Context Menu

27 Mar 20184 minutes to read

The Context menu in tree grid control is used to manipulate (add, edit, and delete) the tree grid rows. In tree grid, context menu can be enabled with the e-contextmenusettings property. The e-contextmenusettings property contains two inner properties e-showcontextmenu and contextMenuItems.

The showContextMenu property is used to enable or disable the context menu, default value for this property is false.

The contextMenuItems property is used to add the menu items to context menu, this property renders Add and Delete options by default when the menu items are not provided.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... 
        var editSettings = {allowEditing: true , editMode:"rowEditing"}
        var contextMenuSettings = {showContextMenu: true 
                                    contextMenuItems:[ "add","edit","delete"]},
        angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                $scope.editSettings = "editSettings";
                $scope.contextMenuSettings = "contextMenuSettings";

    The following screenshot displays the context menu in tree grid control:

    ContextMenu Customization

    Context menu can be customized by adding a new custom menu item to it. In tree grid, context menu can be customized using the e-contextmenuopen client side event. This event is triggered when the context menu is rendered with mouse right click action. The following properties are available in the event:

    • headerText: Displays text for menu item.
    • menuId: Provides ID field for the created DOM element for custom menu item.
    • iconPath: Image location for menu item.
    • eventHandler: Client side event for menu item click.
  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... 
            var contextMenuSettings = {
                showContextMenu: true
            function customMenu(args) {
                    headerText: "Custom Menu",
                    menuId: "customMenu",
                    iconPath: "url(.../images/customMenu.png)",
                    eventHandler: customMenuClick,
            function customMenuClick(args) {
                // ...
            angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                    $scope.customMenu = "customMenu";
                    $scope.contextMenuSettings = "contextMenuSettings";

    The following screenshot displays the customization of context menu in tree grid control: