Keyboard Shortcuts

27 Dec 201618 minutes to read

Shortcut Description
Alt + Enter In Cell editing mode, starts a new line in the same cell
Alt + F1 Creates a


from the selected cells
Alt + T Opens create


dialog box
Backspace Clears content of the active cell.
Deletes one character to the left in the Formula Bar.
In Cell editing mode, it deletes one character to the left of the insertion point.
Ctrl + \ To apply go to row difference for selected cells
Ctrl + 1 Opens


cell dialog box
Ctrl + 5 Applies or removes strikethrough
Ctrl + 8 Hides the selected columns
Ctrl + 9 Hides the selected rows
Ctrl + A Selects the entire worksheet.If worksheet has data, Ctrl + A will selects current region. Pressing Ctrl + A second time selects the entire worksheet.
Ctrl + B Applies or removes bold formatting
Ctrl + C Copies the selected cells
Ctrl + D Uses the

Fill Down

command to copy the contents and format
Ctrl + F3 Opens name manager dialog box
Ctrl + I Applies or removes italic formatting
Ctrl + K Opens the

Insert Hyperlink

dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks
Ctrl + O Displays


dialog box to open a file
Ctrl + P Opens


dialog box
Ctrl + R Uses the

Fill Right

command to copy the contents and format
Ctrl + S Saves the current workbook
Ctrl + Space Bar Selects the entire column of selected cells in a worksheet
Ctrl + U Applies or removes underlining
Ctrl + Shift + & Applies the outline border to the selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + _ Removes the outline border from the selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + ~ Applies the General format
Ctrl + Shift + $ Applies the Currency format
Ctrl + Shift + % Applies the Percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + ^ Applies the Scientific format
Ctrl + Shift + # Applies the Short Date format
Ctrl + Shift + @ Applies the Time format
Ctrl + Shift + ! Applies the Number format with two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + 8 To show hidden column within the selection
Ctrl + Shift + 9 To show hidden row within the selection
Ctrl + Shift + D Opens


dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + Home Extends the selection of cells to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + I Opens


dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + F2 To expand or collapse ribbon content
Ctrl + Shift + O Highlight all cells that contain comments
Ctrl + Shift + | To apply go to column difference for selected cells
Ctrl + V Inserts the content of the clipboard based on active cell and replaces any selection. It can be performed after you have cut or copied cell contents.
Ctrl + X Cuts the selected cells
Ctrl + Y Repeats the last action, if possible
Ctrl + Z Reverses the last action or to delete the last entry
Delete Delete selected cells
Esc Cancel edit mode and discard changes.
F2 Start edit
Shift + F2 Adds or edits a cell comment
Shift + F11 Inserts a new worksheet
Shift + Spacebar Selects the entire row of selected cells in a worksheet