Surface Types in WPF Surface Chart (SfSurfaceChart)

18 Aug 202112 minutes to read

Essential Surface Chart provides the following types to plot three dimensional data points.

  • Surface
  • WireframeSurface
  • Contour
  • WireframeContour


Surface charts are used to explore the relationship between three dimensional data.

The following code shows how to set the type of surface.

<chart:SfSurfaceChart ItemsSource="{Binding DataValues}"  XBindingPath="X"  Type="Surface"
                              YBindingPath="Y" ZBindingPath="Z" RowSize="{Binding RowSize}"
                              ColumnSize="{Binding ColumnSize}" >
SfSurfaceChart chart = new SfSurfaceChart();
            chart.Type = SurfaceType.Surface;
            chart.SetBinding(SfSurfaceChart.ItemsSourceProperty, "DataValues");
            chart.SetBinding(SfSurfaceChart.RowSizeProperty, "RowSize");
            chart.SetBinding(SfSurfaceChart.ColumnSizeProperty, "ColumnSize");
            chart.XBindingPath = "X";
            chart.YBindingPath = "Y";
            chart.ZBindingPath = "Z";

The following code specifies the view model data bound to the chart for surface type.

  • C#
  • public class Data
                        public double X { get; set; }
                        public double Y { get; set; }
                        public double Z { get; set; }
        public class DataViewModel
            public ObservableCollection<Data> DataValues { get; set; }
            public int RowSize { get; set; }
            public int ColumnSize { get; set; }
            public DataViewModel()
                DataValues = new ObservableCollection<Data>();
                DataValues = new ObservableCollection<Data>();
                double inc = 8.0 / 35;
                for (double x = -4; x < 4; x += inc)
                    for (double z = -4; z < 4; z += inc)
                        double y = 2 * (x * x) + 2 * (z * z) - 4;
                        DataValues.Add(new Data() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z });
                RowSize = 35;
                ColumnSize = 35;



    You can draw the wireframe or mesh, for the surface chart.

    <chart:SfSurfaceChart ItemsSource="{Binding DataValues}"  XBindingPath="X"  Type="WireframeSurface"
                                  YBindingPath="Y" ZBindingPath="Z" RowSize="{Binding RowSize}"
                                  ColumnSize="{Binding ColumnSize}" >
    SfSurfaceChart chart = new SfSurfaceChart();
                chart.Type = SurfaceType.WireframeSurface;
                chart.SetBinding(SfSurfaceChart.ItemsSourceProperty, "DataValues");
                chart.SetBinding(SfSurfaceChart.RowSizeProperty, "RowSize");
                chart.SetBinding(SfSurfaceChart.ColumnSizeProperty, "ColumnSize");
                chart.XBindingPath = "X";
                chart.YBindingPath = "Y";
                chart.ZBindingPath = "Z";



    Viewing the surface chart from the top is called contour. It is a graphical technique that represents the three dimensional surface in a two dimensional format.

    <chart:SfSurfaceChart ItemsSource="{Binding DataValues}"  XBindingPath="X"  Type="Contour" Rotate="0"
                                  YBindingPath="Y" ZBindingPath="Z" RowSize="{Binding RowSize}"
                                  ColumnSize="{Binding ColumnSize}" >
                    <chart:ChartColorBar ShowLabel="True" DockPosition="Right"/>
    SfSurfaceChart chart = new SfSurfaceChart();
                chart.Type = SurfaceType.Contour;
                chart.Rotate = 0;
                ChartColorBar colorBar = new ChartColorBar();
                colorBar.DockPosition = ChartDock.Right;
                colorBar.ShowLabel = true;
                chart.ColorBar = colorBar;          

    The following code specifies the view model data bound to the chart for contour type.

  • C#
  • private void SetData()
                int x = 0;
                for (double i = -10; i <= 10; i++, x++)
                    int z = 0;
                    for (double j = -10; j <= 10; j++, z++)
                        double y = i * Math.Sin(j) + j * Math.Sin(i);
                        chart.Data.AddPoints(x, y, z);
                chart.RowSize = 21;
                chart.ColumnSize = 21;



    You can draw the wireframe or mesh for the contour chart

    <chart:SfSurfaceChart ItemsSource="{Binding DataValues}"  XBindingPath="X"  Type="WireframeContour"
                                  YBindingPath="Y" ZBindingPath="Z" RowSize="{Binding RowSize}" Rotate="0"
                                  ColumnSize="{Binding ColumnSize}" > 
                    <chart:ChartColorBar ShowLabel="True" DockPosition="Right"/>
    SfSurfaceChart chart = new SfSurfaceChart();
                chart.Type = SurfaceType.WireframeContour;
                chart.Rotate = 0;
                ChartColorBar colorBar = new ChartColorBar();
                colorBar.DockPosition = ChartDock.Right;
                colorBar.ShowLabel = true;
                chart.ColorBar = colorBar;          
