or Descending). int col string
string GetColumnName(string table name, int ColIndex) For a given table name and column index, the column name in which an element resides can be obtained. string table name, int ColIndex string
string GetDetails() Gets details like table, record, and table descriptor. - string
int GetLevelByTableName(string name) Gets the level of table for the given table name. string name int
int GetRowCount() Retrieves the number of rows used. - int
string GetRowElement(object row) Gets the row element. object row string
int GetSelectedColIndex() Returns the Left column index of the selected columns. - int
int GetSelectedRowIndex() Returns the top row index of the selected row. - int
string GetSelectedRowRange() Returns the Top and Bottom row of the selected row range. - string
string GetTableName(object row) Obtains the table name for a given Row. object row string
string GetTableNameByLevel(int level) Gets the level of the table for the given table name. int level string
void GroupBy(string table name,string column, string status) Defines grouping and ungrouping of specified columns. string table name,string column, string status void
void MouseDown(object row, object col, string button) Raises the MouseDown. object row, object col, string button void
void MouseDownOnRowHeader(int row, int col, string button) Raises the MouseDown on the RowHeader. int row, int col, string button void
void MoveColumn(string table name, object fromColumn, object count, object target) Moves a range of columns. string table name, object fromColumn, object count, object target void
bool IsColSorted(int col) Determines whether the column is sorted. int col bool
bool IsGroupExpanded(object row) Determines whether the specified group is expanded. object row bool
bool IsGroupRow(object row) Determines whether the specified row is a caption row or caption section. object row bool
bool IsRecord(object record) Determines whether the specified row is a record. object record bool
bool IsRecordExpanded(object record) Determines whether the specified record is expanded. object record bool
void ResizeColumn(string table name, int fromColumn, int to, int width) Resizes the specified column. string table name, int fromColumn, int to, int width void
void ResizeRow(string table name, int fromRow, int to, int height) Resizes the specified rows. string table name, int fromRow, int to, int height void
void SelectRange(string range, int top, int left, int bottom, int right) Selects the range. string range, int top, int left, int bottom, int right void
void SelectRecord(object row, string status) Selects a record for the GridGroupingControl. object row, string status void
void SetCellData(object row, object col, string value) Sets the cell value of the cell. object row, object col, string value void
void SetCellCheckBox(object row, object col, string text) Sets the cell value of the check box cell. object row, object col, string text void
void SetCellRadioButton(object row, object col, string text) Sets the cell value of the radio button cell. object row, object col, string text void
void SetCurrentCell(object row, object col) Sets the location of current cell. object row, object col void
void SetScrollPosition(int vScrollPosition, int hScrollPosition) Sets the scroll position. int vScrollPosition, int hScrollPosition void
void SortColumn(string table name,object col, string sortBehavior, bool control) Sorts the column. string table name,object col, string sortBehavior, bool control void
void SelectRecords(object row, object count) Selects multiple records for the GridGroupingControl. object row, object count void
void ScrollToColumn(string table name, object col) The grid will scroll to the given column. string table name, object col void
void ScrollToRow(int row) The grid will scroll to the given row. int row void
void AddNewRow(string obj) A new row will be added. string obj void
string GetFormattedText(int row, int col) Retrieves the formatted cell value. int row, int col string
string GetName() Gets the name of the Grid control object. - string





Return Type

void ResizeColumn(object fromColumn, int to, int width) Resizes the specified columns. object fromColumn, int to, int width void
void ResizeRow(int fromRow, int to, int height) Resizes the specified rows. int fromRow, int to, int height void
void SelectRow(int top,int bottom) Selects the range. int top,int bottom void
string GetName() Gets the name of the GridListControl object - string





Return Type

void ExpandGroup(int groupIndex) Expands the specified group. int groupIndex void
void CollapseGroup(int groupIndex) Collapse the specified group. int groupIndex void
void SelectItem(int index) Selects the specified item. int index void

Essential Tools

The following controls are supported by Essential Tools.

  • ButtonAdv
  • CalculatorControl
  • CheckBoxAdv
  • ColorPickerUIAdv
  • ComboBoxAutoComplete
  • ComboDropDown
  • CommandBar
  • DataListView
  • DateTimePickerAdv
  • DockingManager
  • GroupBar
  • GroupView
  • MultiColumnComboBox
  • Popup menu
  • ProgressBarAdv
  • RadioButtonAdv
  • RibbonControlAdv
  • ScrollerFrame
  • TabbedMDI
  • TabControlAdv
  • XPTaskBar
  • TextBoxExt
  • ThemedCheckedButton
  • TreeViewAdv
  • XPMenus
  • XPToolBar
  • SplitContainerAdv
  • TabSplitterContainer
  • TrackBarEx
  • RangeSlider
  • NavigationView
  • SfButton
  • SfComboBox
  • SfScrollFrame
  • TabBarSplitterControl

The following are the recorded methods and their corresponding descriptions for Essential Tools,





Return Type

void Click(string text) Performs click action on the ButtonAdv control. string text void





Return Type

void SetValue(int value) The value is appended to the calculated value. int value void
void SetAction(string action) The action is paused at the calculated value. string action void
double GetCalculatedValue() Helps to get the current value from the text area. - double
void SetCalculatedValue(double value) Sets the value in the text area as specified in the argument. double value void





Return Type

void Set(string checkState) The CheckState of the CheckBoxAdv. string checkState void
Helper Function
string GetCheckState() Gets the CheckState of the CheckBoxAdv. string





Return Type

void SelectColor(object color) The color that has to be selected. object color void





Return Type

void DropDown() Shows the drop-down list. - void





Return Type

void DropDown() Shows the drop-down list. - void
void Select(object item) Selects the item in the list. object item void





Return Type

void DropDown() Shows the drop-down list. - void
void SetDockState(string dockState) Changes the dock state. string dockState void
void SetFloatState(int x, int y) Sets the CommandBar to float. int x, int y void





Return Type

void Select(string item) Selects the specified item. string item void
void Return() Performs click on the focused item. - void





return Type

void CheckEnabled(object on, string checkState); Interface to check the enabled state of the DateTimePickerAdv. object on, string checkState void
void ChangeValue(object on, string dateTime); Interface to change the value of the DateTimePickerAdv. object on, string dateTime void
void ShowPopupWindow(object visible, object x, object y); Interface to show the calendar popup. object visible, object x, object y void
void ShowCalendar(object visible); Interface to show the calendar in the popup window. object visible void
void SetCalendarValue(object visible, string calValue); Interface to set the Calendar value of the DateTimePickerAdv control. object visible, string calValue void
void PopupClose(object visible); Interface to close the popup window. object visible void
void SetTodayValue(string date); Interface to set the today value when the today button is clicked. string date void
void SetNoValue(); Interface to set the null value when the None button is clicked. - void
System.DateTime GetCalendarValue(); Returns the current value in the DateTimePickerAdv control. System.DateTime





return Type

void DockStateChange(string dock,string prevState, string ctrl,string hostForm,string dockingStyle) Changes the docking window according to the specified current and previous state, like Pinned, Unpinned, Tabbed, and MDIChild. string dock,string prevState, string ctrl,string hostForm,string dockingStyle void
void VisibilityChange(string ctrlName,string visibility) Changes the visibility of the docked control according to the specified state. string ctrlName,string visibility void
void ActivateControl(string ctrlName) Activates the specified control. string ctrlName void
void FloatStateChange(string ctrlName, string x, string y, string width, string height) Changes the state of the docking window into a floating state with the specified location and size. string ctrlName, string x, string y, string width, string height void





Return Type

void SelectGroup(object index, string itemText) Selects the GroupBar item. object index, string itemText void
void DropDownButtonClick() Simulates click in the Navigation pane drop-down button. - void





Return Type

void SelectItem(object item) Selects the GroupView item. object item void
void DropItem(int index, object source) Drag and drop the GroupView item. int index, object source void





Return Type

void DropDown() Shows the hidden grid in the MultiColumnComboBox. - void
void SelectIndex(int index) Selects the given index. int index void





Return Type

void Select(string barText) Selects the item from the pop-up menu. string barText void





Return Type

void SetValue(int value) Assigns the Progress bar value. int value void
int GetValue() Gets the current value of the ProgressBar. - int





Return Type

void Set() Changes Checked property to true. - void
bool IsSet() Shows whether the RadioButtonAdv is set. - bool





Return type

void RibbonMenuButtonClick() Clicks the Ribbon menu button. - void
void SelectRibbonMenuItem(object item) Selects the ribbon menu item. - void
void Close() Closes the parent form of RibbonControlAdv. - void
void Activate() Activates the parent form of RibbonControlAdv. - void
void Maximize() Maximizes the parent form of RibbonControlAdv. - void
void Minimize() Minimizes the parent form of RibbonControlAdv. - void
void Restore() Restores the parent form of RibbonControlAdv. - void
void SelectTab(object tabItem) Selects the Ribbon Tab item. object tabItem void
void MinimizingPanel() Minimizes the Ribbon Tab panel. - void
void MaximizingPanel() Maximizes the Ribbon Tab panel. - void





Return Type

void ScrollValue(int value) The position of the scroll to be specified. int value void





Return Type

void ClosePage(object tabPage) Closes the specified tab page. object tabPage void
void SelectPage(object tab) Selects the specified tab page. object tab void





Return Type

void SelectPage(object tab) Selects the tab page in the TabPageAdv control. object tab void
void RightClick(object tab) Performs a right click on the tab page in the TabPageAdv control. object tab void
void ClosePage(object tab) Closes the tab page in the TabPageAdv control. object tab void





Return Type

void Expand(string headerText) Expands the content area of the task bar box. string headerText void
void Collapse(string headerText) Collapses the content area of the task bar box. string headerText void
void ItemClick(string headerText, string itemText) Performs click on the item described in the tag. string headerText, string itemText void
Helper Functions
string GetTag(int itemIndex) Retrieves the tag information for the given item index. int itemIndex string
string GetHeaderText() Retrieves the group or header text of the task bar box being called. - string
string GetItemText(int itemIndex) Retrieves the item text for the given item index from the task bar box called int itemIndex string
int GetTaskBarBoxCount() Gets the number of task bar boxes in the XPTaskBar. - int
int GetExpandedTaskBarBoxCount() Gets the number of expanded task bar boxes. - int
int GetCollapsedTaskBarBoxCount() Gets the number of collapsed task bar boxes. - int
bool FindItem(string itemText, out string headerText, out int itemIndex); Helps to find an item’s existence. string itemText, out string headerText, out int itemIndex bool





Return Type

void Set(string text) Sets the text in the TextBoxExt. - void
void SelectText(string text, object start, object length); Select the text in the TextBoxExt. string text, object start, object length void





Return Type

void Set(string checkState) Sets the CheckState of the CheckBox in the DateTimeAdv. string checkState void
string GetCheckState() Gets the CheckState of the CheckBox in the DateTimeAdv string





Return Type

void CollapseNode(string fullPath) Collapses the specified node. string fullPath void
void ExpandNode(string fullPath) Expands the specified node. string fullPath void
void SetCheckState(string fullPath, string checkState) Sets the specified state of the CheckBox or OptionButton for the specified node. string fullPath, string checkState void
void SelectNodeWithModifierKeys(string fullPath,string ctrl, string shift) Selects the specified node according to the selection mode. string fullPath,string ctrl, string shift void
void BackupNodeDetails(string fullPath) Backs up the node details before editing. string fullPath void
void EditNode(string nodeText) Edits the specified node. string nodeText void
void DragDrop(string fullPath) Perform the drag and drop operation for the nodes in the SelectedNodes list, that is added during drag over event. string fullPath void
void AddToSelectedNodeList(string fullPath) Adds the specified node into selected node list during Drag over event. string fullPath void
void DoubleClick(string fullPath) Handles the double-click event of TreeViewAdv. string fullPath void
void SelectNode(string fullPath) Selects the node in SingleSelect mode. string fullPath void
void RMouseDown(int x, int y) Performs a right mouse click. int x, int y
void TreeNodeAdv GetNodeFromPath(string fullPath) Gets the tree node from the path. string fullPath void
Point GetPointFromNode(TreeNodeAdv node) Returns the TextBounds point of the specified node. TreeNodeAdv node Point
void RightClickNode(string fullPath) Right-clicks the specified node. string fullPath void





Return Type

void Select(string text) Performs click on a bar item. string text void
string TraceParentRoot(string barItemText) For the given text of the required menu, TraceParentRoot retrieves the full path as recoded. string barItemText string
int MenuItemPos(string ParentText, string barItemText) For the given text of the required menu, MenuItemPos returns the position of the menu item. string ParentText, string barItemText int





Return Type

void Select(string ID) Performs click in the barItem. string ID void
void Popup(string ID) Shows the popup of the parent bar item. string ID void





Return Type

void Expand(string headerText) Expands the content area of the task bar box. string headerText void
void Collapse(string headerText) Collapses the content area of the task bar box. string headerText void
void ItemClick(string headerText, string itemTag) Performs a click in the item described in the tag. string headerText, string itemTag void
Helper Functions
string GetTag(int itemIndex) Retrieves the tag information for the given itemIndex. int itemIndex string
string GetHeaderText() Retrieves the group/header text of the task bar box called from. - string
string GetItemText(int itemIndex) Retrieves the item text for the given item index from the task bar box called. int itemIndex string
int GetTaskBarBoxCount() Number of task bar boxes. - int
int GetExpandedTaskBarBoxCount() Number of expanded task bar boxes. - int
int GetCollapsedTaskBarBoxCount() Number of collapsed task bar boxes. - int
bool FindItem(string itemText, out string headerText, out int itemIndex) Helps to find if an item exists. string itemText, out string headerText, out int itemIndex bool





Return Type

void MoveSplitter(int distance) Adjusts the distance of the splitter. int distance void
void CollapsePanel(string collapse) Collapses the panel. string collapse void





Return Type

void Collapse(string collapse) Collapses the pane to the bottom. string collapse void
void ChangeOrientation(string orientation) Changes the orientation. string orientation void
void MoveSplitter(int position) Adjusts the position of the splitter. int position void
void SwapPanes(string swap) Swaps primary and secondary panes. string swap void
void SelectPrimaryTab(int index) Selects the primary tab page based on the given index. int index void
void SelectSecondaryTab(int index) Selects the secondary tab page based on the given index. int index void





Return Type

void SetValue(int value) Sets the value. int value void





Return Type

void SetValue(int min, int max) Sets the values. int min, int max void




Return Type

void Select(int x, int y) Clicks the specified x and y value. int x, int y void
void ActivateBar(string barName) Selects the bar based on the given name. string barName void





Return Type

void Click( string text) Performs click action on the control. string text void





Return Type

void ShowDropDown( ) Show the dropdown. - void
Void Select(string text) Select the item in the list. string text void





Return Type

void SetScrollValue(int value) Sets the scroll position. int value void





Return Type

void Select(string tab) The name of the selected tab. string tab void
void SetSplitterPosition(string tab, int vSplit, int hSplit) The splitter position in the tab bar page. string tab, int vSplit, int hSplit void
string GetTabName(int index) The label in the tab page can be found by passing the index. int index string

Essential Chart

The following are the recorded methods and their corresponding descriptions for





Return Type

void RegionClick(double x, double y) The point on the chart region to be clicked. double x, double y void
void RegionRightClick(double x, double y) The point on the chart region to be right-clicked. double x, double y void
void RegionDoubleClick(double x, double y) The point on the chart region to be double-clicked. double x, double y void
void TitleClick(int x, int y) The region on the title to be clicked. int x, int y void
void LegendClick(int x, int y) The region on the legend to be clicked. int x, int y void
void SetItemCheckState(string item text, string check state) Setting the legend item check box. string item text, string check state void
void SetLegendFloatingLocation(int x, int y) The location of the legend if it is floating. int x, int y void
void SetLegendNonFloatingLocation(object pos, object align); The location of the fixed position in or on the QTP. object pos, object align void
void SetTitleFloatingLocation(int x, int y) The location of the legend if it is floating. int x, int y void
void SetTitleNonFloatingLocation(object pos, object align) The location of the fixed position in or on the QTP. object pos, object align void
void ZoomXAxis(object min, object max) The values of X-coordinates to zoom the chart. object min, object max void
void ZoomYAxis(object min, object max) The values of Y-coordinates to zoom the chart. object min, object max void
int GetSeriesCount(); Gets the count of series within the chart. - int
int GetPointsCount(int series); The point count on the specified series. int series int
double GetMaxYValue(int series, int point); The maximum Y-value of the specified point. int series, int point double
double GetXvalue(int series, int point); The X-value of the specified point. int series, int point double
string GetChartType(int series); Gets the type of the chart. int series string
string GetXAxisText(); Gets the text that appeared on the X-axis. - string
string GetYAxisText(); Gets the text that appeared on the Y-axis. - string

Essential Schedule

The following are the recorded methods and their corresponding descriptions for Essential Schedule,

Schedule Control




Return Type

void DblClick(int row, int col) Double-click a schedule row. int row, int col void
void RightClick(int row, int col) Right-click a schedule row. int row, int col void
void TimeDrag (int row, int col, object newStartTime, object newEndTime) Adjust the timeline for an appointment. int row, int col, object newStartTime, object newEndTime void
void ItemDrag (int row, int col, object newStartTime, object newEndTime) Move appointment to some other timeline. int row, int col, object newStartTime, object newEndTime void
void Scroll(int value) Scroll the schedule control. int value void

Essential Diagram

The following are the recorded methods and their corresponding descriptions for Essential Diagram,

Diagram Control




Return Type

void ConnectNodes(string startNode, string endNode, string connector) Connects the specified nodes using the connector. string startNode, string endNode, string connector void
void SelectNode(string name) Selects a diagram node. string name void
void DblClick(string name) Double-clicks a diagram node. string name void
void RotateNode(string node, float offset) Rotates a diagram node to the given offset. string node, float offset void
void ResizeNode(string node, float offsetX, float OffsetY) Resizes a diagram node to the given offset. string node, float offsetX, float OffsetY void
void MoveNode(string node, float offsetX, float OffsetY) Moves a diagram node to a new location. string node, float offsetX, float OffsetY void
void Zoom(float magnification) Zoom the diagram view. float magnification void
void Scroll(double x, double y) Scroll the diagram view. double x, double y void