Working with Excel Data

31 Oct 202315 minutes to read

Importing Data to Worksheets

Flutter XlsIO provides the ability to import data into a worksheet from the following data.

Import Data from Array

Using importList method, we can import list of data with different data types.

The following code snippet shows how to import a list of data vertically into the worksheet using importList() method.

  • DART
  • // Create a new Excel Document.
    final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
    // Accessing sheet via index.
    final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
    //Initialize the List\<Object>
    final List<Object> list = [
      'Toatal Income',
      'On Date',
      DateTime(2021, 11, 11)
    // Represent the starting row.
    final int firstRow = 1;
    // Represent the starting column.
    final int firstColumn = 1;
    // Represents that the data should be imported vertically.
    final bool isVertical = true;
    //Import the Object list to Sheet
    sheet.importList(list, firstRow, firstColumn, isVertical);
    // Save and dispose workbook.
    final List<int>? bytes = workbook.saveSync();

    The following screenshot represents the Excel file generated by vertically importing data from
    list into the Excel worksheet using the Flutter XlsIO.


    The following code snippet shows how to import a list of data horizontally into the worksheet using importList() method.

  • DART
  • // Create a new Excel Document.
    final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
    // Accessing sheet via index.
    final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
    //Initialize the List\<Object>
    final List<Object> list = [
      'Toatal Income',
      'On Date',
      DateTime(2021, 11, 11)
    // Represent the starting row.
    final int firstRow = 1;
    // Represent the starting column.
    final int firstColumn = 1;
    // Represents that the data should be imported horizontally.
    final bool isVertical = false;
    //Import the Object list to Sheet
    sheet.importList(list, firstRow, firstColumn, isVertical);
    sheet.getRangeByIndex(1, 1, 1, 4).autoFitColumns();
    // Save and dispose workbook.
    final List<int>? bytes = workbook.saveSync();

    The following screenshot represents the Excel file generated by horizontally importing data from array into the Excel worksheet using the Flutter XlsIO.


    Import Data from List<T>

    Flutter XlsIO allows you to import data directly from List<T> using the importData method and ExcelDataRow class.

  • DART
  • // Create a new Excel Document.
    final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
    // Accessing sheet via index.
    final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
    // Create Data Rows for importing.
    final List<ExcelDataRow> dataRows = _buildReportDataRows();
    // Import the Data Rows in to Worksheet.
    sheet.importData(dataRows, 1, 1);
    // Save and dispose workbook.
    final List<int>? bytes = workbook.saveSync();

    The following code snippet provides supporting class for the above code.

  • DART
  • // Create Data Rows with List objects of Report class.
    List<ExcelDataRow> _buildReportDataRows() {
      List<ExcelDataRow> excelDataRows = <ExcelDataRow>[];
      final List<_Report> reports = _getSalesReports();
      excelDataRows =<ExcelDataRow>((_Report dataRow) {
        return ExcelDataRow(cells: <ExcelDataCell>[
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Sales Person', value: dataRow.salesPerson),
              columnHeader: 'Sales Jan to June', value: dataRow.salesJanJune),
              columnHeader: 'Sales July to Dec', value: dataRow.salesJulyDec),
      return excelDataRows;
    // Create List objects for Report class.
    List<_Report> _getSalesReports() {
      final List<_Report> reports = <_Report>[];
      reports.add(_Report('Andy Bernard', 45000, 58000));
      reports.add(_Report('Jim Halpert', 34000, 65000));
      reports.add(_Report('Karen Fillippelli', 75000, 64000));
      reports.add(_Report('Phyllis Lapin', 56500, 33600));
      reports.add(_Report('Stanley Hudson', 46500, 52000));
      return reports;
    // Custom Report class.
    class _Report {
      _Report(this.salesPerson, this.salesJanJune, this.salesJulyDec);
      late String salesPerson;
      late int salesJanJune;
      late int salesJulyDec;

    Flutter XlsIO allows you to import images, data with URLs, and data with mail IDs as hyperlinks from various data sources binded in List</T> using the following code snippet,

  • DART
  • // Create a new Excel Document.
    final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
    // Accessing sheet via index.
    final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
    // Create Data Rows for importing.
     final List<ExcelDataRow> dataRows = _buildCustomersDataRows();
    // Import the Data Rows in to Worksheet.
    sheet.importData(dataRows, 1, 1);
    // Save and dispose workbook.
    final List<int>? bytes = workbook.saveSync();

    The following code snippet provides supporting class for the above code.

  • DART
  • // Create Data Rows with List objects of Customers class.
    List<ExcelDataRow> _buildCustomersDataRows() {
      List<ExcelDataRow> excelDataRows = <ExcelDataRow>[];
      final List<_Customers> reports = _getCustomersHyperlink();
      excelDataRows =<ExcelDataRow>((_Customers dataRow) {
        return ExcelDataRow(cells: <ExcelDataCell>[
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Sales Person', value: dataRow.salesPerson),
              columnHeader: 'Sales Jan to June', value: dataRow.salesJanJune),
              columnHeader: 'Sales July to Dec', value: dataRow.salesJulyDec),
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Change', value: dataRow.change),
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Hyperlinks', value: dataRow.hyperlink),
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Images', value: dataRow.image)
      return excelDataRows;
    // Create List objects for Customers class.
    List<_Customers> _getCustomersHyperlink() {
      final List<_Customers> reports = <_Customers>[];
      _Customers customer = _Customers('Andy Bernard', 45000, 58000, 29);
      final Hyperlink link = Hyperlink.add(
          '', 'Hyperlink', 'Google', HyperlinkType.url);
      Picture pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man1jpg));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      customer.image = pic;
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Jim Halpert', 34000, 65000, 91);
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man2png));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      customer.image = pic;
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Karen Fillippelli', 75000, 64000, -15);
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man3jpg));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      customer.image = pic;
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Phyllis Lapin', 56500, 33600, -40);
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man4png));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      customer.image = pic;
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Stanley Hudson', 46500, 52000, 12);
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man5jpg));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      customer.image = pic;
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      return reports;
    // Custom Customers class.
    class _Customers {
          this.salesPerson, this.salesJanJune, this.salesJulyDec, this.change);
      late String salesPerson;
      late int salesJanJune;
      late int salesJulyDec;
      late int change;
      Hyperlink? hyperlink;
      Picture? image;

    Use the following code snippet to import data from List</T> with hyperlink on Image.

  • DART
  • // Create a new Excel Document.
    final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
    // Accessing sheet via index.
    final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
    // Create Data Rows for importing.
     final List<ExcelDataRow> dataRows = _buildCustomersDataRowsIH();
    // Import the Data Rows in to Worksheet.
    sheet.importData(dataRows, 1, 1);
    // Save and dispose workbook.
    final List<int>? bytes = workbook.saveSync();

    The following code snippet provides supporting class for the above code.

  • DART
  • // Create Data Rows with List objects of Customers class.
    List<ExcelDataRow> _buildCustomersDataRowsIH() {
      List<ExcelDataRow> excelDataRows = <ExcelDataRow>[];
      final List<_Customers> reports = _getCustomersImageHyperlink();
      excelDataRows =<ExcelDataRow>((_Customers dataRow) {
        return ExcelDataRow(cells: <ExcelDataCell>[
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Sales Person', value: dataRow.salesPerson),
              columnHeader: 'Sales Jan to June', value: dataRow.salesJanJune),
              columnHeader: 'Sales July to Dec', value: dataRow.salesJulyDec),
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Change', value: dataRow.change),
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Hyperlink', value: dataRow.hyperlink),
          ExcelDataCell(columnHeader: 'Images Hyperlinks', value: dataRow.image)
      return excelDataRows;
    // Create List objects for Customers class.
    List<_Customers> _getCustomersImageHyperlink() {
      final List<_Customers> reports = <_Customers>[];
      final Hyperlink link = Hyperlink.add('',
          'Hyperlink', 'Syncfusion', HyperlinkType.url);
      Picture pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man6png));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      pic.hyperlink = link;
      _Customers customer = _Customers('BernardShah', 45000, 58000, 29);
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer.image = pic;
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man7jpg));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      pic.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Patricia McKenna', 34000, 65000, 91);
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer.image = pic;
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man8png));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      pic.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Antonio Moreno Taquería', 75000, 64000, -15);
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer.image = pic;
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man9jpg));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      pic.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Thomas Hardy', 56500, 33600, -40);
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer.image = pic;
      pic = Picture(base64.decode(_man10png));
      pic.width = 200;
      pic.height = 200;
      pic.hyperlink = link;
      customer = _Customers('Christina Berglund', 46500, 52000, 12);
      customer.hyperlink = link;
      customer.image = pic;
      return reports;
    // Custom Customers class.
    class _Customers {
          this.salesPerson, this.salesJanJune, this.salesJulyDec, this.change);
      late String salesPerson;
      late int salesJanJune;
      late int salesJulyDec;
      late int change;
      Hyperlink? hyperlink;
      Picture? image;