Getting Started

20 Feb 201816 minutes to read

This section explains briefly about how to create a PivotChart control in your application with Angular. This section covers only the minimal features that you need to know to get started with the PivotChart.

Getting started with SystemJS

To quick start with Syncfusion JavaScript Angular components run the below commands to clone the repository for SystemJS starter and installing required dependency packages.

  • > git clone -b systemjs
     > cd angular2-seeds
     > npm install

    The below steps describes to add component with above cloned seed application.

    Syncfusion JavaScript components source configuration and sample creation

    • Copy required Syncfusion Angular source component(s) from the below build location and add it in src/ej folder (For ex., consider the PivotChart component).
  • (Installed Location)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\25.1.35\JavaScript\assets-src\angular2\


    core.ts file is mandatory for all Syncfusion JavaScript Angular components. The repository having the source file from Essential Studio for JavaScript v25.1.35.

    • Create PivotChart folder inside src folder.

    • Create PivotChart.component.html view file inside src/PivotChart folder and render ejPivotChart Angular component using the below code example.

  • HTML
  • <ej-pivotchart></ej-pivotchart>
    • Create PivotChart.component.ts model file inside the folder src/PivotChart and create sample component using the below code example.
  • TS
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'ej-app',
      templateUrl: 'src/PivotChart/PivotChart.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['src/PivotChart/PivotChart.component.css'],
    export class PivotChartComponent {

    Configure the routes for the Router

    Before adding router configuration for above created ejPivotChart component, we recommend you to go through the Angular Routing configuration to get the deeper knowledge about Angular routing.

    • Now, we are going to configure the route navigation link for created PivotChart sample in src/app.component.html file.
  • HTML
  • <div>
            <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
                . . . .
                <li><a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="" href="#PivotChart" [routerLink]="['/PivotChart']">PivotChart </a></li>
    • Import the ejPivotChart sample component and define the route in src/app.routes.ts file.
  • import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
    . . . .
    import { PivotChartComponent } from './PivotChart/PivotChart.component';
    export const rootRouterConfig: Routes = [
        { path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
        . . . . 
        { path: 'PivotChart', component: PivotChartComponent }
    • Import and declare the Syncfusion source component and ejPivotChart sample component into app.module.ts like the below code snippet.
  • import { NgModule, enableProdMode, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';
    . . . . .
    import { PivotChartComponent } from './PivotChart/PivotChart.component';
    import { rootRouterConfig } from './app.routes';
    . . . .
      imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule, HttpModule, RouterModule.forRoot(rootRouterConfig, { useHash: true })],
      declarations: [. . . . , EJ_PIVOTCHART_COMPONENTS,PivotChartComponent],
      bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule { }


    This section covers the information that you need to know to populate a simple PivotChart with Relational data source.

    Control Initialization

    Add necessary HTML elements in PivotChart.component.html to render PivotChart

  • HTML
  • <ej-pivotchart []="data" [dataSource.rows]="rows" [dataSource.columns]="columns" [dataSource.values]="values" [commonSeriesOptions]="commonSeriesOptions" [size]="size" [primaryYAxis]="primaryYAxis" [legend]="legend">

    Create a CSS page and add necessary CSS elements for PivotChart

  • CSS
  • ej-pivotchart {
        display: block;
        height: 500px;
        width: 100%;
        position: inherit !important;

    Populate PivotChart with data

    Let us now see how to populate the PivotChart control using a sample JSON data as shown below.

    <ej-pivotchart []="data" [dataSource.rows]="rows" [dataSource.columns]="columns" [dataSource.values]="values" [commonSeriesOptions]="commonSeriesOptions" [size]="size" [primaryYAxis]="primaryYAxis" [legend]="legend" >
    export class PivotChartComponent {
        public data; rows; columns;values; size; legend; load; primaryYAxis; commonSeriesOptions;
        constructor() {
 = [
              { Amount: 100, Country: "Canada", Date: "FY 2005", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 2, State: "Alberta" },
              { Amount: 200, Country: "Canada", Date: "FY 2006", Product: "Van", Quantity: 3, State: "British Columbia" },
              { Amount: 300, Country: "Canada", Date: "FY 2007", Product: "Car", Quantity: 4, State: "Brunswick" },
              { Amount: 150, Country: "Canada", Date: "FY 2008", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 3, State: "Manitoba" },
              { Amount: 200, Country: "Canada", Date: "FY 2006", Product: "Car", Quantity: 4, State: "Ontario" },
              { Amount: 100, Country: "Canada", Date: "FY 2007", Product: "Van", Quantity: 1, State: "Quebec" },
              { Amount: 200, Country: "France", Date: "FY 2005", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 2, State: "Charente-Maritime" },
              { Amount: 250, Country: "France", Date: "FY 2006", Product: "Van", Quantity: 4, State: "Essonne" },
              { Amount: 300, Country: "France", Date: "FY 2007", Product: "Car", Quantity: 3, State: "Garonne (Haute)" },
              { Amount: 150, Country: "France", Date: "FY 2008", Product: "Van", Quantity: 2, State: "Gers" },
              { Amount: 200, Country: "Germany", Date: "FY 2006", Product: "Van", Quantity: 3, State: "Bayern" },
              { Amount: 250, Country: "Germany", Date: "FY 2007", Product: "Car", Quantity: 3, State: "Brandenburg" },
              { Amount: 150, Country: "Germany", Date: "FY 2008", Product: "Car", Quantity: 4, State: "Hamburg" },
              { Amount: 200, Country: "Germany", Date: "FY 2008", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 4, State: "Hessen" },
              { Amount: 150, Country: "Germany", Date: "FY 2007", Product: "Van", Quantity: 3, State: "Nordrhein-Westfalen" },
              { Amount: 100, Country: "Germany", Date: "FY 2005", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 2, State: "Saarland" },
              { Amount: 150, Country: "United Kingdom", Date: "FY 2008", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 5, State: "England" },
              { Amount: 250, Country: "United States", Date: "FY 2007", Product: "Car", Quantity: 4, State: "Alabama" },
              { Amount: 200, Country: "United States", Date: "FY 2005", Product: "Van", Quantity: 4, State: "California" },
              { Amount: 100, Country: "United States", Date: "FY 2006", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 2, State: "Colorado" },
              { Amount: 150, Country: "United States", Date: "FY 2008", Product: "Car", Quantity: 3, State: "New Mexico" },
              { Amount: 200, Country: "United States", Date: "FY 2005", Product: "Bike", Quantity: 4, State: "New York" },
              { Amount: 250, Country: "United States", Date: "FY 2008", Product: "Car", Quantity: 3, State: "North Carolina" },
              { Amount: 300, Country: "United States", Date: "FY 2007", Product: "Van", Quantity: 4, State: "South Carolina" }
          this.rows = [{ fieldName: "Country", fieldCaption: "Country" }, { fieldName: "State", fieldCaption: "State" }];
          this.columns = [{ fieldName: "Product", fieldCaption: "Product" }];
          this.values = [{ fieldName: "Amount", fieldCaption: "Amount" }];
          this.size = { height: "460px", width: "950px" };
          this.legend = { visible: true };
          this.load = "loadTheme";
          this.commonSeriesOptions = { enableAnimation: true, type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column, tooltip: { visible: true } };
          this.primaryYAxis = { title: { text: "Amount" } };

    The above code will generate a simple PivotChart displaying Amount over products across different regions.


    This section covers the information that you need to know to populate a simple PivotChart with OLAP data source.

    Control Initialization

    Add necessary HTML elements in PivotChart.component.html to render PivotChart

    <ej-pivotchart"" dataSource.catalog="Adventure Works DW 2008 SE" dataSource.cube="Adventure Works" [dataSource.rows]="rows" [dataSource.columns]="columns" [dataSource.values]="values"  [commonSeriesOptions]="commonSeriesOptions" [size]="size" [primaryXAxis]="primaryXAxis" [primaryYAxis]="primaryYAxis" [legend]="legend" >
    export class PivotChartComponent {

    Create a CSS page and add necessary CSS elements for PivotChart

  • CSS
  • ej-pivotchart {
        display: block;
        height: 500px;
        width: 100%; 
        position: inherit !important;

    Populate PivotChart with data

    Let us now see how to populate the PivotChart control using a sample JSON data as shown below.

    <ej-pivotchart []="data" [dataSource.catalog]="catalog" [dataSource.cube]="cube" [dataSource.rows]="rows" [dataSource.columns]="columns" [dataSource.values]="values"  [commonSeriesOptions]="commonSeriesOptions" [size]="size" [primaryXAxis]="primaryXAxis" [primaryYAxis]="primaryYAxis" [legend]="legend" >
    import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'ej-app',
      templateUrl: 'src/PivotChart/PivotChart.component.html', //give the path file for PivotChart component html file.
      styleUrls: ['src/PivotChart/PivotChart.component.css'],  //give the path file for PivotChart component css file.
    export class PivotChartComponent {
        public data; cube; catalog; rows; columns;values;size; legend; load; primaryXAxis; primaryYAxis; type; commonSeriesOptions;
        constructor() {
 = "";
          this.cube = "Adventure Works";
          this.catalog = "Adventure Works DW 2008 SE";
          this.rows = [{ fieldName: "[Date].[Fiscal]" }];
          this.columns = [{ fieldName: "[Customer].[Customer Geography]" }];
          this.values = [{ measures: [{ fieldName: "[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]", }], axis: "columns" }];
          this.size = { height: "460px", width: "950px" };
          this.legend = { visible: true };
          this.load = "loadTheme";
          this.commonSeriesOptions = { enableAnimation: true, type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column, tooltip: { visible: true } };
          this.primaryYAxis = { title: { text: "Customer Count" } };
          this.primaryXAxis = { title: { text: "Fiscal Year" }, labelRotation: 0 };
          this.type = "column";

    The above code will generate a simple PivotChart with internet sales amount over a period of fiscal years across different customer geographic locations.