29 May 201924 minutes to read
The PivotGrid control is easily configurable, presentation-quality business control that reads OLAP data from a Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services database, an offline cube, XML/A, or relational datasource.
<div id="PivotGrid1"> </div>
//Create PivotGrid
- module:jQuery-3.0.0.min.js
- module:ej.core.js
- module:ej.data.js
- module:ej.touch.js
- module:ej.waitingpopup.js
- module:ej.pivot.common.js
- module:ej.pivotanalysis.base.js
- module:ej.olap.base.js
- module:ej.pivotgrid.js
- module:ej.pivotpager.js
analysisMode enum
Sets the mode for the PivotGrid widget to bind either OLAP or relational data source.
Name | Description |
OLAP | To bind an OLAP data source to PivotGrid. |
Pivot | To bind a relational data source to PivotGrid. |
Default Value: ej.Pivot.AnalysisMode.Pivot
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ analysisMode: ej.Pivot.AnalysisMode.Olap });
cssClass string
Specifies the CSS class to the PivotGrid for achieving the custom theme.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ cssClass: "gradient-lime" });
pivotTableFieldListID string
Connects the PivotSchemaDesigner with specified ID to the PivotGrid control.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ pivotTableFieldListID: "PivotTableFieldListID" });
dataSource object
Initializes the data source for the PivotGrid widget, when it functions completely on client-side.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid( { dataSource: { data: value } });
dataSource.columns array
Lists out the items to be arranged in the columns section of the PivotGrid.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: itemsArray } });
dataSource.columns.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.columns.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for an item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter array
Allows you to filter the report by using advanced filtering (e.g., Microsoft Excel) option for the OLAP data source in client-mode.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : itemArray }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.name string
Allows you to provide a level unique name to perform the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ name: "levelUniqueName" }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.labelFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform the label filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.valueFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform the value filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.Between }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.advancedFilterType string
Allows you to set the filtering type while performing the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.LabelFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.measure string
In value filtering, this property contains the measure name to which the filter is applied.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ measure: "measureUniqueName", advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.ValueFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.values array
Allows you to hold filter operand values in the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
//For Label Filters
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith, values: ["002"] }] }] } });
//For Value Filters
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.GreaterThan, values: ["200"] }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.isNamedSets boolean
Allows you to indicate whether the added item is a named set or not.
Note: This is only applicable for the OLAP datasource.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "[Core Product Group]", isNamedSets : true }] } });
dataSource.columns.showSubTotal boolean
Shows/hides the sub-total of the field in PivotGrid.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", showSubTotal : false }] } });
dataSource.columns.format string
Allows you to set the format for column headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ format : "date" }] } });
dataSource.columns.formatString string
This property is set to display the formatted values with format types in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ formatString : "MM/DD/YYYY" }] } });
dataSource.columns.cssClass string
Allows you to set the custom theme for column headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ cssClass : "className" }] } });
dataSource.columns.delimiter string
Allows you to set the delimiter for date type format in the formatString. This is applicable for the groupByDate of row/column headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource with ClientMode.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ delimiter : "-" }] } });
dataSource.columns.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order of members of the field.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in default order. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", sortOrder: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending }] } });
dataSource.columns.drilledItems array
Contains the list of members need to be drilled down by default in the field.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", drilledItems: ["Canada", "France"] }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems object
Applies the filter to field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems: { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems: { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems: { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.rows array
Lists out the items to be arranged in the rows section of PivotGrid.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: itemsArray } });
dataSource.rows.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.rows.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for the item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter array
Allows you to filter the report by using the advanced filtering (e.g., Microsoft Excel) option for the OLAP data source in client-mode.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : itemArray }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.name string
Allows you to provide the level unique name to perform the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ name: "levelUniqueName" }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.labelFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform the label filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.valueFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform the value filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.Between }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.advancedFilterType string
Allows you to set the filtering type while performing the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.LabelFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.measure string
In value filtering, this property contains the measure name to which the filter is applied.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ measure: "measureUniqueName", advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.ValueFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.values array
Allows you to hold the filter operand values in the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
//For Label Filters
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith, values: ["002"] }] }] } });
//For Value Filters
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.GreaterThan, values: ["200"] }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.isNamedSets boolean
Allows you to indicate whether the added item is a named set or not.
Note: This is only applicable for the OLAP datasource.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "[Core Product Group]", isNamedSets : true }] } });
dataSource.rows.showSubTotal boolean
Shows/hides the sub-total of the field.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", showSubTotal : false }] } });
dataSource.rows.format string
Allows you to set the format for row headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ format : "date" }] } });
dataSource.rows.formatString string
This property is set to display the formatted values with format types in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ formatString : "MM/DD/YYYY" }] } });
dataSource.rows.cssClass string
Allows you to set the custom theme for row headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ cssClass : "className" }] } });
dataSource.rows.delimiter string
Allows you to set the delimiter for date type format in the formatString. This is applicable for the groupByDate in row/column headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource with ClientMode.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ delimiter : "-" }] } });
dataSource.rows.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order of members of the field.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in any order. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", sortOrder : ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending }] } });
dataSource.rows.drilledItems array
Contains the list of members need to be drilled down by default in the field.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", drilledItems : ["Canada", "France"] }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems object
Applies the filter to field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.values array
Lists out the items that support calculation in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: itemsArray } });
dataSource.values.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.values.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for the item in the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.values.measures array
This holds the list of unique names of measures to bind them from the OLAP cube.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ measures : itemsArray }] } });
dataSource.values.measures.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the measure from the OLAP datasource by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ measures : [{ fieldName: "MeasureUniqueName" }] }] } });
dataSource.values.axis string
Allows you to set the axis name to place measures items.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP datasource.
Default Value: “rows”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ axis : ej.olap.AxisName.Row }] } });
dataSource.values.isCalculatedField boolean
Indicates whether the field is a calculated field with the relational datasource or not.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ isCalculatedField : true }] } });
dataSource.values.summaryType enum
Allows to set the type of PivotGrid summary calculation in the value field with the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SummaryType.Sum
Name | Description |
Sum | Calculates the summary as the total of all values. |
Average | Displays the average of all values as the summaries. |
Count | Displays the count of items in summaries. |
Min | Displays the minimum value of all the items in the summary. |
Max | Displays the maximum value of all the items in the summary. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ summaryType : ej.PivotAnalysis.SummaryType.Average }] } });
dataSource.values.format string
Allows to set the format for values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ format : "percentage" }] } });
dataSource.values.formatString string
This property is set to display the formatted values with format types in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ formatString : "MM/DD/YYYY" }] } });
dataSource.values.formula string
Allows to set the formula for calculation of values for calculated members in the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ formula : "Quantity*10" }] } });
dataSource.values.cssClass string
Allows to set the custom theme for values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { values: [{ cssClass : "className" }] } });
dataSource.filters array
Lists out the items which supports filtering of values without displaying the members in UI of the PivotGrid.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { filters: itemsArray } });
dataSource.filters.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.filters.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display name for the item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems object
Applies the filter to field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.cube string
Contains the respective cube name as string type in the OLAP database.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { cube: "Adventure Works" } });
dataSource.sourceInfo string
To set the data source name to fetch the data.
Note: This is applicable only for the Mondrian connection.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { sourceInfo: "Provider Mondrian" } });
dataSource.providerName string
Sets the provider name for PivotGrid to identify whether the provider is SSAS or Mondrian.
Note: This is applicable only for the client side OLAP data.
Default Value: “ssas”
Name | Description |
ssas | To bind an OLAP data source to PivotGrid through SSAS provider. |
mondrian | To bind a relational data source to PivotGrid through Mondrian provider. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { providerName: "mondrian" } });
dataSource.data object
Provides the raw data source for the PivotGrid.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { data: value } });
dataSource.catalog string
In connection with an OLAP database, this property contains the database name as string to fetch the data from the given connection string.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid( { dataSource: { catalog: "databaseName" } } );
dataSource.enableAdvancedFilter boolean
Allows you to filter the members (by its name and values) through advanced filtering (e.g., Microsoft Excel) option at OLAP data source in client-mode.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { enableAdvancedFilter: true } });
dataSource.reportName string
Sets a name to the report that is bound to the control.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { reportName: "Default Report" } });
dataSource.pagerOptions object
Allows to set the page size and current page number for each axis on applying the paging.
Note: This is applicable only for binding the OLAP data from client-side.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: pagerSettings } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.categoricalPageSize number
Allows to set the number of categorical columns to be displayed in each page on applying the paging.
Default Value: 0
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { categoricalPageSize: 10 } } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.seriesPageSize number
Allows to set the number of series rows to be displayed in each page on applying the paging.
Default Value: 0
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { seriesPageSize: 5 } } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.categoricalCurrentPage number
Allows to set the page number to be loaded in the categorical axis by default.
Note: This is applicable only for binding the OLAP data from client-side.
Default Value: 1
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { categoricalCurrentPage: 3 } } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.seriesCurrentPage number
Allows to set the page number to be loaded in the series axis by default.
Default Value: 1
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { seriesCurrentPage: 7 } } });
valueSortSettings object
Holds the necessary properties for value sorting.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ valueSortSettings: { } });
valueSortSettings.headerText string
Contains the header of the specific column to which value sorting is applied.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ valueSortSettings: { headerText: "Bike##FY 2005##Amount" } });
valueSortSettings.headerDelimiters string
Allows you to set the string for separating column headers provided in the headerText property.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ valueSortSettings: { headerDelimiters: "##" } });
valueSortSettings.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order of values of the field.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in any order. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ valueSortSettings: { sortOrder: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending } });
frozenHeaderSettings object
Object that holds the settings of frozen headers.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ frozenHeaderSettings: { enableFrozenHeaders: true } });
frozenHeaderSettings.enableFrozenRowHeaders boolean
Allows you to freeze the row headers alone when scrolling the horizontal scroll bar.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ frozenHeaderSettings: { enableFrozenRowHeaders: true } });
frozenHeaderSettings.enableFrozenColumnHeaders boolean
Allows you to freeze the column headers alone when scrolling the vertical scroll bar.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ frozenHeaderSettings: { enableFrozenColumnHeaders: true } });
frozenHeaderSettings.enableFrozenHeaders boolean
Allows you to freeze both row headers and column headers while scrolling.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ frozenHeaderSettings: { enableFrozenHeaders: true } });
frozenHeaderSettings.scrollerSize number
Allows you to set the size of the scrollbar (horizontal and vertical) that is visible in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: 18
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ frozenHeaderSettings: { scrollerSize: 18 } });
headerSettings object
Allows you to display the header name in the PivotGrid control.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ headerSettings: { showRowItems: true, showColumnItems: true } });
headerSettings.showRowItems boolean
Allows you to enable/disable the row header names in the PivotGrid control.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ headerSettings: { showRowItems: true } });
headerSettings.showColumnItems boolean
Allows you to enable/disable the column header names in the PivotGrid control.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ headerSettings: { showColumnItems: true } });
showUniqueNameOnPivotButton boolean
Allows you to show the appropriate unique name in the pivot button.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP datasource.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ showUniqueNameOnPivotButton: true });
customObject object
Object is utilized to pass additional information between the client-end and the service-end while operating the control in server mode.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ customObject: { Language: "en-US" } });
collapsedMembers object
Allows you to collapse specified members in each field by default.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ collapsedMembers: { Country: ["Canada", "France"] } });
enableCellContext boolean
Allows you to access each cell by right-clicking the mouse.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableCellContext: true });
enableCellSelection boolean
Enables the cell selection for a specific range of value cells.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableCellSelection: true });
enableDrillThrough boolean
Enables the Drill-Through feature which retrieves raw items that are used to create a specific cell in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableDrillThrough: true });
enableCellClick boolean
Allows you to get cell details in JSON format by clicking the value cell.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableCellClick: true });
enableCellDoubleClick boolean
Allows you to get cell details in JSON format by double-clicking the value cell.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableCellDoubleClick: true });
enableCellEditing boolean
Allows you to edit value cells for write-back support in the PivotGrid. This is applicable only for the server-mode.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableCellEditing:true });
enableCollapseByDefault boolean
Collapses the pivot items along rows and columns by default. It works only for the relational data source.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableCollapseByDefault: true });
enableColumnGrandTotal boolean
Enables/disables the display of grand total for all columns.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableColumnGrandTotal: true });
enableConditionalFormatting boolean
Allows you to format a specific set of cells based on the condition.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableConditionalFormatting:true });
enableAdvancedFilter boolean
Enables the advanced filtering options such as value filtering, label filtering, and sorting for each field in the server mode.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableAdvancedFilter: true });
enableDeferUpdate boolean
Allows you to refresh the control on-demand and not during every UI operation.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableDeferUpdate: true });
enableGroupingBar boolean
Enables the display of GroupingBar allowing you to filter, sort, and remove fields obtained from the datasource.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableGroupingBar: true });
maxNodeLimitInMemberEditor number
Allows you to set the maximum number of nodes as well as child nodes to be displayed in the member editor.
Default Value: 1000
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ maxNodeLimitInMemberEditor: 1500 });
enableMemberEditorPaging boolean
Enables/disables paging in the member editor for viewing the large count of members in pages.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableMemberEditorPaging: true });
memberEditorPageSize number
Allows you to set the number of members to be displayed in each page of member editor on applying paging in it.
Default Value: 100
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ memberEditorPageSize: 50 });
enableMemberEditorSorting boolean
Enables/Disables sorting option in member editor dialog for the members of the respective field.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableMemberEditorSorting: true });
enableGrandTotal boolean
Enables/disables the display of grand total for rows and columns.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableGrandTotal: true });
enableJSONRendering boolean
Allows you to load the PivotGrid using the JSON data.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableJSONRendering: true });
enablePivotFieldList boolean
Enables rendering of the PivotGrid widget along with the PivotTable field list which allows UI operations.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enablePivotFieldList: true });
enableRowGrandTotal boolean
Enables the display of grand total for all rows.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableRowGrandTotal: true });
enableRTL boolean
Allows you to view the layout of PivotGrid from right to left.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableRTL: true });
enableToolTip boolean
Allows you to enable the ToolTip.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableToolTip: true });
enableToolTipAnimation boolean
Allows you to enable the animation effects in the tooltip.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableToolTipAnimation: true });
enableColumnResizing boolean
Allows you to adjust the width of columns dynamically within given widget size.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableColumnResizing: true });
resizeColumnsToFit boolean
Allows you to fit the width of the column based on its maximum text width.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ resizeColumnsToFit: true });
enableContextMenu boolean
Allows you to enable/disable the context menu of pivot buttons in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableContextMenu: true });
enableVirtualScrolling boolean
Allows you to view the large amount of data through virtual scrolling.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableVirtualScrolling: true });
enablePaging boolean
Allows you to view the large amount of data by applying paging.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enablePaging: true });
hyperlinkSettings object
Allows you to configure the hyperlink settings of the PivotGrid control.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ hyperlinkSettings: { enableValueCellHyperlink: true, enableRowHeaderHyperlink: true } });
hyperlinkSettings.enableColumnHeaderHyperlink boolean
Allows you to enable/disable the hyperlink for the column header.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ hyperlinkSettings: { enableColumnHeaderHyperlink: true } });
hyperlinkSettings.enableRowHeaderHyperlink boolean
Allows you to enable/disable the hyperlink for the row header.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ hyperlinkSettings: { enableRowHeaderHyperlink: true } });
hyperlinkSettings.enableSummaryCellHyperlink boolean
Allows you to enable/disable the hyperlink for summary cells.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ hyperlinkSettings: { enableSummaryCellHyperlink: true } });
hyperlinkSettings.enableValueCellHyperlink boolean
Allows you to enable/disable the hyperlink for value cells.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ hyperlinkSettings: { enableValueCellHyperlink: true } });
isResponsive boolean
Allows you to enable PivotGrid’s responsiveness in the browser layout.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ isResponsive: true });
jsonRecords string
Contains the serialized JSON string which renders the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ jsonRecords: serializedJSON });
layout enum
Sets the summary layout for PivotGrid.
Following are the ways in which summary can be positioned: normal summary (bottom), top summary, no summary, and excel-like summary.
Default Value: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.Normal
Name | Description |
Normal | To set normal summary layout in PivotGrid. |
NormalTopSummary | To set layout with summaries at the top in PivotGrid. |
NoSummaries | To set layout without summaries in PivotGrid. |
ExcelLikeLayout | To set excel-like layout in PivotGrid. |
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ layout: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.NoSummaries });
locale string
Allows the user to set the localized language for the widget.
Default Value: “en-US”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ locale: "en-US" });
operationalMode enum
Sets the mode for PivotGrid widget for binding the data source either in the server-side or client-side.
Name | Description |
ClientMode | To bind data source completely from client-side. |
ServerMode | To bind data source completely from server-side. |
Default Value: ej.Pivot.OperationalMode.ClientMode
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ operationalMode: ej.Pivot.OperationalMode.ServerMode });
serviceMethodSettings object
Allows you to set the custom name for the methods at service-end, communicated during AJAX post.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { initialize: "InitializeGrid"} });
serviceMethodSettings.drillDown string
Allows you to set the custom name for service method which is responsible for drill up/down operation in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “DrillGrid”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { drillDown: "DrillGridMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.exportPivotGrid string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for exporting.
Default Value: “Export”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { exportPivotGrid: "ExportMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.deferUpdate string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method responsible for performing server-side actions based on defer update.
Default Value: “DeferUpdate”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { deferUpdate: "DeferUpdateMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.fetchMembers string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for getting values of the tree-view inside filter dialog.
Default Value: “FetchMembers”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { fetchMembers: "FetchMembersMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.filtering string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for filtering operation in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “Filtering”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { filtering : "FilteringMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.initialize string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for initializing the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “InitializeGrid”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { initialize: "InitializeGrid" } });
serviceMethodSettings.nodeDropped string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for the server-side action when dropping a node from the field list.
Default Value: “NodeDropped”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { nodeDropped: "nodedroppedMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.nodeStateModified string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for server-side action when changing the checked state of a node in the field list.
Default Value: “NodeStateModified”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { nodeStateModified: "NodeStateModifiedMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.paging string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for performing paging operation in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “Paging”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { paging: "PagingMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.sorting string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for sorting operation in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “Sorting”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { sorting: "SortingMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.memberExpand string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for expanding members in the member editor.
Default Value: “MemberExpanded”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { memberExpand: "MemberExpandedMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.cellEditing string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for editing the cells.
Default Value: “CellEditing”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { cellEditing: "MyCellEditingMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.saveReport string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for saving the current report to the database.
Default Value: “SaveReport”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { saveReport: "MySaveReportMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.loadReport string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for loading a report from the database.
Default Value: “LoadReportFromDB”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { loadReport: "MyLoadReportMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.calculatedField string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for adding a calculated field to the report.
Default Value: “CalculatedField”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { calculatedField: "MyCalculatedFieldMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.drillThroughHierarchies string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for performing the drill through operation.
Default Value: “DrillThroughHierarchies”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { drillThroughHierarchies: "MyDrillThroughHierarchiesMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.drillThroughDataTable string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for performing drill through operation in the data table.
Default Value: “DrillThroughDataTable”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { drillThroughDataTable: "MyDrillThroughDataTableMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.valueSorting string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for performing value sorting operation in the PivotGrid.
Default Value: “ValueSorting”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { valueSorting: "MyValueSorting" } });
serviceMethodSettings.removeButton string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for removing the pivot button from the GroupingBar/field list.
Default Value: “RemoveButton”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { removeButton: "MyRemoveButton" } });
serviceMethodSettings.writeBack string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for write-back operation in the OLAP Cube. This is applicable only in the server-side component.
Default Value: “WriteBack”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ serviceMethodSettings: { writeBack: "WriteBackMethod" } });
url string
Connects the service using the specified URL for any server updates.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ url: "/PivotService" });
enableCompleteDataExport boolean
Allows you to export entire data instead of current page data, while paging option is enabled.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid({ enableCompleteDataExport: true });
enableXHRCredentials boolean
Allows you to enable “withCredentials” property inside XMLHttpRequest object for CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) request.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotGrid").ejPivotGrid({ enableXHRCredentials: true });
Performs an asynchronous HTTP (AJAX) request.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
gridObj.doAjaxPost("POST", "/PivotService/Initialize", { "key", "Hello World" }, successEvent, null);
Performs an asynchronous HTTP (FullPost) submit.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
gridObj.doPostBack("/PivotService/Initialize", { "key", "Hello World" });
Exports the PivotGrid to the specified format.
var gridObj = $("# PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
This function re-renders the PivotGrid when clicking the navigation buttons on the PivotPager.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
gridObj.refreshPagedPivotGrid("series", 2);
This function refreshes the PivotGrid with the modified data input in client-mode.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
This function re-renders the control with the report available at that instant.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
gridObj.model.dataSource = newDataSource;
This function destroys the PivotGrid widget associated events that are bound using “this._on” and brings the control to pre-init state.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
This function returns the height of all rows and the width of all columns.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
var gridDimensions = gridObj.calculateCellWidths();
This function creates the conditional formatting dialog to apply conditional formatting for the PivotGrid control.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
This function saves the current report to the database/local storage.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
var storageOption = "local"; //it takes the string value "local" for local storage and "database" for storing to database.
var url = "";//it takes the service url for storing to database. For local it is not required.
gridObj.saveReport("reportName", storageOption, url);
This function loads the specified report from the database/local storage.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
var storageOption = "local"; //it takes the string value "local" for loading a report from local storage and "database" for loading from database.
var url = "";//it takes the service method url for loading report from database. For local it is not required.
gridObj.loadReport("reportName", storageOption, url);
This function reconstructs the JSON data that is formed for rendering the PivotGrid in the excel-like layout format.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
Returns the OlapReport string that is maintained along with the axis elements information.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
var report = gridObj.getOlapReport();
Sets the OlapReport string along with the axis information.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
Returns the JSON records that are formed to render the control.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
var jsonRecords = gridObj.getJSONRecords();
Sets the JSON records that are formed to render the control.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
This function allows you to change the caption of the pivot item (name displayed in UI) on-demand for the relational datasource in client-mode.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
gridObj.refreshFieldCaption( "name", "caption", "axisClassName");
This function receives the JSON formatted datasource to render the PivotGrid control.
var gridObj = $("#PivotGrid1").data("ejPivotGrid");
gridObj.renderControlFromJSON({ this.getJSONRecords() });
Triggers when it reaches client-side after the AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotGrid control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotGrid control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
afterServiceInvoke: function (args) {}
Triggers before any AJAX request is passed from the PivotGrid to service methods.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotGrid control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotGrid control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
beforeServiceInvoke: function (args) {}
Triggers before the pivot engine starts to populate.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
pivotGridObject | object | returns the PivotGrid object |
beforePivotEnginePopulate: function (args) {}
Triggers when click action is performed over a value cell.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
selectedData | array | returns the JSON details of the respective on cell. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotGrid control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
cellClick: function (args) {}
Triggers when double-click action is performed over a value cell.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
selectedData | array | returns the JSON details of the double respective on cell. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotGrid control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
cellDoubleClick: function (args) {}
Triggers when right-click action is performed on a cell.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
cellPosition | string | returns the cell position (row index and column index) in table. |
cellType | string | returns the type of the cell. |
cellValue | string | returns the content of the cell. |
uniqueName | string | returns the unique name of levels/members. |
role | string | returns the role of the cell in PivotGrid. |
rawdata | object | returns JSON record corresponding to the selected cell. |
args | object | returns the original event object. |
cellContext: function (args) {}
Triggers when a specific range of value cells is selected.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
JSONRecords | object | returns the JSON records of the selected range of cells. |
rowheader | object | Returns the row headers corresponding to the selected value cells. |
columnheader | object | Returns the column headers corresponding to the selected value cells. |
measureCount | string | Returns the information about the measure associated with the selected cell. |
cellSelection: function (args) {}
Triggers when the hyperlink of column header is clicked.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
args | object | returns the information about the clicked cell |
element | object | returns the HTML element of the control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound to the control. |
columnHeaderHyperlinkClick: function (args) {}
Triggers after performing drill operation in the PivotGrid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
args | object | returns the HTML element of the control. |
drillSuccess: function (args) {}
Triggers while clicking “OK” in the drill-through dialog.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | return the JSON records of the generated cells on drill-through operation. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
drillThrough: function (args) {}
Triggers when the PivotGrid loading is initiated.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with the control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
load: function (args) {}
Triggers when PivotGrid widget completes all operations at client-side after any AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotGrid control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with the control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
renderComplete: function (args) {}
Triggers when any error occurred during the AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotGrid control. |
customObject | Object | returns the custom object bound with the control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
message | string | returns the error message with error code. |
renderFailure: function (args) {}
Triggers when the PivotGrid successfully reaches the client-side after any AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotGrid control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with the control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
renderSuccess: function (args) {}
Triggers when the hyperlink of row header is clicked.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
args | object | returns the information about the clicked cell |
element | object | returns the HTML element of the control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound to the control. |
rowHeaderHyperlinkClick: function (args) {}
Triggers when the hyperlink of summary cell is clicked.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
args | object | returns the information about the clicked cell |
element | object | returns the HTML element of the control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound to the control. |
summaryCellHyperlinkClick: function (args) {}
Triggers when the hyperlink of value cell is clicked.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
args | object | returns the information about the clicked cell |
element | object | returns the HTML element of the control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound to the control. |
valueCellHyperlinkClick: function (args) {}
Triggers before saving the current report to the database.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
report | object | returns the report to be stored in database. |
saveReport: function (args) {}
Triggers before loading a report from the database.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
targetControl | object | returns the PivotGrid object. |
dataModel | string | returns whether the control is bound with OLAP or Relational data source. |
loadReport: function (args) {}
Triggers before performing exporting in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | contains the url of the service responsible for exporting. |
fileName | string | contains the name of the exporting file. |
beforeExport: function (args) {}
Triggers before editing the cells.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
editCellsInfo | array | contains the array of cells selected for editing. |
cellEdit: function (args) {}