
27 Mar 20181 minute to read

The tree grid control for JavaScript has built-in support for Sorting one or more columns.

Sorting Columns

Tree grid allows the items to be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the selected column by enabling the e-allowsorting property in tree grid control. The following code example shows how to enable Sorting in tree grid control.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-allowsorting="true">    

    Multicolumn sorting

    Tree grid allows you to sort multiple columns by clicking the desired column headers while holding the Ctrl key. The following code example shows how to enable Multicolumn sorting in tree grid control.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-allowsorting="true" e-allowmultisorting="true">

    The following screenshot shows the output of multicolumn sorting in tree grid control: