Chart Title & Subtitle

7 Jun 20174 minutes to read


By using the title option, you can add the text as well as customize its border, background color and font.

  • TS
  • //Customize title font style
    this.titleFont = {
        opacity: 1,
        fontFamily: "Arial",
        fontStyle: 'italic',
        fontWeight: 'regular',
        color: "#E27F2D",
        size: '23px'
  • HTML
  • <ej-chart id="chartcontainer" title.text="Efficiency of oil-fired power production"
      title.background="lightblue" title.border.color="blue" [title.border.width]=2
        [title.border.opacity]=0.5 [title.border.cornerRadius]=4 [title.font]="titleFont">

    We can trim, wrap and wrapAndTrim to the chart title using textOverflow property. The original text will be displayed as tooltip on mouse hover.

  • HTML
  • <ej-chart id="chartcontainer" [title.enableTrim]="true" [title.maximumWidth]=150

    Title Alignment

    You can change the title alignment to center, far and near by using the textAlignment property of the chart title.

  • HTML
  • <ej-chart id="chartcontainer" title.textAlignment="near">

    Add Subtitle to the chart

    By using the subTitle option, you can add the subTitle to the chart title and customize its border, background.

  • TS
  • this.subTitle = {
        //Add subtitle to chart title 
        text: "( in a week )",
        //Change the title text background color
        background: "lightblue",
        //Customizing Chart subtitle border
        border: {
            color: "blue",
            width: 2,
            opacity: 0.2,
            cornerRadius: 4
        //Customizing Chart subtitle font 
        font: {
            opacity: 1,
            fontFamily: "Arial",
            fontStyle: 'italic',
            fontWeight: 'regular',
            color: "#E27F2D",
            size: '12px'
  • HTML
  • <ej-chart id="chartcontainer" [title.subTitle]="subTitle">

    We can trim, wrap and wrapAndTrim to the chart subtitle using textOverflow property. The original text will be displayed as tooltip on mouse hover.

  • TS
  • this.subTitle = {
        //Add subtitle to chart title 
        text: "( in a week )",
        //To enable the sub-title trim, wrap and wrap and trim
        enableTrim: true,
        //Setting maximum width to the sub-title
        maximumWidth: 50,
        //To trim the sub-title
        textOverflow: "wrap"
  • HTML
  • <ej-chart id="chartcontainer" [title.subTitle]="subTitle">

    Subtitle Alignment

    You can change the subtitle alignment to center, far and near by using the textAlignment property of the subTitle.

  • TS
  • this.subTitle = {
        //Change subtitle to text aligment
        textAlignment: "center"
  • HTML
  • <ej-chart id="chartcontainer" [title.subTitle]="subTitle">