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8 Jan 20252 minutes to read
The sunburst chart provides animation on loading and whenever the item source changes. Animation can be enabled by setting the EnableAnimation
property to true.
The following code shows enabling animation.
SfSunburstChart sunburstChart = new SfSunburstChart(this);
SunburstViewModel dataModel = new SunburstViewModel();
sunburstChart.ItemsSource = dataModel.DataSource;
sunburstChart.ValueMemberPath = "EmployeesCount";
sunburstChart.EnableAnimation = true;
sunburstChart.DataLabel.ShowLabel = true;
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "Country" });
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "JobDescription" });
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "JobGroup" });
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "JobRole" });
Animation duration can be controlled using the AnimationDuration
SfSunburstChart sunburstChart = new SfSunburstChart(this);
SunburstViewModel dataModel = new SunburstViewModel();
sunburstChart.ItemsSource = dataModel.DataSource;
sunburstChart.ValueMemberPath = "EmployeesCount";
sunburstChart.EnableAnimation = true;
sunburstChart.AnimationDuration = 2;
sunburstChart.DataLabel.ShowLabel = true;
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "Country" });
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "JobDescription" });
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "JobGroup" });
sunburstChart.Levels.Add(new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "JobRole" });
The following screenshot depicts animation of the sunburst chart with the specified duration.