Select and Deselect Annotations in Flutter PDF Viewer widget (SfPdfViewer)

20 Dec 20244 minutes to read

This section will go through the various functions available in the SfPdfViewer for selecting and deselecting annotations in a PDF document.

Select an annotation

You can select an annotation by simply tapping on the annotation using touch or mouse. When the annotation is selected, the selection border (selector) appears, indicating that the annotation is selected.

Select an annotation programmatically

You can select an annotation programmatically by providing the annotation instance as the parameter to the selectAnnotation method of the PdfViewerController. The annotation instance can be found in the getAnnotations method of the PdfViewerController. The following example explains how to select the first annotation in the annotation collection.

void selectFirstAnnotation() {
  // Get the list of annotations in the PDF document.
  List<Annotation> annotations = _pdfViewerController.getAnnotations();
  if (annotations.isNotEmpty) {
    // Get the first annotation from the PDF document.
    Annotation firstAnnotation = annotations.first;
    // Select the first annotation in the PDF document.

Annotation selected callback

The callback provided to the onAnnotationSelected property is triggered when an annotation is selected interactively or programmatically. The selected annotation instance can be obtained from the callback details. The following code sample explains how to use this callback.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
        onAnnotationSelected: (Annotation annotation) {
          // Instance of the selected annotation.
          Annotation selectedAnnotation = annotation;

Customizing selector appearance

The annotationSettings property of PdfViewerController allows you to customize the default selector color. The following example explains how to customize the selector color for locked and unlocked annotations.

void customizeSelectorAppearance() {
  PdfAnnotationSettings annotationSettings =
  // For unlocked annotations.
  annotationSettings.selector.color =;
  // For locked annotations.
  annotationSettings.selector.lockedColor = Colors.grey;

Deselect an annotation

You can deselect an annotation by tapping outside its bounds using a touch or mouse. When the annotation is deselected, the selection border (selector) disappears, indicating that the annotation is deselected.

  • In desktop platforms like Windows, macOS, and desktop web, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Esc to deselect an annotation.

Deselect an annotation programmatically

You can deselect the annotation programmatically by providing the selected annotation instance as the parameter to the deselectAnnotation method. The selected annotation instance may be obtained from the onAnnotationSelected callback. The following example shows how to deselect the selected annotation.

void deselectAnnotation(Annotation selectedAnnotation) {
  // Deselect the selected annotation.

Annotation deselected callback

The callback provided to the onAnnotationDeselected property is triggered when an annotation is deselected interactively or programmatically. The following code sample explains how to use this callback.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
        onAnnotationDeselected: (Annotation annotation) {
          // Instance of the deselected annotation.
          Annotation deselectedAnnotation = annotation;