Accessibility in Xamarin DataForm (SfDataForm)

8 Jan 20252 minutes to read

The SfDataFormcontrol has built-in AutomationId support for inner elements. Please find the following table of Automation IDs for inner elements. To keep unique AutomationId, these inner elements’ AutomationIds are updated based on the control’s AutomationId. For example, if you set SfDataForm AutomationId as SfDataForm.AutomationId = ContactsInfo, then the Automation framework will interact with the text editor as ContactsInfoEnter FirstName. The following screenshots denote the AutomationIds for inner elements.

Floating label layout

Editor AutomationId Format Example
Text editor LabelText FirstName
Multiline text editor LabelText Address
Password Editor LabelText Password
Date Editor LabelText Birth Date
Time editor LabelText Birth Time
Dropdown Editor LabelText ItemName
AutoComplete Editor LabelText Country Input Field
Numeric Editor LabelText Value
NumericUpDown Editor LabelText Amount
Masked Editor LabelText Contact
Picker LabelText Name

AutomationId support Floating label layout in Xamarin.Forms DataForm
AutomationId support Floating label layout in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

Default Layout

Editor AutomationId Format Example
Text editor “Enter ” + LabelText Enter FirstName
Multiline text editor “Enter ” + LabelText Enter Address
Password Editor “Enter ” + LabelText Enter Password
Switch Editor "Toggle ” + LabelText Toggle TrackHours
Picker "Select ” + LabelText Select Name
Date Editor "Select ” + LabelText Select Birth Date
Time editor "Select ” + LabelText Select Birth Time
Dropdown Editor "Select ” + LabelText Select Team
AutoComplete Editor “Enter ” + LabelText Enter Country Input Field
Numeric Editor “Enter ” + LabelText Enter Value
NumericUpDown Editor “Enter ” + LabelText Enter Amount
Checkbox Editor "Checkbox ” + LabelText Checkbox Registered
Masked Editor “Enter ” + LabelText Enter Contact

AutomationId support Default layout in Xamarin.Forms DataForm

AutomationId support Default layout in Xamarin.Forms DataForm


SfDataForm provides support to move focus to editors using keyboard interaction.

Keyboard interaction is applicable only for UWP platform.

Key or Key combinations Description
Tab Moves focus to the next editor from currently focused editor.
Shift + Tab Moves focus to the previous editor from currently focused editor.

Customize key functionalities

To perform custom actions apart from the functions listed in the above table for keyboard keypress actions, implement your custom actions in the MoveToNextFocusableEditor and MoveToPreviousFocusableEditor overrides of custom layout manager class derived from the DataFormLayoutManager class and assign it to the SfDataForm.LayoutManager property.

The Tab, DownArrow, and RightArrow key pressed actions will call MoveToNextFocusableEditor. For Shift + Tab, LeftArrow, and UpArrow key pressed actions, MoveToPreviousFocusableEditor will be called. Keyboard behaviors can be restricted in override methods by returning false.

dataForm.LayoutManager = new DataFormLayoutManagerExt(dataForm);
public class DataFormLayoutManagerExt : DataFormLayoutManager
    public DataFormLayoutManagerExt(SfDataForm dataForm) : base(dataForm)

    public override bool MoveToNextFocusableEditor(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
        //Your logics here
        return true;
    public override bool MoveToPreviousFocusableEditor(DataFormItem dataFormItem)
        //You can restrict keyboard interactions by returning false
        return false;

The MoveToNextFocusableEditor can be applied to Android, iOS, and UWP platforms and will be called to Android and iOS platforms when pressing the tab key on the mobile keyboard. The MoveToPreviousFocusableEditor can be applied only to the UWP platform.