Header customization in .NET MAUI AI AssistView (SfAIAssistView)

This section explains how to define and customize the header in the SfAIAssistView.

Show/hide header

The SfAIAssistView control allows you to display a default header by configuring the ShowHeader property. When this property is set to true, the default header will be shown at the top of the assist view. The default value of the ShowHeader property is false.

<syncfusion:SfAIAssistView x:Name="sfAIAssistView"
SfAIAssistView sfAIAssistView; 
    public MainPage() 
        this.sfAIAssistView = new SfAIAssistView();
        this.sfAIAssistView.ShowHeader = true;
        this.Content = sfAIAssistView; 

Header text

The SfAIAssistView control allows you to customize the header text using the HeaderText property.

<syncfusion:SfAIAssistView x:Name="sfAIAssistView"
                                    HeaderText="Ask AI"
SfAIAssistView sfAIAssistView; 
    public MainPage() 
        this.sfAIAssistView = new SfAIAssistView();
        this.sfAIAssistView.HeaderText = "Ask AI";
        this.sfAIAssistView.ShowHeader = true;
        this.Content = sfAIAssistView; 

Header customization

The SfAIAssistView control allows you to fully customize the header’s appearance by using the HeaderTemplate property. This property lets you define a custom layout and style for the header.

            <DataTemplate x:Key="headerTemplate">
                <Grid RowDefinitions="45,30,Auto" RowSpacing="10" Padding="0,18,0,0">
                    <Image  Source="aiassistview.png" HorizontalOptions="Center"/>                 
                    <Label Padding="0,5,0,0" Text="Ask AI Anything!" HorizontalOptions="Center" Grid.Row="1" FontSize="16"/>
                    <FlexLayout x:Name="headerlayout"
                                BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding HeaderInfoCollection}">
      <syncfusion:SfAIAssistView x:Name="sfAIAssistView"
                                 AssistItems="{Binding AssistItems}"
                                 HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource headerTemplate}">

Header View customization in .NET MAUI AI AssistView