Getting Started with WinUI DropDown Color Picker

7 Feb 20246 minutes to read

This section explains the steps required to add the WinUI DropDown Color Picker control and its color options such as gradient colors and RGB, HSV , HSL, CMYK and Hexadecimal solid color editors.

Control Structure

Structure of WinUI DropDown Color Picker control

Creating an application with WinUI DropDown Color Picker

In this walkthrough, you will create a WinUI application that contains the DropDown Color Picker control.

Adding control manually in XAML

To add DropDown Color Picker control manually in XAML , follow the below steps.

  1. Create a WinUI 3 desktop app for C# and .NET 5.
  2. Download and refer the following NuGet in the project.
  3. Import the control namespace Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Editors in XAML or C# code.
  4. Initialize the SfDropDownColorPicker control.

        Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
        <Grid x:Name="grid">
        <editors:SfDropDownColorPicker x:Name="sfDropDownColorPicker" />

Adding control manually in C#

To add the DropDown Color Picker control manually in C#, follow the below steps.

  1. Create a WinUI 3 desktop app for C# and .NET 5.
  2. Download and refer the following NuGet in the project.
  3. Import the DropDown Color Picker namespace Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Editors in C# page.
  4. Initialize the SfDropDownColorPicker control.

    using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Editors;
    namespace GettingStarted
        /// <summary>
        /// An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame.
        /// </summary>
        public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
            public MainPage()
                SfDropDownColorPicker sfDropDownColorPicker = new SfDropDownColorPicker();

DropDown Color Picker added in the winui application


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Select solid brush programmatically

You can select the solid color brush programmatically by setting the solid color brush value to the SelectedBrush property. The default value of SelectedBrush property is Blue.

<editors:SfDropDownColorPicker x:Name="sfDropDownColorPicker"
SfDropDownColorPicker sfDropDownColorPicker = new SfDropDownColorPicker();
colorPicker.SelectedBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);

Solid color programmatically selected from DropDown Color Picker


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Select solid brush interactively

You can select various solid color brush at runtime by selecting the color brush from the color spectrum and clicking OK button.

<editors:SfDropDownColorPicker Name="sfDropDownColorPicker"/>
SfDropDownColorPicker sfDropDownColorPicker =  new SfDropDownColorPicker();

Selecting a color brush from Dropdown Color Picker at runtime


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Switch between solid color channels

You can switch between required RGB, HSV, HSL or CMYK color brush channels by choosing it from the Combobox options.

<editors:SfDropDownColorPicker x:Name="sfDropDownColorPicker"/>
SfDropDownColorPicker sfDropDownColorPicker = new SfDropDownColorPicker();

Switch between different solid color channels in Dropdown Color Picker


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Change opacity of solid brush

You can change opacity of the selected solid color brush by using the A-Alpha value editor or delicate slider in the DropDown Color Picker.

<editors:SfDropDownColorPicker Name="SfDropDownColorPicker">
SfDropDownColorPicker sfDropDownColorPicker  new SfDropDownColorPicker();

Opacity value editor and slider in DropDown Color Picker


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Hexadecimal editor

You can select a solid color brush by entering the hexadecimal color value to the hexadecimal value editor. You can also get the selected color hexadecimal value by using the hexadecimal value editor.

<editors:SfDropDownColorPicker Name="sfDropDownColorPicker">
SfDropDownColorPicker sfDropDownColorPicker  new SfDropDownColorPicker();

Selecting a color from hexadecimal value editor


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Selected brush changed notification

The selected brush changed in DropDown Color Picker can be examined by using SelectedBrushChanged events. You can get the old and newly selected brush by using the OldBrush and NewBrush properties.

<editors:SfDropDownColorPicker SelectedBrushChanged="SfDropDownColorPicker_SelectedBrushChanged"
sfDropDownColorPicker.SelectedBrushChanged += SfDropDownColorPicker_SelectedBrushChanged;

You can handle the event as follows,

private void SfDropDownColorPicker_SelectedBrushChanged(object sender, SelectedBrushChangedEventArgs args) {
    var old_selectedBrush = args.OldBrush;
    var new_selectedBrush = args.NewBrush;