
27 Mar 201824 minutes to read

Column definitions that is specified in the e-columns option, defines how to display, format, and edit data in the e-datasource in tree grid control. The values in the e-datasource can be mapped to the appropriate column using the ‘field’ property of the corresponding column object.


The values in each column can be formatted using the ‘format’ property of column object.

The following example shows how to specify the numeric format string to display currency, percentage symbols, and date values in a column.

  • JS
  • <!doctype html>
    <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-columns="columns">
        var columns = [{
                field: "Percentage",
                headerText: "Percentage",
                format: "{0:P0}"
                field: "Currency",
                headerText: "Currency",
                format: "{0:C2}"
                field: "startDate",
                headerText: "Start Date",
                format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
                field: "endDate",
                headerText: "End Date",
                format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss}"
        angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                $scope.columns = "columns";

    Note: For more numeric format strings, refer to this link.

    For more date format strings, refer to this link.


    Header text

    Using the e-columns.headerText property, you can provide title for a specific column. The following code sample shows how to set header text for the columns.

  • JS
  • <!doctype html>
    <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-columns="columns">
            var columns = [{
                    field: "taskID",
                    headerText: "Task Id"
                    field: "taskName",
                    headerText: "Task Name"
                    field: "startDate",
                    headerText: "Start Date"
                    field: "endDate",
                    headerText: "End Date"
            angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                    $scope.columns = "columns";

    Text wrapping

    When the content exceeds the column width, you can wrap the header text or title of the column using the e-headertextoverflow property. By default this property is set to none. To enable header text wrapping , set the e-headertextoverflow property to ‘wrap’. The following code sample demonstrates this.

  • JS
  • <!doctype html>
    <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-headertextoverflow="wrap">        

    Header Template

    Using the e-columns.headerTemplateID property, you can specify the script element ID, which contains the JsRender template to the specific column.

    The following code sample shows how to set the header template.

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="resource">
                <div class="name">
                    <img src="" width="20" height="20" />
                <div style="position:relative; top:3px;">
        <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="projectName">
                    <img src="" width="20" height="20" />
                <div style="position:relative; top:3px;">
                    Task Name
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-columns="columns">
            var columns = [{
                field: "taskName",
                editType: "stringedit",
                headerTemplateID: "#projectName"
            }, {
                field: "startDate",
                editType: "datepicker"
            }, {
                field: "resourceId",
                editType: "dropdownedit",
                dropdownData: projectResources,
                headerTemplateID: "#resource"
            }, {
                field: "progress",
                editType: "numericedit"
            angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                    $scope.columns = "columns";

    The following screenshot depicts column headers with custom templates.

    Frozen Columns

    Specific columns can be frozen by enabling the e-columns.isFrozen property of the respective column object. The columns that are frozen remains static while scrolling the content horizontally. You can also freeze or unfreeze a column during runtime by selecting Freeze or Unfreeze menu item in the column menu. These set of menu options will be displayed in all the columns when the e-columns.isFrozen property is enabled in any of the columns. However, you can control the visibility of these menu options in a particular column by enabling or disabling the e-columns.allowFreezing property of that specific column.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-showcolumnchooser="true" e-columns="columns">
            var columns = [{
                    field: "taskID",
                    headerText: "ID",
                    width: 60,
                    isFrozen: true,
                    allowFreezing: false
                    field: "taskName",
                    headerText: "Task Name",
                    width: 200,
                    isFrozen: true
                    field: "startDate",
                    headerText: "Start Date"
                    field: "endDate",
                    headerText: "End Date"
                    field: "duration",
                    headerText: "Duration"
            angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                    $scope.columns = "columns";

    The following screenshot depicts tree grid with frozen columns.

    You can also freeze all the preceding columns by choosing Freeze Preceding Columns option in the column menu.


    You can resize the column width to view the hidden text of the cell. This feature can be enabled by setting the allowColumnResize property to true.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-allowcolumnresize="true">

    Column Template

    Columns can be customized either by using JsRender templates or by AngularJS templates.

    Using the e-columns.templateID property, you can specify the script element ID, which contains the template for the column. However, enable the e-columns.isTemplateColumn property for the specific column to display the custom template instead of default template.

    The following code example shows how to define template for the column.

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  TreeGrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-rowheight="50" e-columns="columns">
            var columns = [{
                    field: "taskID",
                    headerText: "Task Id",
                    width: "45"
                    field: "taskName",
                    headerText: "Task Name"
                    headerText: "Resource",
                    isTemplateColumn: true,
                    templateID: "columnTemplate",
                    textAlign: "center"
                    field: "resourceNames",
                    headerText: "Resource Name"
            angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                    $scope.columns = "columns";

    Column Menu

    Column menu can be displayed in column header by enabling the ‘e-showcolumnchooser’.

    The following are the items displayed in the column menu:

    • Column Chooser: Displays all the column names. You can enable or disable a column by selecting or deselecting the respective column name in the column chooser menu.
    • Sort Ascending & Sort Descending: Sorts the items in the column. These menu options will be displayed only when you set the e-allowsorting property to true. To perform multilevel sorting, the ‘e-allowmultisorting’ property should be enabled.
    • Freeze, Unfreeze & Freeze Preceding Columns: Freezes or unfreezes the columns. These set of menu options will be displayed in all columns when the e-columns.isFrozen property is enabled. However, you can control the visibility of these menu options in a particular column by enabling or disabling the e-columns.allowFreezing property of that specific column.
  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">                  
        <!--Add  TreeGrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid 
        e-allowsorting= "true" 
        e-allowmultisorting= "true" 
            var columns = [
                // ...  
                    field: "duration",
                    headerText: "Duration",
                    visible: false
                // ...  
            angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                    $scope.columns = "columns";

    Changing position of expander column

    The position of the expander column, which acts as tree column can be changed using the ‘e-treecolumnindex’ property.

    The following code example shows how to change the position of the expander column.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  treegrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-treecolumnindex="2">


    Columns can be hidden on loading by setting the ‘e-columns.visible’ property to false.

    The following code example explains how to hide the fourth column.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
        <!--Add  TreeGrid control here-->
        <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-columns="columns">
            var columns = [{
                    field: "taskID",
                    headerText: "Task Id",
                    width: "45"
                    field: "taskName",
                    headerText: "Task Name"
                    field: "startDate",
                    headerText: "Start Date"
                    field: "endDate",
                    headerText: "End Date",
                    visible: false
                    field: "progress",
                    headerText: "Progress"
            angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                    $scope.columns = "columns";


    A column can be made read-only by setting the e-columns.allowEditing property to false.

    Note: By setting columns.allowEditing to false, that specific column alone is made as read-only, and by setting editSettings.allowEditing to false, the entire tree grid is made as read-only.

    The following code sample demonstrates this.

  • JS
  • <body ng-controller="TreeGridCtrl">
       <!--Add  TreeGrid control here-->
       <div id="TreeGridContainer" ej-treegrid //... e-columns="columns">
          var columns = [{
                  field: "taskID",
                  headerText: "Task Id"
                  field: "taskName",
                  headerText: "Task Name",
                  allowEditing: false
                  field: "startDate",
                  headerText: "Start Date"
                  field: "endDate",
                  headerText: "End Date"
          angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
              .controller('TreeGridCtrl', function($scope) {
                  $scope.columns = "columns";