Methods and Events in JavaScript Maps

12 Jul 20226 minutes to read

Method for navigating to specific shape based on latitude, longitude and zoom level, you can use navigateTo method.

  • JS
  • //navigateTo method for map
       $("#container").ejMap("navigateTo", latitude, longitude, level);


    Method to perform map panning, you can use pan method.

  • JS
  • //pan method for map
       $("#container").ejMap("pan", direction);


    Method to reload the map, you can use refresh method.

  • JS
  • //refresh method for map


    Method to reload the shapeLayers with updated values, you can use refreshLayers method.

  • JS
  • //refresh layers method for map


    Method to reload the navigation control with updated values, you can use refreshNavigationControl method.

  • JS
  • //Refresh navigation control method for map

    zoom(level, isAnimate)

    Method to perform map zooming, you can use zoom method.

  • JS
  • //zoom method for map



    Triggered on selecting the map markers, you can use markerSelected event.

  • JS
  • //markerSelected event for map
       markerSelected: function (event) {}


    Triggers while leaving the hovered map shape, you can use mouseleave event.

  • JS
  • //mouseleave  event for map
       mouseleave : function (event) {}


    Triggers while hovering the map shape, you can use mouseover event.

  • JS
  • //mouseover  event for map
       mouseover : function (event) {}


    Triggers once map render completed, you can use onRenderComplete event.

  • JS
  • //onRenderComplete event for map
       onRenderComplete: function () {}


    Triggers when map panning ends, you can use panned event.

  • JS
  • //panned event for map
       panned: function (event) {}


    Triggered on selecting the map shapes, you can use shapeSelected event.

  • JS
  • //shapeSelected event for map
       shapeSelected: function (event) {}


    Triggered when map is zoomed-in, you can use zoomedIn event.

  • JS
  • //zoomedIn event for map
       zoomedIn: function (event) {}


    Triggers when map is zoomed out, you can use zoomedOut event.

  • JS
  • //zoomedOut event for map
       zoomedOut: function () {}


    The shapeRendering event is triggered while rendering each shape in the map.

  • JS
  • //shapeRendering event for map
       shapeRendering : function (event) {}


    The bubbleRendering event is triggered while rendering each bubble in the map.

  • JS
  • //bubbleRendering event for map
       bubbleRendering : function (event) {}


    The legendItemRendering event is triggered before rendering each legend in the map.

  • JS
  • //legendItemRendering event for map
       legendItemRendering : function (event) {}


    Triggers while clicking on the layers of the map, you can use click event.

  • JS
  • //Click event for map
        click: function (args) {
                  //Do something


    Triggers while double clicking on the layers of the map, you can use doubleClick event.

  • JS
  • //DoubleClick event for map.
        doubleClick: function (args) {
                  //Do something


    Triggers while right clicking on the layers of the map, you can use rightClick event.

  • JS
  • //RightClick event for map
        rightClick: function (args) {
                  //Do something


    Triggers before loading the map, you can use onLoad event.

  • JS
  • //onLoad event for map
        onLoad: function (args) {
                  //Do something


    The displayTextRendering event is triggered before rendering the data labels. You can use this event to customize the label text or change the text value.

  • JS
  • //The displayTextRendering event for maps
        displayTextRendering: function (args) {
                 //Do something

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