Lock and Unlock Annotations in Flutter PDF Viewer widget (SfPdfViewer)

20 Dec 20242 minutes to read

You can lock an annotation to prevent it from being edited. The annotation that has been locked cannot be removed or edited further until it is unlocked. This section will go through the process of locking and unlocking annotations in a PDF document.

Lock all annotations in a document

To lock all annotations in a document, set the isLocked property of the annotationSettings to true. The following example explains how to lock all annotations in a document.

void lockAllAnnotations() {
  // Lock all the annotations in the PDF document.
  _pdfViewerController.annotationSettings.isLocked = true;
  • Similarly, to unlock all the annotations, set the isLocked property value to false.

Lock a specific annotation

To lock a specific annotation in a document, access the annotation instance and set the isLocked property of the annotation to true. The following example explains how to lock the first annotation in a PDF document.

void lockFirstAnnotation() {
  // Get the list of annotations in the PDF document.
  List<Annotation> annotations = _pdfViewerController.getAnnotations();
  if (annotations.isNotEmpty) {
    // Get the first annotation from the PDF document.
    Annotation firstAnnotation = annotations.first;
    // Lock the first annotation in the PDF document.
    firstAnnotation.isLocked = true;
  • Similarly, to unlock the annotation, set the isLocked property value to false.

Lock specific annotation types

You can also use the annotationSettings property to lock a specific annotation type in a document. The following example explains how to lock all the underline annotations in a document by accessing the underline annotation settings. Similarly, you can lock other types of annotation.

void lockUnderlineAnnotations() {
  // Get the underline annotation settings.
  PdfTextMarkupAnnotationSettings underlineAnnotationSettings =
  // Lock all the underline annotations in the PDF document.
  underlineAnnotationSettings.isLocked = true;
  • Similarly, to unlock the specific annotation types, set the isLocked property value to false.

Lock the selected annotation

To lock the selected annotation, access the selected annotation instance and set the isLocked property to true. The selected annotation instance may be obtained from the onAnnotationSelected callback. The following example explains locking the selected annotation in a PDF document.

void lockSelectedAnnotation(Annotation selectedAnnotation) {
  // Lock the selected annotation.
  selectedAnnotation.isLocked = true;
  • Similarly, to unlock the selected annotation, set the isLocked property value to false.