
The TreeGrid control has an option to search its content using toolbar search box. The toolbar search box can be enabled by using the toolbarItems in e-toolbarsettings property. The following code example explains how to integrate search textbox in toolbar.

  • HTML
  • <div id="angulartreegrid" ej-treegrid e-toolbarsettings="toolbarSettings"></div>
  • JS
  • var toolbarSettings =
        toolbarItems: [        
    angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
           .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function ($scope) {      
                  $scope.toolbarSettings = toolbarSettings;

    The below screenshot shows TreeGrid search with plan key word.

    Search Hierarchy Modes

    The tree grid supports different types of search mode through the searchHierarchyModeof e-searchsettings property.

    The following are the types of search modes available in the tree grid.

    Parent: This is the default search hierarchy mode in the tree grid. It displays a searched record with its parent records. If the searched records do not have any parent record, it displays only the searched record.

    Child: Displays the searched record with its child record. If the searched records do not have any child record, it displays only the searched record.

    Both: Displays the searched record with both its parent and child records. If the searched records do not have any parent and child records, it displays only the searched record.

    None: Displays only the searched record.

    The following code example shows how to set the searchHierarchyMode in the tree grid.

  • HTML
  • <div ej-treegrid id="treegrid" e-searchsettings="searchSettings" //…>
  • JS
  • angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.searchSettings = searchSettings;

    The following image depicts the output of the previous code example.

    The above screenshot shows Tree Grid with child search mode.