
8 Jan 20255 minutes to read

The sunburst chart provides support to select or highlight the segments. Selection can be enabled with the help of EnableSelection property.

Selection type

The SelectionType property allows you to select a segment based on the following categories:

  • Child: Highlights the selected segment along with its children in all levels.
  • Group: Highlights the entire group of the selected segment in a hierarchy.
  • Parent: Highlights the parent of the selected segment in the hierarchy.
  • Single: Highlights the selected segment alone.


The following code shows the Child selection type.


  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.Opacity = 0.5;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Child;


The following code shows the Group selection type.


  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.Opacity = 0.5;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Group;


The following code shows the Parent selection type.


  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.Opacity = 0.5;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Parent;


The following code shows the Single selection type.


  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.Opacity = 0.5;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single;

Selection display mode

The SelectionDisplayMode property provides the following selection options to highlight the segments:

  • By stroke
  • By Color
  • By opacity


This mode highlights the selected segment with the opacity specified in the Opacity property.


  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.Opacity = 0.5;           
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Group;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionDisplayMode = SelectionDisplayMode.HighlightByOpacity;


This mode highlights the selected segment using the brush specified in the SelectionBrush property.


  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;  
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionDisplayMode = SelectionDisplayMode.HighlightByColor;          
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionBrush = Color.Black;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Group;


This mode highlights the selected segment by applying stroke to it. The color and thickness of the stroke can be customized using the SelectionStrokeBrush and SelectionStrokeWidth properties.


  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionDisplayMode = SelectionDisplayMode.HighlightByStroke;           
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionBrush = Color.Black;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Group;


Selection Changed

This event occurs whenever you select the segment. You can get the SelectedSegment and IsSelected properties details as argument from SunburstSelectionChangedEventArgs handler.

Toast toast = new Toast(this); 

  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.EnableSelection = true;
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionDisplayMode = SelectionDisplayMode.HighlightByStroke;  
  sunburstChart.SelectionSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single;     

  sunburstChart.SelectionChanged += SunburstChart_SelectionChanged;   

  private void SunburstChart_SelectionChanged(object sender, SunburstSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.SelectedSegment != null)
         if (toast != null)

         if (e.SelectedSegment.CurrentLevel == 0)
             toast = Toast.MakeText(this, "Country : " + e.SelectedSegment.Category + "\n" +
                  "Employees Count : " + e.SelectedSegment.Value, ToastLength.Short);