Syncfusion® NuGet Packages

11 Feb 202510 minutes to read

NuGet can be used to automatically add files and references to your Visual Studio projects. You can use the Syncfusion® NuGet packages without installing the Essential Studio® or platform installation to development with the Syncfusion® controls. From v16.2.0.46 (2018 Volume 2 Service Pack 1) onwards, all the Syncfusion® components are available as NuGet packages at


The Syncfusion® Xamarin NuGet packages are published in from v15.4.0.17. Starting from v17.1.0.32 (2018 Volume 1), Syncfusion® will no longer publish NuGet packages at

Installing NuGet Packages

Using NuGet Package Manager

The NuGet Package Manager can be used to search and install NuGet packages in the Visual Studio solution or project:

  1. Right-click the project or solution in the Solution Explorer tab, and choose Manage NuGet Packages…

    NuGet package manager add-in for Windows

    Alternatively, click Tools menu, NuGet Package Manager | Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...

  2. By default, the package is selected in the Package source drop-down. If is not configured in your Visual Studio, refer to the Microsoft docs to configure feed URL in your Visual Studio.

    NuGet package manager dialog window

  3. The Syncfusion® NuGet Packages are listed the available package in the source feed URL. Search and install the required packages in your application, by clicking Install button.


The Syncfusion® NuGet packages are published in public from v16.2.0.46. So, If you need to Install earlier version of Syncfusion® NuGet packages, configure Syncfusion private feed URL.

Using Package Manager Console

To reference the Syncfusion® component using the Package Manager Console as NuGet packages, follow the below steps.

  1. On the Tools menu, select NuGet Package Manager, and then Package Manager Console.

  2. Run the following NuGet installation commands.

    #install specified package in default project
    Install-Package <Package Name>
    #install specified package in specified project 
    Install-Package <Package Name> - ProjectName <Project Name>

    For example:

    #install specified package in default project
    Install-Package Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core
    #install specified package in specified project 
    Install-Package Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core -ProjectName SyncfusionDemoApplication

Using Visual Studio for macOS

Add packages can be used to search and install NuGet packages to the Visual Studio project in macOS:

  1. Right-click the folder in the project, and then select Add Packages…

    NuGet package manager add-in for macOS

  2. By default, the package is selected in the Package source drop-down.

    Add packages dialog

  3. The Syncfusion® NuGet Packages available in the package source location will be listed. Search and install the required packages in your application, by clicking Add Package button.

Managing NuGet package using NuGet CLI

The NuGet Command Line Interface (CLI), nuget.exe, provides the full extent of NuGet functionality to install, create, publish, and manage packages without making any change to the project files.

  1. Download the latest NuGet CLI from here.


    To update the existing nuget.exe to latest version use the following command:

    nuget update -self
  2. Open the downloaded executable location in the command window, and run the following commands to download and install the required NuGet packages to a project specified in the package.config.

    #install specified package in default project from specified package source for Windows Platform 
    nuget.exe install <Package name | ConfigFilePath > <Options>
    #install specified package in default project from specified package source for MAC/Linux Platform 
    mono nuget.exe install <Package name | ConfigFilePath > <Options>


    configPath is optional. This identifies the packages.config or solutions file that lists the packages utilized in the project.

    For example:

    #install specific package for Windows 
    nuget.exe install “Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core"
    #install all package which mention in package.config path for Windows 
    nuget.exe install “C:\Users\SyncfusionApplication\package.config”
    #install specific package for Mac and Linux 
    mono nuget.exe install “Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core"
    #install all package which mention in package.config path for Mac and Linux 
    mono nuget.exe install “C:\Users\SyncfusionApplication\package.config”


If you need to Install earlier version of Syncfusion® NuGet packages, configure Syncfusion private feed URL.

Managing NuGet package using Dotnet CLI

The NuGet Command Line Interface (CLI), Dotnet.exe, provides the full extent of NuGet functionality to add, restore, pack, publish, and manage packages without making any change to the project files.

  1. Open command prompt window with administrator privileges and navigate to your project folder.

  2. The specified ASP.NET Core NuGet package command as below,


    #Add specified package in specified project from Package Source
    dotnet add package <Package name>

    For example :

    dotnet add package Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core 


    #Restore all package which specified in project
    dotnet restore

    To know more command about the dotnet CLI, refer here.

Upgrading NuGet packages

Using NuGet Package Manager

NuGet packages can be updated to their specific version or latest version available in the Visual Studio solution or project:

  1. Right-click the project or solution in the Solution Explorer tab, and choose Manage NuGet Packages…
    Alternatively, click Tools menu, NuGet Package Manager | Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...

  2. Select the Updates tab to see the packages available for update from the desired package sources. Select the required packages and the specific version from the dropdown, and click the Update button.

Using Visual Studio for macOS

Using Update context menu from Visual Studio for Mac application, NuGet packages can be updated:

  1. Right-click the Packages folder in the project, and select Update.

    NuGet package manager add-in for macOS

  2. This will update the NuGet package to the latest version. You can double-click Add packages and choose the specific version.


To update all the projects from solution, use update option in the solution level.

Using Package Manager Console

To update the installed Syncfusion® NuGet packages using the Package Manager Console, follow the below steps.

  1. On the Tools menu, select NuGet Package Manager, and then Package Manager Console.

  2. Run the following NuGet installation commands.

    #Update specific NuGet package in default project
    Update-Package <Package Name>
    #Update all the packages in default project
    #Update specified package in specified project 
    Update-Package <Package Name> - ProjectName <Project Name>

    For example:

    #Update specified Syncfusion NuGet package 
    Update-Package Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core 
    #Update specified package in specified project 
    Update-Package Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core -ProjectName SyncfusionDemoApplication

Using NuGet CLI

Using the NuGet CLI, all the NuGet packages in the project can be updated to the available latest version.

  1. Download the latest NuGet CLI from here.


    To update the existing nuget.exe to latest version use the following command.

    nuget update -self
  2. Open the downloaded executable location in the command window. Run the following “update commands” to update the Syncfusion® ASP.NET Core NuGet packages.

    #update all NuGet packages from config file
    nuget update <configPath> [options]
    #update all NuGet packages
    nuget update -Source


    configPath is optional. This identifies the packages.config or solutions file lists the packages utilized in the project.

    For example:

    #Update all NuGet packages from config file
    nuget update “C:\Users\SyncfusionApplication\package.config”


    Update command is not working as expected in Mono (Mac and Linux) and projects using PackageReference format.

Syncfusion® NuGet feed URL Configuration

Get the Syncfusion® NuGet feed URL

You should get the private Syncfusion® NuGet feed URL to install or upgrade the Syncfusion® NuGet packages. To get the URL from Syncfusion® website use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to, and select required platform tab.

  2. Click the Copy URL label under required platform to copy the Syncfusion® required platform NuGet feed to clipboard.

    Syncfusion Essential JS 1 ASP.NET Core NuGet feed URL

  3. Now, use this NuGet feed URL to access the Syncfusion® NuGet Packages in Visual Studio.


There is no separate feed link for Document Processing, each platform feed link contains Document Processing and other Syncfusion® component packages.

Add the Syncfusion® NuGet feed URL


  1. Open your Visual Studio application.

  2. On the Tools menu, select Options.

  3. Expand the NuGet Package Manager and select Package Sources.

  4. Click the Add button (green plus), and enter the ‘Package Name’ and ‘Package Source URL’ of the Syncfusion® NuGet packages.

    Name: Name of the package source.

    Source: Syncfusion® NuGet Feed URL

    For example, Name: Syncfusion® AspNet Core Packages, Source:

  5. Click the Update button to add the name and source details to package sources.

    NuGet Package Manager dialog with Syncfusion Essential JS 1 NuGet feed URL for reference


  1. Open your Visual Studio application.

  2. Right-click the Packages folder in the project, and then select Add Packages…

    NuGet package manager add-in for macOS

  3. Choose the Configure Sources… from the dropdown that appears in the left corner of the Add Packages dialog.

    Add packages dialog to choose the Configure Sources

  4. At the bottom right corner of the dialog, click the Add button to enter the feed name and the URL.

    Name: Name of the package source.

    Source: Syncfusion® NuGet Feed URL

    For example, Name: Syncfusion® ASP.NET Core Packages, Source:

    Add Package Source dialog to add Syncfusion NuGet feed

  5. Now, click Add Source and then click OK.


  1. Download the latest NuGet CLI from here.


    To update the existing nuget.exe to latest version use the following command.

    nuget update -self
  2. Open the downloaded executable location in the command window, and run the following commands to configure the Syncfusion® NuGet packages.

    #Add specified package source in NuGet.config file for Windows platform
    nuget.exe Sources Add –Name <Source name> –Source <Source location>
    #Add specified Package Source in Nuget.config file for MAC/Linux platform
    mono nuget.exe Sources Add –Name <Source name> –Source <Source location>

    For example:

    #For Windows platform
    nuget.exe Sources Add –Name “Syncfusion Source” –Source “”
    #For MAC/Linux platform
    mono nuget.exe Sources Add –Name “Syncfusion Source” –Source “”