16 Nov 201924 minutes to read
The diagram control provides 2D surface to visualize the data as shapes, lines, text and images. It can be configured to DOM element such as DIV.
<div id="diagram"></div>
//Create Diagram
- module:jquery.js
- module:jquery.easing.min.js
- module:jsrender.min.js
- module:ej.core.js
- module:ej.draggable.js
- module:ej.scroller.js
- module:ej.touch.js
- module:ej.diagram.js
- module:ej.diagramcommon.js
- module:ej.diagraminteraction.js
- module:ej.diagramsvg.js
- module:ej.diagramtools.js
- module:ej.diagramlayout.js
- module:ej.matrix.js
backgroundColor string
Defines the background color of diagram elements
Default Value:
- “transparent”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ backgroundColor: "red"});
backgroundImage string
Defines the path of the background image of diagram elements
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ backgroundImage: "Syncfusion.png" });
backgroundImage.alignment enum
Defines how to align the background image over the diagram area.
Name | Description |
None | Scales the graphic content non-uniformly to the width and height of the diagram area |
XMinYMin | Used to align the image at the top left of diagram area |
XMinYMid | Used to align the image at the left center of diagram area |
XMinYMax | Used to align the image at the bottom left of diagram area |
XMidYMin | Used to align the image at the top center of diagram area |
XMidYMid | Used to align the image at the center of diagram area |
XMidYMax | Used to align the image at the bottom center of diagram area |
XMaxYMin | Used to align the image at the top right of diagram area/node |
XMaxYMid | Used to align the image at the right center of diagram area/node |
XMaxYMax | Used to align the image at the bottom right of diagram area/node |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ImageAlignment.XMidYMid
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ backgroundImage:{alignment: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ImageAlignment.XMidYMid }});
backgroundImage.scale enum
Defines how the background image should be scaled/stretched
Name | Description |
None | Used to scale the image non-uniformly to the given width/height |
Meet | Used to scale the image uniformly so that it fits the viewport |
Slice | Used to scale the image uniformly to the maximum |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScaleConstraints.Meet
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ backgroundImage:{scale:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScaleConstraints.Meet }});
backgroundImage.source string
Sets the source path of the background image
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ backgroundImage:{ source:"Syncfusion.png" }});
bridgeDirection enum
Sets the direction of line bridges.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to set the direction of line bridges as left |
Right | Used to set the direction of line bridges as right |
Top | Used to set the direction of line bridges as top |
Bottom | Used to set the direction of line bridges as bottom |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BridgeDirection.Top
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ bridgeDirection:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BridgeDirection.Bottom } });
commandManager object
Defines a set of custom commands and binds them with a set of desired key gestures.
commandManager.commands object
An object that maps a set of command names with the corresponding command objects
Default Value:
- {}
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram( {
commands: {
//Command Name
"clone" :
//Command Definition
gesture: { key:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Keys.C,
keyModifiers: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.KeyModifiers.Shift },
canExecute : function(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
return diagram.model.selectedItems.children.length;
execute : function(args){
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
commandManager.commands.canExecute function
A method that defines whether the command is executable at the moment or not.
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram( {
commands: {
//Command Name
"clone" :
//Method to define whether the command is executable at the moment
canExecute : function(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
return diagram.model.selectedItems.children.length;
#### Returns:
commandManager.commands.execute function
A method that defines what to be executed when the key combination is recognized.
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram( {
commands: {
//Command Name
"clone" :
//Defines what to be executed when the key combination is recognized
execute : function(args){
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
commandManager.commands.gesture object
Defines a combination of keys and key modifiers, on recognition of which the command will be executed
commandManager.commands.gesture.key enum
Sets the key value, on recognition of which the command will be executed.
Name | Description |
None | No key pressed. |
A | The A key. |
B | The B key. |
C | The C key. |
D | The D Key. |
E | The E key. |
F | The F key. |
G | The G key. |
H | The H Key. |
I | The I key. |
J | The J key. |
K | The K key. |
L | The L Key. |
M | The M key. |
N | The N key. |
O | The O key. |
P | The P Key. |
Q | The Q key. |
R | The R key. |
S | The S key. |
T | The T Key. |
U | The U key. |
V | The V key. |
W | The W key. |
X | The X key. |
Y | The Y key. |
Z | The Z key. |
Number0 | The 0 key. |
Number1 | The 1 key. |
Number2 | The 2 key. |
Number3 | The 3 key. |
Number4 | The 4 key. |
Number5 | The 5 key. |
Number6 | The 6 key. |
Number7 | The 7 key. |
Number8 | The 8 key. |
Number9 | The 9 key. |
Left | The LEFT ARROW key. |
Up | The UP ARROW key. |
Right | The RIGHT ARROW key. |
Down | The DOWN ARROW key. |
Escape | The ESC key. |
Delete | The DEL key. |
Tab | The TAB key. |
Enter | The ENTER key. |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Keys.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram( {
commands: {
//Command Name
"clone" :
//Sets the key corresponding to the command
gesture: { key:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Keys.C,
keyModifiers: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.KeyModifiers.Shift }
commandManager.commands.gesture.keyModifiers enum
Sets a combination of key modifiers, on recognition of which the command will be executed.
Name | Description |
None | No modifiers are pressed. |
Alt | The ALT key. |
Control | The CTRL key. |
Shift | The SHIFT key. |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.KeyModifiers.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram( {
commands: {
//Command Name
"clone" :
//Sets the key modifiers
gesture: { key:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Keys.C,
keyModifiers: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.KeyModifiers.Shift }
commandManager.commands.parameter object
Defines any additional parameters that are required at runtime
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram( {
commands: {
"clone" :
execute : function(args){
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//Checks args.parameter
if(diagram.getObjectType(diagram.model.selectedItems.children[0]) == args.parameter)
// any static value that is required when the command is executed
parameter : "node"
connectors array
A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a connector
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = {name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{ x:100, y:100 }, targetPoint:{ x:200,y:200 }};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ connectors:[connector] });
connectors.addInfo object
To maintain additional information about connectors
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var addInfo = { Description: "Bidirectional Flow" };
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{ x:100, y:100 }, targetPoint:{ x:200,y:200 }, addInfo:addInfo };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ connectors:[connector] });
connectors.bridgeSpace number
Defines the width of the line bridges
Default Value:
- 10
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector1 = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{ x:100, y:100 }, targetPoint:{ x:200,y:200 },
//Set bridge space
bridgeSpace: 15 };
var connector2 = { name:"connector2", sourcePoint:{x:150, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:150, y:200}};
var DiagramConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DiagramConstraints;
connectors:[connector1, connector2],
//Enable bridging
constraints:DiagramConstraints.Default | DiagramConstraints.Bridging
connectors.constraints enum
Enables or disables the behaviors of connectors.
Name | Description |
None | Disable all connector Constraints |
Select | Enables connector to be selected |
Delete | Enables connector to be Deleted |
Drag | Enables connector to be Dragged |
DragSourceEnd | Enables connectors source end to be selected |
DragTargetEnd | Enables connectors target end to be selected |
DragSegmentThumb | Enables control point and end point of every segment in a connector for editing |
Bridging | Enables bridging to the connector |
DragLabel | Enables label of node to be Dragged |
InheritBridging | Inherit the bridging option defined in the diagram constraints. |
AllowDrop | Allows the object to drop over the connector. |
InheritTooltip | Inherit the tooltip option defined in the diagram constraints. |
PointerEvents | Enables user interaction to the connector |
CrispEdges | Enables the contrast between clean edges of connector over rendering speed and geometric precision |
InheritCrispEdges | Enables the contrast between clean edges of connector over rendering speed and geometric precision |
DragLimit | Enables the contrast between clean edges of connector over rendering speed and geometric precision |
BridgeObstacle | Enables or disables bridging over a connector, if bridging constraints disabled.. |
Interaction | Enables connector to be selected and dragged. |
Routing | Enables the Routing for an connector |
InheritRouting | Inherit the routing option defined in the diagram constraints. |
Default | Enables all constraints |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ConnectorConstraints.Default
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var ConnectorConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ConnectorConstraints;
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{ x:100, y:100 }, targetPoint:{ x:200,y:200 },
//Disable selection
constraints: ConnectorConstraints.Default & ~ConnectorConstraints.Select };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ connectors:[connector] });
connectors.cornerRadius number
Defines the radius of the rounded corner
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{ x:100, y:100 }, targetPoint:{ x:200,y:200 },
//Set corner radius
cornerRadius: 10, segments:[{ type: "orthogonal"}] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ connectors:[connector] });
connectors.cssClass string
This property allows you to customize connectors appearance using user-defined CSS.
Default Value:
- ””
.hoverConnector:hover {
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name: "connector",
cssClass: "hoverConnector",
sourcePoint:{ x:100, y: 100 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ connectors:[ connector ] });
connectors.horizontalAlign enum
Sets the horizontal alignment of the connector. Applicable, if the parent of the connector is a container.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align text horizontally on left side of node/connector |
Center | Used to align text horizontally on center of node/connector |
Right | Used to align text horizontally on right side of node/connector |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Left
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector1 = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:150, y:150},
//Set the horizontal alignment
horizontalAlign:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Right };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ connector1 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
minWidth:200, minHeight: 200, fillColor:"gray" };
connectors.labels array
A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a label.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Define the labels collection
labels:[{ text:"connector" }]};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.labels.alignment enum
Defines how the label should be aligned with respect to the segment
Name | Description |
Before | Used to align the label either top or left(before) of the connector segment |
Center | Used to align the label at center of the connector segment |
After | Used to align the label either bottom or right(after) of the connector segment |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Alignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Define the labels collection
labels:[{ text:"connector", alignment:"before" }]};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.labels.bold boolean
Enables/disables the bold style
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", bold:true}]
connectors.labels.borderColor string
Sets the border color of the label
Default Value:
- “transparent”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", borderColor:"red", borderWidth: 2}]
connectors.labels.borderWidth number
Sets the border width of the label
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", borderColor:"red", borderWidth: 2}]
connectors.labels.boundaryConstraints boolean
Defines whether the label should be aligned within the connector boundaries
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", boundaryConstraints: "false"}]
connectors.labels.constraints enum
Enables or disables the default behaviors of the label.
Name | Description |
None | Disable all label Constraints |
Selectable | Enables label to be selected |
Draggable | Enables label to be Dragged |
Resizable | Enables label to be Resized |
Rotatable | Enables label to be Rotated |
All | Enables all label constraints |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LabelConstraints.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var LabelConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LabelConstraints;
//Disable resize
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"Enter Your Text", constraints: LabelConstraints.All & ~LabelConstraints.Resizable}]
connectors.labels.fillColor string
Sets the fill color of the text area
Default Value:
- “transparent”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", fillColor: "green"}]
connectors.labels.fontColor string
Sets the font color of the text
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", fontColor: "green"}]
connectors.labels.fontFamily string
Sets the font family of the text
Default Value:
- “Arial”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", fontColor: "green", fontFamily:"seugoe UI"}]
connectors.labels.fontSize number
Defines the font size of the text
Default Value:
- 12
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", fontSize: 14}]
connectors.labels.height number
Sets the height of the label(the maximum value of label height and the connector height will be considered as label height)
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"Label", height: 100}]
connectors.labels.horizontalAlignment enum
Sets the horizontal alignment of the label.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Align the text at the left most position of connector
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Left}]
connectors.labels.hyperlink string
Sets the hyperlink for the labels in the connectors.
Default Value:
- none
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors =[
{name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels: [{ "hyperText": "https://www.syncfusion.com" }]
connectors.labels.italic boolean
Enables/disables the italic style
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", italic:true}]
connectors.labels.mode enum
Gets whether the label is currently being edited or not.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LabelEditMode.Edit
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = diagram.selectionList[0];
connectors.labels.name string
Sets the unique identifier of the label
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", name:"label1"}]
connectors.labels.offset object
Sets the fraction/ratio(relative to connector) that defines the position of the label
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0.5, 0.5)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0,0.5) }]
connectors.labels.margin object
Sets the fraction/ratio(relative to connector) that defines the position of the label
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0.5, 0.5)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0,0.5) }]
connectors.labels.margin.right number
To set the margin of the label in right direction
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", margin:{ right: 5 }}]
connectors.labels.margin.left number
To set the margin of the label in left direction
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", margin:{ left: 5 }}]
connectors.labels.margin.top number
To set the margin of the label in top direction
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", margin:{ top: 5 }}]
connectors.labels.margin.bottom number
To set the margin of the label in bottom direction
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", margin:{ bottom: 5 }}]
connectors.labels.padding object
Sets the padding for connector label.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0.5, 0.5)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0,0.5),padding:{ right: 5 } }]
connectors.labels.dragLimit object
Sets the value which is used to drag the label within certain bounds.
Default Value:
- null
connectors.labels.dragLimit.right number
To set the drag limit of the label in right direction
Default Value:
- 10
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors = [{
name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", dragLimit:{ right: 5 }}]
connectors.labels.dragLimit.left number
To set the drag limit of the label in left direction
Default Value:
- 10
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors = [{
name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", dragLimit:{ left: 5 }}]
connectors.labels.dragLimit.top number
To set the drag limit of the label in top direction
Default Value:
- 10
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors = [{
name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", dragLimit:{ top: 10 }}]
connectors.labels.dragLimit.bottom number
To set the drag limit of the label in bottom direction
Default Value:
- 10
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors = [{
name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of connector and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", dragLimit:{ bottom: 10 }}]
connectors.labels.opacity number
Defines the transparency of labels
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", opacity: 0.7}
connectors.labels.readOnly boolean
Defines whether the label is editable or not
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", readOnly:true}]
connectors.labels.relativeMode enum
Defines whether the label should be positioned whether relative to segments or connector boundaries
Name | Description |
SegmentPath | Sets the relativeMode as SegmentPath |
SegmentBounds | Sets the relativeMode as SegmentBounds |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LabelRelativeMode.SegmentPath
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", relativeMode:"segmentPath"}]
connectors.labels.rotateAngle number
Defines the angle to which the label needs to be rotated
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"label", rotateAngle: 90}]
connectors.labels.segmentOffset string
Sets the position of the label with respect to the total segment length
Default Value:
- 0.5
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"Label", segmentOffset:0.7}]
connectors.labels.text string
Defines the label text
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"Label"}]
connectors.labels.textAlign enum
Defines how to align the text inside the label.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextAlign.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"node Label", textAlign:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextAlign.Left}]
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ connectors:connectors });
connectors.labels.textDecoration enum
Sets how to decorate the label text.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextDecorations.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Decorate the text with an underline
labels:[{ text:"Label", textDecoration: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextDecorations.Underline}]
connectors.labels.verticalAlignment enum
Sets the vertical alignment of the label.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Aligns the text at the top most position of connector
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ y:0 }, verticalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Top }]
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ connectors:connectors });
connectors.labels.visible boolean
Enables or disables the visibility of the label
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"Label", visible: false}]
connectors.labels.width number
Sets the width of the label(the maximum value of label width and the connector width will be considered as label width)
Default Value:
- 50
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"Label", width: 100}]
connectors.labels.wrapping enum
Defines how the label text needs to be wrapped.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextWrapping.WrapWithOverflow
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connectors;
connectors=[{ name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
labels:[{ text:"Enter Your Text", wrapping:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextWrapping.NoWrap}]
connectors.lineColor string
Sets the stroke color of the connector
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
lineColor:"blue" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.lineDashArray string
Sets the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke the path of the connector
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
lineColor:"blue", lineDashArray: "2,2" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.lineHitPadding number
Defines the padding value to ease the interaction with connectors
Default Value:
- 10
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
lineHitPadding: 15 };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.lineWidth number
Sets the width of the line
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
lineWidth: 10 };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.marginBottom number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the bottom of parent bounds and the connector. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector1 = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100},
targetPoint:{x:150, y:150}, verticalAlign:"bottom", marginBottom: 10 };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ connector1 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
minWidth:200, minHeight: 200, fillColor:"gray" };
connectors.marginLeft number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the left of parent bounds and the connector. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector1 = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100},
targetPoint:{x:150, y:150}, horizontalAlign:"left", marginLeft: 10 };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ connector1 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
minWidth:200, minHeight: 200, fillColor:"gray" };
connectors.marginRight number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the right of parent bounds and the connector. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector1 = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100},
targetPoint:{x:150, y:150}, horizontalAlign:"right", marginRight: 10 };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ connector1 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
minWidth:200, minHeight: 200, fillColor:"gray" };
connectors.marginTop number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the top of parent bounds and the connector. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector1 = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100},
targetPoint:{x:150, y:150}, verticalAlign:"top", marginTop: 10 };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ connector1 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
minWidth:200, minHeight: 200, fillColor:"gray" };
connectors.name string
Sets a unique name for the connector
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.opacity number
Defines the transparency of the connector
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
opacity: 0.5 };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.paletteItem object
Defines the size and preview size of the node to add that to symbol palette. To explore palette item, refer Palette Item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="symbolpalette"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Connectors", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "connector", sourcePoint:{x: 0, y: 0}, targetPoint:{x:50, y: 50},
segments:[{ type:"bezier" }],
//Sets preview size
paletteItem: {
previewWidth: 100,
previewHeight: 100
connectors.parent string
Sets the parent name of the connector.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, parent:"group"};
var group = { name :"group", children:["connector1"] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[group], connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments array
An array of JSON objects where each object represents a segment
Default Value:
- [ { type:”straight” } ]
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Defines a collection of segments
segments: [{type:"straight", point: { x:75, y:150 }}] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.direction string
Sets the direction of orthogonal segment
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
segments: [{type:"orthogonal", direction:"bottom", length:50}] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.length number
Describes the length of orthogonal segment
Default Value:
- undefined
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
segments: [{type:"orthogonal", direction:"bottom", length:50}] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.point object
Describes the end point of bezier/straight segment
Default Value:
- Diagram.Point()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
//Defines a collection of segments
segments: [{ type:"straight", point: { x:75, y:150 }}] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.point1 object
Defines the first control point of the bezier segment
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
segments: [{ type:"bezier", point1: { x:150, y:50} }] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.point2 object
Defines the second control point of bezier segment
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
segments: [{ type:"bezier", point1: { x:150, y:50}, point2:{ x: 150, y: 150 } }] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.type enum
Sets the type of the segment.
Name | Description |
Straight | Used to specify the lines as Straight |
Orthogonal | Used to specify the lines as Orthogonal |
Bezier | Used to specify the lines as Bezier |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Segments.Straight
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
segments: [{ type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Segments.Bezier }] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.vector1 object
Describes the length and angle between the first control point and the start point of bezier segment
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
segments: [{ type:"bezier",
vector1: { distance:75, angle: 0},
vector2: { distance:75, angle: 180} }] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.segments.vector2 object
Describes the length and angle between the second control point and end point of bezier segment
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
segments: [{ type:"bezier",
vector1: { distance:75, angle: 0},
vector2: { distance:75, angle: 180} }] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.shape object
Defines the role/meaning of the connector
Default Value:
- null
connectors.shape.type enum
Sets the type of the connector
Name | Description |
BPMN | Used to specify connector type as BPMN |
UMLClassifier | Used to specify connector type as UMLClassifier |
UMLActivity | Used to specify connector type as UMLActivity |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ConnectorShapes.BPMN
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = [{ name: "connector1", sourcePoint: { x: 50, y: 200 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
segments: [{ type: "straight" }], shape: { type: "bpmn"} }]
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : connector});
connectors.shape.flow enum
Sets the type of the flow in a BPMN Process
Name | Description |
Sequence | Used to specify the Sequence flow in a BPMN Process |
Association | Used to specify the Association flow in a BPMN Process |
Message | Used to specify the Message flow in a BPMN Process |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNFlows.Sequence
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = [{ name: "connector1", sourcePoint: { x: 50, y: 200 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
segments: [{ type: "straight" }], shape: { type: "bpmn", flow: "message" } }],
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : connector});
connectors.shape.association enum
Sets the type of the Association in a BPMN Process
Name | Description |
Default | Used to notate default association in a BPMN Process |
Directional | Used to notate directional association in a BPMN Process |
BiDirectional | User to notate bi-directional association in a BPMN Process |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.AssociationFlows.Default
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = [{ name: "connector1", sourcePoint: { x: 50, y: 300 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 300 },
segments: [{ type: "straight" }], shape: { type: "bpmn", flow: "association", association: "bidirectional" } }],
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : connector});
connectors.shape.message enum
Sets the type of the message flow. Applicable, if the connector is of type “BPMN”
Name | Description |
Default | Used to notate the default message flow in a BPMN Process |
InitiatingMessage | Used to notate the instantiating message flow in a BPMN Process |
NonInitiatingMessage | Used to notate the non-instantiating message flow in a BPMN Process |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNMessageFlows.Default
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = [{ name: "connector1", sourcePoint: { x: 50, y: 600 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 600 },
segments: [{ type: "straight" }], shape: { type: "bpmn", flow: "message", message: "ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNMessageFlows.NonInitiatingMessage" } }],
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : connector});
connectors.shape.sequence enum
Sets the type of BPMN sequence flow
Name | Description |
Normal | Used to notate the normal sequence flow in a BPMN Process |
Conditional | Used to notate the conditional sequence flow in a BPMN Process |
Default | Used to notate the default sequence flow in a BPMN Process |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNSequenceFlows.Normal
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = [{ name: "connector1", sourcePoint: { x: 50, y: 600 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 600 },
segments: [{ type: "straight" }], shape: { type: "bpmn", flow: "sequence", sequence: "default" } }]
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : connector});
connectors.shape.relationship enum
Defines the role of the connector in a UML Class Diagram. Applicable, if the type of the connector is “classifier”.
Name | Description |
class | Used to define a Class |
Interface | Used to define an Interface |
Enumeration | Used to define an Enumeration |
Association | Used to notate association in UML Class Diagram |
Aggregation | Used to notate aggregation in a UML Class Diagram |
Composition | Used to notate composition in a UML Class Diagram |
Dependency | Used to notate dependency in a UML Class Diagram |
Inheritance | Used to notate inheritance in a UML Class Diagram |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Association
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
shape: {type: "umlclassifier", relationship: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Aggregation,
} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.shape.multiplicity object
Defines the multiplicity option of the connector
Default Value:
- null
connectors.shape.multiplicity.type enum
Sets the type of the multiplicity. Applicable, if the connector is of type “classifier”
Name | Description |
OneToOne | Each entity instance is related to a single instance of another entity |
OneToMany | An entity instance can be related to multiple instances of the other entities |
ManyToOne | Multiple instances of an entity can be related to a single instance of the other entity |
ManyToMany | The entity instances can be related to multiple instances of each other |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Multiplicity.OneToOne
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
shape: {type: "umlclassifier", relationship: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Dependency, multiplicity:{type: "onetomany"}
} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.shape.multiplicity.source object
Defines the source label to connector. Applicable, if the connector is of type “UML”
connectors.shape.multiplicity.source.optional boolean
Defines the source label to connector. Applicable, if the connector is of type “UML”
Type | Optional | Source | Target |
OneToOne | false | false | |
OneToMany | false | true | |
ManyToOne | true | false | |
ManyToMany | true | true |
Default Value:
- true
connectors.shape.multiplicity.source.lowerBounds number
Defines the source label to connector. Applicable, if the connector is of type “UML”
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
shape: {type: "umlclassifier", relationship: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Dependency,
type: "onetomany",
source: { optional: true,
lowerBounds: 1, upperBounds: 10 }}
} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.shape.multiplicity.source.upperBounds number
Defines the source label to connector. Applicable, if the connector is of type “UML”
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
shape: {type: "umlclassifier", relationship: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Dependency,
type: "onetomany",
source: { optional: true, lowerBounds: 1, upperBounds: 10 }}
} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.shape.multiplicity.target object
Defines the target label to connector. Applicable, if the connector is of type “UML”
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
shape: {type: "umlclassifier", relationship: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Dependency,
multiplicity:{type: "onetomany",
source: { optional: true, lowerBounds: 1, upperBounds: 10 },
target: { optional: true, lowerBounds: 1, upperBounds: 10 }}
} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.shape.ActivityFlow enum
Defines the shape of UMLActivity to connector. Applicable, if the connector is of type UMLActivity
Name | Description |
Object | Defines a activity flow as Object in UML Activity Diagram |
Control | Defines a activity flow as Control in UML Activity Diagram |
Exception | Defines a activity flow as Exception in UML Activity Diagram |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UMLActivityFlow.Control
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
shape: { type: "umlactivity", activityFlow: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UMLActivityFlow.Exception }
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator object
Defines the source decorator of the connector
Default Value:
- { shape:”arrow”, width: 8, height:8, borderColor:”black”, fillColor:”black” }
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
sourceDecorator : { shape:"openarrow" } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.borderColor string
Sets the border color of the source decorator
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
sourceDecorator : { shape:"openarrow" , borderColor:"red"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.borderWidth number
Sets the border width of the decorator
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
sourceDecorator : { shape:"openarrow" , borderWidth: 5} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.cssClass string
This property allows you to customize sourceDecorator appearance using user-defined CSS.
Default Value:
- ””
.hoverDecorator:hover {
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
sourceDecorator : { shape:"circle" , cssClass:"hoverDecorator"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.fillColor string
Sets the fill color of the source decorator
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
sourceDecorator : { shape:"circle" , fillColor:"red"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.height number
Sets the height of the source decorator
Default Value:
- 8
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
sourceDecorator : { width: 10, height:10 } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.pathData string
Defines the custom shape of the source decorator
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
sourceDecorator : { shape:"path", pathData:"M 376.892,225.284L 371.279,211.95L 376.892,198.617L 350.225,211.95L 376.892,225.284 Z"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.shape enum
Defines the shape of the source decorator.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set decorator shape as none |
Arrow | Used to set decorator shape as Arrow |
OpenArrow | Used to set decorator shape as Open Arrow |
Circle | Used to set decorator shape as Circle |
Diamond | Used to set decorator shape as Diamond |
Path | Used to set decorator shape as path |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DecoratorShapes.Arrow
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
sourceDecorator : { shape: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DecoratorShapes.Circle } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceDecorator.width number
Defines the width of the source decorator
Default Value:
- 8
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
sourceDecorator : { width: 10, height:10 } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourceNode string
Sets the source node of the connector
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node1 = {name:"source", offsetX:100, offsetY:100, width: 50, height: 50 };
var node2 = {name:"target", offsetX:300, offsetY:300, width: 50, height: 50 };
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourceNode:"source", targetNode:"target" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[ node1, node2 ],connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourcePadding number
Defines the space to be left between the source node and the source point of a connector
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node1 = {name:"source", offsetX:100, offsetY:100, width: 50, height: 50 };
var node2 = {name:"target", offsetX:300, offsetY:300, width: 50, height: 50 };
var connector = { name:"connector1",
sourceNode:"source", targetNode:"target",
sourcePadding: 2, targetPadding: 2 };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[ node1, node2 ],connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourcePoint object
Describes the start point of the connector
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1",
sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100},
targetPoint:{x:200, y:200} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.sourcePoint.x number
Defines the x-coordinate of a position
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var point = {x: 10};
connectors.sourcePoint.y number
Defines the y-coordinate of a position
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var point = {y: 10};
connectors.sourcePort string
Sets the source port of the connector
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node1 = {name:"source", offsetX:100, offsetY:100, width: 50, height: 50,
ports:[{ name:"port", offset: { x:1, y:0.5 } }] };
var node2 = {name:"target", offsetX:200, offsetY:200, width: 50, height: 50,
ports:[{ name:"port", offset: { x:0, y:0.5 } }] };
var connector = { name:"connector1",
sourceNode:"source", targetNode:"target",
sourcePort: "port", targetPort:"port" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[ node1, node2 ],connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator object
Defines the target decorator of the connector
Default Value:
- { shape:”arrow”, width: 8, height:8, borderColor:”black”, fillColor:”black” }
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
targetDecorator : { shape:"openarrow" } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator.borderColor string
Sets the border color of the decorator
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
sourceDecorator : { shape:"openarrow" , borderColor:"red"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator.cssClass string
This property allows you to customize targetDecorator appearance using user-defined CSS.
Default Value:
- ””
.hoverDecorator:hover {
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
targetDecorator : { shape:"circle" , cssClass:"hoverDecorator"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator.fillColor string
Sets the color with which the decorator will be filled
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
targetDecorator : { shape:"circle" , fillColor:"red"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator.height number
Defines the height of the target decorator
Default Value:
- 8
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
targetDecorator : { width: 10, height:10 } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator.pathData string
Defines the custom shape of the target decorator
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
targetDecorator : { shape:"path", pathData:"M 376.892,225.284L 371.279,211.95L 376.892,198.617L 350.225,211.95L 376.892,225.284 Z"} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator.shape enum
Defines the shape of the target decorator.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set decorator shape as none |
Arrow | Used to set decorator shape as Arrow |
OpenArrow | Used to set decorator shape as Open Arrow |
Circle | Used to set decorator shape as Circle |
Diamond | Used to set decorator shape as Diamond |
Path | Used to set decorator shape as path |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DecoratorShapes.Arrow
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
targetDecorator : { shape:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DecoratorShapes.Circle } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetDecorator.width number
Defines the width of the target decorator
Default Value:
- 8
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200}, lineColor:"red",
targetDecorator : { width: 10, height:10 } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetNode string
Sets the target node of the connector
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node1 = {name:"source", offsetX:100, offsetY:100, width: 50, height: 50 };
var node2 = {name:"target", offsetX:300, offsetY:300, width: 50, height: 50 };
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourceNode:"source", targetNode:"target" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[ node1, node2 ],connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetPadding number
Defines the space to be left between the target node and the target point of the connector
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node1 = {name:"source", offsetX:100, offsetY:100, width: 50, height: 50 };
var node2 = {name:"target", offsetX:300, offsetY:300, width: 50, height: 50 };
var connector = { name:"connector1",
sourceNode:"source", targetNode:"target",
sourcePadding: 2, targetPadding: 2 };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[ node1, node2 ],connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetPoint object
Describes the end point of the connector
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1",
sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100},
targetPoint:{x:200, y:200} };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.targetPort string
Sets the targetPort of the connector
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node1 = {name:"source", offsetX:100, offsetY:100, width: 50, height: 50,
ports:[{ name:"port", offset: { x:1, y:0.5 } }] };
var node2 = {name:"target", offsetX:200, offsetY:200, width: 50, height: 50,
ports:[{ name:"port", offset: { x:0, y:0.5 } }] };
var connector = { name:"connector1",
sourceNode:"source", targetNode:"target",
sourcePort: "port", targetPort:"port" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[ node1, node2 ],connectors : [connector]});
connectors.tooltip object
Defines the tooltip that should be shown when the mouse hovers over connector. For tooltip properties, refer Tooltip
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="mouseovertooltip">
<div style="background-color: #F08080; color: white; white-space: nowrap; height: 20px">
<span style="padding: 5px;"> </span>
var tooltip = {
templateId: "mouseovertooltip",
alignment: {
horizontal: "center",
vertical: "bottom"
var ConnectorConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ConnectorConstraints;
//Defines connectors
connectors: [{
name: "flow1",sourcePoint: { x:100, y: 100 }, targetPoint :{ x:200, y:200 },
//Define tooltip
constraints: ConnectorConstraints.Default & ~ConnectorConstraints.InheritTooltip,
connectors.verticalAlign enum
To set the vertical alignment of connector (Applicable,if the parent is group).
Name | Description |
Top | Used to align text Vertically on left side of node/connector |
Center | Used to align text Vertically on center of node/connector |
Bottom | Used to align text Vertically on bottom of node/connector |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Top
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector1 = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:150, y:150},
//Set the horizontal alignment
verticalAlign:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Bottom };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ connector1 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
minWidth:200, minHeight: 200, fillColor:"gray" };
connectors.visible boolean
Enables or disables the visibility of connector
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector1", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
visible: false };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectors.zOrder number
Sets the z-index of the connector
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var connector = { name:"connector", sourcePoint:{x:100, y:100}, targetPoint:{x:200, y:200},
zOrder: 1000 };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({connectors : [connector]});
connectorTemplate object
Binds the custom JSON data with connector properties
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var data = [
{ "Id": "E1", "Name": "Maria Anders", "Designation": "Managing Director" },
{ "Id": "E2" , "Name": "Ana Trujillo", "Designation": "Project Manager", "ReportingPerson": "E1" } ];
dataSourceSettings: { id: "Id", parent: "ReportingPerson", dataSource: data },
//Sets the method name to connector template
connectorTemplate :"connectorTemplate"
//Sets the default styles and binds custom data with connector
function connectorTemplate(diagram, connector) {
if(connector.sourceNode && connector.targetNode){
connector.linecolor = "green";
constraints enum
Enables/Disables the default behaviors of the diagram.
Name | Description |
None | Disables all DiagramConstraints |
APIUpdate | Enables/Disables interaction done with the help of API methods |
UserInteraction | Enables/Disables UserInteraction |
PageEditable | Enables/Disables PageEditing |
Bridging | Enables/Disables Bridging |
Zoomable | Enables/Disables Zooming |
PannableX | Enables/Disables panning on horizontal axis |
PannableY | Enables/Disables panning on vertical axis |
Pannable | Enables/Disables Panning |
Undoable | Enables/Disables undo actions |
CrispEdges | Enables/Disables the sharp edges |
Resizable | Enables/Disables the Diagram size updation on the window resize function |
ZoomTextEditor | Enables/Disables the Zooming of labels text editor |
FloatElements | Enables/Disables the drag and drop of element from one diagram to the other |
Routing | Enables the routing for an connector in diagram |
Default | Enables all Constraints |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.All
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var DiagramConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.DiagramConstraints;
//Enables line bridging
constraints: DiagramConstraints.Default | DiagramConstraints.Bridging });
contextMenu object
An object to customize the context menu of diagram
contextMenu.items array
Defines the collection of context menu items
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Collection of items
var menuitems = [{ "name": "hyperLink", "text": "Hyperlink", "image": "", "style": "" }];
var contextMenu = { items: menuitems};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({contextMenu: contextMenu});
contextMenu.items.text string
Defines the text for the collection of context menu item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Collection of items
var menuitems = [{ "text": "ZoomIn" }];
var contextMenu = { items: menuitems};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({contextMenu: contextMenu});
contextMenu.items.name string
Defines the name for the collection of context menu items
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Collection of items
var menuitems = [{ "name": "zoomin"}];
var contextMenu = { items: menuitems};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({contextMenu: contextMenu});
contextMenu.items.imageUrl string
Defines the image url for the collection of context menu items
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Collection of items
var menuitems = [{ "name": "zoomin", "text": "ZoomIn","imageUrl": "Images/zoomin.png", "style": "" }];
var contextMenu = { items: menuitems};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({contextMenu: contextMenu});
contextMenu.items.cssClass string
Defines the CssClass for the collection of context menu items
Default Value:
- null
background-size:14px 14px;
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Collection of items
var menuitems = [{ "name": "zoomin", "text": "ZoomIn","imageUrl": "Images/zoomin.png", "cssClass":"menuplace", "style": "" }];
var contextMenu = { items: menuitems};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({contextMenu: contextMenu});
contextMenu.items.subItems Array
Defines the collection of sub items for the context menu items
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
contextMenu: {
// Defines the custom context menu items
items: [{
name: "zoom",
// Text to be displayed
text: "Zoom",
// Defines the sub items
subItems: [{name: "zoomIn", text: "ZoomIn"}, {name: "zoomOut",text: "ZoomOut"}]
contextMenu.showCustomMenuItemsOnly boolean
To set whether to display the default context menu items or not
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var contextMenu = { showCustomMenuItemsOnly: true };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({contextMenu: contextMenu});
dataSourceSettings object
Configures the data source that is to be bound with diagram
dataSourceSettings.dataSource object
Defines the data source either as a collection of objects or as an instance of ej.DataManager
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var data = [
{ "Id": "E1", "Name": "Maria Anders", "Designation": "Managing Director" },
{ "Id": "E2" , "Name": "Ana Trujillo", "Designation": "Project Manager", "ReportingPerson": "E1" } ];
dataSourceSettings: { dataSource: data }
dataSourceSettings.id string
Sets the unique id of the data source items
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var data = [
{ "Id": "E1", "Name": "Maria Anders", "Designation": "Managing Director" },
{ "Id": "E2" , "Name": "Ana Trujillo", "Designation": "Project Manager", "ReportingPerson": "E1" } ];
dataSourceSettings: { id: "Id", dataSource: data }
dataSourceSettings.parent string
Defines the parent id of the data source item
Default Value:
- ’’
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var data = [
{ "Id": "E1", "Name": "Maria Anders", "Designation": "Managing Director" },
{ "Id": "E2" , "Name": "Ana Trujillo", "Designation": "Project Manager", "ReportingPerson": "E1" } ];
dataSourceSettings: { id: "Id", parent: "ReportingPerson", dataSource: data }
dataSourceSettings.query string
Describes query to retrieve a set of data from the specified datasource
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
dataSourceSettings: {
dataSource: ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/Services/Northwnd.svc/" }),
query: ej.Query().from("Employees").select("EmployeeID,ReportsTo,FirstName"),
tableName: "Employees", id: "EmployeeID", parent: "ReportsTo" }
dataSourceSettings.root string
Sets the unique id of the root data source item
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var data = [
{ "Id": "E1", "Name": "Maria Anders", "Designation": "Managing Director" },
{ "Id": "E2" , "Name": "Ana Trujillo", "Designation": "Project Manager", "ReportingPerson": "E1" } ];
dataSourceSettings: { id: "Id", parent: "ReportingPerson", root:"E1", dataSource: data }
dataSourceSettings.tableName string
Describes the name of the table on which the specified query has to be executed
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
dataSourceSettings: {
dataSource: ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/Services/Northwnd.svc/" }),
query: ej.Query().from("Employees").select("EmployeeID,ReportsTo,FirstName"),
//Table name
tableName: "Employees",
id: "EmployeeID", parent: "ReportsTo" }
dataSourceSettings.crudAction object
Specifies the method name which is used to get the updated data from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
read: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/GetNodes
dataSourceSettings.crudAction.create string
Specifies the create method which is used to get the nodes to be added from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
create: "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/AddNodes",
dataSourceSettings.crudAction.update string
Specifies the update method which is used to get the updated data from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
{ update: "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/UpdateNodes",
dataSourceSettings.crudAction.destroy string
Specifies the destroy method which is used to get the deleted items data from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
destroy: "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/DeleteNodes"
dataSourceSettings.crudAction.read string
Specifies the read method to get the created nodes from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
read: "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/GetNodes
dataSourceSettings.customFields array
Specifies the custom fields to get the updated data from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
customFields: [
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource object
Defines the data source either as a collection of objects or as an instance of ej.DataManager
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name"
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.dataSource string
Sets the datasource for the connection datasource settings items.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var data = [
{ "Id": "E1", "Name": "Maria Anders", "Designation": "Managing Director" },
{ "Id": "E2" , "Name": "Ana Trujillo", "Designation": "Project Manager", "ReportingPerson": "E1" } ];
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.id string
Sets the unique id of the connection data source item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name"
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.sourceNode string
Sets the source node of the connection data source item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
sourceNode: "SourceNode",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.targetNode string
Sets the target node of the connection data source item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
targetNode: "TargetNode"
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.sourcePointX string
Sets the sourcePointX value of the connection data source item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.sourcePointY string
Sets the sourcePointY value of the connection data source item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.targetPointX string
Sets the targetPoint-x value of the connection data source item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.targetPointY string
Sets the targetPoint-y value of the connection data source item
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.crudAction object
Specifies the method name which is used to get updated connectors from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
sourceNode: "SourceNode",
targetNode: "TargetNode",
crudAction: {
read: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/GetConnectors"
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.crudAction.create string
Specifies the create method which is used to get the connectors to be added from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
sourceNode: "SourceNode",
targetNode: "TargetNode",
crudAction: {
create: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/AddConnectors",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.crudAction.update string
Specifies the update method which is used to get the updated connectors from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
crudAction: {
update: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/UpdateConnectors",
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.crudAction.destroy string
Specifies the destroy method which is used to get the deleted items data from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
crudAction: {
destroy: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/DeleteConnectors"
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.crudAction.read string
Specifies the read method which is used to get the data from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
crudAction: {
read: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Diagram/GetConnectors,
dataSourceSettings.connectionDataSource.customFields array
Specifies the custom fields to get the updated data from client side to the server side
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
id: "Name",
id: "Name",
customFields: [ "Description", "Color"]
defaultSettings object
Initializes the default values for nodes and connectors
Default Value:
- {}
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
defaultSettings: { node: { fillColor:"red"} }
defaultSettings.connector object
Initializes the default connector properties
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Apply default styles to all connectors
defaultSettings: { connector: { lineColor:"red", lineWidth:4, lineDashArray:"2,2" } }
defaultSettings.group object
Initializes the default properties of groups
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var NodeConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints;
//Disable dragging all groups
defaultSettings: { group: {constraints: NodeConstraints.Default & ~NodeConstraints.Drag } }
defaultSettings.node object
Initializes the default properties for nodes
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Apply same style to all nodes
defaultSettings: { node: { fillColor:"red", borderColor:"black" } }
drawType object
Sets the type of JSON object to be drawn through drawing tool
Default Value:
- {}
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
enableAutoScroll boolean
Enables or disables auto scroll in diagram
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ enableAutoScroll: false });
enableContextMenu boolean
Enables or disables diagram context menu
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ enableContextMenu: false });
height string
Specifies the height of the diagram
Default Value
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ height:"500" });
historyManager object
Customizes the undo redo functionality
historyManager.canPop function
A method that takes a history entry as argument and returns whether the specific entry can be popped or not
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Add a change to history manager
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var entry = { object: node, prevState: node.empInfo };
var newValue = { role: "New role" };
node.empInfo = newValue;
//Pop if the change doesn't need to be tracked
#### Returns:
historyManager.closeGroupAction function
A method that ends grouping the changes
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var group = diagram.model.selectedItems
// Start to group the changes
//Makes the changes
for (var i = 0; i < group.children.length; i++) {
var option = {};
var item = group.children[i];
// Updates the fillColor for all the child elements.
option.fillColor = args.style.backgroundColor;
diagram.updateNode(item.name, option);
//Ends grouping the changes
historyManager.pop function
A method that removes the history of a recent change made in diagram
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//Pop the last change
historyManager.push function
A method that allows to track the custom changes made in diagram
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//Creates a custom entry and adds that to history manager
var entry = { object: node, prevState: node.empInfo };
//Updates the new information
var newValue = { role: "New role" };
node.empInfo = newValue;
historyManager.redo function
Defines what should be happened while trying to restore a custom change
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
historyManager: {
//Called to revert a custom action
undo: customUndoRedo,
//Called to restore the reverted custom action
redo: customUndoRedo
//Method to handle the custom action
function customUndoRedo(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = args.object;
var currentState = node.empInfo;
//Resets the state
node.empInfo = args.prevState;
//Saves the previous state
args.prevState = currentState;
historyManager.redoStack array
The redoStack
property is used to get the number of redo actions to be stored on the history manager. Its an read-only property and the collection should not be modified.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
historyManager.stackLimit number
The stackLimit
property used to restrict the undo and redo actions to a certain limit.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
historyManager.startGroupAction function
A method that starts to group the changes to revert/restore them in a single undo or redo
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var group = diagram.model.selectedItems
// Start to group the changes
//Makes the changes
for (var i = 0; i < group.children.length; i++) {
var option = {};
var item = group.children[i];
// Updates the fillColor for all the child elements.
option.fillColor = args.style.backgroundColor;
diagram.updateNode(item.name, option);
//Ends grouping the changes
historyManager.undo function
Defines what should be happened while trying to revert a custom change
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
historyManager: {
//Called to revert a custom action
undo: customUndoRedo,
//Called to restore the reverted custom action
redo: customUndoRedo
//Method to handle the custom action
function customUndoRedo(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = args.object;
var currentState = node.empInfo;
//Resets the state
node.empInfo = args.prevState;
//Saves the previous state
args.prevState = currentState;
historyManager.undoStack array
The undoStack
property is used to get the number of undo actions to be stored on the history manager. Its an read-only property and the collection should not be modified.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
labelRenderingMode enum
Defines the type of the rendering mode of label.
Name | Description |
HTML | Sets the labelRenderingMode as HTML |
SVG | Sets the labelRenderingMode as SVG |
Default Value:
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ labelRenderingMode: "svg" });
layout object
Automatically arranges the nodes and connectors in a predefined manner.
layout.bounds object
Specifies the custom bounds to arrange/align the layout
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Rectangle()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
// bounds of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { bounds:{ x: 0, y: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000} }});
layout.fixedNode string
Defines the fixed node with reference to which, the layout will be arranged and fixed node will not be repositioned
Default Value:
- ””
//fixedNode of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ layout: { fixedNode: "nodeName"}});
layout.getLayoutInfo object
Customizes the orientation of trees/sub trees. For orientations, see Chart Orientations. For chart types, see Chart Types
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
function getLayoutInfo(diagram, node, options) { options.orientation = "vertical"; options.type = "left"; offset = 10;};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { getLayoutInfo:getLayoutInfo } });
layout.getConnectorSegments object
Defines a method to customize the segments based on source and target nodes.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
function getConnectorSegment(diagram, node, options) { };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { getConnectorSegments:getConnectorSegment } });
layout.horizontalSpacing number
Sets the space to be horizontally left between nodes
Default Value:
- 30
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//horizontalSpacing of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { horizontalSpacing: 50 }});
layout.margin object
Defines the space to be left between layout bounds and layout.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Margin()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
// margin of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { margin:{ left: 10, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10} }});
layout.horizontalAlignment enum
Defines how to horizontally align the layout within the layout bounds
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align layout horizontally on left side of layout bounds |
Center | Used to align layout horizontally on center of layout bounds |
Right | Used to align layout horizontally on right side of layout bounds |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { horizontalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center }});
layout.verticalAlignment enum
Defines how to vertically align the layout within the layout bounds
Name | Description |
Top | Used to align layout vertically on top of layout bounds |
Center | Used to align layout vertically on center of layout bounds |
Bottom | Used to align layout vertically on bottom of layout bounds |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { verticalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Center }});
layout.orientation enum
Sets the orientation/direction to arrange the diagram elements.
Name | Description |
TopToBottom | Used to set LayoutOrientation from top to bottom |
BottomToTop | Used to set LayoutOrientation from bottom to top |
LeftToRight | Used to set LayoutOrientation from left to right |
RightToLeft | Used to set LayoutOrientation from right to left |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LayoutOrientations.TopToBottom
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//orientation of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { orientation: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LayoutOrientations.LeftToRight }});
layout.type enum
Sets the type of the layout based on which the elements will be arranged.
Name | Description |
None | Used not to set any specific layout |
HierarchicalTree | Used to set layout type as hierarchical layout |
OrganizationalChart | Used to set layout type as organnizational chart |
RadialTree | Used to set layout type as radial tree |
SymmetricLayout | Used to set layout type as symmetric layout |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LayoutTypes.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//type of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ layout: { type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LayoutTypes.HierarchicalTree } });
layout.verticalSpacing number
Sets the space to be vertically left between nodes
Default Value:
- 30
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//verticalSpacing of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { verticalSpacing: 50 }});
layout.root string
Sets the value is used to define the root node of the layout.
Default Value:
- 30
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//verticalSpacing of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { root: 'rootNode' }});
layout.springLength number
Defines how long edges should be, ideally. This will be the resting length for the springs.
Default Value:
- 100
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//verticalSpacing of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { springLength: 100 }});
layout.springFactor number
Defines how long edges should be, ideally. This will be the resting length for the springs.
Default Value:
- 0.442
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//verticalSpacing of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { springFactor: 0.442 }});
layout.maxIteration number
Defines how long edges should be, ideally. This will be the resting length for the springs.
Default Value:
- 1000
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//verticalSpacing of the layout
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({layout: { maxIteration: 1000 }});
layout.avoidSegmentOverlapping boolean
Enable or disable connector’s segment overlapping with each other when executing the layout with multiple parents.
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//verticalSpacing of the layout
$("#diagramContent").ejDiagram({layout: { avoidSegmentOverlapping: true }});
locale string
Defines the current culture of diagram
Default Value:
- “en-US”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ locale: "en-US" });
nodes array
Array of JSON objects where each object represents a node
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [{ name: "node1", width: 175, height: 60, offsetX:100, offsetY:100}];
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.activity enum
Defines the type of BPMN Activity. Applicable, if the node is a BPMN activity.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set BPMN Activity as None |
Task | Used to set BPMN Activity as Task |
SubProcess | Used to set BPMN Activity as SubProcess |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNActivity.Task
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{type: "bpmn", shape: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNShapes.Activity, activity: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNActivity.SubProcess, width:50, height:50}];
nodes.addInfo object
To maintain additional information about nodes
Default Value:
- {}
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var addInfo = { TooltipData: "Shares the information with the customer" };
//Add Info for nodes
var node1 = { name: "node1", addInfo: addInfo, offsetX:100, offsetY:100, width:50, height:50 };
//Define add Info for swimlane
var node2 = { type: "swimlane", name: "swimlane", addInfo: addInfo };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[node1, node2]});
nodes.annotation object
Defines the additional information of a process. It is not directly related to the message flows or sequence flows of the process.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTextAnnotation()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape: "activity",
annotation: { text: "This is a BPMN Activity shape", width: 100, height: 50,
angle: -45, length: 150, direction: "top" } }];
nodes.annotation.angle number
Sets the angle between the BPMN shape and the annotation
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape: "activity",
annotation: { text: "This is a BPMN Activity shape", width: 100, height: 50,
angle: -45 } }];
nodes.annotation.direction enum
Sets the direction of the text annotation
Name | Description |
Left | Used to set the direction of BPMN Annotation as left |
Right | Used to set the direction of BPMN Annotation as right |
Top | Used to set the direction of BPMN Annotation as top |
Bottom | Used to set the direction of BPMN Annotation as bottom |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNAnnotationDirections.Left
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape: "activity",
annotation: { text: "This is a BPMN Activity shape",
direction:"right", length: 130, angle: -45,
width: 100, height: 50 } }];
nodes.annotation.height number
Sets the height of the text annotation
Default Value:
- 20
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape: "activity",
annotation: { text: "This is a BPMN Activity shape", height: 50,
} }];
nodes.annotation.length number
Sets the distance between the BPMN shape and the annotation
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape: "activity",
annotation: { text: "This is a BPMN Activity shape", width: 100, height: 50,
length: 150 } }];
nodes.annotation.text string
Defines the additional information about the flow object in a BPMN Process
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape: "activity",
annotation: { text: "This is a BPMN Activity shape", width: 100
} }];
nodes.annotation.width number
Sets the width of the text annotation
Default Value:
- 20
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape: "activity",
annotation: { text: "This is a BPMN Activity shape", width: 100
} }];
nodes.borderColor string
Sets the border color of node
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, borderColor: "red" }];
nodes.borderDashArray string
Sets the pattern of dashes and gaps to stroke the border
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"}];
nodes.borderWidth number
Sets the border width of the node
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "2,2", borderWidth:2}];
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.canUngroup boolean
Defines whether the group can be ungrouped or not
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:150, offsetY:150, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var group = { name :"group", children:[node1, node2], canUngroup: false };
nodes.children array
Array of JSON objects where each object represents a child node/connector
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:150, offsetY:150, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
//A group node with two child nodes
var group = { name :"group", children:[node1, node2]};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[group] });
nodes.classifier enum
Sets the type of UML classifier. Applicable, if the node is a UML Class Diagram shape.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class object
Defines the name, attributes and methods of a Class. Applicable, if the node is a Class.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.name string
Sets the name of class.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.attributes array
Defines the collection of attributes
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", attributes: [{ name: "accepted",}], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.attributes.name string
Sets the name of the attribute
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", attributes: [{ name: "accepted" }], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.attributes.type string
Sets the data type of attribute
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", attributes: [{ name: "accepted", type: "Date", }], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.attributes.scope string
Defines the visibility of the attribute
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScopeValueDefaults.Public
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", attributes: [{ name: "accepted", type: "Date", scope:"protected" }], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.methods array
Defines the collection of methods of a Class.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", methods: [{ name: "getHistory" }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.methods.name string
Sets the name of the method.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", methods: [{ name: "getHistory", arguments: [{name: "Date" }], }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.methods.arguments array
Defines the arguments of the method.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", methods: [{ name: "getHistory", arguments: [{name: "Date",type:"String" }], }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.methods.arguments.name string
Sets the name of the argument
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", methods: [{ name: "getHistory", arguments: [{name: "Date" }], type: "History" }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.methods.arguments.type string
Sets the type of the argument
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", methods: [{ name: "getHistory", arguments: [{name: "Date" }], type: "History" }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.methods.type string
Sets the return type of the method
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", methods: [{ name: "getHistory", arguments: [{name: "Date" }], type: "History" }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.class.methods.scope string
Sets the visibility of the method.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScopeValueDefaults.Public
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Patient",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Class,
"class": {name: "Patient", methods: [{ name: "getHistory", arguments: [{name: "Date" }], type: "History",scope:"protected" }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.collapseIcon object
Defines the state of the node is collapsed.
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10 } }];
nodes.collapseIcon.borderColor string
Sets the border color for collapse icon of node
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,borderColor: "red"} }];
nodes.collapseIcon.borderWidth number
Sets the border width for collapse icon of node
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10, borderWidth: "2"} }];
nodes.collapseIcon.fillColor string
Sets the fill color for collapse icon of node
Default Value:
- “white”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,fillColor: "green"} }];
nodes.collapseIcon.height number
Defines the height for collapse icon of node
Default Value:
- “15”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10} }];
nodes.collapseIcon.horizontalAlignment enum
Sets the horizontal alignment of the icon.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align the icon horizontally on left side of node |
Center | Used to align the icon horizontally on center of node |
Right | Used to align the icon horizontally on right side of node |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,
horizontalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Left }}]
nodes.collapseIcon.margin object
To set the margin for the collapse icon of node
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Margin()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10, margin:{ left: 5 }}}]
nodes.collapseIcon.offset object
Sets the fraction/ratio(relative to node) that defines the position of the icon
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0.5, 1)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10, offset:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0,0.5) }]
nodes.collapseIcon.shape enum
Defines the shape of the collapsed state of the node.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set collapse icon shape as none |
Arrow | Used to set collapse icon shape as Arrow(Up/Down) |
Plus | Used to set collapse icon shape as Plus |
Minus | Used to set collapse icon shape as Minus |
Path | Used to set collapse icon shape as path |
Template | Used to set icon shape as template |
Image | Used to set icon shape as image |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.IconShapes.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10}
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes : nodes});
nodes.collapseIcon.verticalAlignment enum
Sets the vertical alignment of the icon.
Name | Description |
Top | Set vertical alignment as top |
Middle | Set vertical alignment as middle |
Bottom | Set vertical alignment as bottom |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
collapseIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,
verticalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Top }}];
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.connectorPadding number
Defines the distance to be left between a node and its connections(In coming and out going connections).
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, connectorPadding: 5}];
nodes.constraints enum
Enables or disables the default behaviors of the node.
Name | Description |
None | Disable all node Constraints |
Select | Enables node to be selected |
Delete | Enables node to be Deleted |
Drag | Enables node to be Dragged |
Rotate | Enables node to be Rotated |
Connect | Enables node to be connected |
ResizeNorthEast | Enables node to be resize north east |
ResizeEast | Enables node to be resize east |
ResizeSouthEast | Enables node to be resize south east |
ResizeSouth | Enables node to be resize south |
ResizeSouthWest | Enables node to be resize south west |
ResizeWest | Enables node to be resize west |
ResizeNorthWest | Enables node to be resize north west |
ResizeNorth | Enables node to be resize north |
Resize | Enables node to be Resized |
Shadow | Enables shadow |
DragLabel | Enables label of node to be Dragged |
AllowPan | Enables panning should be done while node dragging |
AspectRatio | Enables Proportional resize for node |
PointerEvents | Enables the user interaction with the node |
CrispEdges | Enables contrast between clean edges for the node over rendering speed and geometric precision |
Default | Enables default node interactions such as select,delete,drag,rotate,resize,connect,inheritCrispEdges and inheritTooltip |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints.Default
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var NodeConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints;
//Disable selection
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
constraints: NodeConstraints.Default & ~NodeConstraints.Select}];
nodes.container object
Defines how the child objects need to be arranged(Either in any predefined manner or automatically). Applicable, if the node is a group.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var group = {name :"group", children:[node1, node2], container: { type: "stack" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100 };
nodes.container.orientation string
Defines the orientation of the container. Applicable, if the group is a container.
Default Value:
- “vertical”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var group = {name :"group", children:[node1, node2], container: { type: "stack", orientation: "horizontal" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100 };
nodes.container.type enum
Sets the type of the container. Applicable if the group is a container.
Name | Description |
Canvas | Sets the container type as Canvas |
Stack | Sets the container type as Stack |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ContainerType.Canvas
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, borderColor: "red" , borderDashArray: "4,2"};
//Define a stack type container
var group = {name :"group", children:[node1, node2], container: {
type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ContainerType.Stack },
offsetX:200, offsetY:100 };
nodes.cornerRadius number
Defines the corner radius of rectangular shapes.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"basic", shape:"rectangle", cornerRadius:5}];
nodes.cssClass string
This property allows you to customize nodes appearance using user-defined CSS.
Default Value:
- ””
.hoverNode:hover {
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node",
cssClass: "hoverNode",
width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100 };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.data object
Defines the BPMN data object
nodes.data.type enum
Sets the type of the BPMN Data object
Name | Description |
Input | Used to notate the Input type BPMN data object |
Output | Used to notate the Output type BPMN data object |
None | Used to set BPMN data object type as None |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNDataObjects.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{name:"dataobject", type: "bpmn", shape:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNShapes.DataObject, data: { type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNDataObjects.Input }, width:50, height: 50, offsetX:100, offsetY:100}];
nodes.data.collection boolean
Defines whether the BPMN data object is a collection or not
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{name:"dataobject", type: "bpmn", shape:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNShapes.DataObject, data: { type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNDataObjects.Input, collection: false }, width:50, height: 50, offsetX:100, offsetY:100}];
nodes.enumeration object
Defines an Enumeration in a UML Class Diagram
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Enums",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier",classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Enumeration,
enumeration:{ name: "AccountType", }}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.enumeration.name string
Sets the name of the Enumeration
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Enums",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier",classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Enumeration,
enumeration:{ name: "AccountType", }}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.enumeration.members array
Defines the collection of enumeration members
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Enums",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier",classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Enumeration,
enumeration:{ name: "AccountType", members: [{ name: "CheckingAccount"}]}}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.enumeration.members.name string
Sets the name of the enumeration member
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Enums",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier",classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Enumeration,
enumeration:{ name: "AccountType", members: [{ name: "CheckingAccount"}]}}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.event enum
Sets the type of the BPMN Events. Applicable, if the node is a BPMN event.
Name | Description |
Start | Used to set BPMN Event as Start |
Intermediate | Used to set BPMN Event as Intermediate |
End | Used to set BPMN Event as End |
NonInterruptingStart | Used to set BPMN Event as NonInterruptingStart |
NonInterruptingIntermediate | Used to set BPMN Event as NonInterruptingIntermediate |
ThrowingIntermediate | Used to set BPMN Event as ThrowingIntermediate |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNEvents.Start
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ type: "bpmn", shape: "event" ,
event: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNEvents.Intermediate, width:50, height:50}];
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.excludeFromLayout boolean
Defines whether the node can be automatically arranged using layout or not
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
//Manually positioned
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, excludeFromLayout: true};
//Automatically arranged
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50 };
var node3 = { name: "node3", width: 50, height:50 };
nodes:[ node1, node2, node3 ],
nodes.expandIcon object
Defines the state of the node is expanded or collapsed.
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10 } }];
nodes.expandIcon.borderColor string
Sets the border color for expand icon of node
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,borderColor: "red"} }];
nodes.expandIcon.borderWidth number
Sets the border width for expand icon of node
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10, borderWidth: "2"} }];
nodes.expandIcon.fillColor string
Sets the fill color for expand icon of node
Default Value:
- “white”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,fillColor: "green"} }];
nodes.expandIcon.height number
Defines the height for expand icon of node
Default Value:
- “15”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10} }];
nodes.expandIcon.horizontalAlignment enum
Sets the horizontal alignment of the icon.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align the icon horizontally on left side of node |
Center | Used to align the icon horizontally on center of node |
Right | Used to align the icon horizontally on right side of node |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,
horizontalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Left }}]
nodes.expandIcon.margin object
To set the margin for the expand icon of node
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Margin()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10, margin:{ left: 5 }}}]
nodes.expandIcon.offset object
Sets the fraction/ratio(relative to node) that defines the position of the icon
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0.5, 1)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10, offset:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0,0.5) }]
nodes.expandIcon.shape enum
Defines the shape of the expanded state of the node.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set expand icon shape as none |
Arrow | Used to set expand icon shape as Arrow(Up/Down) |
Plus | Used to set expand icon shape as plus |
Minus | Used to set expand icon shape as minus |
Path | Used to set expand icon shape as path |
Template | Used to set icon shape as template |
Image | Used to set icon shape as image |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.IconShapes.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10}
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes : nodes});
nodes.expandIcon.verticalAlignment enum
Sets the vertical alignment of the icon.
Name | Description |
Top | Set vertical alignment as top |
Middle | Set vertical alignment as middle |
Bottom | Set vertical alignment as bottom |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 75, height:55, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
expandIcon:{ shape:"arrowdown", width:10, height:10,
verticalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Top }}];
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.fillColor string
Defines the fill color of the node
Default Value:
- “white”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, fillColor:"red" }];
nodes.gateway enum
Sets the type of the BPMN Gateway. Applicable, if the node is a BPMN gateway.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set BPMN Gateway as None |
Exclusive | Used to set BPMN Gateway as Exclusive |
Inclusive | Used to set BPMN Gateway as Inclusive |
Parallel | Used to set BPMN Gateway as Parallel |
Complex | Used to set BPMN Gateway as Complex |
EventBased | Used to set BPMN Gateway as EventBased |
ExclusiveEventBased | Used to set BPMN Gateway as ExclusiveEventBased |
ParallelEventBased | Used to set BPMN Gateway as ParallelEventBased |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNGateways.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ type: "bpmn", shape: "gateway" , gateway: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNGateways.Exclusive, width:50, height:50 }];
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.gradient object
Paints the node with a smooth transition from one color to another color
nodes.gradient.LinearGradient object
Paints the node with linear color transitions
nodes.gradient.LinearGradient.stops array
Defines the different colors and the region of color transitions
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gradient = {
type: "linear", x1: 0, x2: 50, y1: 0, y2: 50, stops: [
{ color: "white", offset: 0}, { color: "red", offset: 50}]
var nodes = [{name: "Node1", width: 100, height: 100, gradient : gradient}];
nodes.gradient.LinearGradient.type string
Defines the type of gradient
Default Value:
- “linear”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
// Apply the gradient from the left most position of node
var gradient = {
type: "linear", x1: 0, x2: 100, y1: 0, y2: 100, stops: [
{ color: "white", offset: 0}, { color: "red", offset: 100 }]
var nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, gradient : gradient}];
nodes.gradient.LinearGradient.x1 number
Defines the left most position(relative to node) of the rectangular region that needs to be painted
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
// Apply the gradient from the left most position of node
var gradient = {
type: "linear", x1: 0, x2: 100, y1: 0, y2: 100, stops: [
{ color: "white", offset: 0}, { color: "red", offset: 100 }]
var nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, gradient : gradient}];
nodes.gradient.LinearGradient.x2 number
Defines the right most position(relative to node) of the rectangular region that needs to be painted
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
// Apply the gradient till the right most position of node
var gradient = {
type: "linear", x1: 0, x2: 100, y1: 0, y2: 100, stops: [
{ color: "white", offset: 0}, { color: "red", offset: 100 }]
var nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, gradient : gradient}];
nodes.gradient.LinearGradient.y1 number
Defines the top most position(relative to node) of the rectangular region that needs to be painted
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
// Apply the gradient from the top most position of node
var gradient = {
type: "linear", x1: 0, x2: 100, y1: 0, y2: 100, stops: [
{ color: "white", offset: 0}, { color: "red", offset: 100 }]
var nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, gradient : gradient}];
nodes.gradient.LinearGradient.y2 number
Defines the bottom most position(relative to node) of the rectangular region that needs to be painted
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
// Apply the gradient till the bottom most position of node
var gradient = {
type: "linear", x1: 0, x2: 100, y1: 0, y2: 100, stops: [
{ color: "white", offset: 0}, { color: "red", offset: 100 }]
var nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, gradient : gradient}];
nodes.gradient.RadialGradient object
Paints the node with radial color transitions. A focal point defines the beginning of the gradient, and a circle defines the end point of the gradient.
nodes.gradient.RadialGradient.type string
Defines the type of gradient
Default Value:
- “radial”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial", fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
stops:[{color:"white", offset:0 }, {color:"red", offset:100}] } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.RadialGradient.cx number
Defines the position of the outermost circle
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial", fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
stops:[{color:"white", offset:0 }, {color:"red", offset:100}] } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.RadialGradient.cy number
Defines the outer most circle of the radial gradient
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial", fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
stops:[{color:"white", offset:0 }, {color:"red", offset:100}] } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.RadialGradient.fx number
Defines the innermost circle of the radial gradient
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial",
fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
stops:[{color:"white", offset:0 }, {color:"red", offset:100}] } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.RadialGradient.fy number
Defines the innermost circle of the radial gradient
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial", fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
stops:[{color:"white", offset:0 }, {color:"red", offset:100}] } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.RadialGradient.stops array
Defines the different colors and the region of color transitions.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
type:"radial", fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
stops:[{color:"white", offset:0 },
{ color:"red", offset:100 }] } };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.Stop object
Defines the color and a position where the previous color transition ends and a new color transition starts
nodes.gradient.Stop.color string
Sets the color to be filled over the specified region
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial", fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
{color:"white", offset:0 },
{color:"red", offset:100}] }
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.Stop.offset number
Sets the position where the previous color transition ends and a new color transition starts
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial", fx:50, fy:50,
cx:50, cy:50,
{color:"white", offset:0 },
{color:"red", offset:100}] }
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.gradient.Stop.opacity number
Describes the transparency level of the region
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY:100,
gradient:{ type:"radial",
fx:50, fy:50, cx:50, cy:70,
{color:"white", offset:0 },
//Sets the opacity
{color:"red", offset:100, opacity: 0.5}] }
nodes.borderGradient object
defines the node border with a smooth transition from one color to another color.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gradient = {
type: "linear", x1: 0, x2: 100, y1: 0, y2: 100,
stops: [
{ color: "white", offset: 0},
{ color: "red", offset: 100}
var node = {
name: "node", width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
borderGradient: gradient, borderWidth: 2
nodes.header object
Defines the header of a swimlane/lane
Default Value:
- { text: “Title”, fontSize: 11 }
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane", name: "swimlane", header: { text: "Swimlane", fontSize: 12, bold: true } };
nodes.height number
Defines the height of the node
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
// Set the height as 150
nodes = [{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:150, offsetX:50, offsetY:50 }];
nodes.horizontalAlign enum
Sets the horizontal alignment of the node. Applicable, if the parent of the node is a container.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align text horizontally on left side of node/connector |
Center | Used to align text horizontally on center of node/connector |
Right | Used to align text horizontally on right side of node/connector |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Left
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50};
//Align the node at the right most position of the canvas
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, horizontalAlign: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Right };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ node1, node2 ], container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100, minWidth:200, minHeight: 200, fillColor:"gray" };
nodes.inEdges array
A read only collection of the incoming connectors/edges of the node
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Read the incoming connections to the selected node
var node = diagram.selectionList[0];
for(var i = 0; i < node.inEdges.length; i++){
nodes.interface object
Defines an interface in a UML Class Diagram
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.name string
Sets the name of the interface
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",} }];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.attributes array
Defines a collection of attributes of the interface
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount", attributes: [{ name: "ownar"}], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.attributes.name string
Sets the name of the attribute
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount", attributes: [{ name: "ownar"}], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.attributes.type string
Sets the type of the attribute
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount", attributes: [{ name: "ownar", type: "String[*]" , }], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.attributes.scope string
Sets the visibility of the attribute
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount", attributes: [{ name: "ownar", type: "String[*]",scope:"protected" }], },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.methods array
Defines the collection of public methods of an interface
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",methods: [{ name: "deposit", }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interfaces.methods.name string
Sets the name of the method.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",methods: [{ name: "deposit", }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.methods.arguments array
Defines the collection of arguments of a method
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",methods: [{ name: "deposit", arguments: [{name:"amount", }], }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.methods.arguments.name string
Sets the name of the argument
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",methods: [{ name: "deposit", arguments: [{name:"amount", }], }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.methods.arguments.type string
Sets the type of the argument
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",methods: [{ name: "deposit", arguments: [{name:"amount", type:"Dollars" }], }] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.methods.type string
Sets the return type of the method
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",methods: [{ name: "deposit", arguments: [{name:"amount", type:"Dollars" }], type:"account"}] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.interface.methods.scope string
Sets the visibility of the method
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{ name: "Bank",offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,borderWidth: 2,borderColor: "black",type: "umlclassifier", classifier: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClassifierShapes.Interface,
"interface": {name: "BankAccount",methods: [{ name: "deposit", arguments: [{name:"amount", type:"Dollars" }], type:"account",scope:"private"}] },}];
$("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.isExpanded boolean
Defines whether the sub tree of the node is expanded or collapsed
Default Value
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
//Collapse its subtree
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, isExpanded: false};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50 };
var connector = { sourceNode:"node1", targetNode:"node2" , name:"connector" };
nodes:[node1, node2],
nodes.isSwimlane boolean
Sets the node as a swimlane
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", isSwimlane:true, header: {text: "Swimlane", fontSize: 12, bold: true} };
nodes.labels array
A collection of objects where each object represents a label
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var label = [];
label = { "text": "Node1", "fontColor": "Red"};
nodes.labels.bold boolean
Enables/disables the bold style
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", bold:true}]
nodes.labels.borderColor string
Sets the border color of the label
Default Value:
- “transparent”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", borderColor:"red", borderWidth: 2}]
nodes.labels.borderWidth number
Sets the border width of the label
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", borderColor:"red", borderWidth: 2}]
nodes.labels.cssClass string
This property allows you to customize labels appearance using user-defined CSS.
Default Value:
- ””
.hoverText:hover {
font-weight: bold;
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width:50,height:50,offsetX:50,offsetY:50,
labels:[{text:"label",cssClass:"hoverText"}] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.labels.constraints enum
Enables or disables the default behaviors of the label.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LabelConstraints.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var LabelConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LabelConstraints;
//Disable resize
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name:"node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"Enter Your Text", constraints: LabelConstraints.All & ~LabelConstraints.Resizable}]
nodes.labels.fillColor string
Sets the fill color of the text area
Default Value:
- “transparent”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", fillColor: "green"}]
nodes.labels.fontColor string
Sets the font color of the text
Default Value:
- “black”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", fontColor: "green"}]
nodes.labels.fontFamily string
Sets the font family of the text
Default Value:
- “Arial”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", fontColor: "green", fontFamily:"seugoe UI"}]
nodes.labels.fontSize number
Defines the font size of the text
Default Value:
- 12
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", fontSize: 14}]
nodes.labels.height number
Sets the height of the label(the maximum value of label height and the node height will be considered as label height)
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"Label", height: 100}]
nodes.labels.horizontalAlignment enum
Sets the horizontal alignment of the label.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align text horizontally on left side of node/connector |
Center | Used to align text horizontally on center of node/connector |
Right | Used to align text horizontally on right side of node/connector |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
//Align the text at the left most position of node
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Left}]
nodes.labels.italic boolean
Enables/disables the italic style
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", italic:true}]
nodes.labels.margin object
To set the margin of the label
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Margin()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of node and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", margin:{ left: 5 }}]
nodes.labels.mode enum
Gets whether the label is currently being edited or not.
Name | Description |
Edit | Used to set label edit mode as edit |
View | Used to set label edit mode as view |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.LabelEditMode.Edit
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = diagram.selectionList[0];
nodes.labels.name string
Sets the unique identifier of the label
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", name:"label1"}]
nodes.labels.offset object
Sets the fraction/ratio(relative to node) that defines the position of the label
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0.5, 0.5)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0,0.5) }]
nodes.labels.opacity number
Defines the transparency of the labels
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", opacity: 0.7}]
nodes.labels.overflowType enum
Sets the overflowType of the labels
Name | Description |
Ellipsis | Set overflow Type as ellipsis |
Clip | Set overflow Type as Clip |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.OverflowType.Ellipsis
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label1",fontColor:"red",textOverflow:true,
overflowType: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.OverflowType.Ellipsis}]
nodes.labels.padding object
To set the padding of the node label
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Padding()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
//Leaves 5px space between the left boundary of node and label
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ x:0 }, horizontalAlignment:"left", padding:{ left: 5 }}]
nodes.labels.readOnly boolean
Defines whether the label is editable or not
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", readOnly:true}]
nodes.labels.rotateAngle number
Defines the angle to which the label needs to be rotated
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label", rotateAngle: 90}]
nodes.labels.templateId string
Sets the id of svg/html templates. Applicable, if the node’s label is HTML or native.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
<script id="SvgEllipse" type="text/x-jsrender">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
<circle cx="10" cy="6" r="5"
style="stroke:#006600; fill:#00cc00" />
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ templateId:"SvgEllipse"}]
nodes.labels.text string
Defines the label text
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"Label"}]
nodes.labels.textAlign enum
Defines how to align the text inside the label.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align text on left side of node/connector |
Center | Used to align text on center of node/connector |
Right | Used to align text on Right side of node/connector |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextAlign.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"node Label", textAlign:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextAlign.Left}]
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.labels.textDecoration enum
Sets how to decorate the label text.
Name | Description |
Underline | Used to set text decoration of the label as Underline |
Overline | Used to set text decoration of the label as Overline |
LineThrough | Used to set text decoration of the label as LineThrough |
None | Used to set text decoration of the label as None |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextDecorations.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
//Decorate the text with an underline
labels:[{ text:"Label", textDecoration: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextDecorations.Underline}]
nodes.labels.textOverflow boolean
Defines the overflowed content is displayed or not.
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"label1",fontColor:"red",textOverflow:true,
overflowType: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.OverflowType.Ellipsis}]
nodes.labels.verticalAlignment enum
Sets the vertical alignment of the label.
Name | Description |
Top | Set vertical alignment as top |
Middle | Set vertical alignment as middle |
Bottom | Set vertical alignment as bottom |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
//Aligns the text at the top most position of node
labels:[{ text:"label", offset:{ y:0 }, verticalAlignment:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Top }]
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:nodes });
nodes.labels.visible boolean
Enables or disables the visibility of the label
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"Label", visible: false}]
nodes.labels.width number
Sets the width of the label(the maximum value of label width and the node width will be considered as label width)
Default Value:
- 50
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"Label", width: 100}]
nodes.labels.wrapping enum
Defines how the label text needs to be wrapped.
Name | Description |
NoWrap | Disables wrapping |
Wrap | Enables Line-break at normal word break points |
WrapWithOverflow | Enables Line-break at normal word break points with longer word overflows |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextWrapping.WrapWithOverflow
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
labels:[{ text:"Enter Your Text", wrapping:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TextWrapping.NoWrap}]
nodes.lanes array
An array of objects where each object represents a lane. Applicable, if the node is a swimlane.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
//Define the collection of lanes
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 },
{name:"lane2", width:100}] };
nodes.lanes.cssClass string
This property allows you to customize lanes appearance using user-defined CSS.
Default Value:
- ””
.hoverLane:hover {
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var addInfo = { Description:"Describe the functionality" };
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{ name:"lane1", cssClass:"hoverLane", addInfo: addInfo }] };
nodes.lanes.width number
Defines the width of lane
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var addInfo = { Description:"Describe the functionality" };
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{ name:"lane1", width:200, addInfo: addInfo }] };
nodes.lanes.height number
Defines the height of lane
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var addInfo = { Description:"Describe the functionality" };
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{ name:"lane1", width:200, height:100, addInfo: addInfo }] };
nodes.lanes.zorder number
Defines the z-index of the lane
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var addInfo = { Description:"Describe the functionality" };
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{ name:"lane1", width:200,height:100,zOrder:10, addInfo: addInfo }] };
nodes.lanes.addInfo object
Allows to maintain additional information about lane
Default Value:
- {}
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var addInfo = { Description:"Describe the functionality" };
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{ name:"lane1", width:200, addInfo: addInfo }] };
nodes.lanes.children array
An array of objects where each object represents a child node of the lane
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 ,
//Defines the collection of child objects
children:[{name:"process1", width: 50, height: 50 }]
nodes.lanes.fillColor string
Defines the fill color of the lane
Default Value:
- “white”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 ,fillColor:"lightgray" }]}
nodes.lanes.header object
Defines the header of the lane
Default Value:
- { text: “Function”, fontSize: 11 }
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200,
//Defines the lane header
header:{fillColor:"blue", fontColor:"white", text:"Function 1"} }]}
nodes.lanes.isLane boolean
Defines the object as a lane
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 , isLane:true }]}
nodes.lanes.name string
Sets the unique identifier of the lane
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
lanes:[{ name:"function1", width:200 }]}
nodes.lanes.orientation string
Sets the orientation of the lane.
Default Value:
- “vertical”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100, orientation:"horizontal",
lanes:[{ name:"function1", width:200 , orientation:"vertical" }]}
nodes.marginBottom number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the bottom of parent bounds and the node. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 ,
children:[{name:"process1", width: 50, height: 50, marginBottom: 50 }]
nodes.marginLeft number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the left of parent bounds and the node. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 ,
children:[{name:"process1", width: 50, height: 50, marginLeft: 10 }]
nodes.marginRight number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the right of the parent bounds and the node. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 ,
children:[{name:"process1", width: 50, height: 50, marginRight: 10 }]
nodes.marginTop number
Defines the minimum space to be left between the top of parent bounds and the node. Applicable, if the parent is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = {type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:200,
lanes:[{name:"lane1", width:200 ,
children:[{name:"process1", width: 50, height: 50, marginTop: 10 }]
nodes.maxHeight number
Defines the maximum height limit of the node
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, maxHeight: 100}];
nodes.maxWidth number
Defines the maximum width limit of the node
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, maxWidth: 100}];
nodes.minHeight number
Defines the minimum height limit of the node
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, minHeight: 10 }];
nodes.minWidth number
Defines the minimum width limit of the node
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, minWidth: 10 }];
nodes.name string
Sets the unique identifier of the node
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50 }];
nodes.offsetX number
Defines the position of the node on X-Axis
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50 }];
nodes.offsetY number
Defines the position of the node on Y-Axis
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50 }];
nodes.opacity number
Defines the opaque of the node
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, opacity:0.7 }];
nodes.orientation string
Defines the orientation of nodes. Applicable, if the node is a swimlane.
Default Value:
- “vertical”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100, orientation:"horizontal" };
nodes.outEdges array
A read only collection of outgoing connectors/edges of the node
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Read the outgoing connectors of the selected node
var node = diagram.selectionList[0];
for(var i = 0; i<node.outEdges.length; i++){
nodes.paddingBottom number
Defines the minimum padding value to be left between the bottom most position of a group and its children. Applicable, if the group is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, verticalAlign: "bottom"};
var group = { name :"group", children:[ node1, node2 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
fillColor:"gray", minWidth:200, minHeight:200,
nodes.paddingLeft number
Defines the minimum padding value to be left between the left most position of a group and its children. Applicable, if the group is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, horizontalAlign: "right"};
var group = { name :"group", children:[ node1, node2 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
fillColor:"gray", minWidth:200, minHeight:200,
nodes.paddingRight number
Defines the minimum padding value to be left between the right most position of a group and its children. Applicable, if the group is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, horizontalAlign: "right"};
var group = { name :"group", children:[ node1, node2 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
fillColor:"gray", minWidth:200, minHeight:200,
nodes.paddingTop number
Defines the minimum padding value to be left between the top most position of a group and its children. Applicable, if the group is a container.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, verticalAlign: "bottom"};
var group = { name :"group", children:[ node1, node2 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
fillColor:"gray", minWidth:200, minHeight:200,
nodes.paletteItem object
Defines the size and preview size of the node to add that to symbol palette
Default Value:
- null
<div id="symbolpalette"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Basic Shapes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle", height: 40, width: 80,
//Sets preview size
paletteItem: {
previewWidth: 100,
previewHeight: 100
nodes.paletteItem.enableScale boolean
Defines whether the symbol should be drawn at its actual size regardless of precedence factors or not
Default Value:
- true
<div id="symbolpalette"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Nodes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle", width:50, height:50,
//Draw symbol of size(50,50)
paletteItem: {
width: 100,
height: 100,
nodes.paletteItem.height number
Defines the height of the symbol
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Nodes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle",
//Sets the size of the symbol
paletteItem: {
width: 200,
height: 200,
enableScale: false
nodes.paletteItem.label string
To display a name for nodes in the symbol palette
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Nodes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle",
//Sets the name for node in the symbol palette
paletteItem: {
label: "label"
nodes.paletteItem.margin object
Defines the margin of the symbol item
Default Value:
- { left: 4, right: 4, top: 4, bottom: 4 }
<div id="symbolpalette"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Nodes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle", width:50, height:50,
//Sets symbol margin
paletteItem: {
margin: { left: 30 }
nodes.paletteItem.previewHeight number
Defines the preview height of the symbol
Default Value:
- undefined
<div id="symbolpalette"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Nodes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle", width:50, height:50,
//Sets preview size
paletteItem: {
previewWidth: 100,
previewHeight: 100
nodes.paletteItem.previewWidth number
Defines the preview width of the symbol
Default Value:
- undefined
<div id="symbolpalette"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Nodes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle", width:50, height:50,
//Sets preview size
paletteItem: {
previewWidth: 100,
previewHeight: 100
nodes.paletteItem.width number
Defines the width of the symbol
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="symbolpalette"></div>
//Defines the palette collection
palettes: [{
name: "Nodes", expanded: true,
items: [
name: "Rectangle", width:50, height:50,
//Sets the size of the symbol
paletteItem: {
width: 200,
height: 200,
enableScale : false
nodes.parent string
Sets the name of the parent group
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
//Sets the group name as parent
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, parent:"group" };
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:150, offsetY:150, parent :"group" };
var group = { name :"group", children:["node1", "node2"] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:[node1, node2, group]});
nodes.pathData string
Sets the path geometry that defines the shape of a path node
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"basic", shape:"path", pathData: "M370.9702,194.9961L359.5112,159.7291L389.5112,137.9341L419.5112,159.7291L408.0522,194.9961L370.9702,194.9961z" }];
nodes.phases array
An array of objects, where each object represents a smaller region(phase) of a swimlane.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
width: 300, orientation:"horizontal",
phases:[{ name:"phase1", offset:150, label:{text:"Phase1"}},
{ name:"phase2", label:{ text:"Phase2"} }]};
nodes.phases.label object
Defines the header of the smaller regions
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
width: 300, orientation:"horizontal",
phases:[{ name:"phase1", offset:150, label:{text:"Phase1"}},
{ name:"phase2", label:{ text:"Phase2"} }]};
nodes.phases.lineColor string
Defines the line color of the splitter that splits adjacent phases.
Default Value:
- “#606060”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
width: 300, orientation:"horizontal",
phases:[{ name:"phase1", offset:150, label:{text:"Phase1"}, lineColor:"green"},
{ name:"phase2", label:{ text:"Phase2"} }]};
nodes.phases.lineDashArray string
Sets the dash array that used to stroke the phase splitter
Default Value:
- “3,3”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
width: 300, orientation:"horizontal",
phases:[{ name:"phase1", offset:150, label:{text:"Phase1"}, lineDashArray:"2,2"},
{ name:"phase2", label:{ text:"Phase2"} }]};
nodes.phases.lineWidth number
Sets the lineWidth of the phase
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
width: 300, orientation:"horizontal",
phases:[{ name:"phase1", offset:150, label:{text:"Phase1"}, lineWidth:3 },
{ name:"phase2", label:{ text:"Phase2"} }]};
nodes.phases.name string
Sets the unique identifier of the phase
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
width: 300, orientation:"horizontal",
phases:[{ name:"phase1", label:{text:"Phase1"}, lineWidth:3 } ]};
nodes.phases.offset number
Sets the length of the smaller region(phase) of a swimlane
Default Value:
- 100
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({nodes:{type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", phases:[{offset: 200}]}});
nodes.phases.orientation string
Sets the orientation of the phase
Default Value:
- “horizontal”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
name: "verticalPhase",
type: "phase", offset: 200, orientation: "vertical",
label: { text: "New Phase" }
} );
nodes.phases.type string
Sets the type of the object as phase
Default Value:
- “phase”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
name: "verticalPhase",
type: "phase", offset: 200, label: { text: "New Phase" }
nodes.phaseSize number
Sets the height of the phase headers
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var swimlane = { type: "swimlane",name: "swimlane", offsetX:300, offsetY:100,
width: 300, orientation:"horizontal",phaseSize:50,
phases:[{ name:"phase1", offset:150, label:{text:"Phase 1"} }] };
nodes.pivot object
Sets the ratio/ fractional value relative to node, based on which the node will be transformed(positioning, scaling and rotation)
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Points(0.5,0.5)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
//The node will be transformed with respect to its top left corner
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, pivot: {x:0, y:0}}];
nodes.points array
Defines a collection of points to draw a polygon. Applicable, if the shape is a polygon.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type: "basic",shape:"polygon", points:[{ x: 0, y: 12.5 }, { x: 0, y: 50 }, { x: 50, y: 50 }, { x: 50, y: 0 }, { x: 12.5, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 12.5 }]}];
nodes.ports array
An array of objects where each object represents a port
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0 }},
{name:"port2", offset:{ x:0.5, y:1 }}]}];
nodes.ports.borderColor string
Sets the border color of the port
Default Value:
- “#1a1a1a”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 }, borderColor:"yellow" }] }];
nodes.ports.borderWidth number
Sets the stroke width of the port
Default Value:
- 1
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 }, borderColor:"yellow", borderWidth: 3 }] }];
nodes.ports.connectorPadding number
Defines the space to be left between the port bounds and its incoming and outgoing connections.
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 }, connectorPadding:10 }] }];
nodes.ports.constraints enum
Defines whether connections can be created with the port
Name | Description |
None | Disable all constraints |
Connect | Enables connections with connector |
ConnectOnDrag | Enables to create the connection when mouse hover on the port. |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortConstraints.Connect
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var PortConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortConstraints;
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
//Disable creating connections with the port
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 }, constraints: PortConstraints.Default &~ PortConstraints.Connect }] }];
nodes.ports.cssClass string
This property allows you to customize ports appearance using user-defined CSS.
Default Value:
- ””
.hoverPort:hover {
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var node = { name: "node", width:50,height:50,offsetX:50,offsetY:50
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 }, cssClass:"hoverPort" }] }];
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ nodes:[node] });
nodes.ports.fillColor string
Sets the fill color of the port
Default Value:
- “white”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 }, fillColor:"red" }] }];
nodes.ports.name string
Sets the unique identifier of the port
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{ name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 } }] }];
nodes.ports.offset object
Defines the position of the port as fraction/ ratio relative to node
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0, 0)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
//Add port at the center of the node
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 } }] }];
nodes.ports.pathData string
Defines the path data to draw the port. Applicable, if the port shape
is path.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 },
//Define the shape of the port
shape:"path", pathData: "M5,0 L10,10 L0,10 z"}] }];
nodes.ports.shape enum
Defines the shape of the port.
Name | Description |
X | Used to set port shape as X |
Circle | Used to set port shape as Circle |
Square | Used to set port shape as Square |
Path | Used to set port shape as Path |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortShapes.Square
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 },
shape:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortShapes.Circle}] }];
nodes.ports.size number
Defines the size of the port
Default Value:
- 8
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 }, size: 10}] }];
nodes.ports.visibility enum
Defines when the port should be visible.
Name | Description |
Visible | Set the port visibility as Visible |
Hidden | Set the port visibility as Hidden |
Hover | Port get visible when hover connector on node |
Connect | Port gets visible when connect connector to node |
Default | Specifies the port visibility as default |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortVisibility.Default
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 },
visibility:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortVisibility.Visible }] }];
nodes.ports.parent string
Sets the name of the node which contains this port.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
ports:[{ name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0.5 } }] }];
nodes.rotateAngle number
Sets the angle to which the node should be rotated
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, rotateAngle: 45 }];
nodes.scale enum
Defines how the node should be scaled/stretched
Name | Description |
None | Set the scale as none |
Meet | Used to scale the node uniformly so that it fits the node bounds |
Slice | Used to scale the node uniformly to the maximum |
Stretch | Used to scale the node non-uniformly to be stretched |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScaleConstraints.Meet
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ node:{scale:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScaleConstraints.Slice }});
nodes.shadow object
Defines the opacity and the position of shadow
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Shadow()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var NodeConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints;
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
constraints: NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Shadow,
shadow: {opacity: 0.5, distance: 10, angle: 45} }];
nodes.shadow.angle number
Defines the angle of the shadow relative to node
Default Value:
- 45
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var NodeConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints;
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
constraints: NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Shadow,
shadow: { angle: 135} }];
nodes.shadow.distance number
Sets the distance to move the shadow relative to node
Default Value:
- 5
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var NodeConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints;
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
constraints: NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Shadow,
shadow: { distance: 10 } }];
nodes.shadow.opacity number
Defines the opaque of the shadow
Default Value:
- 0.7
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var NodeConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints;
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
constraints: NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Shadow,
shadow: {opacity: 0.9 } }];
nodes.shape enum|string
Sets the shape of the node. It depends upon the type of node.
The following table illustrates the list of Basic shapes.
Name | Description |
Rectangle | Used to specify node Shape as Rectangle |
Ellipse | Used to specify node Shape as Ellipse |
Path | Used to specify node Shape as Path |
Polygon | Used to specify node Shape as Polygon |
Triangle | Used to specify node Shape as Triangle |
Plus | Used to specify node Shape as Plus |
Star | Used to specify node Shape as Star |
Pentagon | Used to specify node Shape as Pentagon |
Heptagon | Used to specify node Shape as Heptagon |
Octagon | Used to specify node Shape as Octagon |
Trapezoid | Used to specify node Shape as Trapezoid |
Decagon | Used to specify node Shape as Decagon |
RightTriangle | Used to specify node Shape as RightTriangle |
Cylinder | Used to specify node Shape as Cylinder |
The following table illustrates the list of Flow shapes.
Name | Description |
Process | Used to specify node Shape as Process |
Decision | Used to specify node Shape as Decision |
Document | Used to specify node Shape as Document |
PreDefinedProcess | Used to specify node Shape as PreDefinedProcess |
Terminator | Used to specify node Shape as Terminator |
PaperTap | Used to specify node Shape as PaperTap |
DirectData | Used to specify node Shape as DirectData |
SequentialData | Used to specify node Shape as SequentialData |
Sort | Used to specify node Shape as Sort |
MultiDocument | Used to specify node Shape as MultiDocument |
Collate | Used to specify node Shape as Collate |
SummingJunction | Used to specify node Shape as SummingJunction |
Or | Used to specify node Shape as Or |
InternalStorage | Used to specify node Shape as InternalStorage |
Extract | Used to specify node Shape as Extract |
ManualOperation | Used to specify node Shape as ManualOperation |
Merge | Used to specify node Shape as Merge |
OffPageReference | Used to specify node Shape as OffPageReference |
SequentialAccessStorage | Used to specify node Shape as SequentialAccessStorage |
Annotation1 | Used to specify node Shape as Annotation1 |
Annotation2 | Used to specify node Shape as Annotation2 |
Data | Used to specify node Shape as Data |
Card | Used to specify node Shape as Card |
The following table illustrates the list of BPMN shapes.
Name | Description |
Event | Used to specify node Shape as Event |
Gateway | Used to specify node Shape as Gateway |
Message | Used to specify node Shape as Message |
DataObject | Used to specify node Shape as DataObject |
DataSource | Used to specify node Shape as DataSource |
Activity | Used to specify node Shape as Activity |
Group | Used to specify node Shape as Group |
The following table illustrates the list of UMLActivity shapes.
Name | Description |
Action | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as Action |
Decision | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as Decision |
MergeNode | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as MergeNode |
InitialNode | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as InitialNode |
FinalNode | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as FinalNode |
ForkNode | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as ForkNode |
JoinNode | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as JoinNode |
TimeEvent | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as TimeEvent |
AcceptingEvent | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as AcceptingEvent |
SendSignal | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as SendSignal |
ReceiveSignal | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as ReceiveSignal |
StructuredNode | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as StructuredNode |
Note | Used to set UML ActivityShapes as Note |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BasicShapes.Rectangle
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
// Sets the shape as ellipse
type:"basic", shape:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BasicShapes.Ellipse }];
nodes.source string
Sets the source path of the image. Applicable, if the type of the node is image.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 50, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"image", source: "Clayton.png" }];
nodes.subProcess object
Defines the sub process of a BPMN Activity. Applicable, if the type of the BPMN activity is sub process.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNSubProcess()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess:{ loop: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNLoops.Standard } }];
nodes.subProcess.adhoc boolean
Defines whether the BPMN sub process is without any prescribed order or not
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess:{ adhoc: true } }];
nodes.subProcess.boundary enum
Sets the boundary of the BPMN process
Name | Description |
Default | Used to set BPMN SubProcess's Boundary as Default |
Call | Used to set BPMN SubProcess's Boundary as Call |
Event | Used to set BPMN SubProcess's Boundary as Event |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNBoundary.Default
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess:{ boundary: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNBoundary.Call } }];
nodes.subProcess.compensation boolean
Sets whether the BPMN subprocess is triggered as a compensation of a specific activity
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess:{ compensation: true } }];
nodes.subProcess.collapsed boolean
Sets whether the BPMN subprocess is triggered as a collapsed of a specific activity
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess:{ collapsed: false } }];
nodes.subProcess.event enum
Sets the type of the event by which the sub-process will be triggered
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNEvents.Start
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess: { type: "event", event: "start" }
nodes.subProcess.events array
Defines the collection of events that need to be appended with BPMN Sub-Process
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: {
type: "transaction",
events: [
{ event: "intermediate", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 } },
{ event: "intermediate", trigger: "error", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 } }]}
nodes.subProcess.events.event enum
Sets the type of the event by which the sub-process will be triggered
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNEvents.Start
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: {
type: "transaction",
events: [
{ event: "intermediate",event: "start", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 } },
{ event: "intermediate", event: "start",trigger: "error", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 } }]}
nodes.subProcess.events.offset object
Sets the fraction/ratio(relative to parent) that defines the position of the event shape
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Point(0.5, 0.5)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: {
type: "transaction",
events: [
{ event: "intermediate", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 } },
{ event: "intermediate", trigger: "error", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 } }]}
nodes.subProcess.events.name string
Sets the name of the BPMN event shape.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: {
type: "transaction",
events: [
{ name:"intermediate1", event: "intermediate", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 } },
{ name:"intermediate1", event: "intermediate", trigger: "error", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 } }]}
nodes.subProcess.events.trigger enum
Defines the type of the event trigger
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTriggers.Message
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: {
type: "transaction",
events: [
{ name:"intermediate1",trigger: "conditional", event: "intermediate", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 } },
{ name:"intermediate1",trigger: "conditional", event: "intermediate", trigger: "error", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 } }]}
nodes.subProcess.events.ports array
An array of objects where each object represents a port
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: {
type: "transaction",
events: [
{ event: "intermediate", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 },
ports:[{name:"port1", offset:{ x:0.5, y:0 }},
{name:"port2", offset:{ x:0.5, y:1 }}] }]}
nodes.subProcess.events.labels array
A collection of objects where each object represents a label
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var label = [];
label = { "text": "Node1", "fontColor": "Red"};
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: {
type: "transaction",
events: [
{ event: "intermediate", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 }, {labels:label}}
nodes.subProcess.loop enum
Defines the loop type of a sub process.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set BPMN Activity's Loop as None |
Standard | Used to set BPMN Activity's Loop as Standard |
ParallelMultiInstance | Used to set BPMN Activity's Loop as ParallelMultiInstance |
SequenceMultiInstance | Used to set BPMN Activity's Loop as SequenceMultiInstance |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNLoops.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess:{ loop: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNLoops.ParallelMultiInstance} }];
nodes.subProcess.Processes array
Defines the children for BPMN’s SubProcess
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess: { type: "event", trigger: "conditional", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 } }
nodes.subProcess.trigger enum
Defines the type of the event trigger
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTriggers.Message
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"subprocess",
subProcess: { type: "event", trigger: "conditional", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 } }
nodes.subProcess.type enum
Defines the type of a sub process
Name | Description |
None | Used to set BPMN SubProcess type as None |
Transaction | Used to set BPMN SubProcess type as Transaction |
Event | Used to set BPMN SubProcess type as Event |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNSubProcessTypes.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{
name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "subprocess",
subProcess: { type: event }
nodes.task object
Defines the task of the BPMN activity. Applicable, if the type of activity is set as task.
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTask()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"task",
task:{ compensation: true } }];
nodes.task.call boolean
To set whether the task is a global task or not
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"task",
task:{ call: true } }];
nodes.task.compensation boolean
Sets whether the task is triggered as a compensation of another specific activity
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"task",
task:{ compensation: true } }];
nodes.task.loop enum
Sets the loop type of a BPMN task.
Name | Description |
X | Used to set port shape as X |
Circle | Used to set port shape as Circle |
Square | Used to set port shape as Square |
Path | Used to set port shape as Path |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNLoops.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"task",
task:{ loop: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNLoops.Standard } }];
nodes.task.type enum
Sets the type of the BPMN task.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set BPMN Task Type as None |
Service | Used to set BPMN Task Type as Service |
Receive | Used to set BPMN Task Type as Receive |
Send | Used to set BPMN Task Type as Send |
InstantiatingReceive | Used to set BPMN Task Type as InstantiatingReceive |
Manual | Used to set BPMN Task Type as Manual |
BusinessRule | Used to set BPMN Task Type as BusinessRule |
User | Used to set BPMN Task Type as User |
Script | Used to set BPMN Task Type as Script |
Parallel | Used to set BPMN Task Type as Parallel |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTasks.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"bpmn", shape:"activity", activity:"task",
task:{ type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTasks.Service } }];
nodes.task.events array
Defines the collection of events that need to be appended with BPMN tasks
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes = [{name: "node1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50,
type: "bpmn", shape: "activity", activity: "task",
task: {
type: "send",
events: [
{ event: "intermediate", offset: { x: 0.25, y: 1 }},
{ event: "intermediate", trigger: "error", offset: { x: 0.75, y: 1 }] }]}
nodes.templateId string
Sets the id of svg/html templates. Applicable, if the node is HTML or native.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
<script id="svgTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="70px" height="30px">
<g visibility="visible">
<image width="70px" height="35px" opacity="1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href=""></image>
<text x="25" y="20" font-size="11" style="height:30px">
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "Clayton", width: 100, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"native", templateId:"svgTemplate" }];
nodes.textBlock object
Defines the textBlock of a text node
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type:"text", textBlock:{ text: "Text Node", fontColor:"red" } }];
nodes.tooltip object
Defines the tooltip that should be shown when the mouse hovers over node. For tooltip properties, refer Tooltip
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="mouseovertooltip">
<div style="background-color: #F08080; color: white; white-space: nowrap; height: 20px">
<span style="padding: 5px;"> </span>
var tooltip = {
templateId: "mouseovertooltip",
alignment: {
horizontal: "center",
vertical: "bottom"
var NodeConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints;
//Defines nodes
nodes: [{
name:"Rectangle", width:50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
constraints: NodeConstraints.Default & ~NodeConstraints.InheritTooltip,
nodes.trigger enum
Sets the type of BPMN Event Triggers.
Name | Description |
None | Used to set Event Trigger as None |
Message | Used to set Event Trigger as Message |
Timer | Used to set Event Trigger as Timer |
Escalation | Used to set Event Trigger as Escalation |
Link | Used to set Event Trigger as Link |
Error | Used to set Event Trigger as Error |
Compensation | Used to set Event Trigger as Compensation |
Signal | Used to set Event Trigger as Signal |
Multiple | Used to set Event Trigger as Multiple |
Parallel | Used to set Event Trigger as Parallel |
Conditional | Used to set Event Trigger as Conditional |
Terminate | Used to set Event Trigger as Terminate |
Cancel | Used to set Event Trigger as Cancel |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTriggers.None
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes = [];
nodes=[{type: "bpmn", shape: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNShapes.Event, trigger: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BPMNTriggers.None}];
nodes.type enum
Defines the type of the node.
Name | Description |
Text | Used to specify node type as Text |
Image | Used to specify node type as Image |
Html | Used to specify node type as HTML |
Native | Used to specify node type as Native |
Basic | Used to specify node type as Basic |
Flow | Used to specify node type as Flow |
BPMN | Used to specify node type as BPMN |
UMLClassifier | Used to specify node type as UMLClassifier |
UMLActivity | Used to specify node type as UMLActivity |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Shapes.Basic
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50,
type: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Shapes.BPMN }];
nodes.verticalAlign enum
Sets the vertical alignment of a node. Applicable, if the parent of a node is a container.
Name | Description |
Top | Set vertical alignment as top |
Middle | Set vertical alignment as middle |
Bottom | Set vertical alignment as bottom |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Top
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
var node1 = { name: "node1", width: 50, height:50};
var node2 = { name: "node2", width: 50, height:50, verticalAlign: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Bottom };
var group = { name :"group", children:[ node1, node2 ],
container: { type: "canvas" }, offsetX:200, offsetY:100,
fillColor:"gray", minWidth:200, minHeight:200
nodes.visible boolean
Defines the visibility of the node
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, visible:false }];
nodes.width number
Defines the width of the node
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:50, offsetX:50, offsetY:50 }];
nodes.zOrder number
Defines the z-index of the node
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes;
nodes=[{ name: "node1", width: 100, height:100, offsetX:50, offsetY:50, zOrder: 10 }];
layers array
A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer. Layer is a named category of diagram shapes.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var layer = { name: "layer1", active: true, objects: ["textNode"] };
layers: [layer]
layers.name string
To specify the name of the diagram layer. Layer name should be unique.
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var layer = { name: "layer1", active: true, objects: ["textNode"] };
layers: [layer]
layers.active boolean
Enable or disable diagram objects to be added to the specific layer.
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var layer = { name: "layer1", active: true, objects: ["textNode"] };
layers: [layer]
layers.visible boolean
Enable or disable the specific layer objects to be visible.
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var layer = { name: "layer1", visible: true, objects: ["textNode"] };
layers: [layer]
layers.print boolean
Enable or disable the specific layer objects to be visible on printing or exporting.
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var layer = { name: "layer1", print: true, objects: ["textNode"] };
layers: [layer]
layers.lock boolean
Enable or disable the interaction of the specific diagram objects.
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var layer = { name: "layer1", lock: true, objects: ["textNode"] };
layers: [layer]
layers.objects array
To Specify the collection of the object names belongs to the layer.
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var layer = { name: "layer1", lock: true, objects: ["textNode"] };
layers: [layer]
nodeTemplate object
Binds the custom JSON data with node properties
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var data = [
{ "Id": "E1", "Name": "Maria Anders", "Designation": "Managing Director" },
{ "Id": "E2" , "Name": "Ana Trujillo", "Designation": "Project Manager", "ReportingPerson": "E1" } ];
dataSourceSettings: { id: "Id", parent: "ReportingPerson", dataSource: data },
//Sets the method name to node template
nodeTemplate :"nodeTemplate"
//Binds the custom properties with node properties and sets the styles
function nodeTemplate(diagram, node) {
node.labels[0].text = node.Name;
pageSettings object
Defines the size and appearance of diagram page
pageSettings.autoScrollBorder object
Defines the maximum distance to be left between the object and the scroll bar to trigger auto scrolling
Default Value:
- { left: 15, top: 15, right: 15, bottom: 15 }
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ autoScrollBorder: { left: 50, top: 50, right: 50, bottom: 50 } }
pageSettings.multiplePage boolean
Sets whether multiple pages can be created to fit all nodes and connectors
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings.pageBackgroundColor string
Defines the background color of diagram pages
Default Value:
- “#ffffff”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ pageBackgroundColor:"lightgray"}
pageSettings.pageBorderColor string
Defines the page border color
Default Value:
- “#565656”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ pageBorderColor:"black", pageBorderWidth: 2}
pageSettings.pageBorderWidth number
Sets the border width of diagram pages
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ pageBorderColor:"black", pageBorderWidth: 2}
pageSettings.pageHeight number
Defines the height of a page
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ pageWidth: 500, pageHeight: 500 }
pageSettings.pageMargin number
Defines the page margin
Default Value:
- 24
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ pageMargin : 20 }
pageSettings.pageOrientation enum
Sets the orientation of the page.
Name | Description |
Landscape | Used to set orientation as Landscape |
Portrait | Used to set orientation as portrait |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PageOrientations.Portrait
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ pageWidth: 800, pageHeight: 500,
pageOrientation:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PageOrientations.Landscape }
pageSettings.pageWidth number
Defines the height of a diagram page
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ pageWidth: 500, pageHeight: 500 }
pageSettings.scrollableArea object
Defines the scrollable area of diagram. Applicable, if the scroll limit is “limited”.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ scrollLimit: "limited",
scrollableArea: {x:0, y:0, width:1000, height:1000} }
pageSettings.scrollLimit enum
Defines the scrollable region of diagram.
Name | Description |
Infinite | Used to set scrollLimit as Infinite |
Diagram | Used to set scrollLimit as Diagram |
Limited | Used to set scrollLimit as Limited |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScrollLimit.Infinite
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ scrollLimit: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScrollLimit.Diagram }
pageSettings.boundaryConstraints enum
Defines the draggable region of diagram elements.
Name | Description |
Infinite | Used to set boundaryConstraints as Infinite |
Diagram | Used to set boundaryConstraints as Diagram |
Page | Used to set boundaryConstraints as Page |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BoundaryConstraints.Infinite
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ boundaryConstraints: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BoundaryConstraints.Diagram }
pageSettings.showPageBreak boolean
Enables or disables the page breaks
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
pageSettings:{ showPageBreak: true }
scrollSettings object
Defines the zoom value, zoom factor, scroll status and view port size of the diagram
scrollSettings.currentZoom number
Allows to read the zoom value of diagram
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
scrollSettings.horizontalOffset number
Sets the horizontal scroll offset
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
scrollSettings:{ horizontalOffset: 50 }
scrollSettings.padding object
Allows to extend the scrollable region that is based on the scroll limit
Default Value:
- {left: 0, right: 0, top:0, bottom: 0}
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Sets the region to be extended
scrollSettings: { padding: { left: 25, right: 25, top: 25, bottom: 25} }
scrollSettings.verticalOffset number
Sets the vertical scroll offset
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
scrollSettings:{ verticalOffset: 50 }
scrollSettings.viewPortHeight number
Allows to read the view port height of the diagram
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
scrollSettings.viewPortWidth number
Allows to read the view port width of the diagram
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
selectedItems object
Defines the size and position of selected items and defines the appearance of selector
selectedItems.children array
A read only collection of the selected items
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//Read the selected items
for(var i =0; i< diagram.model.selectedItems.children; i++){
//Do your actions here
selectedItems.constraints enum
Controls the visibility of selector.
Name | Description |
None | Hides the selector |
Rotator | Sets the visibility of rotation handle as visible |
Resizer | Sets the visibility of resize handles as visible |
UserHandles | Sets the visibility of user handles as visible |
Tooltip | Enables the default tooltip of the diagram control. |
DragOnEmptySpace | Enables dragging while selecting the multiple nodes and click on the empty region of the selection rectangle. |
AutoHideThumbs | Show/Hide the selection handles when it is overlapped with each other's. |
All | Sets the visibility of all selection handles as visible |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.SelectorConstraints.All
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
selectedItems: { constraints: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.SelectorConstraints.UserHandles }
selectedItems.getConstraints object
Defines a method that dynamically enables/ disables the interaction with multiple selection.
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
selectedItems: {
getConstraints: function() {
//Allows to drag the multiple selected elements even when the selected elements are not movable
return ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints.Drag | ej.datavisualization.Diagram.NodeConstraints.Resize
} }
selectedItems.height number
Sets the height of the selected items
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Sets the height of the selector as 100
selectedItems: { height:100, width: 100 }
selectedItems.offsetX number
Sets the x position of the selector
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
selectedItems: { offsetX:100, offsetY: 100 }
selectedItems.offsetY number
Sets the y position of the selector
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
selectedItems: { offsetX:100, offsetY: 100 }
selectedItems.rotateAngle number
Sets the angle to rotate the selected items
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
selectedItems: { rotateAngle: 90 }
selectedItems.tooltip object
Sets the angle to rotate the selected items. For tooltip properties, refer Tooltip
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Tooltip()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
selectedItems: { tooltip : { alignment:{ vertical:"top" } } }
selectedItems.userHandles array
A collection of frequently used commands that will be added around the selector
Default Value:
- []
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle= [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
selectedItems.userHandles.horizontalAlignment enum
Sets the horizontal alignment of the user handle
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.horizontalAlignment = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Right;
selectedItems.userHandles.margin object
To set the margin of the user handle
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Margin()
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.margin = { left: 5 };
selectedItems.userHandles.name string
Defines the name of the user handle
####Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
selectedItems.userHandles.backgroundColor string
Defines the background color of the user handle
####Default Value:
- “#2382c3”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.backgroundColor = "#4D4D4D";
selectedItems.userHandles.borderColor string
Sets the border color of the user handle
Default Value:
- “transparent”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.borderColor = "red";
selectedItems.userHandles.enableMultiSelection boolean
Defines whether the user handle should be added, when more than one element is selected
Default Value:
- false
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.enableMultiSelection = true;
selectedItems.userHandles.offset object
Sets the fraction/ratio(relative to node) that defines the position of the user handle
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.point(0.5, 1)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.offset = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.point(0, 0)
selectedItems.userHandles.pathColor string
Sets the stroke color of the user handle
####Default Value:
- transparent
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.pathData = "M4.6350084,4.8909971 L4.6350084,9.3649971 9.5480137,9.3649971 9.5480137,4.8909971 z M3.0000062,2.8189973 L11.184016,2.8189973 11.184016,10.999997 3.0000062,10.999997 z M0,0 L7.3649998,0 7.3649998,1.4020001 1.4029988,1.4020001 1.4029988,8.0660002 0,8.0660002 0,1.4020001 0,0.70300276 z";
cloneHandle.tool = new CloneTool(cloneHandle.name);
cloneHandle.pathColor = "white";
selectedItems.userHandles.pathData string
Defines the custom shape of the user handle
####Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.pathData = "M4.6350084,4.8909971 L4.6350084,9.3649971 9.5480137,9.3649971 9.5480137,4.8909971 z M3.0000062,2.8189973 L11.184016,2.8189973 11.184016,10.999997 3.0000062,10.999997 z M0,0 L7.3649998,0 7.3649998,1.4020001 1.4029988,1.4020001 1.4029988,8.0660002 0,8.0660002 0,1.4020001 0,0.70300276 z";
cloneHandle.tool = new CloneTool(cloneHandle.name);
selectedItems.userHandles.position enum
Defines the position of the user handle
Name | Description |
TopLeft | Set the position of the userhandle as topleft |
TopCenter | Set the position of the userhandle as topcenter |
TopRight | Set the position of the userhandle as topright |
MiddleLeft | Set the position of the userhandle as middleleft |
MiddleRight | Set the position of the userhandle as middleright |
BottomLeft | Set the position of the userhandle as bottomleft |
BottomCenter | Set the position of the userhandle as bottomcenter |
BottomRight | Set the position of the userhandle as bottom right |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandlePositions.BottomCenter
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.position =" middleleft";
selectedItems.userHandles.size number
Defines the size of the user handle
Default Value:
- 8
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.size = 20;
selectedItems.userHandles.tool object
Defines the interactive behaviors of the user handle
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var CloneTool = (function (base) {
ej.datavisualization.Diagram.extend(CloneTool, base);
function CloneTool(name) {
base.call(this, name);
this.singleAction = true;
this.clonedNodes = [];
this.cursor = "pointer";
CloneTool.prototype.mouseup = function (evt) {
return CloneTool;
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.pathData = "M4.6350084,4.8909971 L4.6350084,9.3649971 9.5480137,9.3649971 9.5480137,4.8909971 z M3.0000062,2.8189973 L11.184016,2.8189973 11.184016,10.999997 3.0000062,10.999997 z M0,0 L7.3649998,0 7.3649998,1.4020001 1.4029988,1.4020001 1.4029988,8.0660002 0,8.0660002 0,1.4020001 0,0.70300276 z";
cloneHandle.tool = new CloneTool(cloneHandle.name);;
selectedItems.userHandles.verticalAlignment enum
Sets the vertical alignment of the user handle
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.verticalAlignment = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Top;
selectedItems.userHandles.visible boolean
Defines the visibility of the user handle
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var userHandle = [];
var cloneHandle = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.UserHandle();
cloneHandle.name = "cloneHandle";
cloneHandle.visible = "true";
selectedItems.width number
Sets the width of the selected items
Default Value:
- 0
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Sets the width of the selector as 100
selectedItems: { height:100, width: 100 }
showTooltip boolean
Enables or disables tooltip of diagram
Default Value:
- true
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({showTooltip: true});
serializationSettings object
Defines diagram serialization properties that would defines how the serialization content would be.
serializationSettings.preventDefaultValues boolean
defines whether the default diagram properties can be serialized or not.
Default Value:
- false
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ serializationSettings:{ preventDefaultValues: true } });
rulerSettings object
Defines the properties of the both the horizontal and vertical gauge to measure the diagram area.
rulerSettings.showRulers boolean
Enables or disables both the horizontal and vertical ruler.
Default Value:
- false
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ rulerSettings:{ showRulers: true } });
rulerSettings.horizontalRuler object
Defines the appearance of horizontal ruler
rulerSettings.horizontalRuler.interval number
Defines the number of intervals to be present on the each segment of the horizontal ruler.
Default Value:
- 5
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: {horizontalRuler:{interval: 10 } }});
rulerSettings.horizontalRuler.segmentWidth number
Defines the textual description of the ruler segment, and the appearance of the ruler ticks of the horizontal ruler.
Default Value:
- 100
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: {horizontalRuler:{segmentWidth: 50 } }});
rulerSettings.horizontalRuler.arrangeTick object
Defines the method which used to position and arrange the tick elements of the horizontal ruler.
Default Value:
- null
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: {horizontalRuler:{arrangeTick: function alignTick(args){ } } }});
Defines and sets the tick alignment of the ruler scale.
Name | Description |
LeftOrTop | Align the ruler scale either left or top position of the ruler. |
RightOrBottom | Align the ruler scale either right or bottom position of the ruler. |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TickAlignment.RightOrBottom
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: {horizontalRuler:{tickAlignment: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TickAlignment.LeftOrTop } }});
rulerSettings.horizontalRuler.markerColor string
Defines the color of the horizontal marker brush.
Default Value:
- “red”
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: {horizontalRuler:{markerColor: "pink" } }});
rulerSettings.horizontalRuler.length number
Defines the width of the horizontal ruler.
Default Value:
- null
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: {horizontalRuler:{length: 1000 } }});
rulerSettings.horizontalRuler.thickness number
Defines the height of the horizontal ruler.
Default Value:
- 25
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: {horizontalRuler:{thickness: 50 } }});
rulerSettings.verticalRuler object
Defines the appearance of vertical ruler
rulerSettings.verticalRuler.interval number
Defines the number of intervals to be present on the each segment of the vertical ruler.
Default Value:
- 5
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: { verticalRuler:{interval: 10 } }});
rulerSettings.verticalRuler.segmentWidth number
Defines the textual description of the ruler segment, and the appearance of the ruler ticks of the vertical ruler.
Default Value:
- 100
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: { verticalRuler:{segmentWidth: 50 } }});
rulerSettings.verticalRuler.arrangeTick object
Defines the method which used to position and arrange the tick elements of the vertical ruler.
Default Value:
- null
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: { verticalRuler:{arrangeTick: function alignTick(args){ } } }});
rulerSettings. verticalRuler.tickAlignmentenum
Defines and sets the tick alignment of the ruler scale.
Name | Description |
LeftOrTop | Align the ruler scale either left or top position of the ruler. |
RightOrBottom | Align the ruler scale either right or bottom position of the ruler. |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TickAlignment.RightOrBottom
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: { verticalRuler:{tickAlignment: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.TickAlignment.LeftOrTop } }});
rulerSettings.verticalRuler.markerColor string
Defines the color of the vertical marker brush.
Default Value:
- “red”
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: { verticalRuler:{markerColor: "pink" } }});
rulerSettings.verticalRuler.length number
Defines the height of the vertical ruler.
Default Value:
- null
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: { verticalRuler:{length: 1000 } }});
rulerSettings.verticalRuler.thickness number
Defines the width of the vertical ruler.
Default Value:
- 25
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({rulerSettings: { verticalRuler:{thickness: 50 } }});
snapSettings object
Defines the gridlines and defines how and when the objects have to be snapped
snapSettings.enableSnapToObject boolean
Enables or disables snapping nodes/connectors to objects
Default Value:
- true
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ snapSettings:{ enableSnapToObject: false } });
snapSettings.horizontalGridLines object
Defines the appearance of horizontal gridlines
snapSettings.horizontalGridLines.lineColor string
Defines the line color of horizontal grid lines
Default Value:
- “lightgray”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gridline = { lineColor :"blue" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ snapSettings: { horizontalGridLines: gridline} });
snapSettings.horizontalGridLines.lineDashArray string
Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke horizontal grid lines
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gridline = { lineColor :"blue", lineDashArray:"2,2" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { horizontalGridLines: gridline} });
snapSettings.horizontalGridLines.linesInterval array
A pattern of lines and gaps that defines a set of horizontal gridlines
Default Value:
- [1.25, 18.75, 0.25, 19.75, 0.25, 19.75, 0.25, 19.75, 0.25, 19.75]
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gridline = { linesInterval: [1, 14, 0.5, 14.5 ] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { horizontalGridLines: gridline} });
snapSettings.horizontalGridLines.snapInterval array
Specifies a set of intervals to snap the objects
Default Value:
- [20]
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Snap objects to every 5th pixel
var gridline = { snapInterval : [5] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { horizontalGridLines: gridline} });
snapSettings.snapAngle number
Defines the angle by which the object needs to be snapped
Default Value:
- 5
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { snapAngle: 10} });
snapSettings.snapConstraints enum
Defines and sets the snapConstraints
Name | Description |
None | Enables node to be snapped to horizontal gridlines |
SnapToHorizontalLines | Enables node to be snapped to vertical gridlines |
SnapToVerticalLines | Enables node to be snapped to horizontal gridlines |
SnapToLines | Enables node to be snapped to gridlines |
ShowHorizontalLines | Enable horizontal lines |
ShowVerticalLines | Enable vertical lines |
ShowLines | Enable both horizontal and vertical lines |
All | Enable all the constraints |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.SnapConstraints.ShowLines
var snapConstraints = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.SnapConstraints.ShowLines
snapSettings.snapObjectDistance number
Defines the minimum distance between the selected object and the nearest object
Default Value:
- 5
var snap = {"snapObjectDistance":5};
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: snap});
snapSettings.verticalGridLines object
Defines the appearance of horizontal gridlines
snapSettings.verticalGridLines.lineColor string
Defines the line color of horizontal grid lines
Default Value:
- “lightgray”
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gridline = { lineColor :"blue" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { verticalGridLines: gridline} });
snapSettings.verticalGridLines.lineDashArray string
Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke horizontal grid lines
Default Value:
- ””
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gridline = { lineColor :"blue", lineDashArray:"2,2" };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { verticalGridLines: gridline} });
snapSettings.verticalGridLines.linesInterval array
A pattern of lines and gaps that defines a set of horizontal gridlines
Default Value:
- [1.25, 18.75, 0.25, 19.75, 0.25, 19.75, 0.25, 19.75, 0.25, 19.75]
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var gridline = { linesInterval: [1, 14, 0.5, 14.5 ] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { verticalGridLines: gridline} });
snapSettings.verticalGridLines.snapInterval array
Specifies a set of intervals to snap the objects
Default Value:
- [20]
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Snap objects to every 5th pixel
var gridline = { snapInterval : [5] };
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({snapSettings: { verticalGridLines: gridline} });
tool enum
Enables/Disables the interactive behaviors of diagram.
Name | Description |
None | Disables all Tools |
SingleSelect | Enables/Disables SingleSelect tool |
MultipleSelect | Enables/Disables MultiSelect tool |
ZoomPan | Enables/Disables ZoomPan tool |
DrawOnce | Enables/Disables DrawOnce tool |
ContinuesDraw | Enables/Disables ContinuousDraw tool |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Tool.All
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Prevents editing and allows only to zoom/pan
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({tool: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Tool.ZoomPan});
tooltip object
An object that defines the description, appearance and alignments of tooltips
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="mouseovertooltip">
<div style="background-color: #F08080; color: white; white-space: nowrap; height: 20px">
<span style="padding: 5px;"> </span>
//Defines mouse over tooltip
tooltip: {
templateId: "mouseovertooltip",
alignment: {
horizontal: "center",
vertical: "bottom"
//Defines nodes
nodes: [{
name: "elizabeth",width: 70,height: 40, offsetX: 100,offsetY: 100,
Designation: "Managing Director"
tooltip.alignment object
Aligns the tooltip around nodes/connectors
tooltip.alignment.horizontal enum
Defines the horizontal alignment of tooltip.
Name | Description |
Left | Used to align text horizontally on left side of node/connector |
Center | Used to align text horizontally on center of node/connector |
Right | Used to align text horizontally on right side of node/connector |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
tooltip: {
alignment: {
horizontal: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.HorizontalAlignment.Center
tooltip.alignment.vertical enum
Defines the vertical alignment of tooltip.
Name | Description |
Top | Used to align text Vertically on left side of node/connector |
Center | Used to align text Vertically on center of node/connector |
Bottom | Used to align text Vertically on bottom of node/connector |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Bottom
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
tooltip: {
alignment: {
vertical: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.VerticalAlignment.Bottom
tooltip.margin object
Sets the margin of the tooltip
Default Value:
- { left: 5, right: 5, top: 5, bottom: 5 }
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
tooltip: {
margin : { top:10 }
tooltip.relativeMode enum
Defines whether the tooltip should be shown at the mouse position or around node.
Name | Description |
object | Shows tooltip around the node |
Mouse | Shows tooltip at the mouse position |
Default Value:
- ej.datavisualization.Diagram.RelativeMode.Object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
tooltip: {
//Shows tooltip at the mouse position
relativeMode: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.RelativeMode.Mouse
tooltip.templateId string
Sets the svg/html template to be bound with tooltip
Default Value:
- ””
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="mouseovertooltip">
<div style="background-color: #F08080; color: white; white-space: nowrap; height: 20px">
<span style="padding: 5px;"> </span>
//Defines mouse over tooltip
tooltip: {
templateId: "mouseovertooltip"
} });
width string
Specifies the width of the diagram
Default Value:
- null
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({ width:"1000" });
zoomFactor number
Sets the factor by which we can zoom in or zoom out
Default Value:
- 0.2
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram({zoomFactor: 1});
Add nodes and connectors to diagram at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
node | object | a JSON to define a node/connector or an array of nodes and connector |
- boolean
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//add a single node to diagram
var BasicShapes = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.BasicShapes;
var node = { name: "rectangle1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100, type: "node", shape: BasicShapes.Rectangle };
// add multiple nodes to diagram
var nodes = [
{ name: "rectangle2", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 200, offsetY: 100, type: "node", shape: BasicShapes.Rectangle },
{ name: "ellipse1", width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 300, offsetY: 100, type: "node", shape: BasicShapes.Ellipse },
addLabel(nodeName, newLabel)
Add a label to a node at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
nodeName | string | name of the node to which label will be added |
newLabel | object | JSON for the new label to be added |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node=diagram.selectionList[0];
diagram.addLabel(node.name, {fontColor:"red", text:"newLabel"});
Add dynamic Lanes to swimlane at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
lane | object | JSON for the new lane to be added |
index | number | Index value to add the lane in swimlane |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//add a lane node to swimlane
var lane = { name: "lane" + ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Util.randomId(), fillColor: "#f5f5f5", offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200,
width: 400, orientation: 'horizontal', height: 100, isLane: true,
header: { text: "function", fillColor: "#C7D4DF", width: 50, height: 50, fontSize: 11 } };
// add lane with index to swimlane
var lane = { name: "lane" + ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Util.randomId(), fillColor: "#f5f5f5", offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200,
width: 400, orientation: 'horizontal', height: 100, isLane: true,
header: { text: "function", fillColor: "#C7D4DF", width: 50, height: 50, fontSize: 11 } };
addPhase(name, options)
Add a phase to a swimlane at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the swimlane to which the phase will be added |
options | object | JSON object to define the phase to be added |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
diagram.addPhase("swimlane", { name: "CustomPhase", offset: 600, label: { text: "CustomPhase" } });
Add a collection of layers can be added to the existing diagram layer at runtime.
Name | Type | Description |
layers | array | a collection of layers to be added to the existing diagram layers. |
<div id="diagram"></div>
// creating the instance for the diagram
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
// creating the layer collection
var layers = [{ name: "Layer1", visible: true, objects: ["Ellipse1", "Ellipse2"] }];
// add the layers to the existing diagram layer collection
Add a collection of diagram elements can be added to the specific diagram layer.
Name | Type | Description |
layerName | string | specifies the name of the layer to the nodes will be added. |
nodes | array | collection of diagram elements to be added to the specific layer. |
<div id="diagram"></div>
// creating the nodes
var nodes = [
{ name: "Ellipse1", width: 40, height: 40, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100, shape: "ellipse" },
{ name: "Ellipse2", width: 40, height: 40, offsetX: 200, offsetY: 100, shape: "ellipse" }
width: "100%",
height: "600px",
nodes: nodes,
// creating the instance for the diagram
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = diagram.findNode('Ellipse1')
// add the node to the specific layer.
diagram.addNodeToLayer('Layer1', [node])
addPorts(name, ports)
Add a collection of ports to the node specified by name
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the node to which the ports have to be added |
ports | array | a collection of ports to be added to the specified node |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var port = [{ offset: { x: 0, y: 0.5 }, name: "aport", fillColor: "yellow"}, { offset: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }, name: "bport", fillColor: "yellow", }];
diagram.addPorts("Rect1", port);
addSelection(node, [clearSelection])
Add the specified node to selection list
Name | Type | Description |
node | object | the node to be selected |
[clearSelection] | boolean | to define whether to clear the existing selection or not |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node=diagram.model.nodes[0];
Align the selected objects based on the reference object and direction
Name | Type | Description |
direction | string | to specify the direction towards which the selected objects are to be aligned("left","right",top","bottom") |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Bring the specified portion of the diagram content to the diagram viewport
Name | Type | Description |
rect | object | the rectangular region that is to be brought into diagram viewport |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
diagram.bringIntoView(ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Rectangle(700, 500, 80, 80));
Bring the specified portion of the diagram content to the center of the diagram viewport
Name | Type | Description |
rect | object | the rectangular region that is to be brought to the center of diagram viewport |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
diagram.bringToCenter(ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Rectangle(700, 500, 80, 80));
Visually move the selected object over all other intersected objects
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Remove all the elements from diagram
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Clears the actions which is recorded to perform undo/redo operation in the diagram.
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Remove the current selection in diagram
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Copy the selected object to internal clipboard and get the copied object
- object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//Save the copied object
var obj = diagram.copy();
Cut the selected object from diagram to diagram internal clipboard
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Export the diagram as downloadable files or as data
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[options] | Object | options to export the desired region of diagram to the desired formats.
- string
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
//Exports the whole diagram content as an image of JPEG format
var options = {
//name of the file to be downloaded
fileName: "diagram",
//Specifies whether to export as files/data
mode: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ExportModes.Download,
//Format of the exported file
format: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.FileFormats.JPG,
// Define the custom bounds that has to be exported
bounds: {
x: 1000,
y: 1000,
width: 500,
height: 500
Used to export the diagram into user defined file format.
Name | Description |
JPG | Used to export the diagram into JPG format. |
PNG | Used to export the diagram into PNG format. |
BMP | Used to export the diagram into BMP format. |
SVG | Used to export the diagram into SVG format. |
Used to export the diagram as a file or as raw data.
Name | Description |
Download | Used to export the diagram as a file. |
Data | Used to export the diagram as raw data. |
Used to set the region of the diagram to be exported.
Name | Description |
Content | Used to export the content of the diagram only. |
PageSettings | Used to export the page region of the diagram. |
Used to resize the diagram content to fill its allocated space.
Name | Description |
None | The diagram content preserves its original size. |
Fill | The diagram content is resized to fill the destination dimensions. The aspect ratio is not preserved. |
Uniform | The diagram content is resized to fit in the destination dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio. |
UniformToFill | The diagram content is resized to fill the destination dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio of the destination rectangle differs from the source, the source content is clipped to fit in the destination dimensions. |
exportImage( image, [exportImageSettings])
The exportImage
method is used to export the image passed through argument with different image format and exporting options as like exportDiagram
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
image | string | pass the base64String image to be exported. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[exportImageSettings] | Object | options to export the desired region of diagram to the desired formats.
- string
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//Export the image based on pageSettings region and PNG format.
var options = {
//set the region of the diagram to be exported
region: "pageSettings",
//name of the file to be downloaded
fileName: "diagram",
//Format of the exported file
format: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.FileFormats.PNG
Read a node/connector object by its name
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the node/connector that is to be identified |
- object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = diagram.findNode("nodeName");
fitToPage([mode], [region], [margin])
Fit the diagram content into diagram viewport
Name | Type | Description |
[mode] |
to set the mode of fit to command. |
[region] |
to set whether the region to be fit will be based on diagram elements or page settings. |
[margin] | object | to set the required margin |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Used to fit the diagram content within the view port.
Name | Description |
Page | Used to fit the diagram content based on page size. |
Width | Used to fit the diagram content based on diagram width. |
Height | Used to fit the diagram content based on diagram height. |
Get the diagram DOM element as a string along with dependent stylesheets.
Name | Type | Description |
styleSheets | array | If its specified, will get the diagram DOM element along with specified stylesheet references. Please note that you have to define absolute path for local CSS file. If not specified, will get the diagram content along with all stylesheets loaded in the document. |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Get the bounds of the diagram.
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Group the selected nodes and connectors
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
insertLabel(name, label, [index])
Insert a label into a node’s label collection at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the node to which the label has to be inserted |
label | object | JSON to define the new label |
[index] | number | index to insert the label into the node |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node=diagram.selectionList[0];
diagram.insertLabel(node.name, {fontColor:"red", text:"newLabel"},0);
Refresh the diagram with the specified layout
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Load the diagram
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | JSON data to load the diagram |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Visually move the selected object over its closest intersected object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
nudge(direction, [delta])
Move the selected objects by either one pixel or by the pixels specified through argument
Name | Type | Description |
direction | string | specifies the direction to move the selected objects ("left","right",top","bottom") |
[delta] | number | specifies the number of pixels by which the selected objects have to be moved |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
diagram.nudge("direction", 5);
paste([object], [rename])
Paste the selected object from internal clipboard to diagram
Name | Type | Description |
[object] | object | object to be added to diagram |
[rename] | boolean | to define whether the specified object is to be renamed or not |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//Paste the object from internal clipboard to diagram
//Add the specific object to diagram
diagram.paste(obj, true);
### print([printSettings])
Print the diagram as image
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
[printSettings] | Object | options to print the desired region of diagram and print the diagram in multiple pages.
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//print the diagram
// print the diagram with certain region.
var options = {
//set the region of the diagram to be printed
region: "pageSettings"
printImage( image, [printImageSettings])
The printImage
method is used to print the image passed through argument with desired region and multiple pages as like print
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||
image | string | pass the base64String image to be printed. | |||||||||||||||||||||
[printImageSettings] | Object | options to export the desired region of diagram to the desired formats.
- string
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
//print the image based on pageSettings region.
var options = {
//set the region of the diagram to be printed
region: "pageSettings"
Restore the last action that was reverted
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Refresh the diagram at runtime
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Remove either the given node/connector or the selected element from diagram
Name | Type | Description |
[node] | object | the node/connector to be removed from diagram |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Remove the collection of layers from the diagram layers.
Name | Type | Description |
layers | array | collection of layers to be removed from diagram layer. |
<div id="diagram"></div>
// creating the instance for the diagram
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
// remove the diagram layers from model
removeNodeToLayer(layerName, nodes)
Remove the collection of nodes from the specific layer.
Name | Type | Description |
layerName | string | Specifies the layer name to the node will be removed. |
nodes | array | collection of diagram elements name to be removed from specific layer. |
<div id="diagram"></div>
// creating the nodes
var nodes = [
{ name: "Ellipse1", width: 40, height: 40, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100, shape: "ellipse" },
{ name: "Ellipse2", width: 40, height: 40, offsetX: 200, offsetY: 100, shape: "ellipse" }
width: "100%",
height: "600px",
nodes: nodes,
// creating the instance for the diagram
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
// remove the node from the specific layer.
diagram.removeNodeToLayer('Layer1', ['Ellipse1'])
removePorts(name, ports)
Remove the collection of ports from the specified node.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the node to which the ports have to be added |
ports | array | a collection of ports to be deleted from the specified node |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = diagram.findNode("Rect1");
diagram.removePorts("Rect1", node.ports);
removeLabels(name, labels)
Add a collection of ports to the node specified by name
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the node to which the ports have to be added |
labels | array | a collection of labels to be deleted from the specified node |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram = $("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = diagram.findNode("Rect1");
diagram.removeLabels("Rect1", node.labels);
Remove a particular object from selection list
Name | Type | Description |
node | object | the node/connector to be removed from selection list |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node=diagram.selectionList[0];
Scale the selected objects to the height of the first selected object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Scale the selected objects to the size of the first selected object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Scale the selected objects to the width of the first selected object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
### save()
Returns the diagram as serialized JSON
- object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var savedDiagram = diagram.save();
Bring the node into view
Name | Type | Description |
node | object | the node/connector to be brought into view |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = diagram.selectionList[0];
Select all nodes and connector in diagram
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Visually move the selected object behind its closest intersected object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Visually move the selected object behind all other intersected objects
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Update the horizontal space between the selected objects as equal and within the selection boundary
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Update the vertical space between the selected objects as equal and within the selection boundary
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
startLabelEdit(node, label)
Move the specified label to edit mode
Name | Type | Description |
node | object | node/connector that contains the label to be edited |
label | object | to be edited |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node=diagram.selectionList[0];
Reverse the last action that was performed
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Ungroup the selected group
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Update diagram at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
options | object | JSON to specify the diagram properties that have to be modified |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var tool = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Tool.ZoomPan;
//update the tool
diagram.update({ tool: tool });
updateConnector(name, options)
Update Connectors at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the connector to be updated |
options | object | JSON to specify the connector properties that have to be updated |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
diagram.updateConnector("connector1", { lineColor: "red", lineWidth: 3 });
updateLabel(nodeName, label, options)
Update the given label at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
nodeName | string | the name of node/connector which contains the label to be updated |
label | object | the label to be modified |
options | object | JSON to specify the label properties that have to be updated |
- object
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node=diagram.selectionList[0];
var label = [];
label =[{"name":"node1" "text": "node", "bold": true, "italic": true}]
updateLayer(layerName, options)
Update the given layer at run time.
Name | Type | Description |
layerName | string | the name of layer to be updated |
options | object | the layer object to be modified |
<div id="diagram"></div>
// creating the instance for the diagram
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
// update the layer objects will be hidden on printing.
diagram.updateLayer('Layer1', { print: false })
updateNode(name, options)
Update nodes at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the node that is to be updated |
options | object | JSON to specify the properties of node that have to be updated |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
diagram.updateNode("node1", { fillColor: "red", borderWidth: "3" });
updatePort(nodeName, port, options)
Update a port with its modified properties at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
nodeName | string | the name of node which contains the port to be updated |
port | object | the port to be updated |
options | object | JSON to specify the properties of the port that have to be updated |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node=diagram.selectionList[0];
var port ={fillColor:"red", visibility:ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortVisibility.Visible}
diagram.updatePort(node.name,node.ports[0], port);
Update the specified node as selected object
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name of the node to be updated as selected object |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Update the selection at runtime
Name | Type | Description |
[showUserHandles] | boolean | to specify whether to show the user handles or not |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Update user handles with respect to the given node
Name | Type | Description |
node | object | node/connector with respect to which, the user handles have to be updated |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var node = diagram.selectionList[0];
Update the diagram viewport at runtime
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Upgrade the diagram from old version
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | to be upgraded |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
Used to zoomIn/zoomOut diagram
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
[Zoom] | object | options to zoom the diagram(zoom factor, zoomIn/zoomOut)
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var diagram=$("#diagramcontent").ejDiagram("instance");
var zoom = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Zoom();
zoom.zoomFactor = .1;
zoom.zoomCommand = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ZoomCommand.ZoomIn;
Used to zoom-in or zoom-out the diagram
Name | Description |
ZoomIn | Used to zoom in the Diagram |
ZoomOut | Used to zoom out the diagram |
Triggers When auto scroll is changed
Name | Type | Description |
delay | string | Returns the delay between subsequent auto scrolls |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// autoScrollChange event for diagram
autoScrollChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when a node, connector or diagram is clicked
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the clicked node, connector or diagram |
actualObject | number | parameter returns the object that is actually clicked |
offsetX | number | parameter returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the diagram |
offsetY | number | parameter returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the diagram |
count | number | parameter returns the count of how many times the mouse button is pressed |
event | object | parameter returns the event triggered |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the event |
// click event for diagram
click:function (args) {}
Triggers when the connection is changed
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the connection that is changed between nodes, ports or points |
connection | string | parameter returns the new source node or target node of the connector |
port | object | parameter returns the new source port or target port of the connector |
cancel | boolean | parameter defines whether to cancel the change or not |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// connectionChange event for diagram
connectionChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when the connector collection is changed
Name | Type | Description |
changeType | string | parameter returns whether the connector is inserted or removed |
element | object | parameter returns the connector that is to be added or deleted |
cancel | boolean | parameter defines whether to cancel the collection change or not |
state | string | triggers before and after adding the connector in the diagram which can be differentiated through `state` argument. We can cancel the event only before adding the connector. |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// connectorCollectionChange event for diagram
connectorCollectionChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when the connectors’ source point is changed
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | returns the connector, the source point of which is being dragged |
node | object | returns the source node of the element |
point | object | returns the source point of the element |
port | object | returns the source port of the element |
dragState | string | returns the state of connection end point dragging(starting, dragging, completed) |
cancel | boolean | parameter defines whether to cancel the change or not |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// connectorSourceChange event for diagram
connectorSourceChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when the connectors’ target point is changed
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the connector, the target point of which is being dragged |
node | object | returns the target node of the element |
point | object | returns the target point of the element |
port | object | returns the target port of the element |
dragState | string | returns the state of connection end point dragging(starting, dragging, completed) |
cancel | boolean | parameter defines whether to cancel the change or not |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// connectorTargetChange event for diagram
connectorTargetChange:function (args) {}
Triggers before opening the context menu
Name | Type | Description |
diagram | object | parameter returns the diagram object |
contextmenu | object | parameter returns the actual arguments from context menu |
target | object | parameter returns the object that was clicked |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the dragOver event |
model | object | parameter returns the actual click event arguments that explains which button is clicked |
type | string | parameter returns the type of the event triggered |
// contextMenuBeforeOpen event for diagram
contextMenuBeforeOpen:function (args) {}
Triggers when a context menu item is clicked
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | parameter returns the id of the selected context menu item |
text | string | parameter returns the text of the selected context menu item |
parentId | string | parameter returns the parent id of the selected context menu item |
parentText | string | parameter returns the parent text of the selected context menu item |
target | object | parameter returns the object that was clicked |
canExecute | boolean | parameter defines whether to execute the click event or not |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the event |
element | object | parameter returns the element of the object that was clicked |
selectedItem | object | parameter returns the object that is selected |
events | object | parameter returns the model of the diagram |
// contextMenuClick event for diagram
contextMenuClick:function (args) {}
Triggers when a node, connector or diagram model is clicked twice
Name | Type | Description |
actualObject | object | parameter returns the object that is actually clicked |
element | object | parameter returns the selected object |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the event |
// doubleClick event for diagram
doubleClick:function (args) {}
Triggers while dragging the elements in diagram
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the node or connector that is being dragged |
oldValue | object | parameter returns the previous position of the node/connector |
newValue | object | parameter returns the new position of the node/connector |
dragState | string | parameter returns the state of drag event (Starting, dragging, completed) |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the drag event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
offset | object | parameter returns the offset of the selected items |
// drag event for diagram
drag:function (args) {}
Triggers when a symbol is dragged into diagram from symbol palette
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the node or connector that is dragged into diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether to add or remove the symbol from diagram |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// drag enter event for diagram
dragEnter:function (args) {}
Triggers when a symbol is dragged outside of the diagram.
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the node or connector that is dragged outside of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the dragOver event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// drag leave event for diagram
dragLeave:function (args) {}
Triggers when a symbol is dragged over diagram
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the node or connector that is dragged over diagram |
allowDrop | boolean | parameter defines whether the symbol can be dropped at the current mouse position |
target | object | parameter returns the node/connector over which the symbol is dragged |
oldValue | object | parameter returns the previous position of the node/connector |
newValue | object | parameter returns the new position of the node/connector |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the dragOver event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// drag over event for diagram
dragOver:function (args) {}
Triggers when a symbol is dragged and dropped from symbol palette to drawing area
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns node or connector that is being dropped |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the drop event |
source | object | parameter returns the object from where the element is dragged |
target | object | parameter returns the object over which the object will be dropped |
objectType | String | parameter returns the enum which defines the type of the source |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// drop event for diagram
drop:function (args) {}
Triggers when editor got focus at the time of node’s label or text node editing.
Name | Type | Description |
model | object | Returns the diagram model. |
event | object | parameter returns the editor element |
type | string | Returns the name of the event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// editorFocusChange event for diagram
editorFocusChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when a child is added to or removed from a group
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the object that is added to/removed from a group |
oldParent | object | parameter returns the old parent group(if any) of the object |
newParent | object | parameter returns the new parent group(if any) of the object |
cause | string | parameter returns the cause of group change("group", unGroup") |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// group change event for diagram
groupChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when a change is reverted or restored(undo/redo)
Name | Type | Description |
changes | Array | An array of objects, where each object represents the changes made in last undo/redo. To explore how the changes are defined, refer [Undo Redo Changes](#undo-redo-changes) |
Source | Array | A collection of objects that are changed in the last undo/redo |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the event |
cause | boolean | parameter returns the model of the diagram |
Undo Redo Changes
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | Returns the type of change that is reverted/restored (example:positionChanged, sizeChanged) |
newValues | Object | Returns the new values of the properties that are changed.(example:newValues:{offset:60,offset:60,width:60,height:60}) |
oldValues | Object | Returns the old values of the properties that are changed.(example:oldValues:{offset:60,offset:60,width:60,height:60}) |
addedItems | Array | Returns the items that are newly added to model |
deletedItems | Array | Returns the items that are deleted from model |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// history change event for diagram
historyChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when a diagram element is clicked
Name | Type | Description |
actualObject | object | parameter returns the object that was actually clicked |
selectedObject | object | parameter returns the object that is selected |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the drop event |
event | object | parameter returns the model of the diagram |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// itemClick event for diagram
itemClick:function (args) {}
Triggers when mouse enters a node/connector
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the target node or connector |
source | object | parameter returns the object from where the selected object is dragged |
target | object | parameter returns the target object over which the selected object is dragged |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the dragOver event |
// mouseEnter event for diagram
mouseEnter:function (args) {}
Triggers when mouse leaves node/connector
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the target node or connector |
source | object | parameter returns the object from where the selected object is dragged |
target | object | parameter returns the target object over which the selected object is dragged |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the dragOver event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// mouseLeave event for diagram
mouseLeave:function (args) {}
Triggers when mouse hovers over a node/connector
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the target node or connector |
source | object | parameter returns the object from where the element is dragged |
target | object | parameter returns the object over which the element is being dragged. |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the dragOver event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// mouseOver event for diagram
mouseOver:function (args) {}
Triggers when node collection is changed
Name | Type | Description |
changeType | string | parameter returns whether the node is to be added or removed |
element | object | parameter returns the node which needs to be added or deleted |
cancel | boolean | parameter defines whether to cancel the collection change or not |
state | string | triggers before and after adding the node in the diagram which can be differentiated through `state` argument. We can cancel the event only before adding the node |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// nodeCollectionChange event for diagram
nodeCollectionChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when the node properties(x, y,width and height alone) are changed using nudge commands or updateNode API.
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the selected element |
cause | String | parameter returns the action is nudge or not |
newValue | object | parameter returns the new value of the node property that is being changed |
oldValue | object | parameter returns the old value of the property that is being changed |
propertyName | string | parameter returns the name of the property that is changed |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter defines whether to cancel the property change or not |
// propertyChange event for diagram
propertyChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when the diagram elements are rotated
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the node that is rotated |
oldValue | object | parameter returns the previous rotation angle |
newValue | object | parameter returns the new rotation angle |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cause | string | parameter returns the actual click event arguments that explains which button is clicked |
// rotationChange event for diagram
rotationChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when the diagram is zoomed or panned
Name | Type | Description |
newValues | object | Parameter returns the new zoom value, horizontal and vertical scroll offsets. |
oldValues | object | parameter returns the previous zoom value, horizontal and vertical scroll offsets. |
cancel | boolean | parameter returns whether or not to cancel the dragOver event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cause | string | Parameter returns the new zoom value, horizontal and vertical scroll offsets. |
// ScrollChange event
scrollChange :function (args) {
} });
Triggers when a connector segment is edited
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | Parameter returns the connector that is being edited |
dragState | string | parameter returns the state of editing (starting, dragging, completed) |
point | object | parameter returns the current mouse position |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// segment changed event for diagram
segmentChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when the selection is changed in diagram
Name | Type | Description |
changeType | string | parameter returns whether the item is selected or removed selection |
element | object | parameter returns the item which is selected or to be selected |
oldItems | array | parameter returns the collection of nodes and connectors that have to be removed from selection list |
newItems | array | parameter returns the collection of nodes and connectors that have to be added to selection list |
selectedItems | array | parameter returns the collection of nodes and connectors that will be selected after selection change |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the selection change event |
state | string | triggers before and after adding the selection to the object in the diagram which can be differentiated through `state` argument. We can cancel the event only before the selection of the object. |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cause | string | parameter returns the actual cause of the event |
// selectionChange event for diagram
selectionChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when a node is resized
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns node that was resized |
cancel | boolean | parameter to cancel the size change |
newValue | object | parameter returns the new width, height, offsetX and offsetY values of the element that is being resized |
oldValue | object | parameter returns the previous width,height,offsetX and offsetY values of the element that is being resized |
resizeState | string | parameter returns the state of resizing(starting,resizing,completed) |
offset | object | parameter returns the difference between new and old value |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
direction | string | parameter returns the direction of the node is resized |
// sizeChange event for diagram
sizeChange:function (args) {}
Triggers when label editing is ended
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | parameter returns the node that contains the text being edited |
value | string | parameter returns the new text |
keyCode | string | parameter returns the keyCode of the key entered |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
cancel | boolean | parameter to specify whether or not to cancel the event |
// textChange event for diagram
textChange:function (args) {}
Triggered when the diagram is rendered completely.
Name | Type | Description |
model | object | Returns the diagram model. |
type | string | Returns the name of the event |
diagramId | string | parameter returns the id of the diagram |
// create event for diagram
create:function (args) {}
Used to decide on the action on Diagramming elements at runtime.
Name | Type | Description |
source | object | Returns the port when mouse move over on it |
action |
Defines the tool to be activated. |
<div id="diagramcontent"></div>
var nodes= [{
name: "node1",
ports: [{ visibility: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortVisibility.Visible,constraints: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PortConstraints.Connect | PortConstraints.ConnectOnDrag }],
height: "600px", width: "100%",
nodes: nodes,
//Defining the setTool Method
setTool: function (args) {
var value = document.getElementById("SetTool").value;
if (value === "drag") {
args.action = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ActiveTool.Drag;
else if (value === "draw") {
args.action = ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ActiveTool.Draw;
used to Activate the setTool method
Name | Description |
None | Set the default Tool |
Drag | Activate the port tool to drag when the mouse is moved over the port |
Draw | Activate the draw tool to draw when the mouse is moved over the port |