Covered Ranges in WPF GridControl

6 May 20214 minutes to read

This section explains the covered range of cells in WPF GridControl.

Creating covered cells

The range of cells can be covered by adding the CoveredCellInfo to the CoveredRanges collection. The CoveredRanges will be maintained in the GridCoveredCellInfoCollection collection.

grid.Model.CoveredRanges.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(2, 2, 5, 5));

Creating covered cells using QueryCoveredRange event

You can also covered the range of cells by using QueryCoveredRange event. This event will be raised for all the cells and you can set the range of cells by using Range property.

//Triggering the QueryCoveredRange event
grid.QueryCoveredRange += Grid_QueryCoveredRange;

private void Grid_QueryCoveredRange(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Grid.GridQueryCoveredRangeEventArgs e)
    //Checking the cell to start covered range.
    if(e.CellRowColumnIndex.RowIndex == 2 && e.CellRowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex == 2)
        //Set the range to be covered.
        e.Range = new CoveredCellInfo(2, 2, 5, 5);

        //Handled property has to be enabled to perform this customization.
        e.Handled = true;

Create the covered range in WPF GridControl


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Find whether a cell in covered range

When you want to find a cell in covered ranges, you can use the GetCoveredCell() method. If the specified cell with row index and column index is inside in GetCoveredCell, a range will be returned.

// Adding covered ranges
grid.Model.CoveredRanges.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(2, 2, 5, 5));

//Find the covered ranges
CoveredCellInfo coverRanges = grid.Model.CoveredRanges.GetCoveredCell(2, 3);
MessageBox.Show("Cover range for cell (2,3) is " + "R" + coverRanges.Left + "C" + coverRanges.Top + ":" + "R" + coverRanges.Bottom + "C" + coverRanges.Right);

Find the covered range in WPF GridControl


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Remove covered range at run time

You can remove the covered range at run time by using Clear() method.

//Removing the covered range from GridControl.

For example, If you want to remove the covered range at run time, create one button and set the Clear() method for covered range in click event of button.

    <syncfusion:GridControl Name="grid" Margin="10,20,0,0" />
    <Button Height="50" Width="100" Margin="400,200,0,0" Click="Button_Click" />
grid.Model.CoveredRanges.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(2, 2, 5, 5));

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

The below image provides covered range at run time before removing

Before remove the covered range at run time

The below image provides covered range at run time after removing

After remove the covered range at run time


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Extend covered range at run time

You can extend the covered range at run time by using Add() method.

For example, Create one button. Next, clear the current covered cell collection using Clear() method and create new covered cell ranges by using Add() method in this click event.


Before extend the covered cell range, you need to clear the covered range.

//Remove the current covered cell range

//Add new covered cell range
grid.Model.CoveredRanges.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(2, 2, 7, 7));

The below image provides covered range at run time before extending.

Before extend the covered range at run time

The below image provides covered range at run time after extending.

After extend the covered range at run time


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