Value formatting with WinUI NumberBox

28 Sep 20215 minutes to read

This section explains how to change the value format of the NumberBox control using NumberFormatter and CustomFormat properties.

Currency, percentage and decimal format

You can format the value of a NumberBox control using the CustomFormat or NumberFormatter property. By default, the value is formatted based on the current culture’s decimal format. The default value of NumberFormatter and CustomFormat properties are null.

The following example shows how to set CurrencyFormatter, DecimalFormatter and PercentFormatter for NumberFormatter property.


Refer here to know more about the formatting classes that can assigned for NumberFormatter property.

CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

// Format stock price in currency
stockPrice.NumberFormatter = new CurrencyFormatter(new RegionInfo(culture.LCID).ISOCurrencySymbol);

// Format product discount in percent
productDiscount.NumberFormatter = new PercentFormatter();

// Format worked hours in decimal
hoursWorked.NumberFormatter = new DecimalFormatter();

Using N, C, and P format values, we can apply numeric, currency, and percent custom formats in CustomFormat property.


When using both the CustomFormat and the NumberFormatter properties, the CustomFormat property takes high precedence.


You can apply various custom formats available in this page which are supported for double type.

// Format stock price in currency
stockPrice.CustomFormat = "C2";

// Format product discount in percent
productDiscount.CustomFormat = "P2";

// Format worked hours in decimal
hoursWorked.CustomFormat = "N2";

WinUI NumberBox customize format by NumberFormatter

Format the integer digits

You can change the decimal digits of the value in the NumberBox control using CustomFormat and NumberFormatter properties. For the NumberFormatter property, you can customize the decimal digits of the value using the IntegerDigits property in CurrencyFormatter, PercentFormatter, and DecimalFormatter classes.

CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
stockPrice.NumberFormatter = new CurrencyFormatter(new RegionInfo(culture.LCID).ISOCurrencySymbol) { IntegerDigits = 5};
productDiscount.NumberFormatter = new PercentFormatter() { IntegerDigits = 5 };
hoursWorked.NumberFormatter = new DecimalFormatter() { IntegerDigits = 5 };

For CustomFormat property, use the 0 format specifier to set the minimum number of decimal digits.


0 (Zero placeholder) replaces the zero with the corresponding digit present in the value; otherwise, zero appends with the leftmost position of the value.

// Format stock price in currency
stockPrice.CustomFormat = "$00000.00";

// Format product discount in percent
productDiscount.CustomFormat = "00000.00%";

// Format worked hours in decimal
hoursWorked.CustomFormat = "00000.00";

WinUI NumberBox customize decimal digits

Format the fractional digits

You can change the fractional digits of the value in NumberBox control using CustomFormat and NumberFormatter properties. For the NumberFormatter property, you can customize the fractional digits of the value using the FractionDigits property in CurrencyFormatter, PercentFormatter, and DecimalFormatter classes.

CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
stockPrice.NumberFormatter = new CurrencyFormatter(new RegionInfo(culture.LCID).ISOCurrencySymbol) { FractionDigits = 3 };
productDiscount.NumberFormatter = new PercentFormatter() { FractionDigits = 3};
hoursWorked.NumberFormatter = new DecimalFormatter() { FractionDigits = 3 };

For CustomFormat property, use the 0 format specifier to set the minimum number of fractional digits.


0 (Zero placeholder) replaces the zero with the corresponding digit present in the value.

stockPrice.CustomFormat = "$000.000";
productDiscount.CustomFormat = "00.000%";
hoursWorked.CustomFormat = "00.000";

WinUI NumberBox customize fractional digits

Apply custom format

You can apply custom formats to the NumberBox control using the 0 and # format specifiers. Using these format specifiers you can set the minimum and the maximum number of fractional digits in the CustomFormat property.

  • 0 (Zero placeholder) replaces the zero with the corresponding digit present in the value; otherwise, zero appends with the leftmost position of the value.

  • # (Digit placeholder) replaces the number sign symbol with the corresponding digit present in the value; otherwise, no digit will append with the value.

In the below example, the value of the CustomFormat property is #.00##, hence it will allow a maximum of 4 fractional digits and a minimum of 2 fractional digits.

stockPrice.CustomFormat = "$00.00##";
productDiscount.CustomFormat = "00.00##%";
hoursWorked.CustomFormat = "00.00##";

WinUI NumberBox customize fractional digits

Culture support

The culture support allows the control to be configured for a specific language. To configure this, use the culture property.

CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
NumberBox.Culture = ci;

WinUI NumberBox culture based custom format