Multiple Selection
13 Jun 20231 minute to read
The FileExplorer allows the user to select multiple files by enabling the “AllowMultiSelection” property. The multiple selection can be done by pressing the “Ctrl” key or “Shift” key. You can select all the files in the directory by pressing “Ctrl + A”. The multiple selection is useful on copy pasting multiple files, deleting multiple files and downloading multiple files. In another way, multiple files can be selected by mouse down and drag over the desired files. In addition to that, additional files can be selected with the preselected file by holding the ctrl/shift key and drag the mouse over the files. Also, holding the ctrl/shift key and dragging over selected files will unselect the selected files.
The select event will be triggered when the items of FileExplorer control is selected.
Also unselect event will be triggered when the items of FileExplorer control is unselected.
For selecting files by mouse down and drag set
property as true.
In the view page, add FileExplorer helper and specify the multi selection as true
@*AllowMultiSelection property is true by default*@
Checkbox option
You can enable or disable the checkbox using “ShowCheckbox” API of FileExplorer
In the view page, add FileExplorer helper and disable the checkbox as shown below