24 May 20191 minute to read
PivotGrid control is an easily configurable and presentation-quality business control. It reads both OLAP and relational datasources, and allows to create multi-dimensional views for analyzing and satisfying the needs of business user.
Some of the key features available in the PivotGrid are listed below:
- Data binding: Supports both OLAP and relational datasource binding in the same environment.
- PivotTable field list: Lists the entire datasource bound to PivotGrid and allows UI interaction such as filtering and drag and drop operation of any measure, dimension, hierarchy, level, and field at runtime.
- Grouping bar: Supports UI interaction at runtime through sorting, filtering, and drag and drop operation of existing field items bound through the report.
- Grid layout: Four different layouts such as normal, top summary, no summary, and excel-like layout are supported.
- Export: PivotGrid can be exported to Word, PDF, CSV, and Excel files.
- PivotGrid control specific features such as hyperlink, cell selection, conditional formatting, RTL, globalization, and localization are also supported.