- Value
- Null value
- Watermark
- Minimum and Maximum value
- AllowEdit
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Restriction in WPF NumericUpdown (UpDown)
18 Feb 20256 minutes to read
This section explains about how to set the value and restrict the minimum and maximum value in WPF UpDown control.
The Value property is used for set the value to UpDown control.
<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" Height="25" Width="90" Value="10" />
UpDown updown = new UpDown();
updown.Height = 25;
updown.Width = 90;
updown.Value = 10;
Value event
The UpDown control notifies the value changes through ValueChanged and ValueChanging events. You can use the OldValue
and NewValue
property to get the old and new value in ValueChanged
event. In ValueChanging
event, you can use the Cancel
property in event argument to avoid the changes.
updown.ValueChanged += Up_ValueChanged;
updown.ValueChanging += Up_ValueChanging;
private void Up_ValueChanging(object sender, ValueChangingEventArgs e)
// To cancel the changing value
e.Cancel = true;
private void Up_ValueChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// Get old and new value
var newValue = e.NewValue;
var oldValue = e.OldValue;
Null value
The UpDown control accepts null values. When the Value is set to null, the UpDown control will show zero value by default. You can change this to display some other numerical value using
NullValue property. The UseNullOption property must be enabled to see the NullValue
<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" Height="25" Width="90" Value="{x:Null}" NullValue="2" UseNullOption="True" />
updown.UseNullOption = true;
updown.Value = null;
updown.NullValue = 2;
The NullValueText property enables the UpDown
control to show watermark text instead of numeric value when Value is null. The UseNullOption property must be enabled to see the NullValueText
<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" Height="25" Width="90" Value="{x:Null}" NullValueText="Enter a value" UseNullOption="True" />
updown.Value = null;
updown.NullValueText = "Enter a value";
property must be enabled if you want to see theNullValue
in UpDown control. If bothNullValue
is specified, you will see onlyNullValue
but notNullValueText
Minimum and Maximum value
The value of UpDown
control can be restricted within maximum and minimum limit. The spin button helps to increase or decrease the value by using mouse interaction. Once the increase or decrease value reached the predefined maximized or minimized value, the value does not change.
Another way,
By using the keyboard, you can not enter the value above or below the predefined maximized or minimized value.
MaxValue - The MaxValue property is the maximum value that can be set for the
control. -
MinValue - The MinValue property is the minimum value that can be set for the
<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" Height="25" Width="90" MinValue="0" MaxValue="100" />
updown.MaxValue = 100;
updown.MinValue = 0;
Minimum and Minimum validation
You can choose when to validate the maximum and minimum limit, while changing the values by using MaxValidation and MinValidation property.
OnKeyPress - On setting the MaxValidation or MinValidation to OnKeyPress, then the value in the UpDown control is validated soon after a key is pressed. So, it is not possible to provide any invalid input at all.
OnLostFocus - On setting the MaxValidation or MinValidation to OnLostFocus, then the value in the UpDown control is validated when the UpDown control loses focus. That is, the
will accept any value, validation will be happen only after control loose its keyboard focus. After validation, when the value of the UpDown control is greater than the MaxValue or lesser than the MinValue, the value will be changed automatically is set to MaxValue or MinValue respectively. -
MaxValueOnExceedMaxDigit - When you give input greater than specified maximum limit,
property will decide either it should retain the old value or reset to maximum limit that is specified. For example, ifMaxValue
is set to 100 and you are trying to input 200. Value will changed to 100 whenMaxValueOnExceedMaxDigit
is enabled. WhenMaxValueOnExceedMaxDigit
is false, 20 will be retained and last entered 0 will be ignored. -
MinValueOnExceedMinDigit - Similarly, When you give input lesser than specified minimum limit,
property will decide either it should retain the old value or reset to minimum limit that is specified.
<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" Height="25" Width="90" MinValueOnExceedMinDigit="True" MaxValueOnExceedMaxDigit="True" MaxValidation="OnKeyPress" MinValidation="OnKeyPress" MinValue="0" MaxValue="100" />
updown.MaxValidation = MaxValidation.OnKeyPress;
updown.MinValidation = MinValidation.OnKeyPress;
updown.MinValueOnExceedMinDigit = true;
updown.MaxValueOnExceedMaxDigit = true;
The AllowEdit property is used to restrict the editing in UpDown
control by setting it’s value to False
. The default value is True
<syncfusion:UpDown Name="upDown" Height="25" Width="90" AllowEdit="False" MinValue="0" MaxValue="100" />
updown.AllowEdit = false;