29 May 201924 minutes to read
The pivot chart is a lightweight control that reads OLAP and relational information and visualizes it in a graphical format with the ability to drill up and down.
<div id="PivotChart1"></div>
//Create PivotChart
- module:jQuery-3.0.0.min.js
- module:ej.core.js
- module:ej.data.js
- module:ej.touch.js
- module:ej.dialog.js
- module:ej.draggable.js
- module:ej.waitingpopup.js
- module:ej.chart.js
- module:ej.pivot.common.js
- module:ej.olap.base.js
- module:ej.pivotanalysis.base.js
- module:ej.pivotchart.js
analysisMode enum
Sets the mode for the pivot chart widget to bind either the OLAP or relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.Pivot.AnalysisMode.Pivot
Name | Description |
Pivot | To bind Relational datasource to PivotChart widget |
OLAP | To bind OLAP datasource to PivotChart widget |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ analysisMode: ej.Pivot.AnalysisMode.Olap });
cssClass string
Specifies the CSS class to the pivot chart for achieving the custom theme.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ cssClass : "olive" });
zooming object
Options for enabling the zooming feature of the pivot chart.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ zooming: { enableScrollbar: true } });
zooming.enableScrollbar boolean
Enables or disables the horizontal scrollbar.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ zooming: { enableScrollbar: false } });
commonSeriesOptions object
Options available to configure the properties of entire series. You can also override the options for specific series by using the series collection.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ commonSeriesOptions: { type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Line } });
commonSeriesOptions.type enum
Allows you to set the specific chart type for the pivot chart widget.
Default Value: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
Name | Description |
Line | To render a Line type PivotChart. |
Spline | To render a Spline type PivotChart. |
Column | To render a Column type PivotChart. |
Area | To render an Area type PivotChart. |
SplineArea | To render a SplineArea type PivotChart. |
StepLine | To render a StepLine type PivotChart. |
StepArea | To render a StepArea type PivotChart. |
Pie | To render a Pie type PivotChart. |
Bar | To render a Bar type PivotChart. |
StackingArea | To render a StackingArea type PivotChart. |
StackingColumn | To render a StackingColumn type PivotChart. |
StackingBar | To render a StackingBar type PivotChart. |
Pyramid | To render a Pyramid type PivotChart. |
Funnel | To render a Funnel type PivotChart. |
Doughnut | To render a Doughnut type PivotChart. |
Scatter | To render a Scatter type PivotChart. |
Bubble | To render a Bubble type PivotChart. |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ commonSeriesOptions: { type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Spline } });
dataSource object
Initializes the datasource for the pivot chart widget, when it functions completely on the client-side.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart( { dataSource: { data: value } });
dataSource.cube string
Contains the respective cube name from the OLAP database as string type.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { cube: "Adventure Works" } });
dataSource.sourceInfo string
To set the datasource name to fetch the data from that.
Note: This is applicable only for the Mondrian connection.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { sourceInfo: "Provider Mondrian" } });
dataSource.providerName string
Sets the provider name for the pivot chart to identify whether the provider is SSAS or Mondrian.
Note: This is applicable only for the client side OLAP data.
Default Value: “ssas”
Name | Description |
ssas | To bind an OLAP datasource to PivotChart through SSAS provider. |
mondrian | To bind a relational datasource to PivotChart through Mondrian provider. |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { providerName: "mondrian" } });
dataSource.data object
Provides the raw datasource for the pivot chart.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { data: value } });
dataSource.catalog string
In connection with the OLAP database, this property contains the database name as string to fetch the data from the given connection string.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart( { dataSource: { catalog: "databaseName" } } );
dataSource.columns array
Lists out the items to be displayed as series of the pivot chart.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: itemsArray } });
dataSource.columns.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.columns.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for the item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.columns.isNamedSets boolean
Allows you to indicate whether the added item is a named set or not.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP datasource.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "[Core Product Group]", isNamedSets : true }] } });
dataSource.columns.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order of field members.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in any order. |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", sortOrder : ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems object
Applies filter to field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter whether to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.rows array
Lists out the items to be displayed as segments of the pivot chart.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: itemsArray } });
dataSource.rows.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.rows.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for the item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.rows.isNamedSets boolean
Allows you to indicate whether the added item is a named set or not.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP datasource.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "[Core Product Group]", isNamedSets : true }] } });
dataSource.rows.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order of field members.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in any order. |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", sortOrder : ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems object
Applies filter to field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter whether to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.values array
Lists out the items support calculation in the pivot chart.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: itemsArray } });
dataSource.values.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.values.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for the item of the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.values.measures array
Holds the list of unique names of measures to bind them from the OLAP cube.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: [{ measures : itemsArray }] } });
dataSource.values.measures.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the measure from the OLAP datasource by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: [{ measures : [{ fieldName: "MeasureUniqueName" }] }] } });
dataSource.values.axis string
Allows you to set the axis name to place the measures items.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP datasource.
Default Value: “rows”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: [{ axis : ej.olap.AxisName.Row }] } });
dataSource.values.isCalculatedField boolean
Indicates whether the field is a calculated field with the relational datasource or not.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: [{ isCalculatedField : true }] } });
dataSource.values.formula string
Allows you to set the formula to calculate the values for calculated members in the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { values: [{ formula : "Quantity*10" }] } });
dataSource.filters array
Lists out the items that supports filtering of values without displaying the members in UI of the pivot chart.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { filters: itemsArray } });
dataSource.filters.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems object
Applies filter to field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter whether to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
customObject object
Object is utilized to pass additional information between the client-end and the service-end while operating the control in the server mode.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ customObject: { "key": "Hello World" } });
enable3D boolean
Allows you to enable the 3D view of the pivot chart.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ enable3D: true });
enableRTL boolean
Allows you to view the pivot chart from right to left.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ enableRTL: true });
enableMultiLevelLabels boolean
Allows you to render the complete pivot chart on drill operation, when expanding and collapsing members are shown in multi-level labels.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ enableMultiLevelLabels: true });
isResponsive boolean
Allows you to enable the responsiveness of pivot chart in the browser layout.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ isResponsive: true });
legend object
You can customize the legend items and their labels.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ legend: { visible: true } });
locale string
Allows you to set the localized language for the widget.
Default Value: “en-US”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ locale: "fr-FR" });
operationalMode enum
Sets the mode for the pivot chart widget to bind the data source either in the server-side or client-side.
Name | Description |
ClientMode | To bind datasource completely from client-side. |
ServerMode | To bind datasource completely from server-side. |
Default Value: ej.Pivot.OperationalMode.ClientMode
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ operationalMode: ej.Pivot.OperationalMode.ServerMode });
axes array
To override x axis for particular series, create an axis object by providing unique name by using name property and add it to axes array.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ axes: [{ alternateGridBand: { even :{ fill : "green" } } }] });
primaryXAxis object
This is a horizontal axis that contains options to configure the axis and it is the primary x-axis for all series in the series array. To override x-axis for particular series, create an axis object by providing a unique name by using the name property and add it to the axes array. Then, assign the name to the series’s xAxisName property to link both the axis and the series.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ primaryXAxis: { title: { text: "Fiscal Year" }, labelRotation: 0 });
primaryYAxis object
This is a vertical axis that contains options to configure the axis. This is the primary y-axis for all the series in the series array. To override y-axis for particular series, create an axis object by providing a unique name by using the name property and add it to the axes array. Then, assign the name to the series’s yAxisName property to link both the axis and the series.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ title: { text: "Customer Count"} });
rotation number
Allows you to rotate the angle of pivot chart in 3D view.
Default Value: 0
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ rotation: 45 });
enableContextMenu boolean
Allows you to enable/disable context menu options in the pivot chart.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ enableContextMenu: true });
serviceMethodSettings object
Allows you to set the custom name for methods at service-end, when you are communicating on AJAX post.
Note: This is applicable only when operating the control in the server mode.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ serviceMethodSettings: { initialize: "MyMethod1", drillDown: "MyMethod2" } });
serviceMethodSettings.drillDown string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for drilling up/down in the pivot chart.
Default Value: “DrillChart”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ serviceMethodSettings: { drillDown: "DrillChartMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.exportPivotChart string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method which is responsible for exporting the pivot chart.
Default Value: “Export”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ serviceMethodSettings: { exportPivotChart: "ExportMyMethod" } })
serviceMethodSettings.initialize string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method which is responsible for initializing the pivot chart.
Default Value: “InitializeChart”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ serviceMethodSettings: { initialize: "InitializeChartMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.paging string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method which is responsible for navigating between pages in the paged pivot chart.
Default Value: “Paging”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ serviceMethodSettings: { paging: "PagingMyMethod" } });
size object
Options to customize the size of the pivot chart control.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ size: { height: "450px", width: "95%" } });
title object
Options for customizing the title of PivotChart.
title.text string
Text to be displayed in PivotChart title.
Default Value
- ””
title : { text : "PivotChart"}
url string
Connects the service by using the specified URL for any server updates while operating the control in the server mode.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotChart1").ejPivotChart({ url: "/PivotService" });
enableXHRCredentials boolean
Allows you to enable “withCredentials” property inside XMLHttpRequest object for CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) request.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotChart").ejPivotChart({ enableXHRCredentials: true });
Posts an asynchronous HTTP (AJAX) request.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
chartObj.doAjaxPost("POST", "/PivotService/Initialize", { "key", "Hello World" }, successEvent, null);
Performs an asynchronous HTTP (FullPost) submit.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
chartObj.doPostBack("/PivotService/Initialize", { "key", "Hello World" });
Exports the pivot chart to the format that is specified in the parameter.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
This function renders the pivot chart control with the JSON formatted data source.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
This function receives the update from the service-end, which will be utilized for rendering the widget.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
chartObj.renderControlSuccess({ "OlapReport": chartObj.getOlapReport(), "JsonRecords": chartObj.getJSONRecords() });
Returns the OlapReport string that is maintained along with the axis elements information.
Note: This method is applicable only when operating the control in the server mode.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
var report = chartObj.getOlapReport();
Sets the OlapReport string along with the axis information and maintains it in a property.
Note: This method is applicable only when operating the control in the server mode.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
Returns the JSON records that are formed to render the control.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
var jsonRecords = chartObj.getJSONRecords();
Sets the JSON records to render the control.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
Returns the PivotEngine that is formed to render the control.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
var jsonRecords = chartObj.getPivotEngine();
Sets the PivotEngine that is required to render the control.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
Re-renders the control with the datasource at instant.
Note: This is applicable only when operating in the client mode.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
chartObj.model.dataSource = newDataSource;
This function destroys the pivot chart widget associated events that are bound using “this._on” and brings the control to pre-init state.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
Renders the control with the pivot engine that is obtained from the OLAP cube.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
chartObj.generateJSON(baseObj, pivotEngineObj);
Navigates to the specified page number in the specified axis.
var chartObj = $("#PivotChart1").data("ejPivotChart");
chartObj.refreshPagedPivotChart("series", 4);
Triggers when the pivot chart starts to render.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotChart control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotChart control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotChart control. |
load: function (args) {}
Triggers when it reaches the client-side after any AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotChart control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotChart control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotChart control. |
afterServiceInvoke: function (args) {}
Triggers before any AJAX request is passed from the pivot chart to service methods.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotChart control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotChart control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotChart control. |
beforeServiceInvoke: function (args) {}
Triggers before rendering multiple series with multiple axes.
Name | Type | Description |
Object | series - Instance of the series which is about to get rendered |
beforeSeriesRender: function (args) {}
Triggers when performing drill up/down operation in the pivot chart control.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
chartObj | object | returns the current instance of PivotChart. |
drillAction | string | returns the drill action of PivotChart. |
drilledMember | string | contains the name of the member drilled. |
event | object | returns the event object. |
drillSuccess: function (args) {}
Triggers when the pivot chart widget completes all operations at client-side after the AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotChart control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotChart control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotChart control. |
renderComplete: function (args) {}
Triggers when the error occurs on the AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotChart control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotChart control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotChart control. |
message | string | returns the error stack trace of the original exception. |
renderFailure: function (args) {}
Triggers when the pivot chart successfully reaches the client-side after the AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
args | object | returns the current instance of PivotChart. |
renderSuccess: function (args) {}
Triggers before performing export operation in the pivot chart.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | contains the url of the service responsible for exporting. |
fileName | string | contains the name of the exporting file. |
beforeExport: function (args) {}