Xamarin Rich Text Editor (SfRichTextEditor) Overview

20 Jan 20251 minute to read

The Xamarin Rich Text Editor control is a WYSIWYG editor that provides a great user experience for composing or editing rich text content from your Xamarin.Forms applications. Users can format their content using the standard toolbar commands.

Key features

  • Applies formatting such as bold, italics, and underline.
  • Applies font color and background color to the content.
  • Customizes the text size and selection.
  • Creates bulleted and numbered lists.
  • Allows hyperlink manipulations such as create, edit, and remove hyperlink.
  • Allows Undo and Redo editing action in Xamarin.Forms UWP.

Overview of Rich Text Editor


All platform

  1. RichTextEditor scroll view will not be working if the control is placed inside a ScrollView.
  2. To avoid rendering of the RichTextEditor out of the screen, it is highly recommended to set the MaximumHeightRequest property when the AutoSize is enabled.
  3. Toolbar will be hidden when the MaximumHeightRequest is beyond the keyboard region.
  4. The RichTextEditor control will allow only text or HTML text as the content of the editor. The RTF content can be loaded in the RichTextEditor control using the Essential® DocIO control.


  1. AutoFocus will not be working when AutoSize is enabled.
  2. Extra spaces will be added in the bottom of the RichTextEditor when the control is AutoSizing.
  3. The Focus and UnFocus events will not be triggered programmatically in the RichTextEditor.
  4. Custom toolbar will not working in the Xamarin RichTextEditor iOS because the control selection will be lost when clicking the elements in the custom toolbar.
  5. Set the CursorPosition based on the character count will not working in the Xamarin RichTextEditor iOS due to the control focus limitation.
  6. The custom toolbar will not support the sub toolbar in the Xamarin RichTextEditor iOS because the control selection will be lost when clicking the elements in the sub toolbar.


  1. ScrollBar will be visible by default.