Floating Window in UWP Docking (SfDockingManager)

10 May 20212 minutes to read

Floating window is one of the state in the SfDockingManager. To make children of the SfDockingManager as Float, set the SfDockingManager child’s DockState values as Float.


<ContentControl layout:SfDockingManager.Header="SolutionExplorer"



Enabling or Disabling the Float functionality

The CanFloat AttachedProperty helps to enable or disable the floating functionality by setting its value as true or false respectively. By default, CanFloat value is true. This functionality can be disabled by setting its value as false. While setting CanFloat property as false, it disables the dragging functionality of dock window. So, changing the window position by Mouse interaction will be restricted. Still DockWindow position can be changed through code behind.


<ContentControl Name="SolutionExplorer" layout:SfDockingManager.Header="SolutionExplorer"

<ContentControl Name="ToolBox" layout:SfDockingManager.Header="ToolBox"
<ContentControl Name="ErrorList" layout:SfDockingManager.Header="ErrorList"


Change Dock Window position through code behind

By using SetSideInDockMode property, we can set the side and SetTargetNameInDockedMode property for changing the target of desired dock window.

SfDockingManager.SetSideInDockedMode(ToolBox, Dock.Tabbed);
SfDockingManager.SetTargetNameInDockedMode(ToolBox, "SolutionExplorer");
SfDockingManager.SetSideInDockedMode(ErrorList, Dock.Top);

Positioning on Desire Location

The FloatWindow can be placed at any desired location. To position the FloatWindow at the desired location with the required rectangle bounds, invoke SetFloatingWindowRect method of the SfDockingManager.

<layout:SfDockingManager x:Name="docking">

<ContentControl x:Name="child1" layout:SfDockingManager.Header="SolutionExplorer"

SfDockingManager.SetFloatingWindowRect(child1, new Rect(200, 0, 200, 200));
