Styles and Templates in WPF NumericUpdown (UpDown)

8 Jun 20213 minutes to read

The background and foreground of the UpDown control can be customized by editing its style or by using the properties exposed by the UpDown control.

Positive color

The background and foreground for the positive value can be customized using the Background and Foreground properties of the UpDown control.

<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" Background="MediumBlue" Foreground="White" Value="10" Height="23"  Width="100" />
UpDown updown = new UpDown();
updown.Height = 23;
updown.Width = 100;
updown.Value = 10;
updown.Background = Brushes.MediumBlue;
updown.Foreground = Brushes.White;

Changing Positive Value Color in WPF UpDown

Negative color

The background and foreground for the negative value can be customized using the NegativeBackground and NegativeForeground properties of UpDown control. The NegativeBackground and NegativeForeground properties are enabled by setting the EnableNegativeColors property is set to True.

<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" EnableNegativeColors="True" NegativeBackground="Yellow" NegativeForeground="BlueViolet" Value="-2" Height="23"  Width="100" />
updown.Value = -2;
updown.EnableNegativeColors = true;
updown.NegativeBackground = Brushes.Yellow;
updown.NegativeForeground = Brushes.BlueViolet;

Changing Negative Value Color in WPF UpDown

Zero color

The color of zero value can be changed by using the ZeroColor property. The ZeroColor property can be enabled by setting the ApplyZeroColor property is set to True.

<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" ApplyZeroColor="True" ZeroColor="DarkViolet" Value="0" Height="23"  Width="100" />
updown.ApplyZeroColor = true;
updown.ZeroColor = Brushes.DarkViolet;

Changing Zero Value Color in WPF UpDown

Focused color

The background, foreground and border color for the UpDown control can be customized using the FocusedBackground, FocusedBorderBrush and FocusedForeground properties when the control is focused. These properties will work only when value of EnableFocusedColors property is True. By default, the value of EnableFocusedColors property is True.

<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" EnableFocusedColors="True" FocusedBackground="BurlyWood" FocusedForeground="White" FocusedBorderBrush="Green" Value="10" Height="23"  Width="100" />
updown.Value = 10;
updown.EnableFocusedColors = true;
updown.FocusedBackground = Brushes.BurlyWood;
updown.FocusedForeground = Brushes.White;
updown.FocusedBorderBrush = Brushes.Green;

Changing Focused Value Color in WPF UpDown


The positive, negative and zero value colors get default color of the control while focusing the Updown control.


UpDown supports various built-in themes. Refer to the below links to apply themes for the UpDown,

Applying Theme to WPF UpDown