Account settings for Syncfusion Report Server

This section explains the configuration to activate user accounts in the Report Server.

Account activation modes

There are two account activation modes available in the Report Server:

Automatic activation

When user activation set to Automatic Activation mode, user accounts will be activated automatically while adding users in the Report Server. But, account activation mails will not be sent.

Email activation

When users activation set to Email Activation mode, user accounts will not be activated while adding users in the Report Server and an account activation email will be sent to the email address with activation link to activate the Report Server account.

The activation link sent to the user will be valid for only 3 days. If users did not activate within 3 days, a new activation link can be sent again to the user from the user edit page. Refer to Activate Users section for more details.

The account will be in inactive status until the user activates the account from the activation email.


By default, the setting will be Automatic.

User Settings