- Working with Document Conversions
- Converting Word document to PDF
- Rendering / Converting Word document to Image
- RTF conversion
- HTML conversion
- Text file
- Word to EPUB
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Conversion in Word Library
4 Feb 20253 minutes to read
Working with Document Conversions
The Essential® DocIO converts documents from one format to another format. Each file format document can be categorized as flow layout document or fixed layout document.
Flow layout document
- A flow document is designed to “reflow content” depending on the application.
- Does not contain any information about the position of its content.
- Dynamically renders the content by application at run time.
- Example: DOC, DOCX, HTML, EPUB, RTF, and TEXT file formats.
Fixed layout document
- This format of fixed document is like “what you see is what you get”.
- Maintains the fixed position for each content.
- Statically preserves the content in specified position.
- Example: Image and PDF.
Essential® DocIO can convert various flow document as fixed document by using our layout engine. Following conversions are supported by Essential® DocIO.
- Microsoft Word file format Conversions
- Word document to PDF
- Word document to Image
- RTF Conversions
- Text Conversions
- HTML Conversions
- Word document to ODT
- Word document to EPUB
Converting Word document to PDF
Essential® DocIO allows you to convert a Word document into PDF with a few lines of code. For further information kindly refer here.
Customizing the Word document to PDF conversion
Essential® DocIO allows you to customize the Word to PDF conversion with the following options:
- Allows to embed the TrueType fonts used in the converted PDF
- Allows to determine the quality of the charts in the converted PDF
- Allows to determine the quality of the JPEG images in the converted PDF
- Allows to reduce the Main Memory usage in Word to PDF conversion by reusing the identical images.
For further information kindly refer here.
Unsupported elements in Word to PDF conversion
Kindly refer the here for list of Unsupported elements in Word to PDF conversion
Rendering / Converting Word document to Image
Essential® DocIO supports to convert the Word document to images using RenderAsImages method. For further information kindly refer here.
RTF conversion
Essential® DocIO supports to convert the RTF document into Word document and vice versa. For further information kindly refer here.
HTML conversion
Essential® DocIO supports converting the HTML file into Word document and vice versa. It supports only the HTML files that meet the validation either against XHTML 1.0 strict or XHTML 1.0 Transitional schema.
For further information kindly refer here.
Customizing the HTML to Word conversion
You can customize the HTML to Word conversion with the following options:
- Validate the HTML string against XHTML 1.0 Strict and Transitional schema
- Insert the HTML string at the specified position of the document body contents
- Append HTML string to the specified paragraph
For further information kindly refer here.
Customizing the Word to HTML conversion
You can customize the Word to HTML conversion with the following options:
- Extract the images used in the HTML document at the specified file directory
- Specify to export the header and footer of the Word document in the HTML
- Specify to consider Text Input field as a editable fields or text
- Specify the CSS style sheet type and its name
While exporting header and footer, DocIO exports the first section header content at the top of the HTML file and first section footer content at the end of the HTML file
For further information kindly refer here.
Supported Document elements
Kindly refer the here for the document elements and attributes are supported by DocIO in Word to HTML and HTML to Word conversions.
Text file
Essential® DocIO supports to convert the Word document into Text file and vice versa. For further information kindly refer here.
Word to EPUB
Essential® DocIO supports to convert the Word document into EPUB v2.0. It only supports in Windows Forms, UWP, WPF, ASP.NET Web and MVC platforms. For further information kindly refer here.