- Create Connector
- Update Connector at runtime
- Connect nodes
- Segments
- Decorator
- Padding
- Bridging
- Corner radius
- Appearance
- Interaction
- Constraints
Contact Support
Connector in AngularJS Diagram
18 Jan 202324 minutes to read
Connectors are objects used to create link between two points, nodes or ports to represent the relationships between them.
Create Connector
Connector can be created by defining the start and end points. The path to be drawn can be defined with a collection of segments.
To explore the properties of a connector
, refer to Connector Properties.
Add connectors through connectors collection
The sourcePoint
and targetPoint
properties of connector allow you to define the end points of a connector
. The following code example illustrates how to add a connector through connector collection.
<div ng-controller="diagramCtrl">
<ej-diagram id="diagramCore" e-height="500px" e-width="700px" e-connectors="connectors">
//Creates connector
var connectors = [
// Defines JSON
//Name of the connector
name: "connector",
//Sets source and target points
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
//Initializes Diagram
syncApp.controller('diagramCtrl', function($scope) {
//Assigns connectors collection to the Diagram
$scope.connectors = connectors;
Add connector at run time
Connectors can be added at runtime with the client side method, add
. The following code example illustrates how to add connector at runtime.
// Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
var diagram = $("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram("instance");
// Adds to the Diagram
Connectors from palette
Connectors can be predefined and added to the symbol palette. You can drop those connectors into the Diagram, when required.
For more information about adding connectors from symbol palette, refer to Symbol Palette.
Connectors through data source
Connectors are automatically generated based on the relationships defined through the data source.
The default properties for these connectors are fetched from default settings.
For more information about data source, refer to Data Binding.
Draw connectors
Connectors can be interactively drawn by clicking and dragging on the Diagram surface by using DrawingTool. For more information about drawing connectors, refer to Draw Connectors.
Update Connector at runtime
The client side method, updateConnector
is used to update the connectors at run time. The following code example illustrates how to update a connector at runtime.
var diagram = $("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram("instance");
diagram.updateConnector("connectorName", {
lineColor: "#1BA0E2",
lineWidth: 5,
lineDashArray: "5,5"
Connect nodes
The SourceNode
and targetNode
properties allow to define the nodes to be connected. The following code example illustrates how to connect two nodes.
<div ng-controller="diagramCtrl">
<ej-diagram id="diagramCore" e-height="500px" e-width="700px" e-nodes="nodes" e-defaultsettings="defaultSettings" e-connectors="connectors">
// Defines JSON to create tasks
var task1 = {
name: "task1",
offsetX: 200,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 1"
var task2 = {
name: "task2",
offsetX: 400,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 2"
//Adds tasks to nodes collection
var nodes = [
var connectors = [{
//Name of the connector
name: "flow1",
//Name of the source and target nodes
sourceNode: "task1",
targetNode: "task2"
//Initializes Diagram
syncApp.controller('diagramCtrl', function($scope) {
//Sets nodes collection to the Diagram model
$scope.nodes = nodes;
//Assigns connectors collection to the Diagram
$scope.connectors = connectors;
//Defines the properties that carry the common values
$scope.defaultSettings = {
//Defines the common values for the nodes
node: {
width: 100,
height: 50,
fillColor: "darkCyan",
borderColor: "black",
type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Shapes.Flow,
shape: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.FlowShapes.Process,
labels: [{
fontColor: "white"
By default, connections are created at the intersecting point of segments and node bounds. The connection between any specific point of source and target nodes can be achieved with connection ports.
Connections with ports
The sourcePort
and targetPort
properties allow to create connections between some specific points of source/target nodes.
The following code example illustrates how to create port to port connections.
<div ng-controller="diagramCtrl">
<ej-diagram id="diagramCore" e-height="500px" e-width="700px" e-nodes="nodes" e-defaultsettings="defaultSettings" e-connectors="connectors">
//Defines ports for task2
var ports = [{
name: "in",
offset: {
x: 1,
y: 0.65
shape: "circle",
visibility: "visible",
fillColor: "black"
name: "out",
offset: {
x: 1,
y: 0.35
shape: "circle",
visibility: "visible",
fillColor: "black"
// Defines JSON to create tasks
var task1 = {
name: "task1",
offsetX: 350,
offsetY: 300,
labels: [{
text: "Task 1"
var task2 = {
name: "task2",
offsetX: 200,
offsetY: 250,
labels: [{
text: "Task 2"
// Adds ports to node
ports: ports
var task3 = {
name: "task3",
offsetX: 350,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 3"
//Adds tasks to nodes collection
var nodes = [task1, task2, task3];
var connectors = [{
name: "flow1",
sourceNode: "task1",
targetNode: "task2",
//Name of the target port defined in the target node
targetPort: "in"
}, {
name: "flow2",
sourceNode: "task2",
targetNode: "task3",
//Name of the source port defined in the source node
sourcePort: "out"
//Initializes Diagram
syncApp.controller('diagramCtrl', function($scope) {
//Sets nodes collection to the Diagram model
$scope.nodes = nodes;
//Assigns connectors collection to the Diagram
$scope.connectors = connectors;
//Defines the properties that carry the common values
$scope.defaultSettings = {
//Defines the common values for the nodes
node: {
width: 100,
height: 50,
fillColor: "darkCyan",
borderColor: "black",
type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Shapes.Flow,
shape: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.FlowShapes.Process,
labels: [{
fontColor: "white"
//Defines common values for connectors
connector: {
segments: [{
type: "orthogonal"
The path of the connector is defined with a collection of segments. There are three types of segments.
Straight segment allows to create a straight line.
To create a straight line, you should specify the type
of the segment as “straight” and add a straight segment to segments
collection. The following code example illustrates how to create a default straight segment.
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
//When there is no previous segment, line starts from source point
//When the end point is not specified, line ends at target point
//Defines the type of the segment
type: "straight"
The point
property of straight segment allows you to define the end point of it. The following code example illustrates how to define the end point of a straight segment.
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 300
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
// Defines the type of the segment
type: "straight",
// Defines the end point of the segment
point: {
x: 100,
y: 200
// Additional straight line will be drawn from this end point to the target point
Orthogonal segments are used to create segments that are perpendicular to each other.
Set the segment type
as “orthogonal” to create a default orthogonal segment. The following code example illustrates how to create a default orthogonal segment.
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
// Define the type of the segment
type: "orthogonal"
The length
and direction
properties allow to define the flow and length of segment. The following code example illustrates how to create customized orthogonal segments.
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
// Orthogonal segment of 50px length to the bottom
type: "orthogonal",
length: 50,
direction: "bottom"
// Additional orthogonal segments will be added from the end of the last segment to the target point
Avoid overlapping
Orthogonal segments are automatically re-routed, in order to avoid overlapping with the source and target nodes. The following images illustrate how orthogonal segments are re-routed.
Overlapping with source and target nodes are only avoided. Other nodes are not considered as obstacles.
Bezier segments are used to create curve segments and the curves are configurable either with the control points or with vectors.
To create a bezier segment, the segment.type
is set as bezier
. The following code example illustrates how to create a default Bezier segment.
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
// Defines the type of the segment
type: "bezier"
The point1
and point2
properties of bezier segment enable you to set the control points. The following code example illustrates how to configure the Bezier segments with control points.
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 200
targetPoint: {
x: 250,
y: 200
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
// Defines the type of the segment
type: "bezier",
// First control point: an absolute position from the page origin
point1: {
x: 125,
y: 75
// Second control point: an absolute position from the page origin
point2: {
x: 225,
y: 75
The vactor1
and vector2
properties of bezier segment enable you to define the vectors. The following code illustrates how to configure a bezier curve with vectors.
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 200
targetPoint: {
x: 250,
y: 200
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
// Defines the type of the segment
type: "bezier",
// Length and angle between the source point and the first control point
vector1: {
angle: 270,
distance: 75
// Length and angle between the target point and the second control point
vector2: {
angle: 270,
distance: 75
Complex segments
Multiple segments can be defined one after another. To create a connector with multiple segments, define and add the segments to connector.segments
collection. The Following code example illustrates how to create a connector with multiple segments.
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 200
targetPoint: {
x: 250,
y: 300
//Defines segment collection
segments: [{
// Segment of length 100px to the bottom
type: "orthogonal",
length: 150,
direction: "bottom"
}, {
//Defines a segment of 150px length to the right
type: "orthogonal",
direction: "right",
length: 150
//Additional orthogonal segments will be added from the end of the last segment to the target point
Start and end points of a connector can be decorated with some customizable shapes like arrows, circles, diamond or path. You can decorate the connection end points with the sourceDecorator
and targetDecorator
properties of connector.
To explore the properties of decorators, refer to Decorator Properties.
The shape
property of decorator allows to define the shape of the decorators. The following code example illustrates how to create decorators of various shapes.
var DecoratorShapes = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DecoratorShapes;
var connectors = [];
//Defines JSON
var connector = {
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
// Decorator shape- circle
sourceDecorator: {
shape: DecoratorShapes.Circle,
width: 10,
height: 10
// Decorator shape - Arrow
targetDecorator: {
shape: DecoratorShapes.Arrow,
width: 10,
height: 10
var connector2 = {
name: "connector2",
sourcePoint: {
x: 300,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 400,
y: 200
// Decorator shape - Open arrow
sourceDecorator: {
shape: DecoratorShapes.Diamond,
width: 10,
height: 10
// Decorator shape - Diamond
targetDecorator: {
shape: DecoratorShapes.OpenArrow,
width: 10,
height: 10
var connector3 = {
name: "connector3",
sourcePoint: {
x: 500,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 600,
y: 200
// Decorator shape - Path
targetDecorator: {
shape: DecoratorShapes.Path,
pathData: "M 376.892,225.284L 371.279,211.95L 376.892,198.617L 350.225,211.95L 376.892,225.284 Z"
Padding is used to leave space between the Connector’s end point and the object to where it is connected.
The sourcePadding
and targetPadding
properties of connector define the space to be left between the connection end points and the source and target nodes of connector. The following code example illustrates how to leave space between the connection end points and source, target nodes.
// Defines JSON to create tasks
var task1 = {
name: "task1",
offsetX: 200,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 1"
var task2 = {
name: "task2",
offsetX: 400,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 2"
//Adds tasks to nodes collection
var nodes = [
var connectors = [{
name: "flow1",
sourceNode: "task1",
targetNode: "task2",
// Space between source point and source object
sourcePadding: 5,
// Space between target point and target object
targetPadding: 10
The connectorPadding
property of node defines the space to be left between the node bounds and its edges. The following code example illustrates how to leave the space between a node and its connections.
// Defines JSON to create tasks
var task1 = {
name: "task1",
offsetX: 200,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 1"
//Space between the node and its edges
connectorPadding: 5
var task2 = {
name: "task2",
offsetX: 400,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 2"
//Adds tasks to nodes collection
var nodes = [
var connectors = [
//Defines JSON
name: "flow1",
sourceNode: "task1",
targetNode: "task2"
The connectorPadding
property of port defines the space between the ports and its in/out edges. The following code example illustrates how to leave the space between ports and its connections.
// Defines JSON to create tasks
var ports = [{
name: "port",
offset: {
x: 0,
y: 0.5
shape: "circle",
visibility: "visible",
fillColor: "black",
//Space between port and its edges
connectorPadding: 5
var task1 = {
name: "task1",
offsetX: 200,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 1"
var task2 = {
name: "task2",
offsetX: 400,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 2"
ports: ports
//Adds tasks to nodes collection
var nodes = [
var connectors = [
//Defines JSON
name: "flow1",
sourceNode: "task1",
targetNode: "task2",
targetPort: "port"
Line Bridging creates a bridge for lines to smartly cross over other lines, at points of intersection. When two line connectors meet each other, the line with the higher z-order (upper one) draws an arc over the underlying connector.
Bridging can be enabled/disabled either with the connector.constraints
or diagram.constraints
. The following code example illustrates how to enable line bridging.
<div ng-controller="diagramCtrl">
<ej-diagram id="diagram" e-height="500px" e-width="100%" e-connectors="connectors" e-constraints="constraints">
var Diagram = ej.datavisualization.Diagram;
//Enables briding for a single connector
var connector = {
name: "connector1",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
constraints: Diagram.ConnectorConstraints.Default
// Removes inherit bridging or else bridging is enabled/disabled based on the Diagram constraints
//Includes bridging
//Enables bridging for every connector added in the model
syncApp.controller('diagramCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.connectors = connectors;
$scope.constraints: Diagram.DiagramConstraints.Default |
The direction of the bridge can be customized with the property bridgeDirection
. BridgeDirection defines the intersecting segment where the bridge has to be inserted. By default, the bridge direction points to the top.
To explore the bridge directions, refer to Bridge Directions.
The following code example illustrates how to draw the bridge at the bottom direction.
var DiagramConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DiagramConstraints;
//Enables bridging for every connector added in the model
syncApp.controller('diagramCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.connectors = connectors;
//Sets the bridge direction
bridgeDirection: "bottom",
//Enables bridging
constraints: DiagramConstraints.Default | DiagramConstraints.Bridging
Limitation: Bezier segments do not support bridging.
Corner radius
Corner radius allows to create connectors with rounded corners. The radius of the rounded corner is set with cornerRadius
// Defines JSON to create tasks
var task1 = {
name: "task1",
offsetX: 200,
offsetY: 200,
labels: [{
text: "Task 1"
var task2 = {
name: "task2",
offsetX: 350,
offsetY: 300,
labels: [{
text: "Task 2"
//Adds tasks to nodes collection
var nodes = [
var connectors = [
//Defines JSON
name: "flow1",
sourceNode: "task1",
targetNode: "task2",
//Sets the radius for the rounded corner
cornerRadius: 10
Stroke width, stroke color, and style of the lines and decorators can be customized with a set of defined properties.
Segment Appearance
The following code example illustrates how to customize the segment appearance.
//Customizes the appearance of the connector
var connectors = [{
name: "connector",
sourcePoint: {
x: 100,
y: 100
targetPoint: {
x: 200,
y: 200
//Stroke width of the line
lineWidth: 2,
//Stroke color
lineColor: "green",
//Line style
lineDashArray: "2,2",
//Opacity of the line
opacity: 0.8,
//Defined in the decorator appearance section
targetDecorator: targetDecorator
Decorator Appearance
The following code example illustrates how to customize the appearance of the decorator.
//Customizes the appearance of decorator
var targetDecorator = {
//Defines the shape
shape: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DecoratorShapes.Arrow,
//Fills color of the decorator
fillColor: "red",
//Stroke color
borderColor: "green",
//Stroke width
borderWidth: 2,
width: 10,
height: 10
Diagram allows to edit the connectors at runtime. To edit the connector segments at runtime, refer to Connection Editing.
The constraints
property of connector allows to enable/disable certain features of connectors. For more information about constraints, refer to Connector Constraints.