NuGet Packages Required to Convert Word to PDF

4 Feb 20253 minutes to read

Converting Word document to PDF

For converting Word document into PDF, the following NuGet packages need to be installed in your application.

Platform(s) Package name Package manager console command

Windows Forms

, Console Application (Targeting .NET Framework)
Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.WinForms.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.WinForms


Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.Wpf.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.Wpf
.NET Framework 3.5 or 4.0 Client Profile Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.ClientProfile.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.ClientProfile


Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc4.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc4


Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc5.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc5


, Console Application (Targeting .NET Core) and



Please refer


to know about the NuGet packages that need to be installed to perform Word to PDF conversion in Linux OS.
Install-Package Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.Net.Core


Syncfusion.Xamarin.DocIORenderer.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.Xamarin.DocIORenderer

Windows UI Library (WinUI)

.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI)

Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.NET Install-Package Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.NET

Retired Platforms

The following NuGet packages need to be included in your application based on the platform.

Platform(s) Package name Package manager console command


Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet


  1. Starting with v16.2.0.x, if you reference Syncfusion® assemblies from trial setup or from the NuGet feed, you also have to add “Syncfusion.Licensing” assembly reference and include a license key in your projects. Please refer to this link to know about registering Syncfusion® license key in your application to use our components.
  2. Syncfusion® components are available in
  3. Please refer the procedure to deploy your .NET Core application in Linux OS from here.
  4. From v28.2.3, the dependent package SkiaSharp is upgraded from 2.88.8 to 3.116.1 version and it is mandatory to use SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux v3.116.1 and HarfBuzzSharp.NativeAssets.Linux v8.3.0.1 packages for converting Word documents into PDF in Linux environment.
  5. “DocIO supports Word to PDF conversion in UWP application using DocIORenderer.” For further information, please refer here

Converting Charts

The following NuGet package need to be installed additionally to preserve chart as image in Word to PDF conversion.

Platform(s) Package name Package manager console command
Windows Forms, Console Application (Targeting .NET Framework) Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.WinForms.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.WinForms
WPF Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.Wpf.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.Wpf
ASP.NET MVC4 Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc4.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc4
ASP.NET MVC5 Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc5.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc5

Retired Platforms

The following NuGet packages need to be included in your application based on the platform.

Platform(s) Package name Package manager console command
Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.nupkg Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet

NuGet Package Installation and Uninstallation

To use Syncfusion® NuGet packages in your project, please refer the NuGet Package Installation and Uninstallation sections.

DocIO NuGet packages can be installed and uninstalled using Package Manager Console. In Visual Studio, select Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console and execute the following commands.

Windows Forms

NuGet Package: Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.WinForms

The package contains the DocToPdfConverter .NET library that allows you to convert the Word documents to PDF.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.WinForms
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.WinForms -RemoveDependencies 

NuGet Package: Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.WinForms

The package contains OfficeChartToImageConverter .NET library for converting the chart present in word document to image.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.WinForms
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.WinForms -RemoveDependencies 


NuGet Package: Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.Wpf

The package contains the DocToPdfConverter .NET library that allows you to convert the Word documents to PDF.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.Wpf
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.Wpf -RemoveDependencies 

NuGet Package: Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.Wpf

The package contains OfficeChartToImageConverter .NET library for converting the chart present in word document to image.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.Wpf
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.Wpf -RemoveDependencies 


NuGet Package: Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc4

The package contains the DocToPdfConverter .NET library that allows you to convert the Word documents to PDF.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc4
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc4 -RemoveDependencies 

NuGet Package: Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc4

The package contains OfficeChartToImageConverter .NET library for converting the chart present in word document to image.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc4
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc4 -RemoveDependencies 


NuGet Package: Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc5

The package contains the DocToPdfConverter .NET library that allows you to convert the Word documents to PDF.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc5
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.DocToPdfConverter.AspNet.Mvc5 -RemoveDependencies 

NuGet Package: Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc5

The package contains OfficeChartToImageConverter .NET library for converting the chart present in word document to image.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc5
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.AspNet.Mvc5 -RemoveDependencies 

ASP.NET Core and Blazor

NuGet Package: Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.Net.Core

The package contains the DocIORenderer .NET portable library that allows you to convert the Word documents to PDF.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.Net.Core
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.Net.Core -RemoveDependencies 


NuGet Package: Syncfusion.Xamarin.DocIORenderer

The package contains the DocIORenderer .NET portable library that allows you to convert the Word documents to PDF.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.Xamarin.DocIORenderer
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.Xamarin.DocIORenderer -RemoveDependencies 

Windows UI Library (WinUI) and .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI)

NuGet Package: Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.NET

The package contains the DocIORenderer .NET library that allows you to convert the Word documents to PDF.

// Install package
Install-Package Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.NET
// Uninstall package
Uninstall-Package Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.NET -RemoveDependencies