Layout in Xamarin DataForm (SfDataForm)

13 May 202124 minutes to read


The data form supports linear and grid layouts. The DataFormLayoutManager creates the DataFormItemView, DataFormGroupItemView, and manages layout of label, editor, and validation label.

Linear layout support

By default, the data form arranges the fields one-by-one. It is applicable for both label positions: left and top.

When the label position is Left, the linear layout is shown as follows:

Arranging data form field in linear layout when label position as left in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

When the label position is Top, the linear layout is shown as follows:

Arranging data form field in linear layout when label position as top in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Grid layout support

By default, the data form arranges one data field per row. It is possible to have more than one date fields per row by setting the ColumnCount property which provides grid like layout for the data form.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
             xmlns:dataForm ="clr-namespace:Syncfusion.XForms.DataForm;assembly=Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms"
            <dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" ColumnCount="2"/>                    
dataForm.ColumnCount = 2;


Setting the ColumnCount property to SfDataForm does not arrange the data field in a group according to the column count. To set the column count for data fields in the data form group, refer to loading different layout for data form group

When the label position is Left, the grid layout is shown as follows:

Arranging data form field in grid layout when label position as left in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

When the label position is Top, the grid layout is shown as follows:

Arranging data form field in grid layout when label position as top in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Label visibility

You can hide the label by defining the DisplayOptions attribute or by handling AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event. In this case, only the editor will be loaded.

Using attributes

private double? percentage;

[DisplayOptions(ShowLabel = false)]
[Display(Prompt = "Enter percentage")]
public double? Percentage
        return percentage;
        percentage = value;

Using event

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null && e.DataFormItem.Name == "Percentage")
        e.DataFormItem.PlaceHolderText = "Enter percentage";
        e.DataFormItem.ShowLabel = false;

Hiding label of data form field in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Label position

Labels can be positioned either top or left side of the editor. By using the LabelPosition property, you can layout the label associated with editor.

By default, the label will be positioned at left side of the editor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
             xmlns:dataForm ="clr-namespace:Syncfusion.XForms.DataForm;assembly=Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms"
            <dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" LabelPosition="Top"/>                    
dataForm.LabelPosition = LabelPosition.Top;

Arranging data form field when label position as top in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Changing label position of the DataFormItem

You can change the label position using the LabelPosition property in DataFormItem, and it will be handled in the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}"  AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.RegisterEditor("Gender", "Segment");
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Gender")
            e.DataFormItem.LabelPosition = LabelPosition.Top;
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Address")
            e.DataFormItem.LabelPosition = LabelPosition.Top;

Arranging data form fields when label position mention for each in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Loading images for label

You can load image instead of label by defining attribute or by handling the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

Using attributes

To show the image as label, use the ImageName property in DisplayOptions attribute. Images will be taken from …\Resources\drawable folder in Xamarin.Forms.Android, …\Resources folder in Xamarin.Forms.iOS.

private string firstName;
[DisplayOptions(ImageName = "ContactInfo.png")]
public string FirstName
    get { return this.firstName; }
        this.firstName = value;

You can download the entire source code here

Using event

By using the ImageSource property in the DataFormItem, you can load the image as label.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;
private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "FirstName")
            e.DataFormItem.ImageSource = ImageSource.FromFile("ContactInfo.png");

You can download the entire source code here

Setting image to data form field in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Changing order of the DataFormItem

You can change the order of the DataFormItem by using attributes or by handling AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

Using attributes

You can set the order by using the Order property in display attribute.

public class ContactsInfo
    private string lastName;
    private string contactNo;       
    public ContactsInfo()


    [Display(Order = 2)]
    public string ContactNumber
        get { return contactNo; }
            this.contactNo = value;

    private string firstName;
    [Display(Order = 0)]
    public string FirstName
        get { return this.firstName; }
            this.firstName = value;

    [Display(Order = 1)]
    public string LastName
        get { return this.lastName; }
            this.lastName = value;

Ordering label of data form fields in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Using event

You can change the fields order by using the Order property in the DataFormItem.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "FirstName")
            e.DataFormItem.Order = 0;

Grouping data fields

It is possible to group some fields and set group name in the data form. You can expand or collapse the group by tapping the group item.

Grouping can be achieved by defining attributes or by handling the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

Using attributes

public class ContactsInfo
    private string lastName;
    private string contactNo;
    private string email;   
    private DateTime? birthDate;

    public ContactsInfo()


    private string firstName;
    [Display(GroupName = "Name")]
    public string FirstName
        get { return this.firstName; }
            this.firstName = value;
    private string middleName;
    [Display(GroupName = "Name")]
    public string MiddleName
        get { return this.middleName; }
            this.middleName = value;
    [Display(GroupName = "Name")]
    public string LastName
        get { return this.lastName; }
            this.lastName = value;
    [Display(GroupName ="Details", ShortName = "ContactNo.")]
    public string ContactNumber
        get { return contactNo; }
            this.contactNo = value;

    [Display(GroupName = "Details")]
    public string Email
        get { return email; }
            email = value;

    [Display(GroupName = "Details")]
    public DateTime? BirthDate
        get { return birthDate; }
            birthDate = value;

Using event

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;
private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "FirstName" || e.DataFormItem.Name == "MiddleName" || e.DataFormItem.Name == "LastName")
            e.DataFormItem.GroupName = "Name";
            e.DataFormItem.GroupName = "Details";

Assigning group to the data form fields through attribute in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Assigning group to the data form fields through event in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Changing order of the DataFormGroupItem

You can change the order of the DataFormGroupItem by using attributes. You can set the order of data form items in group by using the Order property along with GroupName property in display attribute.

public class ContactInfo
    private string lastName;
    private string contactNo;
    public ContactInfo()


    private string firstName;
    [Display(Order = 0, GroupName = "Name")]
    public string FirstName
        get { return this.firstName; }
            this.firstName = value;

    [Display(Order = 2, GroupName = "Name")]
    public string LastName
        get { return this.lastName; }
            this.lastName = value;

    private string middleName;
    [Display(Order =1, GroupName = "Name")]
    public string MiddleName
        get { return this.middleName; }
            this.middleName = value;

    private string email;
    [Display(Order = 1, GroupName = "Details")]
    public string Email
        get { return email; }
   = value;

    [Display(Order = 0, GroupName = "Details")]
    public string ContactNumber
        get { return contactNo; }
            this.contactNo = value;

Setting order to the grouped data form fields in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Changing group name for group

You can change the GroupName for the group in the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;
private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormGroupItem != null && e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Name")
        e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName = "Name Group";

Loading different layout for group

You can load linear or grid layout for the particular group by handling the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.
By setting the ColumnCount property in the data form, non-grouped items only will be arranged in the grid layout. To load the grid layout, set the ColumnCount for the DataFormGroupItem.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormGroupItem != null && e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Name")
        e.DataFormGroupItem.ColumnCount = 2;

Setting ColumnCount to the data form group fields in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Loading linear and grid layout for the group

public class ContactsInfo
    private string lastName;
    private string contactNo;
    private string email;   
    private DateTime? birthDate;

    public ContactsInfo()


    private string firstName;
    [Display(GroupName = "Name")]
    public string FirstName
        get { return this.firstName; }
            this.firstName = value;
    [Display(GroupName = "Name")]
    public string LastName
        get { return this.lastName; }
            this.lastName = value;
    [Display(GroupName ="Details", ShortName = "ContactNo.")]
    public string ContactNumber
        get { return contactNo; }
            this.contactNo = value;

    [Display(GroupName = "Details")]
    public string Email
        get { return email; }
            email = value;

    [Display(GroupName = "Details")]
    public DateTime? BirthDate
        get { return birthDate; }
            birthDate = value;
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormGroupItem != null && e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Name")
        e.DataFormGroupItem.ColumnCount = 2;

In the following image, for the Name group, the grid layout is loaded and for the Details group, linear layout is loaded:

etting ColumnCount to the data form fields in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Setting different column count

You can also set different ColumnCount for each group.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormGroupItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Name")
            e.DataFormGroupItem.ColumnCount = 2;
        else if (e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Details")
            e.DataFormGroupItem.ColumnCount = 3;

Setting ColumnCount to different data form fields in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Loading group in collapsed state

By default, the group will be loaded in expanded state. You can collapse the group by setting the IsExpanded property to false in the DataFormGroupItem.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormGroupItem != null && e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Name")
        e.DataFormGroupItem.IsExpanded = false;

Restricting the group expanding and collapsing

You can restrict the group being expanded or collapsed by setting the AllowExpandCollapse to false in the DataFormGroupItem.

In this case, the group will be shown without expander.

Expand and collapse the data form fields in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Restricting the group expanding and collapsing using events

You can restrict the group being collapsed by the GroupItemCollapsing event. The event occurs when a user tries to collapse a group. You can cancel the user action using the Cancel property of GroupItemCollapsingEventArgs.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" GroupItemCollapsing="DataForm_GroupItemCollapsing"/>
dataForm.GroupItemCollapsing += DataForm_GroupItemCollapsing;
private void DataForm_GroupItemCollapsing(object sender, GroupItemCollapsingEventArgs e)
            e.Cancel = true;

You can restrict the group being expanded by the GroupItemExpanding event. The event occurs when a user tries to expand a group. You can cancel the user action using the Cancel property of GroupItemExpandingEventArgs.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" GroupItemExpanding="DataForm_GroupItemExpanding"/>
dataForm.GroupItemExpanding += DataForm_GroupItemExpanding;
private void DataForm_GroupItemExpanding(object sender, GroupItemExpandingEventArgs e)
            e.Cancel = true;

Customize the group name when collapsing/expanding the group

You can customize the group name when you collapse the group using the GroupItemCollapsed event. It will be triggered when a group gets collapsed by the user. It will provide information about the collapsed group by using the GroupItemCollapsedEventArgs of the GroupItemCollapsed event.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" GroupItemCollapsed="DataForm_GroupItemCollapsed"/>
dataForm.GroupItemCollapsed += DataForm_GroupItemCollapsed;
private void DataForm_GroupItemCollapsed(object sender, GroupItemCollapsedEventArgs e)
            e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName = "City";

You can customize the group name when expanding the group using the GroupItemExpanded event. It will be triggered when a group gets expanded by the user. It will provide information about the expanded group by using the GroupItemExpandedEventArgs of the GroupItemExpanded event.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" GroupItemCollapsed="DataForm_GroupItemExpanded"/>
dataForm.GroupItemExpanded += DataForm_GroupItemExpanded;
private void DataForm_GroupItemExpanded(object sender, GroupItemExpandedEventArgs e)
            e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName = "Country";

Programmatically expand or collapse group

You can expand or collapse the group programmatically by using ExpandGroup and CollapseGroup methods respectively.



Changing DataFormGroupItem visibility

You can change the DataFormGroupItem visibility by using the IsVisible property in the DataFormGroupItem.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;
private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
	if(e.DataFormGroupItem != null )
        if (e.DataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Details")
            e.DataFormGroupItem.IsVisible = false;

Here, the Details group will be hidden.

Customizing DataFormLayoutManager

To customize the layout, override the DataFormLayoutManager and assign to the SfDataForm.LayoutManager property.

public class DataFormLayoutManagerExt : DataFormLayoutManager
    public DataFormLayoutManagerExt(SfDataForm dataForm) : base(dataForm)

dataForm.LayoutManager = new DataFormLayoutManagerExt(dataForm);

Customize group collapse icon

You can customize the group collapse icon using the GetGroupCollapseIcon method.

dataForm.LayoutManager = new DataFormLayoutManagerExt(dataForm);
 public class DataFormLayoutManagerExt : DataFormLayoutManager
        public DataFormLayoutManagerExt(SfDataForm dataForm) : base(dataForm)
        protected internal ImageSource  GetGroupCollapseIcon()
          return null;

Customize group expander icon

You can customize the group expander icon using the GetGroupExpanderIcon method.

dataForm.LayoutManager = new DataFormLayoutManagerExt(dataForm);
 public class DataFormLayoutManagerExt : DataFormLayoutManager
        public DataFormLayoutManagerExt(SfDataForm dataForm) : base(dataForm)
        protected internal ImageSource  GetGroupExpanderIcon()
          return null;

Changing padding

To customize the padding, override the below DataFormLayoutManager methods and assign to the SfDataForm.LayoutManager property.

  • You can change the editor padding by overriding the GetLeftPaddingForEditor and GetRightPaddingForEditor methods,

  • You can change the group header padding by overriding the GetLeftPaddingForGroupHeader and GetRightPaddingForGroupHeader methods.

  • You can change the group icon padding by overriding the GetLeftPaddingForGroupIcon and GetRightPaddingForGroupIcon methods.

  • You can change the label padding by overriding the GetLeftPaddingForLabel and GetRightPaddingForLabel methods, its applicable only for DataForm.LayoutOptions is Default.

  • You can change the validation label padding by overriding the GetLeftPaddingForValidationLabel and GetRightPaddingForValidationLabel methods, its applicable only for DataForm.LayoutOptions is Default.

dataForm.LayoutManager = new DataFormLayoutManagerExt(dataForm);
public class DataFormLayoutManagerExt : DataFormLayoutManager
    public DataFormLayoutManagerExt(SfDataForm dataForm) : base(dataForm)

    protected override int GetLeftPaddingForEditor(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       return 20;
    protected override int GetRightPaddingForEditor(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       return 50;
    protected override int GetLeftPaddingForGroupHeader(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       return 50;
    protected override int GetLeftPaddingForGroupIcon(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       return 50;
    protected override int GetLeftPaddingForLabel(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       if (dataFormItem.Name == "FirstName")
          return 50;
       return base.GetLeftPaddingForLabel(dataFormItem);
    protected override int GetLeftPaddingForValidationLabel(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       if (dataFormItem.Name == "FirstName")
          return 50;
       return base.GetLeftPaddingForValidationLabel(dataFormItem);
    protected override int GetRightPaddingForGroupHeader(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       return 50;
    protected override int GetRightPaddingForGroupIcon(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       return 50;
    protected override int GetRightPaddingForLabel(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       if (dataFormItem.Name == "FirstName")
          return 50;
       return base.GetLeftPaddingForLabel(dataFormItem);
    protected override int GetRightPaddingForValidationLabel(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
       if (dataFormItem.Name == "FirstName")
           return 50;
       return base.GetLeftPaddingForValidationLabel(dataFormItem);

Here, the LastName padding is customized.

Editor with left padding in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Customizing label and editor

By using DataFormLayoutManager class , you can customize the generated label by overriding the GenerateViewForLabel method and also you can customize the editor by overriding the OnEditorCreated method.Here, BackgroundColor and TextColor of label and editor is customized.

public class ContactsInfo
    public ContactsInfo()


    private string firstName = "Iris";
    public string FirstName
        get { return this.firstName; }
            this.firstName = value;

    private string lastName;
    public string LastName
        get { return this.lastName; }
            this.lastName = value;
dataForm.LayoutManager = new DataFormLayoutManagerExt(dataForm);

public class DataFormLayoutManagerExt : DataFormLayoutManager
    public DataFormLayoutManagerExt(SfDataForm dataForm) : base(dataForm)


    protected override View GenerateViewForLabel(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
        var label = base.GenerateViewForLabel(dataFormItem);
        if (label is Label)
            (label as Label).BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#ff9522");
            (label as Label).TextColor = Color.White;
        return label;
    protected override void OnEditorCreated(DataFormItem dataFormItem, View editor)
        if (editor is Entry)
            (editor as Entry).TextColor = Color.White;
        editor.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#0073dc"); 

Customization of label through LayoutManager in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Label width customization

You can set label and editor width proportionally by using LabelWidth and EditorWidth properties.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
             xmlns:dataForm ="clr-namespace:Syncfusion.XForms.DataForm;assembly=Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms"
            <dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" LabelWidth="1" EditorWidth="2"/>                    
dataForm.LabelWidth = 1;
dataForm.EditorWidth = 2;

Here, the available width is divided into proportionally for editor (2) and label (1).

Customization of label width in Xamarin.Forms DataForm


It is applicable only when LabelPosition is Left.

By default, the available width is divided equally for editor and label.

Spanning rows and columns

You can increase row height and column width by defining the DisplayOptions attribute or by handling AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

Row span

Using attributes

You can increase the row height by using the RowSpan property in theDisplayOptions attribute.

private string firstName;
[DisplayOptions(RowSpan = 2)]
public string FirstName
    get { return this.firstName; }
        this.firstName = value;

Using event

You can increase the row height of each DataFormItem using the RowSpan property and it will be handled in the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;
private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender,AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
if (e.DataFormItem != null)
if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "FirstName" )
e.DataFormItem.RowSpan = 2;

Here, FirstName field’s row height is increased.

Setting row span to data form item in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Column span

Using attributes

When the grid layout is used, you can increase the column width by using the ColumnSpan property in the DisplayOptions attribute.

dataForm.ColumnCount = 2;
private string firstName;
[DisplayOptions(ColumnSpan = 2)]
public string FirstName
    get { return this.firstName; }
        this.firstName = value;

Using event

When the grid layout is used, you can increase the column width of each DataFormItem using the ColumnSpan property and it will be handled in the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;
private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender,AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
if (e.DataFormItem != null)
if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "FirstName" )
e.DataFormItem.ColumnSpan = 2;

Setting column span to data form item in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Change DataFormItem visibility at runtime

You can change the field visibility by using the IsVisible property in the DataFormItem.

var dataFormItem = dataForm.ItemManager.DataFormItems["Name"];
if (dataFormItem.Name == "Name")
    dataFormItem.IsVisible = false;

Here, the Name field will be hidden.

Change DataFormGroupItem visibility at runtime

You can change the DataFormGroupItem visibility by using the IsVisible property in the DataFormGroupItem.

var dataFormGroupItem = dataForm.ItemManager.GetDataFormGroupItem("Name");
if (dataFormGroupItem.GroupName == "Name")
	dataFormGroupItem.IsVisible = false;

Here, the Name group will be hidden.

DataFormGroupItem visibility at runtime in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Programmatically scroll to specific editor

You can programmatically scroll to specific editor using the ScrollTo method by passing the property name.


Scroll to specific editor in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Changing the height of DataFormItem.

You can define the height of each DataFormItem using the Height property, and it will be handled in the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

You can define the Height as described as follows.

  • You can directly set the exact Height value; it considers the GridLength as GridUnitType.Absolute.
  • You can use the GridLength.Auto to size the height of DataFormItem, so that it fits to the label text that it contains.
  • You can use the GridLength.Star to display the default DataFormItem height.
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;
private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender,AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
   if (e.DataFormItem != null)
         if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Experience" || e.DataFormItem.Name == "Rating" || e.DataFormItem.Name == "Recommend")
             e.DataFormItem.Height = GridLength.Auto;
         if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Improvement")
             e.DataFormItem.Height = 200;

Data form item height in Xamarin.Forms DataForm