Events in WinUI Masked TextBox

19 Dec 20232 minutes to read

This section provides information about the events available in the WinUI Masked TextBox control.

ValueChanging Event

The ValueChanging event occurs when the Value property is about to change in the Masked TextBox control. The MaskedTextBoxValueChangingEventArgs provides the following properties:

  • NewValue: Gets the current value of the Masked TextBox control.
  • OldValue: Gets the previous value of the Masked TextBox control.
  • IsValid: Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the input is considered valid based on the mask completion.
  • Cancel: Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be canceled.
private void MaskedTextBox_ValueChanging(object sender, MaskedTextBoxValueChangingEventArgs e)
    // Access the new and old values
    string newValue = e.NewValue;
    string oldValue = e.OldValue;

    // Check the validity of the input
    bool isValid = e.IsValid;

    // Cancel the event if needed
    if (newValue == "1234")
        e.Cancel = true;

    // Perform additional actions based on the value changing
    // ...

ValueChanged Event

The ValueChanged event occurs when the Value property is changed in the Masked TextBox control. The MaskedTextBoxValueChangedEventArgs provides the following properties:

  • IsMaskCompleted: Gets a boolean value indicating whether all the required inputs for the mask are completed.
  • NewValue: Gets the current value of the Masked TextBox control.
  • OldValue: Gets the previous value of the Masked TextBox control.
private void MaskedTextBox_ValueChanged(object sender, MaskedTextBoxValueChangedEventArgs e)
    // Access the new and old values
    string newValue = e.NewValue;
    string oldValue = e.OldValue;

    // Check if the mask input is completed
    bool isMaskCompleted = e.IsMaskCompleted;

    // Perform actions based on the value change
    // ...