Grid Layout in JavaScript PivotGrid

1 Jul 20212 minutes to read

Normal layout

A layout in summary cells, which are positioned at the bottom of each parent member and their child members appear next to them. Normal layout is the default layout in the PivotGrid control. The enumeration property layout should be set to “ej.PivotGrid.Layout.Normal” to view the PivotGrid in the normal layout.

  • JS
  • $("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({
         layout: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.Normal

    Normal layout in JavaScript pivot grid control

    No summaries layout


    This feature is applicable only for the OLAP datasource.

    A layout in summary cells, which are completely hidden and the child members appear next to their parent member. The enumeration property layout should be set to “ej.PivotGrid.Layout.NoSummaries” to view the PivotGrid without summaries.

  • JS
  • $("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({
         layout: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.NoSummaries

    No summaries layout in JavaScript pivot grid control

    Excel-like layout

    A layout in summary cells, which are positioned besides each parent member and their child members appear next to them. The enumeration property layout should be set to “ej.PivotGrid.Layout.ExcelLikeLayout” to view the PivotGrid in excel-like layout.

  • JS
  • $("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({
        layout: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.ExcelLikeLayout

    Excel like layout in JavaScript pivot grid control

    Top summary layout


    This feature is applicable only for the OLAP datasource at server mode.

    A layout in summary cells, which are positioned at the top of each parent member and their child members appear next to them. The enumeration property layout should be set to “ej.PivotGrid.Layout.NormalTopSummary” to view the PivotGrid in top summaries layout.

  • JS
  • $("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({
         url: "/OLAPService",
         layout: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.NormalTopSummary

    Top summary layout in JavaScript pivot grid control