Floating label layout in Xamarin DataForm (SfDataForm)

8 Jan 202524 minutes to read

The Dataform supports floating label layout with support for assistive labels, leading and trailing icons, and a password toggle icon to show or hide a password. It provides three type of containers such as filled, outlined and none. Floating label layout can be enabled by setting DataForm.LayoutOptions to TextInputLayout.

Arranging data form field in floating label layout in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Layout options

By default, the dataform arranges the editors and their labels corresponding to the fields in stack layout. However, to enable the floating label layout set LayoutOptions property of DataForm or DataFormItem to TextInputLayout.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" LayoutOptions="TextInputLayout">
dataForm.LayoutOptions = LayoutType.TextInputLayout;

Changing layout options of the DataFormItem

You can change layout option by using the LayoutOptions property in the DataFormItem and it will be handled in the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Name" || e.DataFormItem.Name == "PhoneNumber" || (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Address" || e.DataFormItem.Name == "City")
            e.DataFormItem.LayoutOptions = LayoutType.TextInputLayout;

Arranging data form field in different layouts in Xamarin.Forms DataForm


TextInputLayout does not support item height customization when using the DataFormItem Height

Supported editors

Dataform supports the floating label layout for the following editors.

  • Text editor
  • Password editor
  • MaskedEditText editor
  • Numeric editor
  • MultilineText editor
  • Date editor
  • Time editor
  • Picker editor
  • DropDown editor
  • AutoComplete editor.

Container types

Containers enhance the perspective of dataform editor views and provide some contrast between editor view and assistive labels. Their border and assistive label color will be changed based on the dataform field validation.

By default, the container type is Outlined. By using the ContainerType property in DataForm or in DataFormItem, you can modify the container type to Filled or None.


The background color of dataform editor view will be filled with container color and it can be enabled by setting the ContainerType property to Filled in DataForm or in DataFormItem.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" ContainerType="Filled">
dataForm.LayoutOptions = ContainerType.Filled;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with filled container type in Xamarin.Forms DataForm


To enable the outlined container type, you can set ContainerType property to Outlined in DataForm or in DataFormItem which covers the editor view with rounded-corner.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" ContainerType="Outlined">
dataForm.LayoutOptions = ContainerType.Outlined;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with outlined container type in Xamarin.Forms DataForm


When setting the ContainerType property to None in DataForm or in DataFormItem container, it will have empty background and enough spacing.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" ContainerType="None">
dataForm.LayoutOptions = ContainerType.None;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with none container type in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Changing container type of the DataFormItem

You can change the container type of the DataFormItem by using the ContainerType property in the TextInputLayoutSettings of DataFormItem and it will be handled by the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "PhoneNumber")
            e.DataFormItem.ContainerType = ContainerType.Filled;
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "LastName")
            e.DataFormItem.ContainerType = ContainerType.None;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with multiple containers in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Leading view

Floating label layout supports leading view, which shows an icon view to the left of editor.

Unicode or font icons for the labels can be displayed as icons. By setting the LeadingView property in TextInputLayoutSettings of DataFormItem, a label can be added as a leading icon for editor view. By setting the LeadingViewPosition property, it can be placed either inside or outside the container. It is positioned outside by default.


Refer to the following links to learn more about font icons:

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Name")
            e.DataFormItem.TextInputLayoutSettings = new Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms.TextInputLayoutSettings()
                LeadingView = new Label()
                    VerticalTextAlignment = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? TextAlignment.Center : TextAlignment.Start,
                    FontSize = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? 18 : 24,
                    Text = "A",
                    FontFamily = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? "ContactsIcons" : Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android ? "ContactsIcons.ttf#ContactsIcons" : "Assets/Fonts/ContactsIcons.ttf#ContactsIcons"

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with leading view in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Trailing view

Floating label layout supports trailing view, which shows an icon view to the right of editor.

Unicode or font icons for the labels can be displayed as icons.By setting the TrailingView property in TextInputLayoutSettings of DataFormItem, a label can be added as a trailing icon for editor view. By setting the TrailingViewPosition property, it can be placed either inside or outside the container. It is positioned outside by default.


Refer to the following links to learn more about font icons:

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "PhoneNumber")
            e.DataFormItem.TextInputLayoutSettings = new Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms.TextInputLayoutSettings()
                TrailingView = new Label()
                    VerticalTextAlignment = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? TextAlignment.Center : TextAlignment.Start,
                    FontSize = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? 18 : 24,
                    Text = "I",
                    FontFamily = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS ? "ContactsIcons" : Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android ? "ContactsIcons.ttf#ContactsIcons" : "Assets/Fonts/ContactsIcons.ttf#ContactsIcons"

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with trailing view in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Enable password visibility toggle for password editor

Password toggle visibility in floating label layout is used to show or hide the visibility of characters in the dataform password editor. You can enable this toggle by setting the EnablePasswordVisibilityToggle property to true in DataFormTextItem.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}"/>
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null && e.DataFormItem.Name == "Password")
        (e.DataFormItem as DataFormTextItem).EnablePasswordVisibilityToggle = true;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with password toggle in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Assistive label

Assistive labels comprise of floating label or hint label, helper label, counter label and validation label.

Reserve space for assistive labels

The reserved spaces for assistive labels can be removed by setting the ReserveSpaceForAssistiveLabels property to false or it can be set to false automatically if there is no prompt value or water mark provider for DataformItem and/or no counter label added.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        e.DataFormItem.TextInputLayoutSettings = new Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms.TextInputLayoutSettings()
            ReserveSpaceForAssistiveLabels= true

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with reserved space between editors for assistive labels in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Hint label

The data field caption will be displayed as floating or hint label for the editor, and it will be enabled by using the Name or LabelText property.

Helper label

The helper label is used to display the water mark for the editor to provide hint for users and it can be set using Prompt.

The visibility of helper text in DataForm floating label layout can be collapsed by setting ShowHelperText to false in DataForm or TextInputLayoutSettings. In this case, DataForm Prompt text will be displayed as editor view hint text if the hint label visibility is collapsed using the ShowLabel property of DisplayOption or DataFormItem.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" LayoutOptions="TextInputLayout" ShowHelperText="False">
dataForm.ShowHelperText = false;

Changing helper text visibility of DataFormItem

You can remove the helper label of DataFormItem by setting the ShowHelperText property to false in TextInputLayoutSettings, and it will be handled using the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "PhoneNumber")
            e.DataFormItem.TextInputLayoutSettings = new Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms.TextInputLayoutSettings()
                ShowHelperText = false

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with helper label text as hint label text in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Validation label

The validation label used to display the dataform validation messages such as valid or invalid data. Refer validation to learn more about dataform validation.

Counter label

The counter label is can be used to notify the character count limitation in given validation. It can be enabled by setting the ShowCharCount property to true. Character limit can be set using the StringLength attribute.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null && e.DataFormItem.Name == "Password")
        e.DataFormItem.ShowCharCount = true;

private string _Password;

[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false, ErrorMessage = "Password should not be empty")]
[StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Password should not exceed 10 characters")]
public string Password
    get { return this._Password; }
        this._Password = value;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with counter label in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Appearance customization

The assistive labels and border color can be customized based on the editor view states and data validation.

Changing outline corner radius

When setting the OutlineCornerRadius property to double value, the corner radius of the container will be changed.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        e.DataFormItem.TextInputLayoutSettings = new Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms.TextInputLayoutSettings()
            OutlineCornerRadius = 30

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with outlined corner radius in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Focused color

When the given editor view is focused, the FocusedColor property value will be applied to the label text and border.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Name")
            e.DataFormItem.FocusedColor = Color.Violet;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized focused color in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Unfocused color

When the given editor view is unfocused, the UnfocusedColor property value will be applied to the label text and border.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Name")
            e.DataFormItem.UnfocusedColor = Color.Silver;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized unfocused color in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Error message color

In case of invalid data, the ErrorMessageColor will be applied to the error label, hint label and border.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Name")
            e.DataFormItem.ErrorMessageColor = Color.DarkRed;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized error message color in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Valid message color

In case of valid data,the ValidMessageColor will be applied to the valid message label , hint label and border.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem1(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "Name")
            e.DataFormItem.ValidMessageColor = Color.BlueViolet;

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized validation message color in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Customize the background color of editor view

The floating label layout editor view background color can be customized by setting the ContainerBackgroundColor property of DataForm or TextInputLayoutSettings. It is applicable when the ContainerType is set to Filled or Outlined.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" LayoutOptions="TextInputLayout" ContainerBackgroundColor="Silver">
dataForm.ContainerBackgroundColor = Color.Silver;

Customize the editor view background color of DataFormItem

You can change the editor view background color of DataFormItem using the ContainerBackgroundColor property in TextInputLayoutSettings, and it will be handled using the AutoGeneratingDataFormItem event.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}" AutoGeneratingDataFormItem="DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem">
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null)
        if (e.DataFormItem.Name == "PhoneNumber")
            e.DataFormItem.TextInputLayoutSettings = new Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms.TextInputLayoutSettings()
                ContainerBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E6EEF9")

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized background color of editor view in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Font customization

You can customize the font of assistive labels by setting the FontFamily, FontSize, and FontAttributes properties of the LabelStyle property.

Hint label style

You can customize the text of hint label by setting the FontFamily, FontSize, and FontAttributes properties of HintLabelStyle in DataFormItem.

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized hint label text in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Helper label style

You can customize the text of helper label by setting the FontFamily, FontSize, and FontAttributes properties of HelperLabelStyle in DataFormItem.

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized helper label text in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Validation label style

You can customize the text of validation label by setting the FontFamily, FontSize, and FontAttributes properties of ValidationLabelStyle in DataFormItem.

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}"/>
dataForm.AutoGeneratingDataFormItem += DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem;

private void DataForm_AutoGeneratingDataFormItem(object sender, AutoGeneratingDataFormItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataFormItem != null && e.DataFormItem.Name == "Name")
        e.DataFormItem.HintLabelStyle  = new LabelStyle() { FontFamily = Device.OnPlatform("Lobster-Regular", "Lobster-Regular.ttf#Lobster-Regular", "Assets/Fonts/Lobster-Regular.ttf#Lobster"), FontSize = 16};

Arranging data form field in floating label layout with customized validation label text in Xamarin.Forms DataForm


  • It is recommended not to provide background color for editor view while customizing existing editor inside floating label layout.
  • It is recommended not to use non-editable custom editor views inside floating label layout such as range slider,etc.
  • It is recommended not to use the LayoutOptions attribute for setting default layout for data fields.
  • It is recommended not to use null values in Date Editor and Time Editor with text input layout in initial loading time and runtime in iOS platform.

Unsupported editors

Floating label layout do not support for the following non-editable editors.

  • RadioGroup editor
  • Segment editor
  • CheckBox editor
  • Switch editor


While using unsupported editors with DataForm layout option as TextInputLayout we can set layout options for unsupported editors’ data fields using this link

You can download the DataForm with floating labels sample in GitHub.