Customizations in .NET MAUI Calendar (SfCalendar)

Each cell of the Month, Year, Decade and Century views can be customized in .NET MAUI Calendar (SfCalendar).

To get start quickly with our .NET MAUI Calendar customizations, you can check the below video.

Month cell customization

You can customize the calendar month view cell by using the MonthView property of SfCalendar.

<calendar:SfCalendar  x:Name="calendar" 
                TodayBackground="Pink" DisabledDatesBackground="Grey" SpecialDatesBackground="#FFEFD2" WeekendDatesBackground="#E2F9F3"/>
CalendarTextStyle textStyle = new CalendarTextStyle()
            TextColor = Colors.Black,
            FontSize = 12,

        this.calendar.MinimumDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15);
        this.calendar.MaximumDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(20);
        this.calendar.EnablePastDates = true;
        this.calendar.SelectableDayPredicate = (date) =>
            if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(3).Date || date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(6).Date || date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3).Date || date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(-6).Date)
                return false;

            return true;

        this.calendar.Background = Colors.PaleGreen.WithAlpha(0.3f);
        this.calendar.ShowTrailingAndLeadingDates = true;
        this.calendar.MonthView = new CalendarMonthView()
            WeekendDays = new List<DayOfWeek>

            TextStyle = textStyle,
            TodayBackground = Colors.Pink,
            TodayTextStyle = textStyle,
            DisabledDatesBackground = Colors.Grey.WithAlpha(0.3f),
            DisabledDatesTextStyle = textStyle,
            TrailingLeadingDatesBackground = Colors.Red.WithAlpha(0.3f),
            TrailingLeadingDatesTextStyle = textStyle,
            SpecialDatesBackground = Color.FromArgb("#FFEFD2"),
            SpecialDatesTextStyle = textStyle,
            WeekendDatesBackground = Color.FromArgb("#E2F9F3"),
            WeekendDatesTextStyle = textStyle,

Month view customization in .NET MAUI Calendar.

  • Special day predicate - The special day predicate decides whether the month cell date is a special date or not in the calendar. You can add a special date to the Calendar using the SpecialDayPredicate property, and you can also customize the special day text style and background of the Calendar using the SpecialDatesTextStyle and SpecialDatesBackground properties of MonthView. You can customize the special day with icons such as dots, hearts, diamonds, stars, and bells in the MonthView and also customize the icon color. If you do not wish to add any icon details, you can set them to be transparent.
<calendar:SfCalendar  x:Name="calendar"  View="Month">
this.calendar.MonthView.SpecialDayPredicate = (date) =>
    if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).Date)
        CalendarIconDetails iconDetails = new CalendarIconDetails();
        iconDetails.Icon = CalendarIcon.Circle;
        iconDetails.Fill = Colors.Red;
        return iconDetails;
    else if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(3).Date)
        CalendarIconDetails iconDetails = new CalendarIconDetails();
        iconDetails.Icon = CalendarIcon.Triangle;
        iconDetails.Fill = Colors.Blue;
        return iconDetails;
    else if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(4).Date)
        CalendarIconDetails iconDetails = new CalendarIconDetails();
        iconDetails.Icon = CalendarIcon.Square;
        iconDetails.Fill = Colors.Green;
        return iconDetails;
    else if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(5).Date)
        CalendarIconDetails iconDetails = new CalendarIconDetails();
        iconDetails.Icon = CalendarIcon.Heart;
        iconDetails.Fill = Colors.Red;
        return iconDetails;
    else if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(6).Date)
        CalendarIconDetails iconDetails = new CalendarIconDetails();
        iconDetails.Icon = CalendarIcon.Diamond;
        iconDetails.Fill = Colors.Blue;
        return iconDetails;
    else if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).Date)
        CalendarIconDetails iconDetails = new CalendarIconDetails();
        iconDetails.Icon = CalendarIcon.Bell;
        iconDetails.Fill = Colors.Black;
        return iconDetails;
    else if (date.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(8).Date)
        CalendarIconDetails iconDetails = new CalendarIconDetails();
        iconDetails.Icon = CalendarIcon.Star;
        iconDetails.Fill = Colors.Green;
        return iconDetails;

    return null;

Special day icon in .NET MAUI Calendar.


  • The Background color and text style will be applied based on the following order: selectableDayPredicate dates, special dates, disable dates, today date, weekend dates, trailingLeading dates, and normal dates.

Year cell customization

You can customize the calendar year, decade, and century views by using the YearView property of SfCalendar.

<calendar:SfCalendar  x:Name="calendar" 
                <Calendar:CalendarYearView TodayBackground="Pink" DisabledDatesBackground="Grey" LeadingDatesBackground="Red" />
CalendarTextStyle textStyle = new CalendarTextStyle()
            TextColor = Colors.Black,
            FontSize = 12,

        this.calendar.View = CalendarView.Decade;
        this.calendar.MinimumDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1);
        this.calendar.MaximumDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(8);
        this.calendar.EnablePastDates = false;
        this.calendar.Background = Colors.PaleGreen.WithAlpha(0.3f);
        this.calendar.ShowTrailingAndLeadingDates = true;
        this.calendar.YearView = new CalendarYearView()
            TextStyle = textStyle,
            TodayBackground = Colors.Pink,
            TodayTextStyle = textStyle,
            DisabledDatesBackground = Colors.Grey.WithAlpha(0.3f),
            DisabledDatesTextStyle = textStyle,
            LeadingDatesBackground = Colors.Red.WithAlpha(0.3f),
            LeadingDatesTextStyle = textStyle,

Decade view customization in .NET MAUI Calendar.


  • The Background color and text style will be applied based on the following order: selectableDayPredicate dates, disable dates, today date and leading Dates.

Year view text format

You can customize the month format of the Calendar by using the MonthFormat property in YearView.

<calendar:SfCalendar  x:Name="calendar" 
                <Calendar:CalendarYearView MonthFormat="MMMM" />
this.calendar.YearView = new CalendarYearView()
    MonthFormat = "MMMM",

Year view month format in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Selection cell customization

You can customize the selection cell background and text style in Month, Year, Decade, and Century view by using the SfCalendar.

  • Selection Background - The Selected date background can be customized by using the SelectionBackground property in SfCalendar. This property is used in Single, Multiple and in between selected date of Range selection.

  • Selection TextStyle - The Selected date text style can be customized by using the SelectionTextStyle property in MonthView. This property is used in Single, Multiple and start and end date of the selected date range of Range selection.

  • Start Range Selection Background - The Start range date background can be customized by using the StartRangeSelectionBackground property in SfCalendar. This property is used in Start range selected date of Range selection.

  • End Range Selection Background - The End range date background can be customized by using the EndRangeSelectionBackground property in SfCalendar. This property is used in End range selected date of Range selection.

  • Range TextStyle – The in between selected date range text style can be customized by using the RangeTextStyle property in MonthView. This property is used in between selected date range of Range selection.

<calendar:SfCalendar  x:Name="calendar" 
                      StartRangeSelectionBackground="Purple" EndRangeSelectionBackground="Purple" SelectionBackground="Pink">
CalendarTextStyle textStyle = new CalendarTextStyle()
            TextColor = Colors.Black,
            FontSize = 12,

        this.calendar.SelectedDateRange = new CalendarDateRange(DateTime.Now.AddDays(6).Date, DateTime.Now.AddDays(17).Date);
        this.calendar.View = CalendarView.Month;
        this.calendar.SelectionMode = CalendarSelectionMode.Range;
        this.calendar.StartRangeSelectionBackground = Colors.Purple;
        this.calendar.EndRangeSelectionBackground = Colors.Purple;
        this.calendar.SelectionBackground = Colors.Pink;
        this.calendar.MonthView.SelectionTextStyle = textStyle;
        this.calendar.MonthView.RangeTextStyle = textStyle;

Month view range selection in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Month cell appearance using DataTemplate

The month cell appearance can be customized using the CellTemplate property of MonthView in the SfCalendar.

    <Frame IsVisible="True" x:Name="frame" Background="White" HasShadow="False" CornerRadius="10"  HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" Margin="0" Padding="5">
        <calendar:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar"
                <calendar:CalendarMonthView CellTemplate="{Binding Template}">
                        <calendar:CalendarMonthHeaderView Background="#F1F7FF"/>
public class MonthTemplate
    private DataTemplate circleTemplate;

    private DataTemplate template;

    public DataTemplate Template
            return this.template;
            this.template = value;

    public MonthTemplate()
        this.circleTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
            Grid grid = new Grid();

            Border border = new Border();
            border.BackgroundColor = Color.FromRgba("#F5F5F5");
            border.StrokeShape = new RoundRectangle()
                CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(25)

            border.SetBinding(Border.StrokeThicknessProperty, "Date", converter: new DateToStrokeConverter());
            border.Stroke = Color.FromArgb("#0A3A74");

            Label label = new Label();
            label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Date.Day");
            label.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
            label.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
            label.Padding = new Thickness(2);
            border.Content = label;

            grid.Padding = new Thickness(1);

            return grid;

        this.template = this.circleTemplate;
internal class DateToStrokeConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var date = value as DateTime?;
        if (date.HasValue && date.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
            return 2;

        return 0;

    public object? ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

Month view data template in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Month cell appearance using DataTemplateSelector

You can customize the month cell appearance using the CellTemplate property of MonthView in the SfCalendar. The DataTemplateSelector for a calendar can be used to choose a different data template for each cell in the calendar based on the cell’s data. It allows customizing the appearance of a particular cell based on certain conditions.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="normalDateTemplate">
            <Grid Background = "Pink" >
                <Label HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="Black" Text="{Binding Date.Day}"/>
        <DataTemplate x:Key="todayDateTemplate">
            <Grid Background = "PaleGreen">
                <Label HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="Black" Text="{Binding Date.Day}"/>
        <DataTemplate x:Key="leadingTraililngDateTemplate">
            <Grid Background = "Purple">
                <Label HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="Black" Text="{Binding Date.Day}"/>
        <local:MonthCellTemplateSelector x:Key="monthCellTemplateSelector" 
                                         TodayDateTemplate="{StaticResource todayDateTemplate}" 
                                         NormalDateTemplate="{StaticResource normalDateTemplate}" 
                                         LeadingTrailingDateTemplate="{StaticResource leadingTraililngDateTemplate}"/>
    <calendar:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar" 
                        View="Month" >
            <calendar:CalendarMonthView CellTemplate="{StaticResource monthCellTemplateSelector}" />
public class MonthCellTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
    public MonthCellTemplateSelector()
    public DataTemplate NormalDateTemplate { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate TodayDateTemplate { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate LeadingTrailingDateTemplate { get; set; }

    protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, BindableObject container)
        var monthCellDetails = item as CalendarCellDetails;
        if (monthCellDetails.Date == DateTime.Today.Date)
            return TodayDateTemplate;
        else if (monthCellDetails.IsTrailingOrLeadingDate)
            return LeadingTrailingDateTemplate;
            return NormalDateTemplate;
this.calendar.View = CalendarView.Month;

Month view template selector in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Year cell appearance using DataTemplate

The year cell appearance can be customized using the CellTemplate property of YearView in the SfCalendar.

    <Frame IsVisible="True" x:Name="frame" Background="White" HasShadow="False" CornerRadius="10"  HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" Margin="0" Padding="5">
        <calendar:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar"
                <calendar:CalendarYearView CellTemplate="{Binding Template}">
public class DecadeTemplate
    private DataTemplate circleTemplate;

    private DataTemplate template;

    public DataTemplate Template
            return this.template;
            this.template = value;

    public DecadeTemplate()
        this.circleTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
            Grid grid = new Grid();

            Border border = new Border();
            border.BackgroundColor = Color.FromRgba("#F5F5F5");
            border.StrokeShape = new RoundRectangle()
                CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(25)

            border.SetBinding(Border.StrokeThicknessProperty, "Date", converter: new DateToStrokeConverter());
            border.Stroke = Color.FromArgb("#0A3A74");

            Label label = new Label();
            label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Date.Year");
            label.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
            label.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
            label.Padding = new Thickness(2);
            border.Content = label;

            grid.Padding = new Thickness(1);

            return grid;

        this.template = this.circleTemplate;
internal class DateToStrokeConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var date = value as DateTime?;
        if (date.HasValue && date.Value.Year == DateTime.Now.Year)
            return 2;

        return 0;

    public object? ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

Decade view cell template in .NET MAUI Calendar.

Year cell appearance using DataTemplateSelector

You can customize the year cell appearance by using the CellTemplate property of YearView in the SfCalendar. The DataTemplateSelector for a calendar can be used to choose a different data template for each cell in the calendar based on the cell’s data. It allows customizing the appearance of a particular cell based on certain conditions.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="normalDateTemplate">
            <Grid Background = "Pink" >
                <Label HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="Black" Text="{Binding Date.Year}"/>
        <DataTemplate x:Key="todayDateTemplate">
            <Grid Background = "PaleGreen">
                <Label HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="Black" Text="{Binding Date.Year}"/>
        <DataTemplate x:Key="leadingDateTemplate">
            <Grid Background = "Purple">
                <Label HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="Black" Text="{Binding Date.Year}"/>
        <local:MonthCellTemplateSelector x:Key="monthCellTemplateSelector" 
                                         TodayDateTemplate="{StaticResource todayDateTemplate}" 
                                         NormalDateTemplate="{StaticResource normalDateTemplate}" 
                                         LeadingDateTemplate="{StaticResource leadingDateTemplate}"/>
    <calendar:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar" 
                        View="Decade" >
            <calendar:CalendarYearView CellTemplate="{StaticResource yearCellTemplateSelector}" />
public class YearCellTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
    public YearCellTemplateSelector()
    public DataTemplate NormalDateTemplate { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate TodayDateTemplate { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate LeadingDateTemplate { get; set; }

    protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, BindableObject container)
        var yearCellDetails = item as CalendarCellDetails;
        if (yearCellDetails.Year == DateTime.Today.Year)
            return TodayDateTemplate;
        else if (yearCellDetails.IsTrailingOrLeadingDate)
            return LeadingDateTemplate;
            return NormalDateTemplate;
this.calendar.View = CalendarView.Decade;

Decade view template selector in .NET MAUI Calendar.