Helper Functions

7 Sep 20175 minutes to read


This method is used to parse the string to JSON.


This method is used to parse the HTML element into the JSON Array and is used commonly in element binding using DataManager.


This method returns the globally unique identifier and it generates unique identifier with the prefix provided as parameter.


The ej.merge is used to merge two arrays and the result is merged in the first array.

The property contains a collection of properties representing different browser features or bugs. The property are as follows.

  1. cors – represents the cross browser support.

  2. enableLocalizedSort – enables the localized sort operation.

  3. stableSort – enables stable sort operation.

  4. outerHTML – represents the outerHTML support.


This method is used to swap the position of element in an array. It accepts three arguments such as input array and two swap positions.


This property is used to set the time-zone offset from UTC, in hours


Suppose, application has been hosted in EST time zone and client may be in IST, GMT etc. in that case, date will differ from database. The below given solution will fix the conflict.

Name: ej.serverTimezoneOffset Data type: number Default Value: 0


By default, The server time zone will be in UTC, if its other than the UTC, set the proper format time zone offset value to the ej.serverTimezoneOffset property.

Please refer the online (link)[] for time zone offset values.

Time-zone offset calculation from UTC:
ej.serverTimezoneOffset = serverTimeZoneDifference(in hours) + ClientSideTimeZoneDiff(in hours);
  • HTML
  • <div class="content-container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="cols-sample-area">
                    <div id="Grid"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var serverTimeZoneDifference = -5.0   // if your server is in EST time zone (UTC -5.0) (in hours)
            var serverTimeZoneDifference = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60; // get client time zone differences and convert it to hours;
            ej.serverTimezoneOffset = serverTimeZoneDifference + serverTimeZoneDifference;
            $(function () {
                var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "" });
                    dataSource: dataManagerObj,
                    allowPaging: true,
                    columns: ["OrderID", "EmployeeID", "CustomerID", "OrderDate", "Freight"]


    When the Daylight saving time mode is enabled in the sever, take care about this time adjustment with the server time-zone offset calculation.

    The countries that are using Eastern Standard Time (EST) when observing standard time (autumn/winter) are 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC−05:00).

    Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), when observing daylight saving time DST (spring/summer) is 4 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC−04:00).

    Let see an example, when they observe the Daylight saving time.

  • HTML
  • <div class="content-container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="cols-sample-area">
                    <div id="Grid"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var serverTimeZoneDifference = -4.0  // if your server is in EDT time zone (UTC -4.0) (in hours)
            var serverTimeZoneDifference = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60; // get client time zone differences and convert it to hours;
            ej.serverTimezoneOffset = serverTimeZoneDifference + serverTimeZoneDifference;
            $(function () {
                var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "" });
                    dataSource: dataManagerObj,
                    allowPaging: true,
                    columns: ["OrderID", "EmployeeID", "CustomerID", "OrderDate", "Freight"]