Appointments in UWP Scheduler (SfSchedule)

18 Aug 202124 minutes to read

SfSchedule control has a built-in capability to handle the appointment arrangement internally based on the ScheduleAppointmentCollection. ScheduleAppointment is a class, which holds the details about the appointment to be rendered in schedule.

  • C#
  • // Creating an instance for schedule appointment collection
                ScheduleAppointmentCollection scheduleAppointmentCollection = new ScheduleAppointmentCollection();
                //Adding schedule appointment in schedule appointment collection 
                scheduleAppointmentCollection.Add(new ScheduleAppointment()
                    StartTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(10),
                    EndTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(12),
                    Subject = "Meeting",
                    Location = "Hutchison road",
                //Adding schedule appointment collection to SfSchedule DataSource
                schedule.Appointments = scheduleAppointmentCollection;

    UWP SfSchedule displays meeting time


    Schedule supports full data binding to any type of IEnumerable source. Specify the ScheduleAppointmentMapping attributes to map the properties in the underlying data source to the schedule appointments.

    Property Name Description
    StartTimeMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for StartTime of ScheduleAppointment.
    StartTimeZoneMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for start time zone of ScheduleAppointment.
    EndTimeMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for EndTime of ScheduleAppointment.
    EndTimeZoneMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for End Time zone of ScheduleAppointment.
    SubjectMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for Subject of ScheduleAppointment.
    AppointmentBackgroundMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for Background of ScheduleAppointment.
    AllDayMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for IsAllDay of ScheduleAppointment.
    RecurrenceRuleMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for RecurrenceRule of ScheduleAppointment.
    NotesMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for Notes of ScheduleAppointment.
    LocationMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for Location of ScheduleAppointment.
    IsRecursiveMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for IsRecursive of ScheduleAppointment.
    DisplayNameMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for Display Name of ScheduleAppointment.
    ReadOnlyMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for read only appointment of ScheduleAppointment.
    RecurrenceProperitesMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for Recurrence Properites of ScheduleAppointment.
    RecurrenceTypeMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for RecurrenceType of ScheduleAppointment.
    ReminderTimeMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for ReminderTime of ScheduleAppointment.
    ResourceCollectionMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for ResourceCollection of ScheduleAppointment.
    ResourceNameMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for ResourceName of ScheduleAppointment.
    StatusMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for status of ScheduleAppointment.
    TypeNameMapping This property is to map the property name of custom class which is equivalent for TypeName of ScheduleAppointment.


    CustomAppointment class should contain two DateTime fields and a string field as mandatory.

    Creating custom Appointments

    You can create a custom class Meeting with mandatory fields From, To and EventName.

  • C#
  • /// <summary>   
            /// Represents custom data properties.   
            /// </summary>   
        public class Meeting
            public string EventName { get; set; }
            public DateTime From { get; set; }
            public DateTime To { get; set; }
            public Brush Color { get; set; }


    You can inherit this class from INotifyPropertyChanged for dynamic changes in custom data.

    You can map those properties of Meeting class with our SfSchedule control by using ScheduleAppointmentMapping.

    // Schedule data mapping for custom appointments
                ScheduleAppointmentMapping dataMapping = new ScheduleAppointmentMapping();
                dataMapping.SubjectMapping = "EventName";
                dataMapping.StartTimeMapping = "From";
                dataMapping.EndTimeMapping = "To";
                dataMapping.AppointmentBackgroundMapping = "Color";
                schedule.AppointmentMapping = dataMapping;
    <syncfusion:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" ScheduleType="Week" ItemsSource="{Binding Meetings}">

    You can schedule meetings for a day by setting From and To of Meeting class. Create meetings of type ObservableCollection <Meeting> and assign those appointments collection Meetings to the ItemsSource property which is of IEnumerable type.

  • C#
  • // Creating instance for custom appointment class
                Meeting meeting = new Meeting();
                // Setting start time of an event
                meeting.From = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(10) ;
                // Setting end time of an event
                meeting.To = meeting.From.AddHours(1);
                // Setting start time for an event
                meeting.EventName = "Anniversary";
                // Setting color for an event
                meeting.Color = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
                // Creating instance for collection of custom appointments
               var  Meetings = new ObservableCollection<Meeting>();
                // Adding a custom appointment in CustomAppointmentCollection
                // Adding custom appointments in SfSchedule DataSource
                schedule.ItemsSource = Meetings;

    UWP SfSchedule displays applying color in scheduled time

    You can get the custom appointment in ScheduleTappedEventArgs of ScheduleTapped event in recurrence appointment.

  • C#
  • schedule.ScheduleTapped += Schedule_ScheduleTapped;
    private void Schedule_ScheduleTapped(object sender, ScheduleTappedEventArgs e)
        var appointment = e.Appointment as Meeting;

    Spanned Appointments

    Spanned Appointment is an appointment which lasts more than 24 hours.

  • C#
  • // Creating instance for custom appointment class
                Meeting meeting = new Meeting();
                // Setting start time of an event
                meeting.From = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(10) ;
                // Setting end time of an event
                meeting.To = meeting.From.AddDays(2).AddHours(1);
                // Setting start time for an event
                meeting.EventName = "Anniversary";
                // Setting color for an event
                meeting.Color = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
                // Creating instance for collection of custom appointments
               var  Meetings = new ObservableCollection<Meeting>();
                // Adding a custom appointment in CustomAppointmentCollection

    UWP SfSchedule displays applied colors in all scheduled date

    All Day Appointments

    All-Day appointment is an appointment which is scheduled for a whole day. It can be set by using IsAllDay property in the ScheduleAppointment.

  • C#
  • // Creating an instance for schedule appointment collection
                ScheduleAppointmentCollection scheduleAppointmentCollection = new ScheduleAppointmentCollection();
                //Adding schedule appointment in schedule appointment collection 
                scheduleAppointmentCollection.Add(new ScheduleAppointment()
                    StartTime = new DateTime(2017, 05, 08, 10, 0, 0),
                    EndTime = new DateTime(2017, 05, 10, 12, 0, 0),
                    Subject = "Meeting",
                    Location = "Hutchison road",
                    AllDay = true
                //Adding schedule appointment collection to DataSource of SfSchedule
                schedule.Appointments = scheduleAppointmentCollection;

    All-Day Appointment Panel

    All-day appointment doesn’t block out entire time slot in SfSchedule, rather it will render in separate layout exclusively for all-day appointment. It can be enabled by setting ShowAllDay property of SfSchedule.

  • C#
  • schedule.ShowAllDay = true;

    All-Day panel background can be customized by setting AllDayAppointmentPanelBrush
    of the respective view settings.

  • C#
  • schedule.AllDayAppointmentPanelBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);

    UWP SfSchedule displays all day appointment

    Recurrence Appointment

    Recurring an appointment on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly interval. Recursive appointments can be created by enabling IsRecursive property in Schedule appointments.

    Recurrence Pattern

    Recurrence pattern used in the control are in iCal standard. Schedule control supports all four types of recurrence patterns.

    RecurrenceType RecurrenceProperties Description
    Daily DailyNDays Gets or sets the event to recur on a daily N intervals basis.
      IsDailyEveryNDays Checks whether the event occurs Daily Every N days.
    Weekly IsWeeklySunday Checks whether the event occurs every Sunday of week
      IsWeeklyMonday Checks whether the event occurs every Monday of week
      IsWeeklyTuesday Checks whether the event occurs every Tuesday of week
      IsWeeklyWednesday Checks whether the event occurs every Wednesday of week
      IsWeeklyThursday Checks whether the event occurs every Thursday of week
      IIsWeeklyFriday Checks whether the event occurs every Friday of week
      IsWeeklySaturday Checks whether the event occurs every Saturday of week
      NthWeek Gets or sets the event only nth week of the year.
      WeekDay Gets or sets the event every week day.
      WeeklyEveryNWeeks Gets or sets the event every N Weeks.
    Monthly SpecificMonth Gets or sets the event in a specific month.
      SpecificMonthDay Gets or sets the event in a specific month day.
      IsMonthlySpecific Checks whether the event is Monthly specific event
      MonthlyEveryNMonths Gets or sets the event every N Months.
      MonthlyNthWeek Gets or sets the event nth week of every month.
      MonthlySpecificMonthDay Gets or sets the event specific month day of Month.
      MonthlyWeekDay Gets or sets the event every week day of month.
    Yearly IsYearlySpecific Checks whether the event is Yearly Specific.
      YearlyEveryNYears Gets or sets the event occurs every N Years.
      YearlyGenericMonth Gets or sets the event occurs in generic month.
      YearlyNthWeek Gets or sets the event occurs yearly nth week.
      YearlySpecificMonth Gets or sets the event occurs yearly specific month.
      YearlySpecificMonthDay Gets or sets the event occurs yearly specific month day.
      YearlyWeekDay Gets or sets the event occurs yearly week day.
      EveryNYears Gets or sets the event every N Years.
    Common IsRangeEndDate Checks whether the event has Range end date
      IsRangeNoEndDate Checks whether the event has No Range end date
      IsRangeRecurrenceCount Checks whether the event has recurrence count.
      RangeEndDate Gets or sets the event range end date.
      RangeStartDate Gets or sets the event range start date.
      RangeRecurrenceCount Gets or sets the event range recurrence count.
      IsSpecific Checks whether the event occurs in Specific recurrence type.

    Adding Recurrence Appointment using Recurrence Builder

    Schedule appointment RecurrenceRule is used to populate the required recursive appointment collection in a specific pattern. RRULE can be easily created through RecurrenceBuilder engine by simple APIs available in Schedule control.

  • C#
  • // Creating an instance for schedule appointment collection
                ScheduleAppointmentCollection scheduleAppointmentCollection = new ScheduleAppointmentCollection();
                //Adding schedule appointment in schedule appointment collection 
                var scheduleAppointment = new ScheduleAppointment()
                    StartTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(10),
                    EndTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(12),
                    Subject = "Occurs every alternate day",
                    IsRecursive = true
                //Adding schedule appointment in schedule appointment collection
                // Creating recurrence rule
                RecurrenceProperties recurrenceProperties = new RecurrenceProperties();
                recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceType = RecurrenceType.Daily;
                recurrenceProperties.IsRangeRecurrenceCount = true;
                recurrenceProperties.DailyNDays = 2;
                recurrenceProperties.IsDailyEveryNDays = true;
                recurrenceProperties.IsWeeklySunday = false;
                recurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyMonday = true;
                recurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyTuesday = false;
                recurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyWednesday = false;
                recurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyThursday = false;
                recurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyFriday = false;
                recurrenceProperties.IsWeeklySaturday = false;
                recurrenceProperties.RangeRecurrenceCount = 10;
                recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRule = ScheduleHelper.RRuleGenerator(recurrenceProperties, scheduleAppointment.StartTime, scheduleAppointment.EndTime);
                // Setting recurrence rule to schedule appointment
                scheduleAppointment.RecurrenceRule = recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRule;
                //Adding schedule appointment collection to SfSchedule DataSource
                schedule.Appointments = scheduleAppointmentCollection

    UWP SfSchedule displays appointment in each two days

    Setting reminders

    Schedule reminds you the appointment in the specified time by setting the EnableReminderTimer property is true. The remainder time can be set using the ReminderTime property of ScheduleAppointment.


    Open package.appxmanifest file to the Application UI tab and select “Yes” from the “Toast capable” dropdown list to enable toast notifications in your application manifest.

  • C#
  • schedule.EnableReminderTimer = true;
                schedule.Appointments.Add(new ScheduleAppointment
                    StartTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(9),
                    EndTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(12),
                    AppointmentBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFf, 0xA2, 0xC1, 0x39)),
                    Subject = "Business Meeting",
                    ReminderTime = ReminderTimeType.TenHours
                schedule.Appointments.Add(new ScheduleAppointment
                    StartTime = currentDate.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(10),
                    EndTime = currentDate.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(16),
                    AppointmentBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFf, 0xD8, 0x00, 0x73)),
                    Subject = "Auditing",
                    ReminderTime = ReminderTimeType.TwoDays
                schedule.Appointments.Add(new ScheduleAppointment
                    StartTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(7).AddHours(10),
                    EndTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(7).AddHours(13),
                    AppointmentBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFf, 0xF0, 0x96, 0x09)),
                    Subject = "Conference",
                    ReminderTime = ReminderTimeType.TwoWeeks

    UWP SfSchedule displays applied colors in remind the appointment schedule

    Editing appointment

    The existing appointment can be edited by using the following ways.

    • Using Editor
    • Using Context menu

    Using Editor

    To edit the existing appointment, we need to double click on corresponding appointment and modify the existing data of selected appointment by using the editor displayed.

    Using Context menu

    The user can also use the Context menu to edit the selected appointment by selecting the Edit option in menu item, which opens the default editor of the schedule control.

    Appearance Customization

    The default appearance of the appointment can be customized by using the ScheduleAppointmentStyle property and ScheduleAppointmentLoaded. The event and property is used to customize or override the default template of the Appointments.

    Customize appearance using Style
    Customize appearance using Event
    Customize appearance using Custom View

    Customize appearance using Style

    Schedule appointment can be customized by setting appointment style properties such as AppointmentTextColor, AppointmentFontStyle, BorderColor, BorderCornerRadius, BorderThickness to the ScheduleAppointmentStyle property of SfSchedule.

  • C#
  • //Creating Appointment style 
                ScheduleAppointmentStyle appointmentStyle = new ScheduleAppointmentStyle();
                appointmentStyle.AppointmentTextColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                appointmentStyle.AppointmentFontStyle = Windows.UI.Text.FontStyle.Italic;
                appointmentStyle.BorderColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
                appointmentStyle.BorderCornerRadius = new CornerRadius(5);
                appointmentStyle.BorderThickness = new Thickness(5);
                //Setting Appointment Style 
                schedule.ScheduleAppointmentStyle = appointmentStyle;

    UWP SfSchedule displays editing the appointment details

    Customize appearance using Event

    Schedule appointment can be customized during runtime using ScheduleAppointmentLoadedEventArgs. ScheduleAppointment style can be customized using the ScheduleAppointmentStyle property.

    ScheduleAppointmentLoadedEventArgs has below properties,

    ScheduleAppointment – Contains the appointments values.
    ScheduleAppointmentStyle – Gets and sets the appointments style.
    View - Sets the Custom UI for Appointments.
    Bounds – Contains the UI bounds of appointment.

  • C#
  • schedule.ScheduleAppointmentLoaded += Schedule_ScheduleAppointmentLoaded;
         private void Schedule_ScheduleAppointmentLoaded(object sender, ScheduleAppointmentLoadedEventArgs args)
            if (args.ScheduleAppointment != null && (args.ScheduleAppointment).Subject == "Meeting")
                args.ScheduleAppointmentStyle.BorderColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
                args.ScheduleAppointmentStyle.BorderCornerRadius = new CornerRadius(5);
                args.ScheduleAppointmentStyle.BorderThickness = new Thickness(5);

    Customize appearance using Custom View

    Default appointment UI can be changed using View property passed through AppointmentLoadedEventArgs.

  • C#
  • schedule.ScheduleAppointmentLoaded += Schedule_ScheduleAppointmentLoaded;
             private void Schedule_ScheduleAppointmentLoaded(object sender, ScheduleAppointmentLoadedEventArgs args)
                    Button button = new Button();
                    button.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
                    if (args.ScheduleAppointment != null)
                        button.Content = (args.ScheduleAppointment).Subject;
                    args.View = button;


    Schedule control has built-in events to handle tapped and double tapped touch actions.


    These events will be triggered while perform respective touch actions in timeslots, month cells and in appointments. These events contain the same argument ScheduleTappedEventArgs which holds selected appointment and date time details in it.

    Appointment -  Contains the selected appointment value, it will be null, if any time slots selected.
    SelectedDate - Contains selected time slot DateTime value.
    SelectedResource - Contains selected time slot DateTime value.

  • C#
  • schedule.ScheduleTapped += Schedule_ScheduleTapped;
         schedule.ScheduleDoubleTapped += Schedule_ScheduleDoubleTapped;
        private void Schedule_ScheduleDoubleTapped(object sender, ScheduleTappedEventArgs e)
        private void Schedule_ScheduleTapped(object sender, ScheduleTappedEventArgs e)

    Selection customization

    The default selection of an appointment can be customized by using SelectionColor, SelectionTextColor properties in ScheduleAppointmentStyle property of SfSchedule. The property is used to customize or override the default selection of the appointments.


    BorderWidth value must be set to highlight SelectionColor.

    //Creating Appointment style 
            ScheduleAppointmentStyle appointmentStyle = new ScheduleAppointmentStyle();
            appointmentStyle.SelectionColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
            appointmentStyle.SelectionTextColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
                //Setting Appointment Style 
            schedule.ScheduleAppointmentStyle = appointmentStyle;
    <syncfusion:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" ScheduleType="Week" >
                    <syncfusion:ScheduleAppointmentStyle BorderThickness="10" 

    UWP SfSchedule displays applied styles for selec the appointment schedule

    Configuring resources

    The Schedule control allows you to define resources that can be assigned to appointments. Resources let you associate additional information with your appointments. The schedule can group appointments based on the resources associated with them.

  • C#
  • //creating appointments for resource
        ScheduleAppointment ScheduleAppointment = new ScheduleAppointment() 
            StartTime = currentDate, 
            EndTime = currentDate.AddHours(2), 
            Subject = "Meeting", 
            Location = "Chennai", 
            AppointmentBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green) 
        ScheduleAppointment.ResourceCollection.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName = "Dr.Jacob", TypeName = "Doctor" });
        //creating appointments for resource
        ScheduleAppointment ScheduleAppointment1 = new ScheduleAppointment() 
            StartTime = currentDate.AddHours(4), 
            EndTime = currentDate.AddHours(2), 
            Subject = "Meeting", 
            Location = "Chennai", 
            AppointmentBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green) 
        ScheduleAppointment1.ResourceCollection.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName = "Dr.Darsy", TypeName = "Doctor" });
        //Adding schedule appointments

    To configure the views based on resources, refer

    Configuring resources in Day View.
    Configuring resources in Week View.
    Configuring resources in Work Week View.
    Configuring resources in Month View.
    Configuring resources in Timeline View.

    UWP SfSchedule displays appointment assigned to the customers

    Resources customization

    You can customize the resources in a Timeline view by using the TimeInterval , IntervalHeight and ScheduleDateRange properties of schedule. You can also add the dates in the ScheduleDateRange collection that need to be displayed in a day view and timeline view of schedule.

            TimeInterval="Custom" CustomTimeInterval="1440"
            Appointments="{Binding AppointmentCollection}"
            ScheduleDateRange="{Binding DateRange}">
        <schedule:ResourceType TypeName="Doctors">
                        TypeName="Doctors" />
                        TypeName="Doctors" />
    public class SchedulerViewModel
        private ObservableCollection<DateTime> datecoll = new ObservableCollection<DateTime>();
        DateTime currentdate;
        public ScheduleAppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection { get; set; } = new ScheduleAppointmentCollection();
        public ObservableCollection<DateTime> DateRange{ get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<DateTime>();
        string[] subject = new string[]
                "Oncological Robotic Surgery",
                "Free Plastic Surgery Camp",
                "Seminar on Recent Advances in Management of Benign Brain Tumours",
                "Patient and Public Forum",
                "4th Clinical Nutrition Update",
                "Robotic GI Surgery International Congress",
        public SchedulerViewModel()
            Random randomValue = new Random();
            DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
            if (today.Month == 12)
                today = today.AddMonths(-1);
            else if (today.Month == 1)
                today = today.AddMonths(1);
            int day = (int)today.DayOfWeek;
            DateTime currentWeek = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-day);
            DateTime startMonth = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month - 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            for (int i = 1; i < 30; i += 2)
                for (int j = -7; j < 14; j++)
                    datecoll.Add(currentWeek.Date.AddDays(j).AddHours(randomValue.Next(9, 18)));
            ObservableCollection<SolidColorBrush> brush = new ObservableCollection<SolidColorBrush>();
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA2, 0xC1, 0x39)));
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xD8, 0x00, 0x73)));
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x1B, 0xA1, 0xE2)));
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xE6, 0x71, 0xB8)));
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xF0, 0x96, 0x09)));
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x33, 0x99, 0x33)));
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0xAB, 0xA9)));
            brush.Add(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xE6, 0x71, 0xB8)));
            int count = 0;
            for (int index = 0; index < 30; index++)
                currentdate = datecoll[randomValue.Next(0, datecoll.Count)];
                DateTime nextdate = datecoll[randomValue.Next(0, datecoll.Count)];
                ScheduleAppointment appointment1 = new ScheduleAppointment() { StartTime = currentdate, EndTime = currentdate.AddHours(randomValue.Next(0, 2)), Subject = subject[count % subject.Length], Location = "Chennai", AppointmentBackground = brush[index % 3] };
                appointment1.ResourceCollection.Add(new Resource() { TypeName = "Doctors", ResourceName = "Dr.Jacob" });
                ScheduleAppointment appointment2 = new ScheduleAppointment() { StartTime = nextdate, EndTime = nextdate.AddHours(randomValue.Next(0, 2)), Subject = subject[count % subject.Length], Location = "Chennai", AppointmentBackground = brush[(index + 2) % 3] };
                appointment2.ResourceCollection.Add(new Resource() { TypeName = "Doctors", ResourceName = "Dr.Darsy" });
                DateRange.Add(new DateTime(2020, 08, 1));
                DateRange.Add(new DateTime(2020, 08, 2));
                DateRange.Add(new DateTime(2020, 08, 3));
                DateRange.Add(new DateTime(2020, 08, 4));
                DateRange.Add(new DateTime(2020, 08, 5));
    public class SchedulerBehavior : Behavior<SfSchedule>
        SfSchedule schedule;
        protected override void OnAttached()
            schedule = this.AssociatedObject;
            this.AssociatedObject.SizeChanged += Schedule_SizeChanged;
        private void Schedule_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
            schedule.IntervalHeight = e.NewSize.Width / 5;
        protected override void OnDetaching()
            if (schedule != null)
                this.AssociatedObject.SizeChanged -= Schedule_SizeChanged;

    You can download the entire source code here

    UWP ResourceView Customization