Known Exceptions Details in Excel Library

9 Jan 202524 minutes to read

The list of known exceptions thrown in Essential® XlsIO is listed below.





Workbook "Workbook was not created from file." + " That is why workbook file not specified." + " You must use SaveAs method instead." The file name cannot be empty
Worksheet "Can't deselect all worksheets." Can't deselect all worksheets
"Can't find data for MSODrawing" The value of current mso index cannot greater than array drawings count
"Sheet is already protected, before use unprotect method" The property is true the sheet is already protected
"You cannot use this command on a protected sheet The condition is false you cannot use this command on protected sheet





Pictures string cannot be empty. Valid filename of the image must be provided.
Shape From center style support only var_1 or var_2 From center style support only var_1 or var_2
strName cannot be null or empty. String cannot be empty
strShapeName - string cannot be empty. String cannot be empty
The rotation value should be between -3600 and 3600 The rotation value should be between -3600 and 3600
Name cannot be null or empty Name of the UserPicture cannot be empty.
Path cannot be null or empty Path of the UserPicture cannot be null or empty.
Path cannot be null or empty Path of the UserTexture cannot be empty.
Shape name cannot be null. Valid name is not found for the shape.
The specified value is out of range TextureHorizontalScale must be >= 21475.
 The specified value is out of range TextureOffsetX must be >= 169056.
 The specified value is out of range TextureOffsetY must be >= 169056.
 The specified value is out of range TextureVerticalScale must be >= 21475.
This method supports only preset textured Custom gradient texture does not support.
TransparencyColor The TransparencyFrom on shape should not be less than 0 and greater than 1.
TextBox "Reference is not valid The value of the string index 0 is equal to "=" the reference is not valid
Workbook "Can't refer to external worksheets" Cannot refer to external workbook
"FileName cannot be empty." The file name cannot be empty
"fileName" String cannot be empty
"name" String cannot be empty
"Names array must contain at least one name." Names array must contain at least one name
"separator" String cannot be empty
"strFileName - string cannot be empty." String cannot be empty
"strName - string cannot be empty" String cannot be empty
"strSheetName" String cannot be empty
"Workbook is protected and password wasn't specified." Workbook is protected and password wasn't specified
"Contains invalid characters Contains invalid characters
"FileName cannot be empty. The file name cannot be empty
Worksheet "arrDataColumns can't be empty" String cannot be empty
"Cannot sets formula value in cell that doesn't contain formula" Cannot sets formula value in cell that doesn't contain formula
"Can't insert column" Cannot insert column given condition is false
"Can't insert row" Cannot insert row given condition is true
"cellFormat" The array extend formats count is not less than cell format index value
"defaultStyle" The XF index value is not equal to minimum value of the integer
"Each range argument should contain a single cell" Each range argument should contain a single cell
"FileName cannot be empty." File name cannot be empty
"Image Path doesn't exist" Image path does not exist
"Ranges do not fit each other" The Ranges do not fit each other
"separator" String cannot be null or empty
"strName - string cannot be empty." String cannot be empty
"Workbook at least must contains one worksheet. You cannot remove last worksheet.", "sheet" Workbook at least must contain one worksheet. You cannot remove last worksheet
"Workbook must contains at least one worksheet. You cannot remove last worksheet.", "sheet" Workbook must contain at least one worksheet. You cannot remove last worksheet
"Invalid column index. The column index is not less than 0 and greater than 0x3fff
"Invalid row index. The row index is not less than 0 and greater than 0xfffff
"separator String cannot be empty
Sheet Name is InValid Sheet Name is InValid





Workbook "Name can't be NULL." Name can't be NULL
"separator" The string cannot be empty
"styleIndexes" The style index is not equal to null
"password String cannot be empty
Worksheet "Conditions" The condition property is not null and CFExRecords property is not equal to null
"firstColumn" The column index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum column count
"password" The string cannot be empty
"separator" String cannot be empty
"dataSource String cannot be empty





PageSetup Parts array must have only three elements. The header/footer string should have 3 parts.
The string is too long. Reduce the number of characters used. The header/footer value exceeds the characters limit.
Zoom value must be between 10 and 400 percent. The zoom value in page setup should me within the given limit.
Shape BottomRowOffset The BottomRowOffset should not be less than 0.
Height The Height should not be less than 0.
iColumn1 The column should not be less than 1 and greater than maximum column count.
iColumn2 The column should not be less than 1 and greater than maximum column count.
iPixels The pixels should not be less than 0 and greater than row height.
Can't be less than zero. The iPixels should not be less than 0.
iRow1 The row value should not be less than 1 and greater than maximum row count.
iRow2 The row value should not less than 1 and greater than maximum row count.
LeftColumnOffset The LeftColumnOffset should not be less than 0.
RightColumnOffset The RightColumnOffset should not be less than 0.
scaleHeight The ScaleHeight should not be less than 0.
scaleWidth The ScaleWidth should not be less than 0.
TopRowOffset The TopRowOffset should not be less than 0.
Value The Transparency should not be less than 0 and greater than 1.
Weight The Weight should not be less than 0 and greater than maximum line weight value.
Width The Width should not be less than 0.
iPixels can't be less than zero. The iPixels should not be less than 0
Gradient degree is out of range The gradient range should not be less than -1 and greater than 1.
Transparency The Transparency on shape should not be less than 0 and greater than 1.
TransparencyFrom The TransparencyFrom value on shape should not be less than 0 and greater than 1.
TransparencyTo The TransparencyTo value on shape should not be less than 0 and greater than 1.
Workbook "ActiveSheetIndex" The sheet value is not less than 0 and greater than list object count
"Array cannot contain more than 4 selection records" Array cannot contain more than 4 selection records
"DisplayedTab", "Displayed tab must be greater than zero and less than Worksheets count" Displayed tab must be greater than zero and less than Worksheets count
"fileName" The file name cannot be empty
"fullName" String cannot be empty
"index" Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than Count
"index", "Index cannot be less than 0 and larger than Palette colors array size." Index cannot be less than 0 and larger than Palette colors array size
"index", "Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than Count - 1." Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than Count - 1
"iRef" The reference index value is not less than or equal to extern sheet reference and less than 0;
"iReferenceIndex", "Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than arrRefs.Count - 1" Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than arrRefs.Count - 1
"iStartIndex" The start index value is not less than stro0 and greater than color count
"maxCount" The XF index value is not less than or equal to 0
"PasswordToOpen", "Password too long. Maximum password length is 15 characters." Password too long. Maximum password length is 15 characters
"referenceIndex", "Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than arrRefs.Count - 1" Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than arrRefs.Count - 1
"sheetsQuantity", "Quantity of worksheets must be greater than zero." Quantity of worksheets must be greater than zero
string.Format( "index is {0}, Count is {1}", index, List.Count) Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count
string.Format("index is {0}, Count is {1}", index, count) Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count
Worksheet "Apostrophe can't be used as first and/or last character of the worksheet's name." Apostrophe can't be used as first and/or last character of the worksheet's name
"Chart index" Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count
"column index" The column index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum column count
"Column", "Column index cannot be larger then 256 or less then one" Column index cannot be larger than 256 or less than one
"columnIndex", "Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than 255" Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than 255
"count" The count is not less than 0
"drawingItemName" The string name cannot be empty
"firstColumn" The column index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum column count
"firstRow" The row index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum rows count
"iColumn can't be less than 1" iColumn can't be less than 1
"iColumnCount", "Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max column index" Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max column index
"iColumnIndex", "Column index is out of range." Column index is out of range
"iColumnIndex", "Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max column index." Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max column index.
"iColumnIndex", "Value cannot be less than 1 and greater than m_book.MaxColumnCount." Value cannot be less than 1 and greater than m_book.MaxColumnCount
"iCondFmtPos" The index value is not less than 0
"iCustomPropertyPos" Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count
"iDValPos" The integer value is not less than 0
"index < 0" The index value is not less than 0
"index" Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count
"index", "Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than Count - 1." Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than Count - 1
"iNewIndex" Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count
"iOldIndex" Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count
"iRowIndex" The row index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum rows count
"iRowIndex", "Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max row index." Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max row index
"iRowIndex", "Value cannot be less than 1 and greater than m_book.MaxColumnCount." Value cannot be less than 1 and greater than m_book.MaxColumnCount
"iSSTIndex" The shared string index value is not less than 0 or greater than book inner shared string count
"iStartIndex" The index value is not less than 0
"Length of the password can't be more than " + DEF_MAX_PASSWORDLEN The password length value is greater than default maximum password length
"maxCount" The index value is not less than or equal to 0
"range" The range of the row and column is not equal to range of the last column and last row
"rowIndex" The row index value is not less than 1 and greater than book maximum count
"Standard Row Height" The standard row height value is not less than 0
"Text value cannot be null or empty" Text value cannot be null or empty
"Text value cannot be null or empty. First symbol must be '#'" Text value cannot be null or empty. First symbol must be '#'
"Text value cannot be null or empty. First symbol of formula cannot be '='" Text value cannot be null or empty. First symbol of formula cannot be '='
"Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max column index." Value cannot be less 1 and greater than maximum column index
"Value does not valid error string." Given value does not contains dictionary
"Worksheets collection does not contain specified worksheet." Worksheets collection does not contain specified worksheet
"Zoom", "Zoom must be in range from 10 till 400." Zoom must be in range from 10 till 400.
strParentItemName The string name cannot be empty
Column value cannot be less than 0 and greater than 255 Value cannot be less than 0 and greater than 255
End Row Index cannot be greater than max row index Value cannot be greater than max row index
firstColumn The column index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum column count
firstRow The row index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum rows count
Length of the password can't be more than password length The password length value is greater than default maximum password length
Row Index value cannot be less than 1 and greater than max row index The row index value is not equal to 0 and greater than book maximum rows count
Standard Column Width. The standard column width value is not less than 0 and greater than default maximum column width
Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max column index. Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max column index
Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max row index. Value cannot be less 1 and greater than max row index
Value must be 0 to 3 Value must be 0 to 3
string.Format("index is {0}, Count is {1}", index, List.Count) Index value is not less than 0 and not greater than equal to list count





Workbook "Object cannot be disposed." + " Save workbook or set property ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy to false. Save workbook or set property ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy to false





Shape File represents by current path doesn't exist File represents by current path doesn't exist.
Workbook "File could not be found. Please verify the file path." "File could not be found.
string.Format("File {0} could not be found. Please verify the file path.", filename) The file name is not there in given file path the exception will throw





Worksheet Can't copy to destination range The destination array formula not separator the cannot copy to destination range





Shape This property can be set only when Gradient Style is selected. This property can be set only when Gradient Style is selected.
This property supports only if pattern style is checked This property supports only if pattern style is checked.
This property supports only if pattern style is checked This property supports only if texture style is checked.
This property support only if defined user texture of picture This property support only if defined user texture of picture.
"This property supports only if Checked Solid style." This property supports only if Solid style is checked
"This shape doesn't support fill properties." The m_bSupportOption is false the fill format not supported
"This shape doesn't support line properties." The m_bSupportOption is false the line format not supported
HyperLink The shape is not equal to AutoShape, picture, textbox does not supported in hyperlink
This property supported only if checked preset color type Supports only Excel gradient preset.
This property supports only if checked one color gradient Supports only Excel gradient preset.
This variant doesn't support center shading style. The shape object doesn't support center shading style.
Workbook "Name of worksheet must be unique in a workbook." Name of worksheet must be unique in a workbook
"Not supported encryption type." This property is not supported for encryption type
"Weak encryption algorithm is not supported." Weak encryption algorithm is not supported.
Worksheet Name of worksheet must be unique in a workbook Name of worksheet must be unique in a workbook