- Undo and Redo
- Track custom changes
- Group multiple changes
- Track Undo/Redo actions
- clear History
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History Manager
6 Jun 20195 minutes to read
Diagram tracks the history of actions that are performed after loading the time and provides support to reverse and restore those changes.
Undo and Redo
Diagram provides built-in support to track the changes that are made through interaction and through public APIs. The changes can be reverted or restored either through short cut keys or through commands.
Undo redo through short cut keys
Undo redo commands can be executed through short cut keys. Short cut key for undo is ctrl+z and short cut key for redo is ctrl+y.
For more information, refer to Keyboard Interactions.
Undo redo through public APIs
The client side methods undo and redo help you to revert/restore the changes. The following code example illustrates how to undo/redo the changes through script.
var diagram = $("#Diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
// Reverts the last action performed
// Restores the last undone action
When a change in diagram is reverted or restored(undo/redo), the historyChange event gets triggered.
Track custom changes
Diagram provides options to track the changes that are made to custom properties. For example, in case of an employee relationship Diagram, you may need to track the changes in the employee information. The historyManager of the Diagram model enables you to track such changes.
The following example illustrates how to track such custom property changes.
- Before changing the employee information, save the existing information to history manager by using the client side method push of
. - You can use historyManager canPop method which takes a history entry as argument and returns whether the specific entry can be popped or not.
- The pop method is used to remove the history of a recent change made in diagram.
The following code example illustrates how to save the existing property values and pop it.
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
//Creates a custom entry and adds that to history manager
var entry = { object: node, prevState: node.empInfo };
//Updates the new information
var newValue = { role: "New role" };
node.empInfo = newValue;
//Pop if the change doesn't need to be tracked
- Change the employee information
//Updates the new information
var newValue = { role: "New role" };
node.empInfo = newValue;
- Define the methods to handle the custom changes. These methods are called when you try to revert/restore the custom changes.
You need to define the methods to handle the custom changes and you need to assign that to undo and redo properties of historyManager
The following code example illustrates how to define methods to handle the custom changes.
historyManager: {
//Called to revert a custom action
undo: customUndoRedo,
//Called to restore the reverted custom action
redo: customUndoRedo
//Method to handle the custom action
function customUndoRedo(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = args.object;
var currentState = node.empInfo;
//Resets the state
node.empInfo = args.prevState;
//Saves the previous state
args.prevState = currentState;
Group multiple changes
History manager allows to revert or restore multiple changes through a single undo/redo command. For example, you may need to revert/restore the fill color change of multiple elements at a time.
The client side method startGroupAction is used to notify the Diagram to start grouping the changes. The client side method closeGroupAction is used to notify to stop grouping the changes. The following code illustrates how to undo/redo fillColor change of multiple elements at a time.
var group = diagram.model.selectedItems
// Start to group the changes
//Makes the changes
for (var i = 0; i < group.children.length; i++) {
var option = {};
var item = group.children[i];
// Updates the fillColor for all the child elements.
option.fillColor = args.style.backgroundColor;
diagram.updateNode(item.name, option);
//Ends grouping the changes
Track Undo/Redo actions
The historyManager undoStack property is used to get the collection of undo actions which needs to be performed in the diagram.
The historyManager redoStack property is used to get the collection of redo actions which needs to be performed in the diagram.
The historyManager stackLimit property limits the number of actions to be stored on the historyManager.
The undoStack/redoStack is an read only property.
//define historyChange event
historyChange: function (args) {
//get the collection of undoStack objects
var undoStack = args.model.historyManager.undoStack;
//get the collection of redoStack objects
var redoStack = args.model.historyManager.redoStack;
//define historyManager stack limit property which limits the number of actions to be stored on the historyManager.
historyManager: { stackLimit: 5 }
//We can get the undoStack/redoStack objects by taking instance of diagram.
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
var undoStack = diagram.model.historyManager.undoStack;
var redoStack = diagram.model.historyManager.redoStack;
clear History
The clearHistory method used to Clears the actions which is recorded to perform undo/redo operation in the diagram. Please refer to the below link which shows how to use clearHistory method in diagram.