Restrict Date Selection in WPF Calendar (CalendarEdit)

18 Feb 20258 minutes to read

This section explains how to restrict a date within a particular range by using CalendarEdit control.

Restrict date selection within minimum and maximum date

You can restrict the users from selecting a date within the particular range by specifying MinDate and MaxDate in CalendarEdit control.

<!--Setting date range -->
<syncfusion:CalendarEdit MinDate="05/1/2020" 
CalendarEdit calendarEdit = new CalendarEdit();
calendarEdit.MinDate = new DateTime(2020, 05, 01);
calendarEdit.MaxDate = new DateTime(2020, 05, 10);

CalendarEdit showing dates that are disabled


The MaxDate should be greater than MinDate of the CalendarEdit. If the MinDate property is greater than the new MaxDate, then the MinDate will be reset to the MaxDate.


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Show disabled dates

If you want to show the disabled dates which are not within the range of minimum and maximum date limits, use the MinMaxHidden property value as false. The default value of MinMaxHidden property is true.

<syncfusion:CalendarEdit MinMaxHidden="False"
CalendarEdit calendarEdit = new CalendarEdit();
calendarEdit.MinDate = new DateTime(2020, 05, 01);
calendarEdit.MaxDate = new DateTime(2020, 05, 10);
calendarEdit.MinMaxHidden = false;

Setting minimum and maximum value in WPF CalendarEdit


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Restrict date selection

If you want to restrict the user to select the date, use the DisableDateSelection property value as true. However, you can select any month or year. The default value of DisableDateSelection property is false.

<syncfusion:CalendarEdit Name="calendarEdit" 
calendarEdit.DisableDateSelection = true;

Restrict date selection in the CalendarEdit control


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Block dates

If you want to block particular dates from the date selection, add that date ranges to the BlackoutDates collection. You can add more block out date ranges to the BlackoutDates collection.

<syncfusion:CalendarEdit Name="calendarEdit">
        <syncfusion:BlackoutDatesRange StartDate="07/03/2020"
                                       EndDate="07/07/2020" />
        <syncfusion:BlackoutDatesRange StartDate="07/22/2020" 
                                       EndDate="07/25/2020" />
calendarEdit.BlackoutDates.Add(new BlackoutDatesRange() {
    StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 03),
    EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 07)});
calendarEdit.BlackoutDates.Add(new BlackoutDatesRange() {
    StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 22), 
    EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 25)});

Block particular dates in WPF CalendarEdit


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Custom appearance of blocked days

You can change the background and cross-mark color of the block out days by using the BlackoutDatesBackground and BlackoutDatesCrossBrush properties. You can also change the foreground and border color of the block out dates by using the BlackoutDatesForeground and BlackoutDatesBorderBrush properties. The default value of BlackoutDatesBackground is Transparent and BlackoutDatesCrossBrush is Black. The default value of BlackoutDatesForeground is White and BlackoutDatesBorderBrush is Transparent.

Blockout days custom appearance

<syncfusion:CalendarEdit BlackoutDatesBackground="Yellow" 
        <syncfusion:BlackoutDatesRange StartDate="07/03/2020"
                                       EndDate="07/07/2020" />
        <syncfusion:BlackoutDatesRange StartDate="07/22/2020" 
                                       EndDate="07/25/2020" />
calendarEdit.BlackoutDatesBackground = Brushes.Yellow;
calendarEdit.BlackoutDatesBorderBrush = Brushes.Green;
calendarEdit.BlackoutDatesCrossBrush = Brushes.Red;
calendarEdit.BlackoutDatesForeground = Brushes.Blue;
calendarEdit.BlackoutDates.Add(new BlackoutDatesRange() {
    StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 03),
    EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 07)});
calendarEdit.BlackoutDates.Add(new BlackoutDatesRange() {
    StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 22), 
    EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 07, 25)});

Blockout days custom appearance in CalendarEdit


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Hide previous and next month days

If you want show only the currently displaying month’s days without displaying previous and next month’s days, use the ShowPreviousMonthDays and ShowNextMonthDays property value as false. The default value of ShowPreviousMonthDays and ShowNextMonthDays property is true.

<syncfusion:CalendarEdit ShowPreviousMonthDays="False"
                         Name="calendarEdit" />
calendarEdit.ShowNextMonthDays = false;
calendarEdit.ShowPreviousMonthDays = false;

CalendarEdit display only the current month days


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Readonly support

If you want to restrict the user to select the date or month or year, use the AllowSelection property value as false. However, selected date can be changed programmatically in readonly mode and the user can only navigate to any month or year. The default value of AllowSelection property is true.

<syncfusion:CalendarEdit Date="08/12/2020"
calendarEdit.AllowSelection = false;
calendarEdit.Date = new DateTime(2020, 08, 12);

ReadOnly mode of the CalendarEdit control


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