Localization in Xamarin Masked Entry (SfMaskedEdit)

17 May 20211 minute to read

The special symbols such as currency symbol, date separator, decimal separator etc., can be localized to any specific culture using the Culture property.



. Decimal separator determined by current culture.
, Group separator determined by current culture.
/ Date separator determined by current culture.
: Time separator determined by current culture.
$ Currency symbol determined by current culture.
SfMaskedEdit maskedEdit = new SfMaskedEdit();
maskedEdit.Mask = "$ 0,000.00";
maskedEdit.Culture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");

Now the ‘$’ will be localized to ‘€’;‘.’ will be localized to ‘,’ and ‘,’ will be localized to ‘ ‘(single white space).

Localization support in Xamarin.Forms masked edit