Customize Chart Series

30 Aug 202424 minutes to read

In a chart, a series represents a set of related data points, often depicted using lines, bars, or markers to show data trends or comparisons. Using DocIO, you can customize the series in the chart.

Set the Series Name

The following code snippet illustrates how to set the series name in chart.


Refer to the appropriate tabs in the code snippets section: C# [Cross-platform] for ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Xamarin, UWP, .NET MAUI, and WinUI; C# [Windows-specific] for WinForms and WPF; VB.NET [Windows-specific] for VB.NET applications.

//Set name to chart series.
chart.Series[0].Name = "Sum of Purchases";
//Set name to chart series.
chart.Series[0].Name = "Sum of Purchases";
' Set name to chart series.
chart.Series(0).Name = "Sum of Purchases"

Set the Series Type

The following code snippet illustrates how to set the series type.

//Set the series type.
chart.Series[0].SerieType = OfficeChartType.Line_Markers;
//Set the series type.
chart.Series[0].SerieType = OfficeChartType.Line_Markers;
' Set the series type.
chart.Series(0).SerieType = OfficeChartType.Line_Markers

Customize the Series Color

The following code snippet illustrates how to customize the series color.

// Configure the fill settings for the first series in the chart.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = OfficeFillType.Gradient;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = OfficeGradientColor.TwoColor;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.BackColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(205, 217, 234);
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
// Configure the fill settings for the first series in the chart.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = OfficeFillType.Gradient;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = OfficeGradientColor.TwoColor;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(205, 217, 234);
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Red;
' Configure the fill settings for the first series in the chart.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = OfficeFillType.Gradient
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = OfficeGradientColor.TwoColor
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.Fill.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(205, 217, 234)
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Red

Customize the Series Border

The following code snippet illustrates how to customize the series border.

//Customize series border.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
//Customize series border.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
' Customize series border.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Color.Red
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.LineProperties.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline

The complete code snippet illustrating the above options is shown below.

//Creates a new instance of WordDocument (Empty Word Document).
 using (WordDocument document = new WordDocument())
     //Adds section to the document.
     IWSection sec = document.AddSection();
     //Adds paragraph to the section.
     IWParagraph paragraph = sec.AddParagraph();
     //Inputs data for chart.
     object[][] data = new object[6][];
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         data[i] = new object[3];
     data[0][0] = "";
     data[1][0] = "Camembert Pierrot";
     data[2][0] = "Alice Mutton";
     data[3][0] = "Roasted Tigers";
     data[4][0] = "Orange Shake";
     data[5][0] = "Dried Apples";
     data[0][1] = "Sum of Purchases";
     data[1][1] = 286;
     data[2][1] = 680;
     data[3][1] = 288;
     data[4][1] = 200;
     data[5][1] = 731;
     data[0][2] = "Sum of Future Expenses";
     data[1][2] = 1300;
     data[2][2] = 700;
     data[3][2] = 1280;
     data[4][2] = 1200;
     data[5][2] = 2660;

     //Creates and Appends chart to the paragraph.
     WChart chart = paragraph.AppendChart(data, 470, 300);

     //Sets chart type and title.
     chart.ChartTitle = "Purchase Details";
     chart.ChartTitleArea.FontName = "Calibri";
     chart.ChartTitleArea.Size = 14;
     chart.ChartArea.Border.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Solid;

     //Sets series type.
     chart.Series[0].SerieType = OfficeChartType.Line_Markers;
     chart.Series[1].SerieType = OfficeChartType.Bar_Clustered;

     chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Title = "Products";
     chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title = "In Dollars";

     // Configure the fill settings for the first series in the chart.
     chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = OfficeFillType.Gradient;
     chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = OfficeGradientColor.TwoColor;
     chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.BackColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(205, 217, 234);
     chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
     //Customize series border.
     chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
     chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
     chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;

     //Sets position of legend.
     chart.Legend.Position = OfficeLegendPosition.Bottom;

     //Creates file stream.
     using (FileStream outputFileStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(@"../../../Sample.docx"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
         //Saves the Word document to file stream.
         document.Save(outputFileStream, FormatType.Docx);
//Creates a new instance of WordDocument (Empty Word Document).
using (WordDocument document = new WordDocument())
    //Adds section to the document.
    IWSection sec = document.AddSection();
    //Adds paragraph to the section.
    IWParagraph paragraph = sec.AddParagraph();
    //Inputs data for chart.
    object[][] data = new object[6][];
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        data[i] = new object[3];
    data[0][0] = "";
    data[1][0] = "Camembert Pierrot";
    data[2][0] = "Alice Mutton";
    data[3][0] = "Roasted Tigers";
    data[4][0] = "Orange Shake";
    data[5][0] = "Dried Apples";
    data[0][1] = "Sum of Purchases";
    data[1][1] = 286;
    data[2][1] = 680;
    data[3][1] = 288;
    data[4][1] = 200;
    data[5][1] = 731;
    data[0][2] = "Sum of Future Expenses";
    data[1][2] = 1300;
    data[2][2] = 700;
    data[3][2] = 1280;
    data[4][2] = 1200;
    data[5][2] = 2660;

    //Creates and Appends chart to the paragraph.
    WChart chart = paragraph.AppendChart(data, 470, 300);

    //Sets chart type and title.
    chart.ChartTitle = "Purchase Details";
    chart.ChartTitleArea.FontName = "Calibri";
    chart.ChartTitleArea.Size = 14;
    chart.ChartArea.Border.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Solid;

    //Sets series type.
    chart.Series[0].SerieType = OfficeChartType.Line_Markers;
    chart.Series[1].SerieType = OfficeChartType.Bar_Clustered;

    chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Title = "Products";
    chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title = "In Dollars";

    // Configure the fill settings for the first series in the chart.
    chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = OfficeFillType.Gradient;
    chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = OfficeGradientColor.TwoColor;
    chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(205, 217, 234);
    chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Red;
    //Customize series border.
    chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Color.Red;
    chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
    chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;

    //Sets position of legend.
    chart.Legend.Position = OfficeLegendPosition.Bottom;
    //Saves the Word document to file stream.
Using document As New WordDocument()
    ' Adds a section to the document.
    Dim sec As IWSection = document.AddSection()
    ' Adds a paragraph to the section.
    Dim paragraph As IWParagraph = sec.AddParagraph()

    ' Inputs data for the chart.
    Dim data As Object(,) = New Object(5, 2) {}
    data(0, 0) = ""
    data(1, 0) = "Camembert Pierrot"
    data(2, 0) = "Alice Mutton"
    data(3, 0) = "Roasted Tigers"
    data(4, 0) = "Orange Shake"
    data(5, 0) = "Dried Apples"
    data(0, 1) = "Sum of Purchases"
    data(1, 1) = 286
    data(2, 1) = 680
    data(3, 1) = 288
    data(4, 1) = 200
    data(5, 1) = 731
    data(0, 2) = "Sum of Future Expenses"
    data(1, 2) = 1300
    data(2, 2) = 700
    data(3, 2) = 1280
    data(4, 2) = 1200
    data(5, 2) = 2660

    ' Creates and appends a chart to the paragraph.
    Dim chart As WChart = paragraph.AppendChart(data, 470, 300)

    ' Sets chart type and title.
    chart.ChartTitle = "Purchase Details"
    chart.ChartTitleArea.FontName = "Calibri"
    chart.ChartTitleArea.Size = 14
    chart.ChartArea.Border.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Solid

    ' Sets series type.
    chart.Series(0).SerieType = OfficeChartType.Line_Markers
    chart.Series(1).SerieType = OfficeChartType.Bar_Clustered

    chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Title = "Products"
    chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title = "In Dollars"

    ' Configure the fill settings for the first series in the chart.
    chart.Series(1).SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = OfficeFillType.Gradient
    chart.Series(1).SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = OfficeGradientColor.TwoColor
    chart.Series(1).SerieFormat.Fill.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(205, 217, 234)
    chart.Series(1).SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Red

    ' Customize series border.
    chart.Series(1).SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Color.Red
    chart.Series(1).SerieFormat.LineProperties.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot
    chart.Series(1).SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline

    ' Sets the position of the legend.
    chart.Legend.Position = OfficeLegendPosition.Bottom

    ' Saves the Word document to a file.
End Using

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Set the DataPoint as Total

The following code snippet illustrates how to set the Data Point as total in chart.

//Data point settings as total in chart.
chart.Series[0].DataPoints[3].SetAsTotal = true;
//Data point settings as total in chart.
chart.Series[0].DataPoints[3].SetAsTotal = true;
' Data point settings as total in chart.
chart.Series(0).DataPoints(3).SetAsTotal = True

Set the connector lines between data points

The following code snippet illustrates how to set the connector lines between data points.

//Showing the connector lines between data points.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.ShowConnectorLines = true;
//Showing the connector lines between data points.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.ShowConnectorLines = true;
' Showing the connector lines between data points.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.ShowConnectorLines = True

Add space between bars

The following code snippet illustrates how to add space between bars.

//Adding space between bars of different series of single category.
 chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.Overlap = -40;

 //Adding space between bars of different categories.
 chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.GapWidth = 100;
//Adding space between bars of different series of single category.
 chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.Overlap = -40;

 //Adding space between bars of different categories.
 chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.GapWidth = 100;
' Adding space between bars of different series of a single category.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.Overlap = -40

' Adding space between bars of different categories.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.GapWidth = 100

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Add High-Low Lines

The following code snippet illustrates how to add high-low lines.

//Set HasHighLowLines property to true.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasHighLowLines = true;

//Apply formats to HighLowLines.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LineColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
//Set HasHighLowLines property to true.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasHighLowLines = true;

//Apply formats to HighLowLines.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LineColor = Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
' Set HasHighLowLines property to true.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasHighLowLines = True

' Apply formats to HighLowLines.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LineColor = Color.Red
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HighLowLines.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Add Drop Lines

The following code snippet illustrates how to add drop lines.

//Set the HasDropLines property to true.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasDropLines = true;

//Apply formats to DropLines.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LineColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
//Set the HasDropLines property to true.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasDropLines = true;

//Apply formats to DropLines.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LineColor = Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
' Set HasDropLines property to true.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasDropLines = True

' Apply formats to DropLines.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LineColor = Color.Red
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.DropLines.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Add Series Lines

The following code snippet illustrates how to add series lines in chart.

//Set HasSeriesLines property to true.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasSeriesLines = true;

//Apply formats to SeriesLines.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LineColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
//Set HasSeriesLines property to true.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasSeriesLines = true;

//Apply formats to SeriesLines.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LineColor = Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline;
' Set HasSeriesLines property to true.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.HasSeriesLines = True

' Apply formats to SeriesLines.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LineColor = Color.Red
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.Dot
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.CommonSerieOptions.PieSeriesLine.LineWeight = OfficeChartLineWeight.Hairline

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Different Marker Properties

The following code snippet illustrates how to customize the marker properties.

//Set the marker style of the first series in the chart.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerStyle = OfficeChartMarkerType.Star;

//Customize the marker style.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerSize = 8;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerBackgroundColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerForegroundColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Black;
//Set the marker style of the first series in the chart.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerStyle = OfficeChartMarkerType.Star;

//Customize the marker style.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerSize = 8;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerBackgroundColor = Color.Red;
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.MarkerForegroundColor = Color.Black;
' Set the marker style of the first series in the chart.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.MarkerStyle = OfficeChartMarkerType.Star

' Customize the marker style.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.MarkerSize = 8
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.MarkerBackgroundColor = Color.Red
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.MarkerForegroundColor = Color.Black

Explode a Pie Chart

The following code snippet illustrates how to explode a pie chart.

//Exploding the pie chart to 10%.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Percent = 10;
//Exploding the pie chart to 10%.
chart.Series[0].SerieFormat.Percent = 10;
' Exploding the pie chart to 10%.
chart.Series(0).SerieFormat.Percent = 10

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.