
28 Sep 20173 minutes to read

PivotChart - Area Customization

Grid Bands Customization

By using the alternateGridBand property of the axis, you can provide different color for grid rows and columns formed by the grid lines in the Chart area. The properties odd and even are used to customize the grid bands at odd and even positions respectively.

<ej-pivotchart [primaryYAxis]="primaryYAxis">

export class PivotChartComponent {
    public primaryYAxis;
    constructor() {
        this.primaryYAxis = { 
                //Customizing horizontal grid bands at even position
                        fill: "#A7A9AB",
                        opacity: 0.1,


You can enable animation by using the enableAnimation property under commonSeriesOptions of the PivotChart control. This animates the Chart series on two occasions - when the Chart is loaded for the first time and when you change the series type by using the type property.

<ej-pivotchart [commonSeriesOptions]="commonSeriesOptions" [size]="size">

export class PivotChartComponent {
    public size; commonSeriesOptions; 
    constructor() {
      this.size = { height: "460px", width: "950px" };
      this.commonSeriesOptions = { 
            //Enabling animation in series
            enableAnimation: true,