Working with Excel Data Validation
14 Mar 202310 minutes to read
Data Validation is a list of rules for the data that can be entered into a cell. XlsIO supports the following data validation types.
- Text Length Validation
- Time Validation
- List Validation
- Whole Number Validation
- Decimal Number Validation
- Date Validation
- Custom Validation
Text Length Validation
Text length data validation can be applied by selecting the allowType as textLength. The following code snippet illustrates this.
//Data Validation for text Length.
final DataValidation textLengthValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘A1’).dataValidation;
textLengthValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.textLength;
//Text Length should be less than 5 characters.
textLengthValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
textLengthValidation.firstFormula = '1';
textLengthValidation.secondFormula = '5';
Time Validation
Time data validation can be applied by selecting the allowType as time. The following code snippet illustrates this.
//Data validation for time.
final DataValidation timeValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘A3’).dataValidation;
timeValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.time;
//Time between 10:00 and 12:00 ‘o Clock.
timeValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
timeValidation.firstFormula = ’10:00’;
timeValidation.secondFormula = ’12:00’;
Time value should be entered in 24-hour format without appending AM or PM at the end of the code.
List Validation
List data validation can be applied by assigning values to listOfValues. The following code snippet illustrates this.
//DataValidation for list.
final DataValidation listValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘A3’).dataValidation;
listValidation.listOfValues = <String>[‘ListItem1’,’ListItem2’,’ListItem3’];
The ListOfValues property should be used when the values in the Data Validation list are entered manually, whose limit is only 255 characters including separators.
Whole Number Validation
Whole number data validation can be applied by selecting the allowType as integer. The following code snippet illustrates this.
//Data validation for number.
final DataValidation integerValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘A3’).dataValidation;
integerValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.integer;
//Value between 0 to 10.
integerValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
integerValidation.firstFormula = ‘0’;
integerValidation.secondFormula = ‘10’;
Decimal Number Validation
Decimal number data validation can be applied by selecting the allowType as decimal. The following code snippet illustrates this.
//Data Validation for decimal.
final DataValidation decimalValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘G3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘G1’).text =’Enter the Decimal Number in G3’;
decimalValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.decimal;
decimalValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
decimalValidation.firstFormula = ‘1.0’;
decimalValidation.secondFormula = ’10.0’;
Date Validation
Date data validation can be applied by selecting the allowType as Date. The following code snippet illustrates this.
//Data validation for date.
final DataValidation dateValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘A3’).dataValidation;
dateValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.Date;
//Date between 10/5/2003 to 10/5/2004
dateValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
dateValidation.firstFormula = DateTime(2003, 5, 10);
dateValidation.secondFormula = DateTime(2004, 5, 10);
Custom Validation
Custom validation can be applied by selecting the allowType as Formula. The following code snippet illustrates this.
//Data validation for custom data.
final DataValidation customValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘A3’).dataValidation;
customValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.formula;
customValidation.firstFormula = ‘=A1>10’;
The following complete code snippet includes all the above discussed data validation types.
//Create a new Excel Document and access the first sheet.
final Workbook workbook = Workbook(1);
final sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
//Data Validation for Text Length.
final DataValidation textLengthValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘A3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘A1’).text = ’Enter the text in A3’;
textLengthValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.textLength;
textLengthValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
textLengthValidation.firstFormula = ‘0’;
textLengthValidation.secondFormula = ‘5’;
//Show the error message.
textLengthValidation.showErrorBox = true;
textLengthValidation.errorBoxText = ‘Text length should be less than 5 characters’;
textLengthValidation.errorBoxTitle = ‘ERROR’;
textLengthValidation.promptBoxText = ‘Data validation for text length’;
textLengthValidation.showPromptBox = true;
//Data Validation for time.
final DataValidation timeDataValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘B3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘B1’).text = ’Enter the time between 10:00 and 12:00 ‘o Clock in B3’;
timeDataValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.time;
timeDataValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
timeDataValidation.firstFormula = ’10:00’;
timeDataValidation.secondFormula = ’12:00’;
//Show the error message.
timeDataValidation.showErrorBox = true;
timeDataValidation.errorBoxText = ‘Enter a correct time’;
timeDataValidation.errorBoxTitle = ‘ERROR’;
timeDataValidation.promptBoxText = ‘Data validation for time’;
timeDataValidation.showPromptBox = true;
//Data Validation for List.
final DataValidation listValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘C3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘C1’).text = ‘Data Validation List in C3’;
listValidation.listOfValues = <String>[‘ListItem1’, ‘ListItem2’ , ‘ListItem3’];
//Show the error message.
listValidation.errorBoxText = ‘Choose the value from the list’;
listValidation.errorBoxTitle = ‘ERROR’;
listValidation.promptBoxText = ‘Data validation for list’;
listValidation.showPromptBox = true;
//Data Validation for Numbers.
final DataValidation numberValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘D3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘D1’).text =’Enter the Number in D3’;
numberValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.integer;
numberValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
numberValidation.firstFormula = ’0’;
numberValidation.secondFormula = ’10’;
//Show the error message.
numberValidation.showErrorBox = true;
numberValidation.errorBoxText = ‘Enter Value between 0 to 10’;
numberValidation.errorBoxTitle = ‘ERROR’;
numberValidation.promptBoxText = ‘Data validation for numbers’;
numberValidation.showPromptBox = true;
//Data Validation for Date.
final DataValidation dateValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘E3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘E1’).text =’Enter the Date in E3’;
dateValidation.allowType =;
dateValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
dateValidation.firstDateTime = DateTime(2003, 5 , 10);
dateValidation.secondDateTime = DateTime(2004, 5, 10);
//Show the error message.
dateValidation.showErrorBox = true;
dateValidation.errorBoxText = ‘Enter Value between 10/5/2003 to 10/5/2004’;
dateValidation.errorBoxTitle = ‘ERROR’;
dateValidation.promptBoxText = ‘Data validation for date’;
dateValidation.showPromptBox = true;
//Data validation for custom data.
final DataValidation customValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘F3’).dataValidation;
customValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.formula;
customValidation.firstFormula = ‘=F1>10’;
//Show the error message.
customValidation.errorBoxText = ‘Enter the value in F1 greater than 10’;
customValidation.errorBoxTitle = ‘ERROR’;
customValidation.promptBoxText = ‘Custom DataValidation’;
customValidation.showPromptBox = true;
//Data Validation for decimal.
final DataValidation decimalValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘G3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘G1’).text =’Enter the Decimal Number in G3’;
decimalValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.decimal;
decimalValidation.comparisonOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.between;
decimalValidation.firstFormula = ‘1.0’;
decimalValidation.secondFormula = ’10.0’;
//Show the error message.
decimalValidation.showErrorBox = true;
decimalValidation.errorBoxText = ‘Enter Value between 1.0 to 10.0’;
decimalValidation.errorBoxTitle = ‘ERROR’;
decimalValidation.promptBoxText = ‘Data validation for decimal’;
decimalValidation.showPromptBox = true;
//DataValidation as a list of the selected range in Excel-Sheet.
final DataValidation dataRangeValidation = sheet.getRangeByName(‘H3’).dataValidation;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘H1’).text = ‘Select the value provided in the list’;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘H4’).text = ‘ListItem1’;
sheet.getRangeByName(‘H5’).text = ‘ListItem2’;
dataRangeValidation.dataRange = sheet.getRangeByName(‘H4:H5’);
//Range of cells to be autofit
//Save and dispose the Workbook
final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveSync();